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Unbidden (Brighton Academy Book 1)

Page 9

by Cala Riley

  He chuckles. “You have some power behind you, that’s for sure.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever, Reed. I didn’t ask to come home with you. I asked you to take me home. There’s a big difference.”

  “With the way you jumped into my arms and clung to me like a damn spider monkey, I thought you wanted a ride on my dick, just like every other girl. Besides, I promised to do anything if you took off Keaton’s jersey.”

  The wicked gleam in his eye makes my heart stutter. “Anything I want?”

  His eyes light with interest. He thinks he figured out something about me.

  He’s dead wrong.

  Reed takes a step closer to me, pressing his body against mine. He grips my elbows as I bring my hands up to his sides.

  “Anything you want, Sage. All I ask is that you leave my siblings out of this. Money? Dick? Popularity? Power? Name it and it’s yours.”

  I lean up, bringing my lips close to his so they’re barely touching. I can feel his heart beating wildly, or is that mine? I can’t even tell where he begins and I end. We’re both so charged up but unwilling to make the first move, neither one of us wanting to break first and give up the power.

  “I want….”

  His hands find their way around to my lower back, squeezing gently. “What? What do you want, Sage? Tell me and it’s yours.”

  For half a second, I let myself believe his words are coming from a place of love. A place of honest devotion. I let myself believe the heat behind his eyes.

  Then I deliver my carefully thought-out demand. “I want nothing to do with you. I want to make it through the next few months without having to fight my way through school and life. You have all of these preconceived notions about who I am, but you’ve never even given me a chance to show you who I really am. That’s your loss, not mine. I won’t stop being friends with Tinsley, because she needs someone who can show her true loyalty. A friend who’ll always have her back and be on her side, unlike most of the bitches in this school—Victoria excluded, of course. As for Keaton, he’s a big boy. He can handle himself. If he wants to be my friend, I won’t tell him no. If he doesn’t, then there’s no harm. If you demanded him to stop talking to me, he would. So I’ll let you make that choice. You think I want money, dick, power? I only want to leave this place and never come back again. That’s what I want. So let’s agree to stay out of each other’s way, and when my time here is done, I’ll be out of your hair for good.”

  I’m breathing heavily as the last words fall from my lips. I hadn’t moved an inch as I delivered my speech. Reed hadn’t either, save the tightening of his grip on me as his body tensed with each word.

  We stare at each other in silence as he processes my rant.

  “I can make that happen.” I let a sigh of relief, but his next words make me tense. “I can buy you a plane ticket anywhere in the world you want. I can buy your way into any school and set you up in an apartment with a monthly allowance to help you make it until you turn eighteen. You don’t need to be here for it.”

  I laugh, backing out of his hold. He lets his arms fall to his side.

  “You still don’t get it. I would never accept your money. I wouldn’t accept Alice’s either. The only reason I agreed to come here with her is because I had no other choice. I’d already gotten kicked out of five foster homes and two group homes. The next stop for me was juvie. My social worker forced Alice upon me. I haven’t touched a dime of the money she’s tried to give me since I came here. I could take that fancy credit card and pull out as much money as it would let me, then buy myself a ticket, but I’m not a thief or a gold digger. I have more pride than that. I have a job, and I’ll save up the money I need myself. Then I’ll leave here by myself and on my own terms with no help from anyone. So, while I appreciate your offer, you can kindly shove it straight up your ass.”

  This time when I turn to leave, he doesn’t follow. I don’t look back either.

  Let him think the worst of me. I’m done playing his games.

  Chapter Eight

  “Is there anything else I can get you, sir?” I ask the older gentleman who seems to be a regular.

  As soon as he walked through the door, Rosie, another server here, greeted him warmly before sitting him in my section. I wondered why she didn’t take him herself, until I watched her slip out the back door for a smoke break.

  “I better not have any more coffee. How about some more water to finish off my pie? And please call me Elijah.”

  “Can do, Elijah. Coming right up.”

  He’s a sweet older gentleman with sad eyes. Rosie told me he always comes in with a newspaper or some sort of papers to work on while eating. She said he never comes in with anyone else and that he tips well and is kind to her. He reminds me of a grandfather with his sweet, caring demeanor. He’s one of those old men you just want to hug and ask if they’ll adopt you.

  He’s made me smile constantly tonight, which makes me wonder where the sadness comes from.

  Shaking off my thoughts, I return to his table with his water.

  “Here you go.”

  He smiles warmly at me. “Why don’t you take a seat for a minute? Beth won’t mind.”

  I hesitate. This is the first time anyone has asked me to sit with them. I wouldn’t normally do it, but we’re slow today, and it’s about time for my break anyway.

  “Let me let Rosie know,” I tell him while pointing at her.

  A few moments later, I slide into the booth across from him. He sets down the paper he’d been reading before turning his full attention toward me.

  “What’s going on in the world today?” I glance at his paper.

  He sighs. “Nothing good, I can assure you. It seems with each day that passes, the world falls further into turmoil. It’s a saddening thing.”

  I’m surprised by his candor but match it with some of my own.

  “With the selfishness of the people in today’s world, I would say there’s no hope left. I mean, look at Brighton Academy. Most of those kids couldn’t care less about the underprivileged kids their age just trying to get by. They would rather gossip about the latest celebrities or the newest Fendi bag coming out.”

  He chuckles. “It seems you’ve met a few of these kids.”

  I shrug. “I kind of go to school there. I’m surrounded by them.”

  I thought he would be surprised, but it doesn’t seem to faze him.

  “Must be tough. How do you like it there?”

  “I think some of the courses are archaic and most of the students are self-centered, but the library is amazing, and I have met a couple of nice people.”

  He smiles. “That’s good to hear. You enjoy reading?”

  “I do. Something about getting lost in a story really brings my soul to life.”

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve lost myself in a good book. What are your favorites?”

  “And Then There Are None by Agatha Christie would have to be my all-time favorite. I prefer mysteries and romance, but honestly, I’ll read just about anything.”

  “I haven’t read that one. I like to read westerns and old detective novels.”

  I grin at him. It’s hard to imagine this man reading anything but the newspaper or business briefs.

  “Those sound riveting. Maybe I’ll check one of them out.”

  Rosie passes by then. “Sorry to cut your break short, but dinner rush is here.”

  “I’ll be right there,” I say as I stand from my seat. “Thank you for the chat, Elijah. Do you need anything else before I go?”

  He smiles warmly. “I enjoyed our chat. Thank you for keeping this old man company. You can bring the check when you get a chance.”

  “Of course. I’ll be back.”

  I run his check back by before going to greet my next table. My breath catches when I realize who’s sitting there.


  Ever since the night of the lacrosse game and the events after, Reed and his friends have given me a wide
berth. The only two from the group who’ve made an effort to speak to me are Keaton and Tinsley. Neither seemed eager to talk about their older, brooding brother.

  I sigh before walking up to their table, pasting on my customer service smile.

  “Hello, welcome to Momma’s House. My name is Sage. It’s a pleasure to serve you today.”

  The moment my normal greeting leaves my mouth, I know I made a mistake. The snickers follow immediately.

  “I bet it would be a pleasure to serve us. All four at the same time?” Finley says.

  I roll my eyes but bite my lip. “What would you like to drink?”

  “Lost some of the shine, huh?” Sterling quirks his lips.

  “Stop being a jackwad and just tell me what you want to drink.”

  “Gasp! I think I need to speak with your manager.” Finley holds a hand over his heart in mock astonishment.


  I turn to walk away, but a hand shoots out to grab my arm. My eyes lock on Elijah across the diner, his look troubled as he follows the hand on my arm. He goes to move, but I give him a small shake of the head. I recognize his need to come save me, but I don’t need that. I can take care of these asswipes on my own.

  Steeling myself, I turn around. My eyes meet the deep green of Reed’s.

  “Didn’t I tell you to never touch me again?” I grit out.

  He slowly lets go, holding his hand up in a sign of surrender.

  “No need to grab the manager. The guys will behave.” He gives them each a pointed stare before turning back to me. “I would like a Coke.”

  My shock must’ve shown on my face, because Reed begins to smirk. I pull my gaze from him as the other guys give me their drink orders.

  “I’ll be right back with those and give you a couple minutes to look at the menu.”

  As I pass back toward the kitchen, I shoot Elijah a reassuring smile. He gives me a slight nod in return.

  Once I fill their drink orders, I turn to go back, but Beth stops me.

  “Is that table giving you trouble? I saw one of them grab you.” The concern in her eyes warms me.

  “I’m good. I go to school with them. They were only messing around. I can handle it.”

  She smiles. “Good. Let me know if you have any trouble.”

  I notice Elijah has left. I grab his check and place it in my apron before walking over to the guys’ table.

  “Here are your drinks.” I deliver each one before tucking the tray under my arm and pulling out my notepad. “Are you guys ready to order?”

  Sterling mutters something under his breath that makes the other two laugh. Reed doesn’t react and instead turns to me.

  “What would you suggest?”

  I narrow my eyes, not trusting that he isn’t messing with me. “I don’t know what you like.”

  “What do you like? What would you order?”

  I let out a heavy sigh and cock my hip, placing my hand on it. “What’s your angle here?”

  “Why are you always so suspicious? Maybe I don’t know what I want to eat.”

  “Fine. The burger with the fried egg on top and the garlic fries.”

  “No way. She’s lying,” Finley says.

  “You know, maybe you guys need another moment. I have other tables.”

  Before I can walk away, Reed responds. “I’ll have that. Medium with pepper jack cheese.”

  I turn back around reluctantly, then write down his order.

  “Anyone else ready to order?” I ask.

  It looks as if Sterling is going to make some snide comment but changes his mind after making eye contact with Reed.

  For the rest of my shift, I’m on guard but finally breathe in a sigh of relief when they all finish their meals and leave and my night is over.

  Time to clean up, then go home.

  Reaching in my apron, I pull out my tips, sorting them. A hundred-dollar bill catches my eye, and I gasp.

  Rosie chuckles next to me. “That’s Elijah for you. He likes to take care of us girls.”

  “If you knew he tipped so well, why did you give his table to me?”

  “I thought you could use it a little more than me tonight. Have a good night.” She leaves without waiting for my response.

  My eyes start to tear up at her kindness.

  Beth walks in then and smiles at me.

  “You’ve done great the last couple of weeks. Let me show you how to close up. I think, if you’re comfortable with it, I’ll have you closing up a couple of times a week.”

  I grin. “Absolutely.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Hey, new girl, watch out!”

  I jump out of the way as two fairly large male students run down the hall, one chasing after the other.

  “Assholes,” I mumble as I continue to walk.

  “What did you say, whore?”

  I turn to find Ingram and her little minions standing across the hall.

  “That I had a great time with your dad last night. He really knows how to use his tongue.” I shoot her a wink before I continue to walk down the hall.

  “You’re a lying whore. My dad would never touch trash like you!” she calls out after me, but I ignore her.

  I don’t understand people like her. She’s nasty just to be nasty. I wonder if her mother ever taught her that you shouldn’t say anything at all if you have nothing nice to say.

  Probably not.

  Fuck, I hate rich people.

  “So, you’re fucking old geysers in your free time, huh?”

  I jump at the voice suddenly in my ear. Turning, I find Keaton walking next to me.

  I smirk. “Seems that way. Don’t worry. Your virtue is safe. You’re way too young for me.”

  “I’ll be pining away for you until my dying breath, little fox.” I turn to glare at him, but he just laughs. “Hey, you should sit with us at lunch today.”

  I let out an unladylike snort. “I’m sure Reed would just love that.” I can’t help the sarcasm bleeding from my lips.

  “Hey, who knows? He’s older than me. Maybe you can find your next older man to fuck.” He shrugs with a teasing grin.

  “No thank you. I don’t need whatever drama you’re trying to involve me in.”

  “Oh, come on, Sage. Live on the edge a little. Besides, V is sitting with us, and Tinsley wanted me to invite you.”

  I bite my lip as I contemplate. While normally my answer would be a firm hell no, I do like Tinsley. She’s sweet, unlike her asshole oldest brother.

  “Fine, but only for Tinsley.”

  He smiles brightly. “Good. Can I escort you?” He holds out his arm.

  I roll my eyes but place my arm in his.

  Once in the cafeteria, he veers us away from the buffet-style line and leads me to a table in the back corner. Food is spread out on the table, and there are plates set in front of each chair. Hell, there’s even a dark purple tablecloth.

  “What’s all of this?” I ask.

  “Tinsley likes having a formal lunch from time to time. Which is why you, little fox, have received a coveted invite to the exclusive Yates table.”

  “You’re making me so glad I accepted this invitation,” I deadpan.

  He leads me to a chair at one end and gestures for me to sit. “Can you just sit here and be quiet? Maybe not start shit for thirty minutes or so?”

  My blood starts to boil. “Seriously, Keat? I’m not the one who starts shit, but I won’t sit by and just take it. I have a right to stand up for myself.” I had taken a seat, but I jump up. “You know what? I should go.”

  I walk around Keaton but only make it a few steps before Reed steps in my way. “You will sit your ass down, and you will enjoy a nice lunch with my sister and the select few friends she invited. She specifically asked for you to come to this little lunch, so you’re going to be there. I don’t care what your issues are, you will not disappoint or hurt my sister. So you better sit your ass in that chair, smile, and be happy.”

  He grabs
my arm and pulls me back over to the chair I’d vacated.

  I’m about to respond when Tinsley’s voice interrupts.

  “Let her go, Reed. She’s my guest. Why are you making her sit all the way down there? Jesus, you boys need to learn manners.” She walks over and pushes Reed’s hand off me before looping her arm in mine and leading me to the other end of the table. Then she lowers her voice to a whisper. “That end is for the girls I invited only to stay on their good side. You’ll sit down here with me and V. The inner circle.”

  I look up and see Ingram and her crew along with a couple of other girls walking towards the table.

  She isn’t wrong. These girls aren’t friends with anyone. Each one is vicious. I can see what she meant about staying on their good side. I haven’t been here long, yet I’ve already had a taste of their bad side.

  “I can go sit by them if you want, Tinsley. I know I’m not really in your inner circle. You don’t have to be nice just because of V.”

  She laughs as she shakes her head. “I’m not letting you sit here because you are V’s cousin. You’ve shielded me when I didn’t want to be around Reed and the guys. You gave Keaton a second chance when you didn’t have to. You’re one of the good ones. I knew when I met you that we would be good friends. Everything else just cemented it.”

  “I didn’t do that for recognition. No one should have to deal with bullies. As for you and Keaton, I can’t seem to ditch you guys,” I tease.

  “You’re only making me love you more. Keep telling me how amazing and humble you are, S.”

  I can feel the blush color my cheeks. I hate the attention she’s giving me. Thankfully, Victoria sits down next to Tinsley, breaking the moment.

  “It hit me earlier that you’re about to turn sixteen this year, T, which seems crazy to me.”

  “Our baby is growing up and still one step behind me.” Keaton walks around and tousles her hair before taking the seat directly across from Victoria.

  “Watch the hair, bro. I just wanted to be around someone other than that hag Mom and Dad hired as a nanny, Mrs. Grunewald.” She visibly shudders. “She was a nightmare, but Mom and Dad thought of her as Mary Poppins.”


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