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Prairie Desire (Cowboys of The Flint Hills #2)

Page 12

by Tessa Layne

  God, she was hot as fuck like this.

  He sank to his knees behind her, drawing a finger down her slick folds. Her body shuddered and she let out a quiet moan. “You like that?”

  She nodded, still looking back over her shoulder and biting her lip. Catching her hips, he eased her back until his cock pressed against her entrance. He rubbed up and down her folds, and she widened her stance. “Please, Ben. I want you inside me.”

  He pressed into her slowly, nearly losing it when her hot channel clenched around him. He slowly drew out and she whimpered.

  “So beautiful. So tight and hot.” He leaned over her back to murmur low in her ear as he slowly thrust again. She arched her back and leaned back into him, making a little noise in the back of her throat.

  Ben ran his hands over her luscious curves, hips to ass to thigh, reveling in the way the muscles formed under his palm. Snaking an arm around her waist, he turned on the mini-vibrator again and trailed his fingers down her belly.

  Hope’s sharp gasp told him he’d found his mark, and he slowly teased a circle around her clit with the vibe. “Oh God, Ben,” she hissed, walls tightening around him. “I’m gonna–”

  “Not yet.” He pulled his finger away and stilled, barely staying in control himself. Their heavy breathing filled the small room. More than anything, he wanted to cry out. And to see Hope utterly let go. But the danger of being discovered also heightened his awareness, setting his senses buzzing.

  He returned his finger to her nub and started to move slowly within her again. This time, with little shallow pulses. Her ass cheeks clenched and her whole body undulated as she moved with him. Tension wound tighter in his belly, shooting down the back of his legs as he rocked in time with her, stroking deeper and harder until Hope threw her head back, open mouthed, then buried her face in the pillow as she shattered, convulsing around him and taking him over the edge with her.

  Spots blackened his vision as everything stopped. Then he exploded in a white-hot rush of stars behind his eyes. If he wasn’t already on the floor, surely he’d have collapsed. When he could see again and his breathing had slowed, he leaned over, laying a kiss on her shoulder.

  After he’d cleaned himself, he joined her on the floor, pulling the comforter off the bed to cover them. Hope turned into him and offered him a regretful smile. “You know you can’t stay.”

  Ben sighed and nuzzled her neck. “I know. But there are a few more condoms in the drawer with my name on them.”

  She arched her head, giving him more access to her neck. “Okay, but did you drive over? My brothers will recognize your truck and ask questions.”

  “Maybe I want them to ask questions,” he muttered into her ear. “But don’t worry. I walked.”

  Hope’s laugh rippled over him. “Naughty. You had this all planned, didn’t you?”

  “Maybe.” He nipped at the lobe of her ear and was rewarded with another of her cute little gasps.

  She turned her head so they made eye contact. Her eyes were soft and luminous, and for a moment Ben forgot to breathe. She ducked her head as she spoke. “I’m glad you came, Ben.”

  He tightened his embrace and kissed her temple. No doubt about it, he was falling deeper by the second.


  Hope woke to banging on her bedroom door. Ben’s arm draped possessively across her belly.

  “Coffee’s on.” Axel’s voice faded as his footsteps clomped down the stairs.

  She sat bolt upright and took in Ben’s glorious naked form stretched out on the floor beside her. “SHIT.” She shook his shoulder. “Ben,” she said urgently, but quietly. “Ben. Wake up. We fell asleep.”


  Ben yawned and stretched, the blanket falling to his hips. His torso was a work of art. Even in the dim light, the planes and ridges of his chest and abs made her want to lick him up. But she couldn’t think of that right now. How in the hell was she going to sneak him out of her room without being noticed? Her family would come unglued and restart the feud with the Sinclaires. They wouldn’t care that she was an adult and was used to living on her own. At home, she was still their ‘Hopey’. It chafed, knowing her family didn’t see her like she saw herself.

  “Morning to you, too, sunshine.” He gave her a lazy smile.

  “This is not funny, Ben,” she hissed. “You have to get out of here. All hell will break loose if you don’t.”

  His smile broadened to a grin. “Yeah?”

  She shook her head, rolling her eyes. “Yes.” She pulled on his arm, encouraging him to get up.

  He sat up, the comforter falling even farther down his hips, exposing a trail of dark hair leading to his… morning wood. Oh my… Her eyes flew to his face. Amusement lit his eyes and he lay down, pulling her into his embrace as he fell back. “As long as everyone’s downstairs…” The intention in his voice was unmistakable.

  She shook her head even as she laughed, and a familiar hungry ache settled in her pussy. “Oh no you don’t, Romeo. We have to get you out of here.”

  Ben peppered her face with little kisses as he stroked her hip. He’d figured out very quickly how to push her buttons, and it made him difficult to resist. Especially now, when they were both naked and the condoms were in reach.

  “C’mon. Just a little quickie?” He tickled her, then ran the palm of his hand across her breast, teasing her nipple into a hard peak.

  Her body heated at the thought of him inside her once again. She blew out a long breath and pushed his chest back. “Too risky.”

  Ben made a little noise of disbelief and sat back against the bed. “Chicken,” he teased.

  “Realist,” she replied, sticking out her tongue.

  He laughed, extending his hand as he moved to stand.

  She took his hand and stood with him. “Shhh. They’ll hear.”

  Ben’s eyes turned serious. “I don’t care if they do, Hope. I’m not the one who wants to hide things.”

  Back to this again.

  She turned away from him, reaching for her bathrobe.

  “Commando this morning?” Ben’s voice was back to teasing.

  “I’m late for coffee.” She shoved one foot into her horsey slippers, then another. “I’m never late for coffee.”

  She turned back around and gasped. “Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.”

  Ben’s brows immediately knit together. “What?”

  She crossed back to stand in front of him, and pointed to a red bite mark on his collarbone. “This. Ohmygod, I’m so sorry.”

  “What? You give me a hickie?”

  “Worse.” She worried her lower lip between her teeth. “I guess I got carried away.”

  “We got carried away,” he gently corrected. “And it’s fine.” He caught her chin and tilted it. “Really.” He brushed his mouth against hers. “I wouldn’t trade last night for anything, Hope.”

  She let herself lean into him. Into his strength. His calm. She inhaled him as his mouth moved against hers and let herself draw on his perpetual calm. When he drew away, she sighed. “I have to go. Can you get out the way you came in?”

  He nodded.

  “Be careful landing on the porch roof. Everyone’s in back, but if you land hard, they’ll hear you. And be fast.” She offered him a final kiss before crossing to the door. “And Ben?” She turned, her hand on the knob. “Come around again soon?”

  He gave her a funny smile and nodded.

  She opened the door, stepped into the hall, and shut it quietly behind her. Hope floated down the stairs, her mind a jumble. Her first concern was coming up with a plausible excuse as to why she was the last one up this morning. The rest of her thoughts circled around Ben.

  Schooling her features, she marched into the kitchen and made a beeline for the coffee pot.

  “’Bout damn time,” Gunnar handed her a coffee mug.

  “I’ll clean up breakfast this morning. I didn’t sleep so well last night.” That at least, wasn’t a lie. She leaned against the c
ounter blowing across the steaming mug.

  Axel narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “You okay?”

  “Me? Sure.” Except for the wild pounding of her heart.

  “You seem… different.”

  If you called different being totally relaxed from hours of lovemaking, then yes. She shrugged, hoping it came off as nonchalant and not like she was hiding something. “Just tired. Been doing a lot of research on gentle training techniques.” And Ben’s body.

  Gunnar chimed in. “You know you can talk to us, right?”

  Her parents, who’d been listening quietly, nodded their agreement. “I’m glad to see you taking an interest in Buttercup, Hope,” her father, Eddie, added. “You know there’s always a place for you at Hansen Stables.”

  “I know, Pops. It’s just…” her voice trailed off.

  “I still don’t understand why you up and quit veterinary school,” her mom added. “It’s been your dream for so long, and you were so close.” Worry colored Martha’s voice.

  “Well, it’s not anymore,” Hope stated flatly.

  “I don’t understand why, sweetheart. You were always such a good student.”

  You wouldn’t think that if you knew the whole story.

  “Dreams change, ma. I realized being a vet wasn’t for me.” The lie stuck in her throat like peanut butter.

  “But what now? You’ve–”

  A knock at the back door interrupted them, and Martha moved to open it. Thank goodness she’d been given a reprieve. The knot that had clenched in Hope’s chest slowly released. Eventually, she’d have the guts to tell her family what happened in Kentucky, but right now… it was too much.

  “Come in Ben. Nice to see you this morning.”

  Hope choked on her coffee as Ben stepped into the kitchen, Stetson in hand. “You too, Martha.”

  Axel looked sharply at her, then Ben. “Little early for a social call, don’t you think?” His voice grew icy.

  “Now hush, Axe,” Martha reprimanded. “Sinclaires are family now. They’re welcome anytime.”

  “Coffee?” Gunnar opened the cabinet and pulled out a mug.

  “Don’t mind if I do.” Ben stepped into the kitchen and set his Stetson on the counter.

  Hope gasped, then coughed as Axel’s sharp gaze zeroed in on her. “Burned my mouth,” she offered lamely, avoiding looking at Ben.

  Although that was impossible. First off, the bite mark she’d given him in the throes peeked out from the vee of his shirt. Second, he looked downright delectable, lounging against the counter on the other side of Gunnar.

  “So if this isn’t a social call…” Axel let his voice trail off as he looked at Ben dubiously.

  Axel was onto them. She’d bet her last five dollars.

  Ben sipped his coffee, looking like the picture of calm. How could he be so calm when it was so obvious he’d been with someone? The bite mark stood out like a neon sign. “Well,” he began, shooting a sidelong look at her. “I’ve been thinking about Hope’s new training methods. I came down earlier in the week and watched her some more.” He flashed her a smile. “I was hoping I might be able to tempt her with breakfast at Dottie’s in exchange for asking her more about it.”


  Hope hid a smile by taking another sip of coffee.

  Axel swung his gaze to her. Avoiding his eyes, she glanced up at Gunnar. The knowing gleam in his eyes told her all she needed. They were so onto her. No hiding a thing from them. That didn’t mean she was going to admit anything to them yet.

  Axel crossed his arms and rocked back on his chair. “I didn’t hear your truck pull up, Sinclaire.”

  Ben shrugged, his face not giving away anything. “Walked over. Nice morning.”

  Axel looked sharply at her again. A flush started creeping up the back of her neck, and she cleared her throat. “Sure. Give me five minutes to get dressed.”

  “Take your time,” Ben smiled at her, not the intimate smile of a lover she’d been naked with less than fifteen minutes before, but the benign smile of an acquaintance.

  Hope’s stomach flip-flopped as she hurried out of the kitchen and upstairs. She didn’t like that smile as much as the former. She wanted all the intimate, just-for-you smiles. But she couldn’t very well have that while they were a secret.

  Conflict raged within her. Taking the plunge and letting Ben fully into her life meant things. No secrets for one. Laying herself bare, for another. Could she do that? What would Ben think of her if she did?


  Eddie pushed back from the kitchen table. “Nice of you to drop by Ben. Hope needs a distraction right now.”

  Martha nodded her agreement. Ben refrained from rolling his eyes. His parents had been dead for years, and his brothers understood his privacy was sacrosanct. So the reality of family up in his business was foreign to him. And somewhat annoying.

  How was he supposed to answer her parents? That he was already distracting her senseless? If Axel and Gunnar’s responses were any indication, they wouldn’t be too pleased to know he’d spent the night upstairs.

  Ben was fairly certain that Axel and Gunnar suspected there was something going on between him and Hope. Frankly, he didn’t care. It had only been a week, but this whole ‘let’s keep things quiet’ thing wasn’t working for him. He aimed to put a stop to it today.

  Hope breezed in, looking stunning in her trademark braids, jeans, boots and western shirt. And was that make-up she had on? She looked… different. Keeping her eyes averted, she pulled a travel mug from above the coffee maker and poured herself a cup.

  Still holding the pot, she spoke. “Anyone else?”

  Martha stood. “Not for me, dearie. Laundry time.” She gave Hope a buss on the cheek, then left the kitchen.

  “Nah, I’m done. Chore time.” Axel thunked the legs of his chair down and stood, eyeing Hope. “Don’t forget, you promised breakfast dishes.”

  “I won’t. Put everything in the sink, I’ll clean up when I get back.”

  Eddie extended his hand to Ben. “Good to see you, son. Don’t be a stranger.”

  Ben took it. “No, sir. See you ’round. Axe.” He nodded toward Axel.

  Gunnar placed his mug in the sink and followed Axel and Eddie out the door. “See ya, sis. Holler if you need anything.”

  Quiet descended on the kitchen.

  Hope sipped from her travel mug, eyeing Ben over the rim. After a moment, she spoke, a spark of amusement flashing in her eyes. “Nice of you to drop in. Clever, really.”

  He’d taken a risk, deciding to not go home and instead come around back. Part of him had wanted to see how she’d react, the other part… wanted to see more of her. He’d been so busy this past week, helping Blake get the business side of things prepped for when the baby came. The only time he’d been able to get away, Hope had been busy with Buttercup, so he’d had to content himself with watching her work. Not that he minded. He loved watching her when she was completely absorbed in a task. But it wasn’t the same as talking with her. “Always best to strike while the iron is still hot.”

  Hope chortled. “You did not just say that.”

  Even he had to laugh. “All right. Bad joke, but why wouldn’t I pop in if I was in the neighborhood? I’d love to take you to breakfast, and I do want to hear more about your horse training theories.” He stepped toward her. “You look lovely, all cleaned up. Better than breakfast.”

  She gave him a genuine smile. The kind that lit her eyes. “Flattery will get you nowhere.” After a pause she spoke again. “They know, you know.”

  “They’re not dummies, Hope. Better to be up front and honest with them about us.”

  “After we eat. I’m starved.” She pushed away from the counter and moved to the back door.

  “Avoid all you like, darlin’. It’s not going to change what’s between us. Or the fact that anyone with half a brain can see it.”

  “Not listening,” she sang as she pulled open the door.

  They walked aroun
d back to the trucks, and Hope hopped in the one closest to the driveway, her father’s vintage ’52 GMC pickup. Like everyone’s vehicles, the keys were on the seat.

  Ben held out his hand. “You want me to drive?”

  “Are you nuts? That would be like a flashing neon sign that we’re a couple.” Hope slid into the car and put the keys into the ignition.

  Ben shut the passenger door and turned to her. “Earth to Hope, we are a couple. I’m not interested in anyone else. Are you?”

  Hope pushed in the clutch and pulled the truck onto the dirt drive. “I’m not. But it’s complicated, Ben.”

  “It doesn’t have to be. You’re making it complicated.”

  Her pretty mouth pulled into a frown.

  “What are you so afraid of? We can tackle anything together.”

  She looked dubious. “You’re a fixer. You always say that.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? I’m a fixer?”

  She nodded. “You’ve been the emotional glue for your family for… ever.” She glanced over at him and arched a brow.

  She had a point. But someone had to be the one to make sure his siblings were okay. He might be the sensitive one of the bunch, but he’d failed miserably at easing his family’s pain. And that burned him.

  “Okay, you’re right. I’ve tried to help the people I love, protect them from pain. But I have a pretty shitty track record. I couldn’t save Ma from Jake, had no idea Blake was supporting Simon, and I completely missed that Brodie is dyslexic.”

  Hope’s hands tightened on the large steering wheel. “If we’re going to be together Ben, you need to understand you can’t fix me. I already have three meddling men trying to tell me how to live. Telling me what they think is best for me.”

  Ben sat back, startled. Is that what she thought he was trying to do? Boss her? “I’m never going to tell you how to live your life, Hope. But I’m damned well not going to stand aside and do nothing if you’re hurting.” What kind of an asshole did she think he was?


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