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The Perfect Heresy

Page 29

by Stephen O'Shea

  call for crusade against, 69–70

  campaign against, 5–6

  in Carcassonne, 100, 173

  and Cistercian monks, 59

  connection to Nazis, 257–58

  crusade against, 140, 156

  debates with Catholics, 55–56, 57, 58, 62–63, 71, 94, 130

  in exile, 240, 241

  Inquisition in destruction of, 197–200, 226–30

  in Languedoc, 8, 9–10, 183, 222–25, 239

  legacy of, 262–64

  in Minerve, 111–16, 125

  at Montségur, 213–21

  network of, 161

  organization, 31

  and power struggle between feudal lords, 106–7

  Raymond Roger Trencavel and, 76, 77

  reemergence of, 173–74

  revival of, 233–38

  romanticized, 253

  in Toulouse, 121–23

  valedictory, 222–25

  writings about, 249–52, 253, 255–62

  Cathedral of Ste-Cécile, 2–5, 3f

  Catholic hierarchy, 170–72

  conclave on Raymond of Toulouse, 125–26

  Catholicism, 258

  conversion to, 204

  Catholics, 121

  debates with Cathars, 55–56, 57, 58, 62–63, 94, 130

  Cavaille, William-Peter, 237

  Celestine III, Pope, 35

  Cellerien, Sicard, 31

  Champagne, 8

  Charlemagne, 46

  Chartres, 181

  Chatte (cat), 97–98, 164–65, 166–67, 216

  Christianity, 37

  Church (the), 2, 11–12, 213

  as cash cow for French monarchs, 181

  dissatisfaction with, 8

  and Languedoc, 49–54, 118

  role in world, 31

  women in, 40–41

  Church leaders, Languedoc, 170–72

  Church of Rome, 109

  Church of St. Mary Magdalene (Béziers), 79, 85

  Cistercian monastic movement/monks, 49–51, 58–60, 62, 176, 196, 200

  Civil society

  destroyed by Inquisition, 198

  Claricia, 36

  Clement III, Pope, 36

  Clergue, Peter, 238

  Cologne, Germany, 30

  Colonna (clan), 35, 118

  Comminges, 134

  Comminges, count of, 139

  Conrad of Marburg, 195, 228

  Consolamentum, 23–24, 26, 77, 131, 173, 191, 219, 235–36, 242

  for Belibaste, 240, 241

  women receiving, 41, 43

  Constance (mother of Raymond VI), 44, 45

  Constantine, 37

  Constantinople, 73, 119

  Consuls (capitouls), 52, 120, 160

  Conti family, 35–36

  Conti di Segni, Lotario dei

  see Innocent III, Pope (Lotario dei Conti di Segni)

  Corbières, 18, 79, 90, 127, 157, 240, 246, 258, 262

  Cordes, 200

  Counterculture, 258–59

  Couserans, 134

  Credentes, 21, 22, 25–26, 28, 115, 121, 122, 131, 173, 174, 210, 235

  of Bélibaste, 241

  burned at Montségur, 219

  errors in beliefs of, 236

  female, 42, 43

  in Inquisition, 199, 208

  number of, 41

  refuge at Montségur, 214

  Cross (the), 24–25, 28

  Crusade, 75–80, 117, 250

  attack on Béziers, 78–80, 81–87, 88, 221

  end of, 179–90

  end of, ordered, 137, 138–39, 140

  against lands of Toulouse, 129–31

  in Languedoc, 138–41

  military success of, 118

  reinstated, 141

  victim of quarantine, 169

  see also Albigensian Crusade

  Crusaders, 70–74

  attack on Carcassonne, 88–103

  attack on Minerve, 112–16

  battle of Muret, 141–49

  destruction by, 109

  promises made to, 72

  Crusades, 26, 239

  bloody sideshows in, 73

  doom for Jews in, 80


  d’Ablis, Geoffrey, 237, 238

  d’Alayrac, Philip, 237, 240

  D’Alfaro, Raymond, 208–9

  Dante Alighieri, 58

  De miseria condicionis humanae (Clement III), 36

  Debussy, Claude, 261

  Delicieux, Bernard, 4, 233, 234f

  Diego de Azevedo, bishop of Osma, 60–63

  Dispossession, threat of, 202

  Divine Comedy (Dante), 58

  Docetism, 30

  Doinel, Jules, 254

  Dominic, St.

  see Domingo de Guzmán (St. Dominic)

  Dominicans, 60, 172, 174–75, 202

  and Inquisition, 7, 14

  inquisitors, 192, 196, 200–205, 208, 229, 232

  Domingo de Guzmán (St. Dominic), x, 15, 60–66, 61f, 71, 129, 173, 185, 202, 239, 250

  canonized saint, 192

  death of, 174–75

  Dondaine, Antoine, 14

  Dualism, 13, 18, 23, 81, 111, 121, 236, 238, 245

  Cathar, 11, 12, 24, 41, 173

  “churches” of, 230

  Dualists, 30, 174

  Dutch Rosicrucians, 259


  Eco, Umberto, 228

  Eleanor (wife of Raymond of Toulouse), 92

  Eleanor of Aquitaine, 190, 225

  Endura (hunger strike), 236

  England, 181

  Enguerrand of Coucy, 129

  Epernon, Robert d’, 22

  Ermessinde (wife of Roger Bernard), 225

  Esclarmonde of Foix, x, 43, 110–1, 153, 176, 250, 256

  film about, 262

  operas about, 253

  Etiennette de Pennautier (called Loba), 45–46, 48, 104, 105, 176

  Eudes, duke of Burgundy, 69

  Eudo, 27

  Europe, Church in, 39

  Excommunication, threat of, 202


  Fabre, Raymond, 237

  Faidits (fautors), 107

  Fair heretics (bela eretga), 44

  Fanjeaux (town), 18, 43, 62, 110

  Cathars in, 170, 173

  Fausta (wife of Constantine), 37, 38

  Félibrige, 253, 254

  Ferrer, Brother, 226–27

  Feudal lords

  political power struggle between, 106–7

  Feudal order

  French king represented sacred legitimacy of, 183

  Feudal rules, 136, 140

  Feudalism, 44

  Fiancée des ténèbres, La (film), 262

  Figueira, Guilhem, 171

  First Crusade, 46

  First World War, 254

  Flanders, 52

  Foix, 64, 253

  castle of, 108

  and royal crusade, 184, 186

  Foix, count of, 134, 139

  Foix, family of, 135–36

  Fontevrault, 224

  Fontfroide, monastery of, 59

  Fournier, Jacques (later Benedict XII), x, 237, 238, 239, 245–46, 245f

  Fourth Crusade, 72–73, 108, 119

  Fourth Lateran Council, 150–56, 152f, 177, 195

  decree of, 155–56, 157, 161, 170, 178

  France, 10

  and Languedoc, 178, 180–81

  annexed Languedoc, 2, 10, 19, 225

  Francis of Assisi, 62

  Franciscans, 62, 175, 204

  Frangipani, 35, 38, 118, 179

  Frederick Barbarossa, Emperor, 22, 28, 72

  Frederick II, Emperor (Stupor Mundi), 35, 203, 207, 218

  French army, 206, 212

  royal crusade, 183–87

  French monarchy

  Occitans and, 183

  French Third Republic, 249, 250, 253

  French Underground, 258

  Fulk of Marseilles, bishop of Toulouse, x, 15, 42, 49, 58, 64, 66, 68–69, 122f, 124, 130, 152, 171–72, 202,

  and battle of Muret, 142, 144

  deceased, 192

  in exile, 170, 175

  at Fourth Lateran Council, 153–54, 155–56

  preaching campaign in Toulouse, 121–23

  and royal crusade, 183, 186

  and siege of Toulouse, 160, 161, 164


  Garcias, Peter, 222–23, 246

  Garonne, 161, 164

  Gascon nobility, 142

  Gascony, 47

  Gaston of Béarn, 139

  Gelasius II, Pope, 34

  Genoa, 181

  Geralda, lady of Lavaur, 111, 131

  Giotto di Bondone, 62

  Gnostics, 30, 42, 80, 81

  God of Catharism, 11

  Golairan, William-Raymond, 209

  Gospel of John, 80–81

  Grail stories, 254, 256, 257

  Great Heresy

  Languedoc and, 17–31

  Gregory VII, Pope, 25, 33, 94

  Gregory IX, Pope (Ugolino dei Conti di Segni), x, 186, 193, 194f, 195–96, 202–3

  death of, 207

  Gros, Raymond, 204

  Gui, Bernard, 228, 237, 239

  Guilhabert of Castres, x–xi, 15, 43, 63, 110, 173, 191, 192, 214, 239, 259

  Guirdham, Arthur, 259

  Guy de Montfort, 166


  Heaven’s Gate, 261

  Helena (mother of Constantine), 37

  Henry of Lausanne, 27, 29

  Henry II, king of England, 25, 66, 70, 225

  Henry III, king of England, 207–8, 211–12

  Henry VI, Emperor and king of Germany, 34–35, 203

  Henry VIII, king of England, 38

  Heresiarchs, 21, 173

  Heresy, 27–31, 57, 205, 233

  bastion of, 110

  celebration of failed, 248–49

  Inquisition and, 225–30

  in Italy, 230

  Languedoc, 156

  putting down, 195–96

  rooting out, 206

  tolerance of, 94, 140

  Heresy tribunal, 193–95

  Heretics, 72

  burning, 127, 131

  Hervé de Donzy, count of Nevers, 69, 100

  Hildegard of Bingen, 40

  Histoire des Albigeois (Peyrat), 250

  Hohenstaufens, 47, 177

  Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, The (Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln), 260–61

  Honorius III, Pope, 169

  Hot, Arnold, 63

  Hugh de Lacy, 103

  Hugh de Lusignan, 207–8, 212

  Hugh of Arcis, 215, 216–17

  Hugo, Victor, 261

  Humbert de Beaujeau, 186

  Hundred Years’ War, 212

  Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 254


  Iberian Peninsula, 10, 93, 132

  Ideas, 20

  history of, 10

  in Languedoc, 52–53

  Ile de France, 10, 19, 44, 178

  Ile de la Cité, 187–88, 190

  Informers, 198, 199, 204

  Innocent III, Pope (Lotario dei Conti di Segni), xi, 15, 32–39, 34f, 40, 41, 51, 54, 60, 62, 66, 70, 157, 171, 176, 177, 186, 196, 203, 239

  on bishops, 195

  call for crusade, 68–69, 109

  and Church in Languedoc, 57–58

  and crusades, 72, 73–74, 87, 94, 133, 137

  death of, 159, 174

  ended Albigensian Crusade, 137, 138–39, 140

  Fourth Lateran Council, 150–51, 153–56, 161

  launched Albigensian Crusade, 6

  made it crime to tolerate presence of heretics, 106–7

  Pedro vassal of, 92–93

  power of, 118–19

  and punishment of Raymond, 126, 129

  and Raymond of Toulouse’s diplomatic offensive, 119–20, 124, 125

  reinstated crusade, 140–41

  Innocent IV, Pope, 229–30

  Inquisition, 2, 7, 42, 173, 191–200, 211, 214, 215, 218–19, 225–30, 240, 241, 242, 246

  Aragonese, 241

  backlash, 201–10

  heads of, 237

  interrogation check list, 197

  interrogations, 14, 226, 228

  in Italy, 229–30

  symbol of, 220f

  torture in, 229

  Inquisition registers, 227, 227f, 233

  Inquisitors, 196–200, 202–4, 205f, 208, 211, 213, 222, 225–30, 232, 238

  Inquisitor’s manuals, 228

  Interdict, 129

  threat of, 202

  Toulouse under, 118, 120, 204

  Internet, 261

  Italian language, 22

  Italy, 8, 39

  Inquisition in, 229–30


  Jean de St. Pierre, 227–28

  Jerusalem, 8, 39, 46, 70, 72, 137, 151

  Jesus of Nazareth, 24, 30, 260

  Jews, 69, 77, 202

  attacked by crusaders, 73

  doom for, in crusades, 80

  of Languedoc, 20, 53

  required to wear yellow circle, 151

  in Toulouse, 121, 123

  Joan of Arc, cult of, 250

  Joan of England, 45, 156, 158, 224

  John, king of England, 149, 181

  Jongleurs, 19–20, 43, 44

  Jordan, Pons, 63

  Jubilee, 230–32


  Kabbalah/Kabbalists, 20, 42

  Knights, 109, 144, 215

  in battle of Muret, 141–43, 146

  killed at Lavaur, 130

  mounted, 71

  in siege of Toulouse, 165–66

  Kreuzzug gegen den Gral (Rahn), 256


  Lackland, John, 45

  Languedoc, 1, 7, 13–14, 39

  Amaury de Montfort handed over to France, 178, 181

  annexed to France, 2, 10, 19, 225

  betrayal of Cathars in, 222–25

  Catharism in, 17–31, 41, 126

  Cathars and, 8, 9–10, 183, 222- 25, 239

  the Church and, 49–54, 118

  crusade to, 73, 135, 138–41

  debate between Cathars and Catholics, 55–56, 57, 58

  in Fourth Lateran Council, 152–56

  fragility of, 172–73

  France and, 178, 180–81

  and the Great Heresy, 16, 17–31

  Inquisition in, 230

  linguistic recovery movement, 253

  as moral utopia, 255

  overlords, 44–49

  partible inheritance system, 43

  pop exploitation of Catharism, 247–49, 258–62

  repression of Cathars in, 228

  resentment toward Inquisition in, 206

  revolt in, 211–13

  Romano di San Angelo papal legate to, 179–80

  royal crusade in, 183–87, 190

  search for heretics in, 196

  Simon de Montfort lord of, 152, 156, 159

  tolerance in, 173

  troubadour culture, 250

  war in, 169–72

  warriors from, besieging Montségur, 215–18

  Languedoc nobles, 172, 207–8

  dispossessed, 106–7

  and royal crusade, 182–83

  La Mancha, 132–33

  Las Navas de Tolosa, 133, 138, 142, 159

  Lateran Palace, 28, 37, 38

  Laurac, 173

  Lauragais, 173

  Lavaur, 18, 129, 137, 138, 173, 184

  siege of, 129–31, 171

  Leigh, Richard, 260

  Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, 14

  Lincoln, Henry, 260

  Lizier, Grazida, 236

  Lombard League, 22

  Lombardy, 52

  Lombers (town), 30–31, 44, 56, 110

  Lombrives, 251–52, 254, 255

  Louis VIII, king of France, xii, 169, 177, 180–81, 213

  royal crusade, 182, 183–85

  Louis IX, king of France, 185f, 189, 215, 239

  Louvre, 190

  Lucius II, Pope, 34

  Luzifers Hofg
esind (Rahn), 256–57


  Magiciens et illuminés (Magre), 255

  Magna Carta, 107, 151

  Magre, Maurice, 255–56, 258, 260

  Maimonides, Moses, 202

  Main de Dieu, La (movie), 261–62

  Malvoisine, La (Bad Neighbor), 112–13, 114, 124, 164

  Mangonels, 96

  Manual of the Inquisitors of Carcassonne (Bernard de Caux), 228

  Mark (gravedigger), 22, 229, 239

  Marmande massacre, 169, 177, 183

  Marseilles, 183

  Marty, Arnold, 243

  Marty, Bertrand, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219

  Mary, mother of Jesus, 40, 101

  Mary Magdalene, 80–81, 239, 260

  feastday, 79, 80, 88, 116

  Mass executions by fire, 116

  Massacres, 211

  at Marmande, 169

  at Montgey, 153–54

  at Muret, 149, 159

  Matter/material world

  in Catharism, 10, 11, 122

  Maury, Peter, 241, 243–44

  Medieval (the), 7

  Medieval society, 71

  Medieval warfare

  conventions of, 84

  sabotage scenario, 98

  Melioramentum, 21, 22, 121, 242

  Mercadier, Sans, 237

  Mercenaries (routiers), 65, 71, 86, 164, 215

  with crusading army, 71, 72

  Mercier, Guirald, 31

  Metempsychosis, 42

  Middle Ages, 7, 67

  Milo (notary), 69, 125

  Mine gallery(ies), 98

  Minerve, 111–16, 124, 125, 127, 137, 164, 173

  Minervois, 18, 90, 111

  Mirabilis Urbis Romae (Innocent III), 36

  Mirepoix, 173

  Mistral, Frederic, 253

  Moissac, 200

  Monastic clergy, 50

  Monasticism, 49

  Moneylending, 121, 122

  Montagne Noire, 18, 79, 90, 105, 127, 157

  Perfects on, 192

  Montaillou, 18, 237–38, 242

  Montaillou (Le Roy Ladurie), 14

  Montforts, 177, 179

  Arnold Amaury turned against, 176

  reparations to, 180

  Montgey, 130, 135, 163

  massacre at, 153–54

  Montpellier, 7, 17, 47, 52, 59, 60, 128

  Church leaders exiled in, 170

  and crusade, 76

  Dominic in, 61–62

  Inquisition in, 202

  Montpensier, 184, 185

  Montréal, 18, 62, 63

  siege of, 206

  Montségur, 18, 137, 153, 256, 259, 262–63, 263f

  Cathars in, 110, 173, 205

  cult of, 250–52, 254

  fall of, 15, 213–21, 222

  siege of, 7

  studies of, 258

  refuge for Perfect, 213–15

  Moore, R. I., 13

  Moors, 10, 133, 137

  Morella, 242, 243, 246

  Mount St. Bartholomew, 110, 214, 263

  Muret, 177

  battle of, 141–49, 146f, 147f, 152

  memory of, avenged, 166

  victory of, 156, 159

  Muslims, 10, 39, 151


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