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The Genesis Group

Page 20

by Mike Dagons

  “Lead the way,” he answered curtly.

  Mark walked out first, and Choc followed him up the stairs and into a study on the second level. Tyler Basin was sitting behind a large desk, and Ceylon Battle was sitting on the sofa.

  “Mr. Segal, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Basin stood and extended his hand.

  “The pleasure is mine,” Choc took it and shook. “What can I do for you, Mr. Basin?”

  “I was thinking that maybe I could do something for you. I heard that you are interested in touring my wine cellar? You were observed visiting sub-level one.”

  “You mean I was caught, and yeah I would like that, but as I told your man. It’s not a pressing matter. I wouldn’t want to put you to any trouble.”

  “It’s no trouble at all. However, I would like to know how you got the pass key code for my elevator.”

  Choc figured he might be asked that question again, so he was prepared. He moved his hand under his suit jacket to go in his inside pocket. Instantly, Ceylon was on his feet holding a gun in his face.

  Choc froze, and then deliberately avoided looking at the gun and stared into Ceylon’s eyes. “I assumed you wanted to see what I used to override your system,” he spoke to Basin without shifting his eyes from Ceylon’s. “May I take it out my pocket?”

  “Get it for him, Mark,” Ceylon ordered; his voice as steady as the Beretta in his hand.

  Choc slowly removed his hand from inside his coat, and raised his arms up and away from his body. Mark went inside his jacket and removed the Glock holstered under his arm. “This is a nice weapon,” he caressed it admiringly.

  “My Glock is a sensitive Beauty. She does not like it when other men fondle her. Please, put her down,” he asked coolly.

  Mark grinned and cut a glance at his father. Basin gave him a nod, and he gently placed the gold and chrome plated gun on the desk.

  “The device you’re looking for is in my inside pocket with my cell.” He continued to hold his hands high while Mark frisked him.

  Mark removed his wallet first, and then his cell, and a small device about the size of an iPod Shuffle. He handed everything to Basin, and then he stepped back.

  “This is what you used?” Tyler held the decoder up between two fingers and inspected it. “Why do you have it?”

  “May I?” Choc asked Ceylon, indicating he wanted to lower his hands.

  Ceylon nodded, and then holstered his weapon, and sat back down. Choc lowered his arms, and then straightened his tie. “I often find myself in the position of needing a code to open a closed door or start an elevator that’s closed to the public in order to make a speedy getaway. Therefore, I make it a habit to be prepared.”

  “I see. Will this device work on any security system?”

  “It worked on yours.”

  “Thank you for your honesty,” he sat back down. “Would you mind if I held onto this until you’re ready to leave?”

  “Nah, I don’t foresee the need for me to make a fast exit.”

  Basin chuckled. “Very well then, I will return it when you’re ready to leave. Would you like your tour now?”

  “No, I’ve been gone long enough. My people will start to worry.”

  “Please let me know when you’re ready, and we’ll give you a personal escort,” Basin gave him back his wallet, phone, and his Glock.

  “Are there any other off limit areas that I should know about?” Choc holstered Beauty, and then adjusted it under his arm before he slipped his wallet and cell back in his pockets.

  “No, you’re free to go anywhere you want on the property. Anywhere that doesn’t need an entry code, that is,” Basin smiled.

  Choc flashed him an equally deceptive smile, and then turned and walked out the study.

  “Do you believe him?” Basin asked Ceylon.

  “Nah, but he hasn’t done anything but wander into the wrong area. He’s been warned, so if he does it again, we’ll remove him.”

  Chapter 25

  Choc passed Yeltsin and his guard on his way out the house. The man didn’t give him a second glance, which was a good sign that Janie hadn’t mentioned him, or his plan to steal the card.

  Choc wandered around until he spotted Rayce and D’Agon sitting at a table for four under the shade of a tree. The buffet spread was impressive, and there were twice as many people as they were expecting to attend the auction. “It’s hot as hell out here,” he removed his jacket, and then sat down with them.

  “I fixed you a plate,” she pushed the platter of food in front of him.

  “Thanks.” He picked up a saucy rib and took a bite. “Damn, this is good,” he smiled.

  “What you learn?” she asked.

  “I had a very interesting encounter in the basement,” he paused.

  D’Agon understood that he wanted to know if it was safe to talk. “Feel free to tell us about it,” he said. “But first, you should know that Severe reported Janie is here with Yeltsin, and she contacted Ryan and volunteered to work with us.”

  “I know. We had a conversation about it before Mr. Basin requested an audience with me,” he said, and then proceeded to tell them about his encounter with Basin and Janie. “What’s Ryan’s take on Janie?” he asked.

  “He believes she intends to pull a double cross. She didn’t give them any details. Ryan wants you to listen to her story, and then handle her however you see fit.”

  “You think we can trust her?” Rayce asked.

  “I don’t need to trust her to use her, and I think using her is a better plan than the one we have.”

  “It could be an attempt to sabotage the operation,” D’Agon warned.

  “If she wanted to do that, she would have done it with a phone call from a safe distance away.” Choc picked up his beer bottle and took a swig before he spooned up some potato salad and shoved it into his mouth. “Damn, this food is delicious,” he mumbled, and then drank some more beer. “I think she has her own agenda, and it is definitely not anything that is in our best interest. The good news is whatever she’s planning requires our help, so she will not be exposing Genesis’ presence here. What concerns me is her insistence that Yeltsin is guaranteed a win. You got any idea how that can be?”

  “Bender developed a program that creates real money by stealing a half cent off every dollar deposit. It’s real money that depositors will never miss. He uses it for his virtual games, and anime. It literally manipulates the banking system,” D’Agon said. “I don’t know how the auction is going to be conducted, but my guess is she plans to use Bender’s program to manipulate the money to give Yeltsin an unbeatable bank.”

  “Bender is going to be pissed,” Rayce chuckled.

  “That’s a good theory, man,” Choc said. “Let Bender know about it right away.” They had casual conversation while they finished their meals, and then they took a stroll around the grounds.

  “There doesn’t appear to be any restrictions on our movement, but actually this place is locked down tighter than Fort Knox. Janie was right about it being impossible to take the card or switch it while we’re here under Basin’s protection,” Choc said.

  “They’re not watching Severe as closely as they’re watching the rest of us, so we should use her to transport the card to Roc or Valow,” D’Agon said. “I’ll coordinate things with them.”

  “They need to be in place and ready to go at a moment’s notice,” Rayce said. “You learn anything else from your encounter with Mr. Basin?” she asked.

  “Stay the hell out of the subbasement,” Choc laughed.

  Chapter 26

  I walked into the great hall where the guests were gathered to wait for the dinner portion of the party to begin. To amuse myself, I tried to pick out the mercenaries and terrorists from the crooked politicians.

  The band played ballroom music, and some people were dancing, others socializing. Waiters dressed in white tuxedo shirts, and black slacks or skirts, carrying trays of appetizers, and flutes of champagne circulated in the rooms
encouraging guests to indulge.

  I was wearing an above the knee, Jason Wu evening gown, which Shirley had Ceylon deliver to my room earlier. I looked gorgeous, but Rayce was turning heads in that bold nearly nude gown she was wearing. One side of the thing was simply strips of horizontal fabric that covered only her important parts. She was dancing with D’Agon who was dressed in a fashion forward tuxedo that made him look almost as slick as Choc.

  They ignored me in passing as I crossed the dance floor to the dining room. When I started to stroll pass Choc, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms, and then started to dance. He held me close, and in the five inch heels I was wearing, his mouth was right at my ear. “We’re going to let Janie switch the cards,” he whispered softly.

  “So Ryan did let her go?”

  “Nah, she escaped. It’s a long story, so don’t ask.”

  “You know the auction is going to be tonight?”

  “Yeah, I got your message. He’s trying to keep us off balance. You can’t plan a score if you don’t know when the money is going to be delivered.”

  “The regular people don’t suspect anything. They all think it’s his annual social gathering. His butler, who is well informed, told me that there will be lots of alcohol served tonight, and Basin, forever the law abiding citizen, insists all of his guests stay overnight and off the roads. I was also told that he only allows workers, twenty one and over, to serve alcohol.”

  “He’s cultivated that squeaky clean image of his, and it’s why it’s so hard to touch him legally.”

  “It hasn’t been announced yet, but brunch will be served at ten in the morning, and then all of the buyers will be allowed to leave. Everyone else will stay for the grand finale, which is dinner followed by a concert on the lawn. I’ve been invited to stay. I heard the maids talking about one of the guest being allowed to leave before the others, and I figured they were talking about the auction winner.”

  “Then I want you to get the card out of here tonight,” he said.

  Choc held me close and whispered my instructions in my ear. “We’re being watched closely, so be careful.”

  “I heard one of the cleaning people talking about your trip to the basement. I think they’re worried about you.”

  “Damn, the servant grapevine is fast,” he chuckled. “I was off the radar, and held up in a closet with Janie for five minutes, and they came looking. You’re not affiliated with the people who are here for the auction, and it’s why I want you to make the delivery. It’s important to get it out of here as soon as we have it. If he’s selling the card tonight, he’s going to deliver it tonight. After the switch is made, you can’t get caught with the real one in your possession.”

  I didn’t like or trust Janie, but I had to admit that her plan was great. “I understand. What time you want me to meet her?” I asked.

  “You know what time this thing is scheduled to end?”

  “Mr. Joshua says it’ll be over at ten, and if he says it’ll be over at ten, it will be.”

  “Let’s give Basin time to deliver the card, and Janie time to switch it. I’ll tell her to meet you at midnight, but I want you there by eleven thirty. You get it, and take it to Roc. He’ll be waiting for you in that hedge maze out back. You put it in his hand, and then get back here before you’re missed.”

  “Cool, but if the cards look that much alike, how will I know she’s given me the right one?”

  “D’Agon tagged ours. Place this on the card to authenticate it.” He slipped a dime size microchip in my bra. “Rayce will give Janie the duplicate and instructions on where to meet you.”

  “Okay, then its all set. I saw Rayce,” I said, changing the subject. “She looks great. She has a crush on you, you know.”

  “Say what?” he pulled back and looked down into my face.

  “She does, but don’t tell her that I told you.”

  “I never guessed,” he chuckled.

  “You don’t find her attractive?”

  “Yeah, I do, but…”

  “Here comes Mark Basin,” I cut him off.

  He was approaching from our left and heading straight for us. He was wearing a classic black tux, like all of the guards working inside the house tonight, so he looked like any other guest.

  Choc pulled me close again, dropping his hand from my waist to my ass, “play along,” whispered.

  Mark walked up to us in a huff. “Man, you been really busy since you got here,” he said in a clipped tone. “She’s a guest, not some hooker hired to work the party.”

  “What?” Choc stopped rocking to the music, and we both faced him.

  Mark’s eyes bore into mind, and I could see he was angry. We had been dancing close, so we could talk without being overheard, but knowing Mark, he saw it as me being disrespectful to his brother’s memory.

  Mark reached for my hand, but I pulled it back. “Do you mind if I cut in?” he asked.

  “As a matter of fact, I do mind.” Choc made a show of pulling me closer to his side, and making me lean against him.

  Mark grabbed hold of my arm, and Choc grabbed hold of his. Mark released me, and Choc released him, and they faced off.

  “I know your reputation as a stud is legendary, but not everyone is here for your pleasure, Mr. Segal.”

  “Only a fool would assume I had anything in mind other than dancing with the lady, Mr. Basin.”

  “Are you calling me a fool?” Mark bristled.

  “I believe that you are,” he stared into Mark’s eyes.

  “Then you must have a death wish.” Mark moved swiftly, reaching under his jacket for his weapon.

  Choc moved faster, jamming his Glock into Mark’s side before he could draw his gun. “You tryná show me how to make that death wish come true, boy?”

  “Is there a problem?” Ceylon stepped into our circle and directed his question to Choc who still had the barrel of his Glock digging into Mark’s ribcage.

  “I was dancing with Mr. Segal and Mark interrupted us,” I explained before Choc could respond.

  “I’m growing impatient with the constant interruptions, gentlemen,” Choc eyed them both.

  “I don’t give a fuck!” Mark barked.

  “I’m trying to follow the muthafuckin’ rules, but nobody told me dancing was off limits.”

  “I apologize for the misunderstanding, Mr. Segal. Mark is unusually protective of his brother’s fiancée. Can you please put that away?” he asked politely, and then pulled Mark’s hand from under his jacket.

  “You should have said she was family,” Choc smiled as he stepped back and holstered his Glock. “Where is Tyler? I thought he was going to brief us on the rules for tomorrow night,” he changed the subject, indicating the intrusion was already forgotten.

  “He will be down momentarily to do that, sir,” Ceylon answered. “Dinner is about to be served. Please, may I show you to your table?”

  “No thank you, I’m sure I can find it. It was nice to meet you, Severe,” he smiled graciously, and then walked away.

  “What the fuck is the matter with you?” Ceylon turned on Mark.

  “What’s the matter with me? This bitch is who caused the problem by letting that muthafucka feel her up.”

  “He was not! We were dancing, that’s all.”

  “Both of you keep your voices down,” Ceylon admonished.

  “My brother hasn’t been dead two weeks, and she’s in our house trying to pick up strange men,” he accused.

  “I was dancing!” I shouted in a whisper. “I was not trying to pick up that man.”

  “It looked like you were doing more than dancing,” he pouted.

  “Maybe you looking too hard,” I shot back.

  “Mark, escort Severe to her seat, and then get into place. Your father will be down in a minute.”

  “Man, you are not my fucking boss, so don’t be giving me no muthafuckin’ orders.”

  “It was a request, not an order. Severe, let me show you to your table.” Ceyl
on took my arm.

  “I’ll take her,” he roughly pulled me out of Ceylon’s grip, and then walked me over to the table where Shirley was sitting with four other couples. “Stay out of trouble,” he warned me as he pulled my chair out for me to sit.

  “Hello, Mark, is Tyler on his way down?” Shirley asked.

  “Yes,” he kissed her on her cheek before he walked away.

  The tables were set with white linen, fine china, and crystal stemware. Everything looked beautiful. There were two servers assigned to each table of ten, and they were busy pouring ice water into glasses, and refilling wine and champagne glasses.

  “What’s this?” I picked up the android tablet wrapped in red ribbon and a bow lying next to my plate setting. I noticed that each plate setting had one.

  “It’s Tyler’s party favor this year. I heard it’s real popular with the young people,” Shirley replied to the table, not just me.

  “This is mine?”

  “Yes, it’s yours,” she smiled, and then leaned over and whispered, “Wait until Tyler makes his little speech before you turn it on.”

  I nodded with a smile, and then put it down. I looked around the room and saw that Choc was seated at the same table with Yeltsin. It was probably Mark’s idea of a joke, since he’d caught Janie in the closet with Choc earlier.

  If he was looking to make Choc feel uncomfortable, he failed. He was busy playing up his playboy rep by checking out every woman who passed their table.

  Janie caught my eye and smiled big. I absolutely hated her. She paused from her seemingly delightful conversation with Yeltsin to raise her glass for a refill. She was giggling and pawing on him like a bitch in heat.

  I had liked her once, and I know it was why I hated her so much now. She had fooled me with her charm. She was better at my game than I was, and I hated her for that too.

  I couldn’t stop staring at her. I was thinking, she is a pretty face and a sweet talker, and without a doubt the most conniving person I’ve ever known. She was good at hiding who she really was, and that was what made her so damn dangerous.


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