Just Jack: Everything laid bare
Page 6
Both girls looked surprised and chimed in at the same time.
“Really, what’s that?”
Grinning wickedly, I knew I risked the chance of offending them but I figured if they were into threesomes, they’d be fine with my discoveries and sharing with a random stranger they probably would never meet again.
“One of these ladies is clean shaven while the other has a landing strip if you know what I mean.”
The driver started to laugh and cough at the same time and both girls’ mouths dropped open in shock at my disclosure.
Yvonne turned to Lizzie and gasped before asking in a high pitched voice, “Did he just tell him about our…”
“Yep.” Lizzie cut her off, sounding flat.
Glancing sheepishly again at the taxi driver, I briefly wondered if he’d be taking me home alone, but Lizzie began giggling and blurted out, “See! I told you that random bit of hair was stupid and now everyone knows about it.”
Both the cabbie and I began laughing openly at Lizzie chiding her friend for her personal grooming preferences while Yvonne looked completely unfazed by the reprimand.
“At least my pussy doesn’t look like a Sphynx cat.”
A roar of laughter escaped from my belly and the cab driver frowned at me, looking puzzled.
“It’s a weird breed of cat that’s wrinkly and hairless, mate.” I said, educating him like I was suddenly some feline expert or something.
We finally made to get out of the cab as the cabbie closed the dividing window, but not quickly enough to stop us from hearing his muffled laughter as he lost control at my comment.
Leaving the cab, Yvonne turned and curled into herself as she laughed raucously and told her friend off.
“I don’t believe you, Lizzie. You have no filter!”
“Yeah, and she doesn’t have any pubes either,” I stated still grinning.
Both of them giggled simultaneously and I breathed a sigh of relief. I had barely stopped laughing by the time we reached the lifts before taking control to ask which floor they were on.
“Sixth,” they both commented together.
I didn’t let on that I’d been in their building more than a few times already. The girls apartment block was where Sly Records and a few other record labels had a couple of apartments for their new signings to shack up, during the first few months in the city. Most new artists were from outside of London so needed a base, and I guessed this way the labels could keep a close eye on their new prodigies.
If I wasn’t mistaken, Alfie Black had stayed on the tenth floor for a couple of months with Crakt Soundzz before they were moved to a secure house in the countryside as they became famous. I had previously been sent to the apartments to conduct interviews a couple of times, especially for the teenage bands.
Stepping into the lift, Lizzie patted my arse and for a moment I felt more like one of her sex toys than a person. There was no need for any pretence; it was a one night stand pure and simple. No real thoughts or feelings for any of us. For me it was all about the fantasy and experience.
I was just crossing the threshold and began to shrug out of my navy suit jacket when Lizzie pinned me to the wall and pressed her hot little body against mine.
“Yvonne’s just getting us something to drink,” she said, linking her hand in mine as she led me to their sitting room.
It was expensively decorated and the only furniture in the room was an oversized cream leather sofa and two wide brown leather chairs. It was apparent that the girls were very successful from the quality of their stuff, and their address. I wondered how much money was involved in their line of work.
Lizzie turned me around as she sat down on one of the chairs, her mouth level with my groin. Leaning in she placed it against my jeans and pressed hard against my now semi-hard dick, blowing hot air into the material. At that point I would have sold my grandma to have her blow me.
“Mmm, I’ve been dying to do this since we’d been on the dance floor,” she cooed, and I silently wished she had.
The continuous hum that passed her lips vibrated like an electrical charge and sent shivers of expectation right through me. I couldn’t help myself and tilted my hips towards her mouth, needing more contact and more than enjoying what she was doing.
“Oh, you like that, huh? Let’s see about this then.”
Without a moment’s hesitation she unbuttoned my jeans, unzipped me and frantically begun tugging the jeans down my legs, exposing my boxer briefs.
“Hey, slow down where’s the fire?” I remarked. She was rough in her desperation to have me naked.
“Wet and wild, Jack. We promised you, remember?” I did.
Lizzie smiled up at me, her eyes glittered with lust as her fingertips tickled my skin on their journey along the edge of my waistband. Suddenly she yanked back the elastic and my dick sprang up, freeing itself from the confines of the cotton.
“Wow. Yvonne, he’s as big as I suspected. Pretty too,” Lizzie commented.
She tilted her head from side to side holding me in her hands like my dick was some expensive trinket she was thinking of purchasing. Southeby’s auctioneers would have been proud of the scrutiny she gave me as she lifted me forwards and up, checking the underside to get an ‘all round view’. When she was satisfied she stopped and just stared with a look of wonder on her face.
A few women had commented that I had a nice dick in the past but I’d never had anyone check me out to that extent before. I mean, a dick’s a dick, right? When she finally took me in her warm palm, she immediately began stroking me and continued to stare at it, eventually she glanced up at me. My head was about to roll back on my shoulders but then she spoke and ruined the moment a little for me.
“Feel good?”
Is the pope Roman Catholic? Is there ice in the Antarctic? She’s stroking my ridged boner and she asks if it feels good?
“Mmm.” I hadn’t been there five minutes and I was already standing in front of her with my jeans and boxers around my knees. A few yards away her friend was mulling around in their open plan kitchen which was less than sexually inspiring. Being able to relax was harder than usual and I just hoped they weren’t going to keep up with the questions. I didn’t want my double ride to feel like an exam. I just wanted to fuck them both and go. Any probing would come from me alone.
Yvonne seemed pretty busy in the kitchen and once again I was distracted when I heard a series of beeps. I imagined her pushing buttons on what sounded like the microwave. I wondered what the fuck was so important that she had to cook at that particular moment.
Meanwhile, Lizzie continued to play with me. I stood quietly waiting for them to make their next move because they were obviously the kind of girls that liked to take charge. I didn’t mind that now and again, and with them being a double act and me being a threesome virgin, I was more than happy for them to lead the way.
A few seconds later the microwave dinged and gave three beeps indicating that whatever was in there was ready. Yvonne took out a small red bowl and glanced over at Lizzie who grinned widely and raised her eyebrows at her as she walked towards us.
Yvonne came alongside me, turned and ran her hands up under my shirt. She raked her nails a little sharply back down towards my dick before leaning in to kiss me. My hands automatically found her hip and her arse as she sucked hungrily on my bottom lip then sunk her tongue deep in exploration. A low groan fell from my mouth into hers. Suddenly breaking the kiss, Yvonne began unbuttoning my shirt while Lizzie tugged my jeans and boxers down to my ankles.
As soon as I pulled both legs free from the rough material, Lizzie pushed herself to a stand and pressed her hands against my shoulders. She shoved me backwards until I landed on one of the soft leather chairs. The leather felt notably cold under my warm body.
Lizzie placed her palms on my inner thighs and spread my legs wide, kneeling between them. I had to admit that I was a tad nervous at what they had planned for me. She smiled seductively as Yvonne smirked and scoo
ped some white foamy looking substance from the bowl onto her fingertips. It looked like shaving foam but didn’t smell of anything.
Passing the bowl to Lizzie to hold, Yvonne then reached out and wrapped her fingers around my shaft applying the foam to my length. The texture was silky smooth and creamy and felt exquisite against my skin. My eyes rolled involuntarily at the sensation it evoked in me.
“Nice? Yvonne asked quite genuinely.
“Stop doing that and I will bite you, hard,” I groaned and let a low growl pass my lips.
I’d never felt anything like it and immediately I reminded myself to find out it’s name when I was in a less horny state.
“Hmm…tempting offer,” Lizzie purred as Yvonne continued to stroke me her gaze transfixed on what she was doing.
Yvonne’s thumb grazed over my head and I sucked in a deep breath because it felt incredible, but I still cracked an eye open at Lizzie’s comment.
“I wasn’t addressing you, love. I don’t see you doing anything.” I said provocatively, teasing her.
Lizzie smirked knowingly at Yvonne and nodded before turning back to meet my gaze, her eyes heavy with lust.
“Well I guess I’d better get to it then.” I don’t know why but that statement made me swallow hard.
Yvonne drew her hands away and exactly one breath later, Lizzie took me in her mouth shoving my dick all the way to the back of her throat before giving an exaggerated hum.The sudden vibrations sent a shockwave through me and I felt myself leak into her mouth. I was starting to get lost in the full attention of two females when Yvonne crouched down beside her friend.
“Slide down a bit Jack, I want to get your balls.”
No sooner were the words out of her mouth than a ripping noise sounded from the chair as my skin peeled away from the leather and I quickly scooted down to allow both girls access to me. My skin erupted in a fresh batch of goose bumps as her words took hold of my hormones. My arousal was just about off the scale with them and right then I’d have done anything they asked of me.
Yvonne’s eyes captured mine just as her mouth inched towards my scrotum. They sparkled with a mixture of mischief and lust as she smiled salaciously before she touched me. The anticipation of what she was about to do was almost enough to make me come on its own. Taking my right ball in her mouth, she rolled it around with her tongue and had me growling loudly in ecstasy. The sensation felt like my dick was going to burst at being teased when the both of them stimulated me at the same time.
The scene was downright scandalous from where I was sitting. Two amazing looking women giving me an oral sex experience I’d never forget. Cupping the back of Lizzie’s head to hold her in place I began fucking her mouth as gently as I could, mindful that Yvonne had one of my jewels between her lips. I was no longer holding back and fully invested. Just the thought of what they were going to do to me was off-the-charts hot and I knew we were going to have fun.
Chapter 8 ~ Lift-off
Sometimes it can take a while for me to get fully hard even when I receive good head. It has something to do with the size and blood flow I’m told, and I can handle being sucked off. I’m not normally a one orgasm guy either, but I am a gentleman. I always take care of any lady I’m with before I finish. However, the way both girls were playing my body, I seriously thought they could give classes to the masses on exactly what would get a guy off. They were like the ultimate oral experts.
Ever felt dizzy with desire? I swear that was exactly what happened to me with those girls. If a woman had two mouths and I had one wish, that’s exactly what I’d have her do to me all day long. Suck my balls and blow me at the same time.
Mentally, one minute I was like, Oh, jeez that’s incredible I wonder where they learned to do that. Fuck! The next, I’m going to come and then, do fishermen use worms or something bigger for bait to catch a shark? I kept asking myself stupid questions and thinking of anything that might take my attention away from what their mouths were doing to me. I wanted it to last for as long as possible.
Before long I was feeling close to the edge again, I gently pushed Yvonne’s head away and pulled my dick out of Lizzie’s mouth with a pop. There was no way I was going to be satisfied with just oral with their skill set. I wanted to see what other talents they had to offer. Glancing at me over my dick, Lizzie’s eyes were tinted pink and filled to the brim with lust as she gave me a naughty smirk before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. It was a scene I’d witnessed in many porn movies when I was away on assignment and bored in some hotel room or another.
Yvonne was already on her feet. She peeled the figure hugging lime green dress she was wearing over her head. Her hair crackled with electricity as it rubbed against the material, and I wondered if she stripped that fast in her day job.
My eyes scanned her from head to toe, appraising every inch of her fine body with her even light brown skin’s shiny appearance. She was either olive skinned or she’d been on holiday, but I didn’t see any tan lines. Wearing a small black lacy thong and suspenders, with a matching lacy see-through bra, I was in awe at her perfect female form.
Lizzie slicked her hands down over the outline of her small breasts and stood fully clothed in an identical dress to Yvonne’s, I was mesmerised. I couldn’t say which view I liked the best, the hint of hidden pleasures she had to offer underneath her dress, or the image of Yvonne stripped down to her underwear before me.
Reaching down, Lizzie ran her fingers along the edge of the dress toying with the hem, lifting it slightly in a teasing manner, she stroked between her thighs before allowing it to drop again. For a moment she had me thinking that she’d make a better stripper than Yvonne. My thoughts were disrupted when Yvonne reached out and took my hand as she leaned in. She planted another kiss on my dry lips as she shoved my hand between her thighs onto the wet, lacy gusset of her thong. Instantly my dick twitched, bouncing on my belly as I enjoyed the foreplay.
Pushing her away, my mind was ready to explode with the fantasies that were forming in my head. I tried to hurry things along by moving my arse forward in the chair and sitting up. As I was about to stand, Lizzie lifted one foot and placed her green stiletto shoe between my legs, only a hair’s breadth from my balls, then placing her hands on my shoulders, she pushed me back into the chair.
Gulping noisily, I silently thanked God that she’d missed my wedding tackle with her killer heel. My eyes flicked nervously to Yvonne for her reaction. I was relieved when she began laughing softly whilst Lizzie shook her head at me with a stern look on her face.
“I think you should have figured out how this works by now, Jack. You do the fucking, we do the preparation and warm-up.”
When she put it like that I knew exactly what I needed to do, nothing, until I was called upon to perform. I just hoped I was half as desirable to them as they were to me.
Smiling, I stared wide eyed at the both of them and nodded in approval.
“Indeed, ladies. I know my place. I think I know how this works now. I’m happy to take your lead. Just tag me by slapping my arse and I’ll fire up.”
Both girls chuckled at my comment; my response obviously pleased them as everything began to make sense to me. There were two of them and one of me, so I wasn’t losing face by allowing them to master me.
Swallowing a small chuckle, Lizzie pursed her lips and lifted my hand. She placed it back on Yvonne’s lacy underwear then inclined her head in the direction of her friend’s pussy. Lizzie’s eyes bored into mine with one eyebrow raised quizzically at me.
“Pay attention, Jack, we won’t tolerate any more interruptions, understand?”
I could feel my lips curl up at the edges because I liked stern Lizzie; the edge in her voice was more of a turn on than what she was saying. No doubt about it, the girls were very different in their approach to sex, but both were smoking hot. I became increasingly aroused and excited at the prospect of them telling me what to do, and when to do it, than I thought I’d ever be.
It was the first time I’d allowed someone else to take complete control. The anticipation of what was coming began to make me feel desperate for them to do whatever they needed to so that I could have my turn. As soon as I received my instruction, my focus was immediately back on Yvonne.
Slipping my fingers inside the elastic of her thong I cupped her mound and began to stroke the silky smooth outer lips of her pussy. My dick twitched at the stimulus of the slick texture of her soaking wet lips. Gliding my finger across her seam, Yvonne moaned softly and her head rolled back stretching her neck upwards so that her long hair cascaded down her back. And that my friends, was an amazingly sexy pose.
Under my touch she instinctively spread her knees wider, inviting my fingers to slip between her outer and inner lips. My touch instantly made her moan again, but that time much louder as her pelvis tilted in the direction of my wandering hand. At that point I was in no doubt Yvonne was the more submissive of the two girls.
I stroked the length of her pussy while her head rolled forward onto her chest, her eyes were brimming with lust and her face displayed pure pleasure. Yvonne made me want to hurry things along, but Lizzie interrupted the flow by climbing up and straddling the arms of the chair. Suddenly my view was even more appealing.
I was delighted when I glanced up and saw her teasing me more than I thought possible by displaying her bare pussy under her dress.
My hands wrapped around the smooth skin of her ankles. I glanced up to meet her gaze a little unsure that I could take the initiative without her direct say so. Lizzie smirked knowingly and chuckled.
“You have my permission, Jack, you may touch me.”
Applying firm pressure, I gripped her ankles and squeezed gently before relaxing and began to glide my palms up the outside contours of her legs. Staring intently, her eyes locked on mine but there was no outward reaction from her to what I was doing. I stopped short of her hips because my hands couldn’t reach that far. I repeated my sweeping movements on the inside of her legs, which again stopped short of her pussy. We groaned slightly as it affected the both of us.