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Unbidden (Brighton Academy Book 1)

Page 14

by Cala Riley

  “Where are you going?”

  I glance back as his husky voice flows through my body, causing shivers to break out.

  “Inside. I’m sure your sister and V are wondering where I am.”

  “They aren’t awake yet. It’s probably around six o’clock. They’ll be sleeping a while longer.”

  He stands up and stretches, causing his T-shirt to ride up. Of their own volition, my eyes zero in on his abs. He stretches a moment longer before speaking again.

  “Were you warm enough? I noticed you shivering in your sleep, so I grabbed you a blanket.”

  There goes your pretending he’s never done anything nice for you.

  “I was. Thank you. Why didn’t you go up to bed?”

  He gives me a small smile, different from his usual cocky smirk. “I didn’t want to leave you out here by yourself, but I didn’t want to wake you after you finally fell asleep.”

  He shrugs like it’s no big deal, but it is. I don’t know why he’s being nice all of a sudden, but I don’t trust it.

  So hot and cold.

  “Thank you.”

  “No worries.” He brushes it off, turning to head into the house.

  I follow him inside, making my way back to Tinsley’s room. Once at her door, I glance over my shoulder as Reed pauses by his own door, locking eyes with me.

  I smile at him, relieved when he smiles back. He gives me a knowing look before he disappears into his room. I quietly slip into Tinsley’s room, resting my back against the door.

  Last night was crazy, but for the first time since I’ve been here, I feel normal.

  I feel like maybe I might belong.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Are you going to eat lunch with us today?” Keaton slings his arm over my shoulder.

  After the weird moment with Reed Sunday morning, I spent the rest of the day working. Beth gave me four days this week, for which I’m grateful. One of them is tonight.

  “I can.” I shrug. “I was planning to eat with Tinsley and Victoria.”

  “If you eat with me, then they will too. Come on. Lunch is on me today.”

  I roll my eyes. “Lunch is free for all students.”

  “And because of the generous donation from the Yates family, that is possible.” The charming wink he tacks on makes the statement as cheesy as it sounds.

  “How noble of you. I’m sure you wrote the check yourself.”

  He helps me load up my plate while piling food on his own. “Nah, I leave the family business stuff to Reed. So really, I guess lunch is on him. For both of us.”

  “I always knew Reed was the more generous brother,” I add wistfully.

  “Glad to hear that. I can be generous in more ways than one.” The voice from behind me causes me to freeze.

  I glance over my shoulder to find Reed holding his own plate, also walking to the table Keaton was leading me to.

  “Come on, little fox. Don’t let Reed bother you.”

  Reed narrows his eyes on his brother. “She doesn’t like to be touched. You should probably remove your arm before I do it for you.”

  Keaton gives me a small smile before glaring at his brother.

  “Maybe she doesn’t like to be touched by you, bro.”

  Reed’s eyes darken, meeting mine as he sets his plate on the nearest table before grabbing mine and placing it with his. He crowds into my space, reaching up to remove Keaton’s arm from around my shoulder. Then he leans in, trailing his nose from my cheek up to my ear.

  “I had a good time Saturday. You know, you’re the first girl I’ve ever spent the night with.” His words are low, but they must be loud enough for Keaton to hear because he gasps.

  “It was an enjoyable evening. Who knew you were such a romantic? Staring at the stars with a trailer trash whore.”

  Reed growls and grabs my waist before I can move away from him. “Don’t say that. Never say that about yourself. You’re not a whore or trailer trash.”

  “You know, you said I was playing games, but I think you’re the master game player. I don’t know what your angle is, but I can’t keep up. I’d rather bow out gracefully from whatever your next plot is.”

  This time, he lets me pull away, leaving him and my lunch behind.

  And maybe a little piece of my heart that I hadn’t realized he’d snatched.


  I spend the rest of lunch in the library. As I’m getting up to leave, Mrs. Lincoln stops me.

  “How are you settling in?” Her eyes seem to hold a tinge of concern.

  “As well as one from my side of the tracks can. I thought public school was bad, but it has nothing on the people here.”

  She purses her lips. After a moment, she says, “I know the kids here can be cruel. Just remember that the education you’re getting here is priceless. Soak up as much of it as you can and try to remain in the background. Nothing good will come from you getting involved with anyone here.”

  She glances over her shoulder, almost as if she’s making sure no one is listening to her whispered words.

  “No worries. I don’t trust anyone, especially at this school. Besides, I’m hoping not to be here long enough to care about any of these people.”

  Liar. You care about Victoria, Tinsley, and Keaton, my traitorous heart says.

  “Good. Even those you think are your friends could be the ones to hurt you. Not everything is as it seems with the people here. Everyone is hiding a secret. Even you, Sage.”

  My eyes widen at her statement. What secrets could I be keeping from people?

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

  “I hope you never do. Now hurry off to class.”

  She shoves a book at me. I take it without looking at it.

  “Thanks, I guess,” I mutter before leaving the library, confused by her statement.

  I’m still focusing on the weird conversation I just had, so I don’t notice someone standing in front of my locker until I get there. I startle as Ingram leans against it, smirking at me.

  “Thinking about that crazy sex you were paid for last night?” she asks.

  “You guys need to make up your mind. Either I’m a whore or a prostitute. Which is it?”

  “Both, of course. What’s the difference?” she challenges.

  “Well, either I fuck for free because I enjoy sex—which there is nothing wrong with, by the way—or I get paid to fuck. Which is it?”

  “Guess you already answered, whore.”

  I roll my eyes. “Fine. I’m a whore. Now move. I have to go to class.”

  “You need to stay away from Reed. You’re poisoning the whole Yates family one by one. You’re like flesh-eating bacteria, never satisfied until you eat away at everything.”

  I push her out of the way, opening my locker. “This is getting really old. I’m friends with Tinsley and Keaton. I know it’s such a foreign concept to someone like you. As for Reed… well, Reed is Reed. He’s a big boy and can take care of himself. I don’t want him, and he doesn’t want me. If you want him, I think you should totally shoot your shot though.”

  “He’s a founding family. The main founding family. The Yateses are the ones who thought to even form the founding families of this school. There is wealth and privilege behind that name that you would never even understand. Just by sharing a room with them, you’re tarnishing their reputation. You should do everyone a favor and disappear.”

  “Glad we’re on the same page. I’m nothing. They’re everything. Money, power, blah, blah, blah. Give it a rest. I’m here until I turn eighteen, and there is nothing you can do about it. I don’t take orders from you, nor do I cower because you demand it. I know it’s hard for your fragile ego to understand this, so I’ll say it slowly. You. Do. Not. Scare. Me. So get over yourself.” I slam my locker door and walk away without a backward glance.

  “Watch yourself. You just started a war you have no chance of winning.”

  I ignore Ingram’s parting words, hurrying to class.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Honey, a table of four for you came in,” Rosie calls to me as I’m rolling silverware in a back-corner booth.


  As I make my way to the table, my steps falter and I have a sense of déjà vu when I realize who’s sitting there: Reed, Sterling, Finley, and Keaton.

  For the past week and a half, Reed has gone out of his way to be nice to me, even going as far as flirting with me. Every day, the Yates’ siblings pester me until I eat lunch at their table. He partners with me for finishing class and actually helps me figure out what I’m supposed to be doing. His personality has done a total one-eighty, and all I can do is wonder why.

  To say that I’ve been trying to avoid him is an understatement. I changed up my routine, stopped going to my locker in between classes, and hid out in the library, but he still found me. I even tried skipping class, but he caught me before I could make my escape.

  My only reprieve has been that he hadn’t shown up here. Until tonight. It’s a Wednesday, so it’s a slow night for us. Beth asked me to close up, which is the only reason I’m here tonight. I was supposed to be off, but I can’t turn down the chance to earn more money. Plus, Beth has become a sort of mother figure to me. I couldn’t let her down.

  Walking to the table slowly, I hesitantly greet them.

  “Welcome to Momma’s House. What can I start you off with to drink?”

  All four sets of eyes meet mine. Sterling narrows his, Finley is aloof, as usual, and Keaton looks nervous, but Reed? He seems surprised. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him taken off guard.

  “Sage, what a pleasant surprise. What are you doing working tonight?” Reed reaches out to grab my hand, but I pull back.

  “The boss says you work, so then you do. That’s usually how a job operates.” I try to bite back the snark, but it isn’t easy.

  He laughs gently. “Fair point. I just meant that I thought you had the night off.”

  “Stalking me now?”

  A small smirk plays on the edge of his lips. “I would love to stalk someone as beautiful as you. As it is, no. I merely remember Tinsley mentioning that she was having a sleepover with you and Victoria at your house. Was that not true?”

  My face heats at his words.

  He called me beautiful. Did he mean it?

  “Stop messing with her, Reed. You’re going to break her, and she’s the best server here,” Sterling quips when I stand frozen a moment too long.

  Reed turns to me. “Is he right? Are you breakable?” There’s a wicked gleam in his eye that lights a fire in my core.

  “Uh, no,” I mutter, unsure where this bumbling idiot who took over my body came from.

  “Ignore the assholes, S.” Keaton gives his brother a pointed look. “How’s your night so far?”

  “Good. It’s a slow night. I don’t usually work Wednesdays, but Beth asked me to fill in. I’m actually closing tonight.”

  I curse myself for giving too much information. What is it about Reed that causes my brain to malfunction?

  “That’s good, right? That they trust you to close?” Finley chimes in, offering me a friendly smile.

  “Yep. The extra income doesn’t hurt either.”

  Reed reaches out again, this time taking my hand. I dumbly glance down and stare at our joined hands. The glint from his Rolex against his tanned skin is somehow oddly attractive to me.

  Maybe my hormones are out of whack.

  “We won’t keep you long, then. We just need a quick bite to eat, and then we’ll get out of here so you can close. Call me if you need a ride.”

  Usually with a statement like that, I would assume he was making fun of me again, but as I look into his eyes, I find he’s sincere.

  “Thanks, but V is picking me up.”

  He runs his thumb across the back of my hand. “Good. I’ll have a Coke and that burger you suggested last time. It was fucking delicious.”

  A round of “Me too” rings out.

  The rest of their meal is uneventful, thankfully. They don’t go out of their way to be jerks like the last time they came in, nor do they leave a mess. When I take them the check, Reed hands me a hundred-dollar bill and tells me to keep the change, no matter how much I protest. In the end, he wins, as usual.

  Once they leave, I get to work finishing up my closing chores while Rosie serves the last two tables. Once the remaining customers are gone, we close the gate heading into the mall and lock the front door.

  “What a night,” Rosie huffs, sitting down to put her feet up.

  “Doesn’t it always seem like your feet hurt worse on a slow night?” I inquire as I will the throbbing in my own to go away.

  “It’s because while you’re on your feet less, you also stay in constant movement, so you don’t notice it until you stop moving. It gets worse as you get older.”

  “Thanks for the positive outlook on my future. A pair of feet that never quit aching.”

  She laughs as she gathers her purse. “Do you need help closing up?”

  “No way. I got this. Go home to your kids. Tell them I said hello. See you tomorrow?” I follow her to the mall entrance as I lift the gate for her to exit.

  “See you tomorrow, sugar. Be safe headed home.”

  “You too.”

  I watch her walk down to the food court exit. Her husband always picks her up there since it has more streetlights and gives Rosie a warm place to wait if he’s running late. She turns and waves before she heads out the door.

  I go to close the gate again, but pounding feet on the tile make me pause. I look up and see four masked men running my way. I scramble to close the gate, but one of the men makes it under before I get the chance.

  I inhale sharply as the second man steps closer to me while the third and fourth slips through. I open my mouth to scream, but the second man clamps his hand over my lips.

  “We have to go. Now.” I recognize the voice but can’t figure out why.

  The man in front of me leans close. “Where’s the back door?”

  My eyes land on a sparkling Rolex on the man’s arm that looks suspiciously like Reed’s. The sound of his voice causes me to shiver, my body reacting as it always does. It’s not until I meet his deep green eyes holding a flicker of mischief that I let my body relax.

  Reed takes his hand from my mouth.

  “Through the kitchen. You’ll see it.”

  The other three, one which I realize now sounds like Keaton, take off through the kitchen. Reed lingers a moment, brushing his hand down my face.

  “Can you keep a secret?”

  I don’t get a chance to answer before more pounding feet sound down the tile. Reed slips through the kitchen, just in time for Art, the security guard on duty, to miss him.

  Art stops next to me, bent over, trying to catch his breath. “Did… you—”

  “Breathe, Art. Martha won’t forgive you if you die. Are you looking for the four men who ran through here?” At his nod, I continue. “They ran down to the food court exit. They’re probably long gone by now.”

  He straightens but is still breathing hard and holding his chest. “Thanks, Sage. I should walk you to your car tonight.”

  “What did they do?” I ask, worried that I’m now an accomplice to their actions.

  “They stole the damn bird from the water fountain. Who in the hell does that?”

  I burst out laughing. He looks at me weird, so I explain. “They stole a piece of rock shaped like a bird. They could have stolen anything in this mall and they steal something so stupid.”

  He starts laughing with me. “I guess you’re right. Still, let me walk you to your car. Then I can call this in.”

  “Fine. Let me just shut everything down. Meet back here in ten?”

  He smiles and nods, walking toward the food court exit.

  I finish closing up, and ten minutes later on the dot, I meet Art.

  “I actually have a ride coming. They should be here any minute. I usu
ally walk out our back door though. Mind walking around with me?”

  “Not at all. Lead the way.”

  He’s telling me about Martha and her latest cooking masterpiece when all of a sudden, he stops abruptly.

  “Hey, you there. What are you doing here?”

  I glance over and spot Reed leaning against his SUV, not far from the back door to the restaurant. I can’t see inside, but I suspect there are at least two other people in the car.

  Reed pushes off his car, moving closer to us, causing Art to tense.

  “Baby, I thought you said you would text me when you got off. I would have come to the door.” Reed continues to move closer, so I place my hand on Art’s arm.

  “He’s my ride.”

  Art relaxes. “Thank goodness. Well, are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?”

  I start to contradict him, but Reed is in front of us at this point, holding out his hand for Art to shake. “Reed. It’s nice to meet you, sir. Thank you for escorting Sage out for me. I worry about her working so late and walking out here by herself.”

  Reed slings his arm around me next, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

  “We had a bit of a scare tonight. I agree that she shouldn’t be walking out here alone. From now on, make sure you pick her up outside of the food court exit.”

  “Will do. Come on, babe. Let’s grab you some dinner before I take you home.”

  I turn to glare at him just as he leans in to kiss my cheek again, making his lips touch mine. Instead of pulling away, he presses another, softer kiss to my lips before brushing my hair out of my face.

  “Young love. You kids be safe.” Art chuckles as he makes his way back into the building.

  Reed keeps his arm around me as he guides me to his vehicle. He holds open the passenger door, helping me inside before rounding the front and getting in the driver side.

  I’m so lost in my thoughts about that kiss and his tenderness that I don’t realize we’ve left the parking lot until Keaton pops up from the back, scaring the shit out of me.

  “Damn, that was hot. You two make one banging couple. You should hook up.”

  “What in the ever-loving fuck, Keaton?” I gasp loudly, my heart racing.


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