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A Time for Truth: Reigniting the Promise of America

Page 38

by Ted Cruz

  children of, xxvi, 179–80, 226–27, 252, 264–65

  competitiveness and drive of, 33–34, 57–58, 61

  on compromise, xvi

  court clerking of, 69–71, 80–94, 100, 114, 143, 159

  debating of, 59–63, 216–17, 223–24, 248–49

  DOJ tenure of, 123–25, 172, 206

  dramatic interests of, 76

  drinking of, 42, 57n, 76, 111

  education of, 11, 29, 33–42, 45–49, 52, 55–67, 72–79, 82, 103–4, 116, 122–23

  filibuster of, 261–65, 282

  filming and editing videos of, 59

  finances of, 37, 39–41, 52, 58–59, 63, 72, 102–3, 104n, 180, 212

  FTC tenure of, 124–25, 130–33, 141, 172

  fund-raising of, xxvi, 191–92, 201–2, 214–15

  government shutdown and, 276–81

  gun control laws and, 169–70, 245–55, 257

  Hagel’s Defense Department nomination and, 229–30, 232–37, 249

  half sister’s problems and, 102–3

  heritage of, 5–10, 12–21, 25–30, 33–35, 55, 57–58, 61, 67, 77, 85, 105, 212, 216, 222, 263, 336

  IMF and, 296–97

  interest in politics of, 4–5

  Iran and, 189, 295–96

  Israel and, 298–303

  Kerry’s State Department nomination and, 229–32

  marriage of, 125, 129–30, 143, 179, 187, 212

  Medellín case and, 159–68

  name change of, 34–35

  national debt and, xii–xv, xxii–xxiv, xxvii, 223–25

  National Defense Authorization Act and, 297–98

  nickname of, 106–7

  Obamacare and, xvi, xxiii, 38, 227, 230, 261–85, 307

  Obama’s worldwide apology tour and, 238

  physical appearance of, 34, 57, 188, 209

  and Pledge of Allegiance case, 147–48, 155

  poker playing of, 58–59

  popularity of, 35–36, 59

  private law practice of, 72, 79, 82, 100–101, 103, 104n, 171, 180–84, 208–9, 212

  ratting on friends resisted by, 47–49

  reading of, 67, 72, 210–11, 265

  religious beliefs of, 32, 36, 50, 52, 63, 133–34, 142, 179, 187, 261, 322, 327

  Republican lunch meetings and, ix–x, xiii–xv, 233, 242, 281

  self-discipline of, 74–75

  senatorial campaign of, xiv, xxi–xxii, 183, 193–219

  senatorial career of, ix, xiii–xvi, xx–xxi, xxiii–xxiv, xxvi–xxvii, 3, 37–38, 55, 134, 141, 222–58, 261–85, 294–302, 309, 312–14, 327

  sense of humor of, 85–86, 155

  speeches of, 36–39, 52, 192, 237–38, 242–43, 302–4

  sports and, 33–35, 63n, 82–83, 85–86, 89–90, 145

  teaching of, 59, 67

  Ten Commandments case and, 154–59, 192

  Texas attorney general campaign of, 185–96, 200–201

  Texas redistricting litigation and, 149–53, 172

  as Texas solicitor general, 140–73, 180, 182, 189–90, 192, 206, 317

  website of, 205–6

  wife courted by, 125, 127–29

  women dated by, 75–76, 125, 127

  writing of, 63–67, 76

  Cruz Enterprises, 41–42

  C-SPAN, 243, 263–64

  Cuba, 2–21, 103, 288

  Cruz’s father’s departure from, 16–18, 77, 336

  Cruz’s father’s speeches and, 18, 192–93

  Cruz’s heritage and, 5–10, 12–21, 55, 57, 67, 77, 85, 105, 212, 216, 263, 336

  El Coco and, 2–3

  health care and, 20, 266

  revolutions in, 5–6, 10–16, 18–19, 85

  Rubio’s senatorial campaign and, 211

  Spanish-American War and, 6–7

  U.S. visitors to, 19–20

  cybercrime, 123–24

  Daley, Bill, 117

  Dallas, Tex., xv, 68, 139, 185, 190, 192, 253

  Dallas Cowboys, 87–88

  Darragh, Edward John (grandfather), 26–27, 127

  Darragh, Elizabeth Eleanor Cekine (grandmother), 25–27, 58

  Davis, Wendy, xxi

  Death to America Day, 291, 294

  Default Prevention Act, xvii, 224

  Defense Department, U.S., 55, 129, 289, 298, 304

  Hagel’s nomination to, 229–30, 232–37, 249

  DeMint, Jim, xxii, 198–99

  Democrats, Democratic Party, x, 28, 54–55, 99–101, 135, 144, 181, 187, 232–39, 315, 317, 321

  California gubernatorial campaign and, 174, 176, 178

  campaign financing and, 313

  Cruz’s senatorial campaign and, xxi, 200, 202, 204–6, 215

  Cruz’s senatorial career and, 225–27, 234–36, 244

  free speech and, 312–14

  FTC and, 125, 130

  Gore’s presidential campaign and, 116–18, 120

  government shutdown and, 276–82

  gun control laws and, 245–47, 249, 253–58

  Hagel’s Defense Department nomination and, 232, 234–36, 249

  Iran and, 296

  IRS and, 316

  Israel and, 300

  Medellín case and, 167

  and media’s treatment of conservatives, 238–39

  national debt and, xi–xiv, xvi–xvii, xix, xxiii, xxv, 223–24

  Obamacare and, xvii, 262–63, 267, 274, 276–83, 285, 306–7

  Perot and, 220–22

  and presidential election of 2000, 99

  and promise of America, 330–34, 337, 340

  Romney’s presidential campaign and, 330–31

  Texas redistricting litigation and, 149, 151, 154

  Derek, Bo, 111

  Dershowitz, Alan, 73–75, 80, 85, 88, 116

  Dewhurst, David, 185, 193–96

  senatorial campaign of, 194–96, 199–200, 202–5, 207–13, 215–18

  Diaz, Juan and Lola, 8

  District of Columbia v. Heller, 168–70, 250

  Dole, Bob, 219, 329, 332, 334

  Donahue, Charles, 73

  Doss, Principal, 46–49

  Drogin, John, 186–87, 193–94

  drones, 240–42, 244–45, 254, 262, 274

  Dr. Seuss, 264–65

  Durbin, Dick, 250, 314

  e-commerce, 131, 133

  economics, economy, 29, 75

  Bush’s presidential campaign and, 105

  crises in, 181

  Cruz’s senatorial campaign and, 203, 211

  Cruz’s speeches and, 38–39

  Cruz’s studies and, 36–37, 39, 59, 218

  Cruz’s wife and, 161

  free-market, 36–37, 39–40, 107, 125, 211, 336

  FTC and, 125, 130

  Iran and, 291

  Israel and, 298–99, 301

  Obama and, 28, 238

  and price of oil, 50–51

  and promise of America, 323–25, 330–31, 333–37

  Putin and, 3–4

  supply-side, xxii

  Thatcher and, 319–20

  see also national debt

  education, 100, 150, 221, 327, 338

  Egypt, 286–90

  employees, employment, 17, 42, 50–51, 132, 172, 182, 285, 311

  Cruz’s essay writing and, 64

  Cruz’s senatorial campaign and, 209, 217

  Obamacare and, 262, 268–72, 284, 306–7

  Perot and, 220

  and promise of America, 324–25, 330, 334–36, 338

  entitlements, xvi–xvii, 181, 324, 330–31

  enumerated powers, 38, 65–66, 84, 306

  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 311–12, 325

  Ertman, Jennifer, 159–60, 163, 167

  Europe, 33, 123–24, 167, 238, 335

  Faith West Academy, 35, 45

  Fariñas, Guillermo (El Coco), 1–4

  Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 300–301

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 136, 310

  Federalist Papers, 38, 66

/>   federalists, federalism, 66, 84, 163–65, 311

  Federalist Society, 196–97

  Federal Reserve, 105, 223, 325

  Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 124–25, 130–33, 141, 172

  FedEx, 132, 182

  Feinstein, Dianne, 246–51, 257

  Fielding, Fred, 180–81

  First Baptist Church of Houston, 50

  Flanigan, Tim, 120


  and presidential election of 2000, 99, 111–22, 127–29

  Rubio’s senatorial campaign in, 210–11

  Forbes, Steve, 325

  Ford, Gerald, 137, 175, 313, 329, 332–33, 340

  foreign policy, 257, 290, 294, 304

  Bush’s presidential campaign and, 105

  Hagel’s Defense Department nomination and, 234–35

  Kerry’s State Department nomination and, 229–31

  and promise of America, 327–28, 333

  Fort Hood shooting, 290, 298

  Fort Sumter, 24

  Founders, Framers, 66, 153, 155, 239, 305–6, 315, 317, 322

  Fox News, xii, 316

  Fox polls, 284–85

  Fraenkel, Naftali, 299–300

  France, French, 33, 123, 183, 266

  Francis, Pope, 290

  Francisco, Noel, 120

  Fraternal Order of Eagles, 156

  Free Enterprise Institute, 36, 39–40, 218

  Frew v. Hawkins, 143–47

  Fried, Charles, 79–80, 85

  Friedman, Milton, 36, 107, 218, 338–39

  Fugitive Slave Act, 259–60

  Full Faith and Credit Act, xvii

  Garnett, Rick, 87

  Gaza Strip, 300–301

  Geocom, 30

  George, Robby, 65, 302

  Germany, 55, 124

  Reagan’s Bitburg visit and, 96–98

  Gerry, Elbridge, 153

  gerrymandering, 149, 151, 153

  Gillibrand, Kirsten, 53–56, 300

  Ginsberg, Ben, 112–13

  Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 80, 87, 90, 158

  Glover, Joshua, 259–61

  Godfrey, Lee, 151–52

  Goldwater, Barry, 135–39

  Nixon’s resignation and, 136–39

  presidential campaign of, 83, 174–75

  Watergate scandal and, 135–36, 139

  Gonzales, Alberto, 140, 231

  Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 99

  Goolsbee, Austin, 62n–63n

  Gore, Albert, Jr., 98–99, 112, 116–20, 122

  government shutdown, 276–84

  Graham, Lindsey, 233, 295–97

  Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act, xi

  Grassley, Chuck, 255, 263

  Grassley-Cruz legislation, 255, 257

  Gray, C. Boyden, 132

  Gray, David, 62n

  Great Britain, 2, 55, 123–24, 252, 323

  health care in, 266

  Thatcher and, 318–20

  Greeks, 323

  Green Eggs and Ham (Dr. Seuss), 264–65

  Gruber, Jonathan, 268–69

  gun control laws, 104, 245–58, 274, 326

  assault weapons ban and, 246–47, 257

  and District of Columbia, 168–71, 247, 250, 253, 255

  and facts not addressed by Democrats, 256–57

  Grassley-Cruz legislation and, 255, 257

  Sandy Hook massacre and, 245–46, 256

  Hagel, Chuck, 229–30, 232–37, 249

  Hamas, 232, 234, 236–37, 299–302

  Hard Choices (Clinton), 315

  Harvard Business School, 125, 128

  Harvard Law Review, 76–79

  Harvard Law School:

  Cruz’s enrollment at, 67, 72–79, 103–4, 116

  Cruz’s graduation from, 82

  Hasan, Nidal, 298

  Havana, 6, 11, 16, 20

  Hayek, Friedrich, 36, 319

  health care, 126, 143, 277, 294, 306, 330

  Cuba and, 20, 266

  FTC and, 131

  pre-Obamacare, 265–67

  single-payer system of, 267, 269, 283

  see also Obamacare

  health savings accounts, 285

  Heidi’s Bakery, 126

  Heller, Dick Anthony, 169

  Henry V (Shakespeare), 243

  Hezbollah, 232, 234, 236–37, 302

  Hillary: The Movie, 314

  Hillsdale College, 237

  Hinck, Jeff, 75

  Hispanics, 61, 109

  Cruz’s senatorial campaign and, 215, 218

  Obamacare and, 284

  and promise of America, 334, 336

  Rubio’s senatorial campaign and, 211

  Texas redistricting litigation and, 150–51

  Holder, Eric, 240–41, 256, 316

  Holocaust, 96–98, 287

  homeless, 50, 63–64, 82, 154

  Hosanna-Tabor v. EEOC, 310–11

  House of Representatives, U.S., 54, 175, 194, 307–8, 316

  and Clinton’s impeachment, 101

  and government shutdown, 278–80

  and gun control laws, 170

  and IMF, 297

  and Iran, 296

  and Israel, 299–300

  and national debt, xii, xvi–xvii, xix, xxiii

  and Nixon’s resignation, 137

  and Obamacare, 249, 267, 273–80, 283

  see also Congress, U.S.

  Houston, Sam, 22–25

  Houston, Tex., 27, 32–33, 42–43, 63, 151, 180, 189, 264

  Cruz’s life in, 33, 38, 43, 49–50, 82

  Cruz’s senatorial campaign, 205

  gun control laws and, 253

  Medellín case and, 159, 167

  and price of oil, 51

  Houston Rockets, 82–83, 86

  Hutchison, Kay Bailey, 185, 193–94, 196, 199

  immigrants, immigration, 336

  amnesty and, 54, 109, 181, 216, 308–9, 326, 340

  Bush and, 104, 109

  Cruz’s senatorial campaign and, 216

  Medellín case and, 160

  Obama and, 308–9, 326, 340

  In Defense of Christians (IDC), 302–4

  Independents, xvi, xix, 200, 222

  Obamacare and, 262, 281

  intellectual property, 115, 183

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 315–16

  abolition of, 325–26

  International Monetary Fund (IMF), 296–97

  Internet, 289

  Cruz’s senatorial campaign and, 203

  FTC and, 131–32

  gun control laws and, 251

  pornography and, 94–95

  Iran, 296, 302, 304–5, 328, 333

  Green Revolution in, 189

  Hagel’s Defense Department nomination and, 232, 234, 236–37

  nuclear ambitions of, 167, 232, 236–37, 289–95Perot and, 220

  sanctions on, 232, 290–92, 294

  U.S. hostages taken in, 291, 295

  Iraq, Iraq War, 162, 289, 327–28

  surge in, 230–31

  Islam, Islamists, 124, 298, 304

  Benghazi attack and, 290

  Cruz’s IDC speech and, 302

  Egypt and, 287–89

  Iran and, 291–95

  Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), 124, 289–90, 302, 327

  Israel, 55, 227, 298–304, 316

  ban on U.S. flights to, 300–301

  Cruz’s IDC speech and, 302–3

  Egypt and, 286–87

  Hagel’s Defense Department nomination and, 232, 235–37

  Iran and, 291–93

  kidnappings in, 299–300

  Jackson, Robert, 84

  Jefferson, Thomas, 23, 39, 66, 322

  Jews, 33, 105, 310, 334

  anti-Semitism and, 290

  Cruz’s IDC speech and, 302–4

  Reagan’s Bitburg visit and, 96–98

  see also Israel

  Johnson, Jason:

  Cruz’s senatorial campaign and, 193–94, 210

  Cruz’s Texas attorney general campaign and, 185�
�88, 191

  Johnson, Lyndon, xiii–xiv, 136, 138, 175

  Judeo-Christian values, 65, 155, 298

  Justice Department, U.S. (DOJ), 100, 140, 310

  Cruz’s tenure at, 123–25, 172, 206

  gun control laws and, 169, 246, 256

  Kagan, Elena, 310–11

  Katz, Stanley, 63–64

  Kennan, George, 47

  Kennedy, Anthony, 80, 90, 150n

  Medellín case and, 164, 166

  and presidential election of 2000, 120–21

  Texas redistricting litigation and, 153

  Kennedy, John F., 112

  Kennedy, Ted, 35, 240

  Kentucky, 157, 159, 242–43

  Kerry, John, 328

  Iran and, 293

  Israel and, 301

  senatorial career of, 230–32

  State Department nomination of, 229–32

  Khamenei, Ayatollah, 291–93

  Kim Jong Il, 292

  Kim Jong Un, 124, 292

  Kissinger, Henry, 233, 235

  Kohl, Helmut, 97

  Korea, North, 124, 234–35, 288, 292

  labor unions, 320, 337–38

  Labour Party, British, 318–20

  land ownership, federal government, 197

  Law Enforcement Alternative, 255

  Law of the Sea Treaty, 230

  Lee, Mike, xxi, 228, 239, 242, 339

  background of, 196–97

  Cruz’s senatorial campaign and, 197–98

  government shutdown and, 278–79

  gun control laws and, 254

  national debt and, xiv, xviii

  National Defense Authorization Act and, 297–98

  Obamacare and, 261, 263–64, 273–76, 278–79

  Lee, Rex, 196–97

  Legislature, Tex., 149, 152, 194

  Lerner, Lois, 316

  Libertarians, xvi, xix, 196, 262, 334

  Libya, 232, 289

  Lincoln, Abraham, 261

  lobbyists, lobbying, xx–xxi, xxv, xxvii, 54, 132–33, 194, 215, 326

  “Long Telegram” (Kennan), 47

  Louisiana, 26, 30, 180, 183–84, 267

  Luttig, Bobbie, 68–69, 71

  Luttig, John, murder of, 68–71

  Luttig, Michael:

  Cruz’s clerking for, 69, 80–82

  father’s murder and, 69–71

  Supreme Court clerking of, 80–81

  McCain, John, 233, 334

  presidential campaigns of, 110–11, 219, 330, 332

  Russian sanctions and, 297

  McCarthy, Joe, 234–36

  McConnell, Mitch, xxii

  Cruz’s senatorial career and, xiv, xxiii–xxiv, 227–28, 233, 264, 276

  national debt and, xii, xiv, xxiii–xxiv

  Obamacare and, 227, 264, 276

  McDermott, Jim, 101

  McGovern, George, 329

  McKinley, William, 6

  Madison, James, 60–61, 66, 84

  Maimonides, 177

  Manchin, Joe, 258

  Mandela, Nelson, 327–28

  Marbury v. Madison, 165


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