Guide My Heart

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Guide My Heart Page 8

by Caroline Swart

  Someone knocked on the door, and my smile broke free as Chris let himself in. Wearing a starched white shirt and long black pants, he looked like the real-life Thor from the silver screen as the last rays of sunlight caught fire in his golden hair.

  Giving me that grin that never failed to melt me, he wheeled in a waiter’s cart with two plates covered with silver domes. “I come bearing gifts.”

  The delicious smell of hot food wafted past my nostrils, and my stomach growled.

  “You’re officially my hero.” Waving him inside, I bypassed the cart to snag my phone and sit at the end of the bed. “Before we eat, I need to wish my mom a merry Christmas. She’s probably wondering why I haven’t called yet.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll set this up while you’re busy.”

  I dialed my mom’s number as Chris opened a bottle of grape juice and filled two glasses. We spoke for a while, and I sent my love to her and my sisters. I told her I had company, and promised to call the next day for a longer chat. After I said good-bye, my eyes brimmed with tears.

  Chris took the phone from my hand and drew me into his powerful arms. “Hey, everything all right?”

  I closed my eyes and breathed in his warmth. “Just missing my family.”

  His hands slid down to my hips, slotting my body perfectly against his. “Let me make it up to you,” he whispered as his lips brushed my cheek.

  “Huh-uh.” I smiled, pulling away. “First, we need to eat, then we need to talk. And only when I’m satisfied with your answers,” I waggled a finger at him, “will I consider those making-up promises.”

  His green eyes gleamed. “Trust me, you’ll be very satisfied with my making-up promises.”

  With that toe-curling vow, he let me escape to the cart where I lifted the cover off one plate and sniffed at the appetizing aroma.

  “This smells so good.”

  “I’ve got a bit of everything. I wasn’t sure what you’d like.”

  “Hmm, you nailed it,” I said, cramming savory rice into my mouth.

  We finished the food in record time, even managing to eat dessert. Once the cart had been loaded with our dirty dishes, I climbed onto the huge bed and stretched my arms above my head. Chris plopped down on his back next to me.

  “I ate too much.”

  “Me too,” he said.

  We lay in silence for a few minutes. The low murmur of an African choir floated in the air outside. Such a beautiful ending to a horrific day.

  Questions flipped through my mind until I finally settled on one. “So, how did Hugo and Leon know where we were?”

  “Simba’s sister told them.”

  Laughing, I swatted his arm. “No, really.”

  “I’m serious. Xena traced her sister to Blom’s farm. He’d darted Simba and three males, and placed them in cages. When you were locked up, Xena ran back to tell Hugo.”

  “Xena, huh? Is her sister the same Simba that almost attacked me when I left the Jeep?” I turned my head toward him.

  “Simba wasn’t going after you. She was trying to protect you from Renaldo.”

  “Somehow I don’t think you’re joking. So, tell me,” I asked seriously, “how did Xena speak to your cousin? And is he the only one who can speak to lions?”

  Chris exhaled, looking at me with green-gold eyes. “It’s a long story.”

  “I’m not in a hurry.”

  Sliding his hand over mine, he cleared his voice. “My family moved here a hundred sixty years ago. They were part of a small group, looking for land to farm.”

  His fingers tightened. “A pride of lions attacked them at every turn, picking off members of their party one by one. Nothing could stop them. Even firearms couldn’t guarantee the farmers’ safety. The lions attacked at night while they were sleeping, and in the day when they were bathing in the lake. They were terrified and wanted to leave the area. The local tribe didn’t suffer the same fate. They were safe from the predators, walking about without fear. Eventually, the farmers learned of a spell a witch doctor had cast that gave the tribe protection from the beasts, even allowing them to speak to the lions. The farmers traded their weapons with the tribe, and anything of value they had in order to receive the same protection.”

  “Did it work?” I asked, mesmerized by the tale.

  “Yes. Each family received a birthmark, a trail of lion paw prints down the wrist for the females, and a trail between the shoulder blades for the men.”

  Rolling away from me, he tugged at his shirt. High up on golden skin, I saw familiar markings imprinted along his spine. I ran my thumb along his vertebrae, and he shivered at my touch. The sweet smell of vanilla flooded the air, and as I watched, his body began to glow.

  “Don’t,” he said. Reeling back, he grabbed my hands. “I want to finish the story, and I can’t if you touch me.”

  Swallowing, I stared at him with wide eyes.

  “Everyone under the spell not only receives a birthmark and protection, they receive a mate.” Studying my reaction, he paused for a moment. “One perfect partner to keep the spell healthy. Males speak to the lions from birth, and females speak to them after they’ve mated.”

  “How do you find your perfect mate?” I whispered.

  His expression softened as he looked at me. “If you touch your fated mate’s birthmark, a chain will appear to bind you together. Before mates are joined, the feelings are overwhelming. We call it the Stirring. The longer mates are together, the more the Stirring can be controlled.”

  Stunned, I asked, “Do you mean . . .”

  “Yes. You’re the perfect match for me.” He inched closer, pressing his thigh against mine. “I’ve been looking for you forever. We can choose someone without a mark as a partner, but it’s never the same as being with your mate. Your soul will always search for your intended. Luckily, there were many farmers in the initial group, and our numbers have grown, but I could never find my soul mate.”

  I blinked hard as my heart pulsed wildly at the base of my throat. “Go on.”

  “We’d heard of a birth-marked girl who’d lost her parents in a car crash many years ago, but before my family could find her, she’d disappeared.” Rubbing his thumb along my jaw, he whispered, “I’ve always wondered if my soulmate was overseas. I’ve been searching for that lost girl and her offspring forever, hoping to find my true mate.”

  “And that was me?”

  His eyes crinkled as he smiled at me. “That was you.”

  “So, Milla didn’t stand a chance?”

  “Who?” Catching my chin with his hand, he tilted my head back. My heart thundered as his breath tickled my lips, and a rumble formed in his chest. “There is no one but you.”

  And then he kissed me, his mouth slanted over mine, his body so close there wasn’t a fraction of an inch between us. The bed dipped with our combined weight as he slid over me. Holding himself up on his elbows, he settled his thighs between mine, making me gasp at the delicious warmth.

  “Britney,” he said in my ear. “I want to love you. I want to make you mine.”

  My stomach cartwheeled as he fixed his gaze on me.

  “But I’ll wait for you. I’ll show you how good you and I can be together. Please give me a chance to prove my love.”

  Words tried to form in my head, but nothing happened. All I could do was nod.

  His lips lingered, pressing sweet, soft kisses on my mouth as my hands ran along his thick forearms. Long golden hair caressed my neck, and his stubble rasped deliciously along my skin.

  Groaning, he lifted his body from mine and stood. “I have to stop before I can’t.” He shoved the heels of his palms against his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh. “I’ve been going crazy since I met you, Brit.”

  I sat up, clutching at my loosened robe with trembling hands. Staring at every movement I made, he watched me but didn’t come closer. Instead, he walked to the waiter’s cart and searched for something under the cloth.

  When he returned, he sank down on one knee and he
ld out a small box in his hand. “This is for you, my love. To prove how serious I am.”

  “No, you didn’t!” I squealed like a little girl. My mind reeled as he opened the lid opened and I saw the ring inside. Surrounded by tiny faceted onyx stones that looked similar to my birthmark, the round diamond sparkled in the light.

  “I know this has been an overwhelming day, and you don’t need to answer me now, but I’ll ask you today and every day after. I love you, Britney Adams.” His eyes shone brightly. “Will you marry me and be mine forever?”

  Chris was right. The day had been overwhelming. It was Christmas, and I was in a strange country. I’d been kidnapped and almost killed. I’d finally learned about my family’s amazing heritage, and my ability to speak to lions. But most importantly, I’d found my mate, my partner in life.

  Even though we’d just met, I was certain that everything would eventually fall into place. And I knew what my answer would be—today, tomorrow, and every day after.

  Placing my hand in his, I inhaled deeply and smiled. “Yes, Chris de Lange. I’ll marry you. I’ll be yours, and you’ll be mine. Forever.”

  The End

  Coming Soon

  Too Close to Midnight

  A New Adult sci-fi novel

  When Rachel wakes up with a blinding headache, she has no memory of being kidnapped and released by an invading alien race. To save our world from utter destruction, she must trust her new friends and use the technology the aliens have implanted in her body.

  Dream Walker series

  Gail and the Wind Walkers (Book 3)

  Gail needs to save her village from a powerful giant, but she’ll first have to protect her heart from a sexy man determined to win it.

  Stirring series

  Find My Heart (Book 2)

  To protect her twin from school bullies, Maddy learned early to be tough, always the outgoing one, brash and no-nonsense. When her older sister finds love, Maddy travels to Africa to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. There she’s confounded by a handsome best man, savage lions, and a crazy story about magical chains. Can she let down her barriers to open herself to love and the possibility that magic truly exists?

  Also by Caroline Swart

  Dream Walker series

  Aspen and the Dream Walkers (Dream Walkers Book 1)

  Ruby and the Fire Walkers (Dream Walkers Book 2)

  Stirring series

  Guide my Heart (The Stirring Book 1)

  Liquid Gold

  Author’s Note

  Word of mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review at the site where you bought it. Even a short line or two would be a huge help.

  Please visit my website and say hello. I love to connect with new readers.


  I’d like to thank my husband for his love and unfailing support, and my amazing son, Jared, for sharing an interest in the written word and for being my inspiration in life.

  My editor, Pam Berehulke, is a magician. She has tweaked and pulled the story into shape as only someone with her incredible talent can. I’m proud to be associated with Bulletproof Editing. Thanks, Pam.

  Once again, thank you to all my readers. I hope you’ve enjoyed the story.

  About the Author

  Caroline Swart was born and raised in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. After a brief stint as a professional singer, she studied software development and landed in the United States in Atlanta, Georgia. She eventually acquired a husband, a software-development company in Africa, and a son, not all in that order. She’s passionate about reading, writing, and music.

  To learn more about Caroline or her books, connect with her via:

  Author Website


  [email protected]





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