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Barefoot Bay: Flying High (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Omega Team Book 6)

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by Desiree Holt

  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Roxanne St. Claire. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Barefoot Bay remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Roxanne St. Claire, or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:

  Flying High

  Cover Art by Croco Designs

  Formatting Services by Wizards in Publishing

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight


  Welcome to Barefoot Bay Kindle World, a place for authors to write their own stories set in the tropical paradise that I created! For these books, I have only provided the setting of Mimosa Key and a cast of characters from my popular Barefoot Bay series. That’s it! I haven’t contributed to the plotting, writing, or editing of Flying High. This book is entirely the work of Desiree Holt, a beloved voice known by romance readers around the world.

  I know my reunion romance fans will love this one! And if you adore a good secret baby story, you’re really in luck. Zak and Baily made some difficult decisions in their life, but fate has put them both and Barefoot Bay and they are in for one emotional flight to happiness. Desiree Holt does not disappoint!

  Roxanne St. Claire

  PS. If you’re interested in the rest of the Barefoot Bay Kindle World novels, or would like to explore the possibility of writing your own book set in my world, visit for details!

  From Desiree

  People ask me all the time if I always wanted to be a writer. I don’t know if “always” is the word but certainly for all the years I can remember. I was a voracious reader, as were my mother and sister, and books held a royal place in our home. The funny thing is I always thought I would write mysteries because that’s what we all read. I didn’t read my first romance until 2004, when I was sitting with the same three chapters of a mystery on my computer that had been there for three months. But then my eyes were opened and they never closed.

  Submitting that first book was scary, but after a lot of rejections you stop being scared and become determined. I’m glad I never gave up because I am having the most fun in my life I have ever had. (Well, maybe not ever! LOL!) So here I am, with all these titles under my belt.

  Writing a book is a solitary experience, but it never comes to the bookshelves, virtual or other, alone. For me, it starts with my treasured friend and beta reader extraordinaire, Margie Hager, who has the best eagle eye in the world. Thank you, Margie my love, for all the hours you put into helping me bring my stories to life. And for your friendship, which is a highlight of my life. And to Janet Rodman who always looks out for me.

  Then there is my family. Do they read my books? Absolutely not! But they are the best public relations team in the world. From my daughter Amy, who tells all her clients about me, to my son Steve, who makes sure he lets everyone he knows when I have a book released, to my younger daughter Suzanne, who is my good right hand, and my granddaughter Kayla, who is my wonderful left hand. Guys, I could not do it without you. If you see me at a convention, Suzanne will not be far from my side.

  My cats, of course, keep me company while I write. And you all have seen pictures of Bast at the keyboard with me. She thinks she should get co-author credit!

  Thanks to all the people who let me pester them for information on all the different topics I tackle, from SEALs to Force Recon Marines to Delta Force soldiers to the local sheriff to the people at Beretta and the folks at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. I’m sure I’ve forgotten someone, and if I have, I am so sorry because the time you continue to give me is very special.

  Last but very far from least are all of you, my wonderful readers, who send me such great emails and posts and are so faithful. A special shoutout to Phuong Phen, Fedora Chen, Shirley Long, and Patricia Sager who have been with me since my journey started and in frustrating times give me the inspiration to push ahead.

  I love you so much. You are my extended family and I send you all many hugs.

  There are a lot more stories to come. Please stay tuned.

  I love to hear from my readers. You can write to me at and I hope you will do that.

  Where else can you find me?”


  Twitter: @desireeholt


  I look forward to hearing from all of you.


  Barefoot Bay: Flying High

  When Zak Wallace’s uncle offered him the chance to fulfill his dreams with a job flying for his Alaska charter service, no way was Bailey George going to hold him back. Flying was Zak’s life, maybe even before her. And it was no place for a brand new wife with a baby. Which is why she never told him about the unexpected, unplanned pregnancy. Or answered his letters or returned his calls. Instead, she moved away, got her law degree, and raised her son with the help of her family and friends.

  But fate always throws a curveball. When Bailey is charged with running a retreat for her law partners at Casa Blanca Resort and Spa at Barefoot Bay, the last person she expects to run into is Zak. It seems he bought his uncle’s business then, years later, sold it and opened a new one in Atlanta, and has just flown a client to Barefoot Bay.

  They are stunned to see each other but manage to get past the initial shock and Zak’s anger at the way she cut him out of her life, and enjoy three wonderful days and nights, when she isn’t in meetings.

  But any chance of a future comes to a shrieking halt when Bailey’s son, the image of Zak, shows up at Barefoot Bay. Zak is a raging maniac, and Bailey’s son is none too happy. But Barefoot Bay is known for love and happiness and healing. Maybe it will work this time for three people tempted by a future together.

  Barefoot Bay: Flying High


  Desiree Holt


  I won’t jump on him the minute he gets here. I’ll take my time.

  Bailey George paced back and forth in the tiny living room of the miniscule apartment she and Zack Wallace had been sharing for the past year. She had pinched herself every day since they’d moved in together. Her family hadn’t been too excited about their baby girl, a sophomore, “living in sin” with a big bad senior, and a fifth year senior at that. But then they met Zack, and he won them over so smoothly, they had no objections left. She hoped when she broke her news to them they would realize she was as at fault as Zack.

  She was nervous about his reaction, but they loved each other. Underneath her nerves, she was secure in the knowledge that, together, they’d handle the situation. So maybe her plans might have to change a little, but that would be okay. Just as long as they were together.

  She stood in the middle of the combination living/dining room, checking everything for tonight one last time. The table was set with real plates instead of paper. She had splurged and bought two small candlesticks and some scented candles. And the dinner she’d cooked had turned out well, much to her surprise.

  Should I wait until he ha
s a drink? Changes into his sweats?

  God. What if he says he’s not hungry? Thanks for all this work, babe, but I’ve really gotta hit the books tonight.

  Everything else aside, this was probably a good time to talk about what came next. They’d danced around it but hadn’t really nailed anything down. Bailey still had two more years of undergrad followed by law school. Zack had already planned to go into the Air Force right after graduation. He had the qualifications—a GPA of 3.7, a degree in engineering, and a civilian pilot’s license.

  The man was hooked on planes and flying. Couldn’t seem to get enough of it. Talked about it all the time. He even earned money by flying tourists around the area on weekends, working for a small charter service at a nearby field. Every time he came home from that field, his eyes sparkled like Fourth of July fireworks, and he was totally jazzed. Sometimes she thought he could give up food easier than he could give up flying.

  They had sort of discussed Bailey finishing the next two years here while spending time with him whenever they could work it out. They’d get married when she graduated. Then he hoped for some kind of permanent posting, at least long enough for her to get her law degree from whatever university they happened to be near. After that, they’d see what was in store for them.

  Of course, the best laid plans and all that, she thought to herself. Here they were one month before his graduation, and along came a big monkey wrench.


  She’d hardly been able to believe it. Being pregnant and unmarried at twenty had never been in her plans. They’d been so careful, but she’d had the flu, and the doctor she’d seen said that often threw off the birth control pills. Now he told her? Why hadn’t he said something when she went to see him for flu medicine?

  She agonized over how Zack would take it. She hoped he’d be excited. Would he want to get married right away? Would she be able to go back to school in the fall, at least for a semester, until she had the baby? Then they could see about sitters.

  They’d said they wanted children. Okay, so maybe not this way, and maybe not so soon, but still.

  It is what it is.

  She desperately wanted a glass of wine to steady her nerves, but tonight—and for the foreseeable future— she wasn’t drinking. She’d thought it all out as intelligently as possible. At she hoped she had. Her plan was doable if Zack would just take a good look at it and agree.


  She still got weak in the knees whenever she thought of him, even after almost two years. God. He’d blown into her life, quite literally, on a windy, rainy day. She’d been struggling to get up the stairs to the library, where it was dry, but the heavy wind kept buffeting her. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms scooped her up and carried her inside. She’d been so stunned she hadn’t had time to be afraid.

  “That rainstorm’s a killer today, isn’t it?”

  The voice was deep and warm and sent a chill through her that had nothing to do with being cold. When he set her on her feet, she could only stare at him. She looked up—and up and up—to the tallest guy she’d ever seen, she was sure. His thick black hair curled from the rain, and drops clung to equally thick lashes framing electric-blue eyes. His face was rugged, with high cheekbones and a square jaw. A little bit of late-day dark scruff shading his jawline gave him a hint of danger.

  For a minute, she’d thought she was hallucinating, that her addled freshman mind was having a waking dream. Then he’d reached into the backpack he carried and pulled out a windbreaker, wrapping it around her freezing body.

  “Looks like you need someone to take care of you.”

  That deep voice had resonated inside her, and she was lost to him. After that evening, they were inseparable, the past two years flying by as if the days had wings on their feet.

  Zack’s graduation was just around the corner. She’d planned a surprise for him, but not quite like the one she now had for him. She could only hope he turned out to be as excited as she was. Well, maybe excited wasn’t quite the right word.

  But he loved her. He’d told her more times than she could count. And she loved him, too. Hell, when her parents were this age, they got married. Bailey placed a hand over her stomach, as if the pressure could calm the butterflies having a field day in there.

  She had just taken a sip from a glass of water when she heard Zack running up the stairs. Her heart skipped a beat, and her pulse accelerated. Of course, it always did that when she was anticipating him. A minute later, the door opened. His dark hair was windblown, giving him an even sexier look. She didn’t think she’d ever tire of looking at him. She hoped he’d feel the same way when she gave him her news.

  He tossed his knapsack on the couch, picked her up, and swung her around.

  “Just wait until you hear what I have to tell you.”

  He put her down, cupped her face, and kissed her hard. When he drew back, she noticed the excitement gleaming in his eyes and the big grin on his face.

  “Wow. It must be good. Is it something more about the Air Force? You look like a kid at Christmas.”

  “Better than Christmas.” He glanced over at the little dining area and froze. “Uh, did I miss a special date or something? Looks like you went all out for dinner.”

  “A little. I have something to tell you. I just hope—”

  “Then we both have something to celebrate. Bailey, you won’t believe what happened.”

  He picked her up and sat down on the couch with her on his lap, turning her slightly so he could see her face.

  She laughed. “You’d tell me before you pop.”

  “Well, you know how crazy I am about flying.” He grinned. “Addicted, right?”

  She forced a smile. That was the damn truth. “Of course. And you’re good at it, even if I did get airsick at first.”

  One of the first things Zack had done when they started seeing each other was take her up in a small plane he’d rented from a nearby airfield. She knew his father and his uncle owned a private charter service and had taught him to fly when he was thirteen. He received his pilot’s license at sixteen and never lost his hunger for flying. His father had passed away four years ago, and his uncle had sold the business and moved away. She wasn’t sure where. Maybe he was going to give Zack some free flying time as a graduation gift.

  “Remember me telling you last year how my uncle sold the business after my dad passed away?”

  What on earth? Of course, she knew. But Zack was fairly vibrating with excitement.

  “Is he flying to your graduation and giving us a ride in his plane?”

  “Better than that. He just bought a charter business in Alaska. Alaska, Bailey! Holy shit!”

  The butterflies were turning into a knot strangling her insides.

  “But this is even better, don’t you see? I can start flying full time right away.” He cupped her face and planted a hard kiss on her lips. “It’s my dream.”

  “So this is what has you so excited?” She was doing her best to remain calm.

  Please just be for a visit.

  “Do you want to go and visit him?”

  “Better than that. He wants me to come work with him.” Zack threw his head back and laughed with unrestrained joy. “Can you believe it?”

  Every muscle in Bailey’s body tensed, and she did her best not to throw up. She swallowed and wet her lips.

  “Move to Alaska? Zak, what about the Air Force? All your plans. Our plans?”

  “But don’t you see? This way I can start flying right away. Full time!” He grinned, his eyes sparkling. “And all that uncharted open space in Alaska. God, Bailey. Just think of it.”

  She was, only not the way he was.

  Alaska. Oh god. How can I tell him my news now? What am I going to do?

  “Wow. That’s really great, Zack.” Did he notice the muted enthusiasm in her voice?

  “I can’t believe it. He says he flies customers into the remote north of the state, or takes them on sightseeing trips. Sometimes,
he’s even called on to serve as a medevac service if someone out there is sick. He says every day is an adventure, and I know he’s right.”

  “That’s so great, Zack.”

  He must have caught the slight lack of enthusiasm in her voice because he pulled her into a hug.

  “This doesn’t really change things much, babe. I promise you. I figured we could talk tonight about how we want to handle this.”

  She was nervous about asking the next question. “What about our plans?”

  “Not a problem.” He cupped her face in his palms and smiled at her. “Our plans are still good. We just make a few adjustments.”

  “Adjustments?” She tried to read his eyes. “Like what?

  “For one thing, do you want to stay in school here or transfer to the University of Alaska? They have three campuses, so I know something would work.” What she saw in his eyes was unbridled excitement and anticipation. “Bailey, sweetheart, a chance like this doesn’t come along every day.” He brushed his mouth over hers. “Like I said, we can check at the University of Alaska for a program for you. See what works.”

  No, Zack. I can’t go to Alaska with you because I’m having a baby. Your baby. That means a lot of changes in your life, just when you least need them. I won’t be the one to make you give up your dream, flyboy. I could never live with myself.

  “When did you talk to your uncle about this? It must have just happened.”

  “He called me while I was at the library. I went to Baba’s Coffee because it was so close, and we Skyped from there and discussed everything.” He almost vibrated with excitement. “He’s got three planes and is short one pilot. They fly all over Alaska. Everywhere. He wants me to come up right after graduation.”

  “That soon?”

  “Uh-huh. And I want you to come with me.”


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