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A Vampire's Purgatory (Romance In Central City Book 8)

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by Jordan K. Rose

  In one short revolution of the sun he’d gone from being a scientist whose primary focus was on stopping Raymond Tyrone to a vampire in the throes of mate lust. His number one priority went from stopping a madman to loving a woman.

  The transition was confusing. His brain held onto the concepts of science and the greater good of Central City and mankind.

  Yet, his heart, a muscle which now seemed far stronger than his brain, demanded he reset his priorities.

  Raymond Tyrone no longer seemed the titan he once did. Panthera Laboratories was not an unstoppable adversary. Instead, Ricard’s new priorities categorized the vile man as a rich, petulant, twisted child whose selfishness led to his death. Now Panthera would be more easily shut down. Rollins would be subdued and imprisoned.

  From Ricard’s perspective Jessica was more powerful, far more intriguing, and full of secrets he could not wait to unlock. How had this human woman been able to maintain a separation between them while he fed from her? What power did she have? What secret was she keeping?

  Secrets? The idea of his mate hiding information from him gave him great concern. She knew things he could not learn unless she told him, yet, she kept something hidden deep in her mind. Could she possibly have a secret as torturous as his?

  How could he hide such a secret from his mate? How was it either of them could hide anything from the other?

  This new perspective had Ricard more concerned than comforted.

  Jessica gasped. Her eyebrows crinkled and her eyes moved rapidly beneath her eyelids. Her lips twitched.

  “It’s all right, love. You’re only dreaming.” He cuddled her closer, whispering the words in her ear, and savoring the experience of holding his mate. Now was not the time to tell her.

  Before long she relaxed, turning her face into his neck and curling up in his arms.

  Ricard wondered if she dreamed of Joshua, which brought his thoughts back around to Tyrone and the experiments performed on the poor child. The entire Stevens family had been duped, used, and thrown aside by Panthera. The only one left to talk about it was Jessica.

  He’d have bet his life she was high on Rollin’s list of people to find and torture next.

  The fact these two people, one he hated, the other he loved with every cell in his body, were so completely intertwined changed everything.

  It was not at all possible Tyrone would have known Jessica was anyone’s mate. But, based on the experiments on Joshua, her parents’ connection to Panthera’s research, and the fact Ricard was nearly a hundred percent confident Tyrone had experimented on their mother while she was pregnant and had purposefully driven Matt Stevens insane, it was nearly impossible to believe Jessica was not also a victim.

  This hypothesis led him back to the fact Jessica was able to keep secrets from him.

  Staring down at the woman he loved, Ricard realized Jessica knew far more about what she’d seen and heard from Panthera than she could share. But what was keeping her from sharing? That was the question.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Jessica. Jessica.” The tone of Ricard’s voice was stern, much more so than Jessie liked. “Jessica, wake up.”

  She opened her eyes, feeling tension. It was a peculiar sensation because her entire body was relaxed to the point of being rubbery. She wasn’t even sure she could hold her head up.

  She may have been too physically weak, but inside and all around she felt stronger than she’d ever felt before. As sure as she knew she was alive, she felt something new, an energy or a flow of something bigger than herself, more powerful.

  Whatever it was, it was greater even than Ricard. She sensed he felt it too. In fact, she sensed there was now an invisible tether linking them. It was bigger than love, more tangible, as if it had a spirit of its own.

  This sensation filled her with light and love. Where she felt a chill, it warmed her. Where she felt too hot, it cooled. This thing provided for her.

  Beyond this wonderful connection was a tense pressure descending, coming toward her from every direction. The separate being was familiar to her. It was Ricard.

  “What’s wrong?” she managed to slide over a few inches and see his face.

  Eyebrows drew close together. Eyes narrowed. The spot below his eye jumped.

  “We must question you.” His jaw set, causing the muscles to bulge. “Then, you and I must talk alone.”

  “You’re still upset that Rafe will do it, aren’t you?” With concerted effort she lifted her hand to his cheek. “I’ll try my best to answer questions for you first, but no one seems to think that will work.”

  She hated to see him worry over something that was out of their control and she was fairly certain was a supernatural safety measure. Now was not the time to admit she was happy to hear nature was on her side in this situation.

  Certainly, a vampire being able to influence his mate did not bode well for the poor mate. No, this was a definite situation of nature getting it right.

  Slowly and steadily strength returned to her body, making her able to support her own weight.

  He was quiet for a moment. “That is not my concern.”

  She felt the connection between them vibrate, like a current of electricity ran through it. Ricard flinched. Had she not been looking at him, she’d have missed it.

  His body tensed, shoulders rising for a split second.

  “Ricard, do not try to mislead me. What we have between us will not allow you to lie.” Shifting, she pulled herself up to sit on his lap, immediately missing the feel of his body against hers. “This situation will work itself out fine. You’ll be with me. Serge will be there. There is no reason for you to fear Rafe will do anything inappropriate. Besides, he has his own mate.”

  She rubbed his cheek. “He will certainly understand what you’re feeling.”

  He clasped her hand to his face, then kissed her palm. “It is instinctual for a vampire to feel anger toward another who would try to use compulsion on his mate. I do not deny feeling that way. But, I am less concerned for this situation than I am over what we will learn from you.”

  “What do you mean?” She could not fathom what could possibly be of worry. If she knew something, she’d share it. “Whatever I know will help us.”

  “I am certain you are correct. It is not what you know that concerns me. It’s why you keep it buried so deeply that is alarming.”

  “I don’t understand. Did you try to question me when you bit me? I didn’t think that’s what you were doing.” Alarms went off in Jessie’s mind. Had her mate tried to use a moment that she believed was personal and between them and about their love to gain something else.

  The simple thought of such betrayal hurt. How could he?

  “Ricard, why?”

  His hands came to her arms, and he held her firmly, staring deep into her eyes. “I did not question you. I was as busy enjoying our moment as you. That time was for us, not for work. There is a time for everything, and during our intimate moments there is no time for work.”

  Slowly his head dipped an inch. “Do you understand?”

  She nodded. “Then what are you talking about?”

  “In our moment, while I fed, I should have been able to calm your thoughts, even lull you into a sleepy state of pleasure.”

  “I was sleepy and I did like it.” She recalled the way it felt when his fangs broke her skin. Crazy fear crashed against an overwhelming wash of pleasure.

  In less than a second’s time she forgot feeling afraid and slipped straight into a state of contentment.

  “You did. I could tell. Though, generally, it’s far more pleasurable than you experienced.”

  “Really?” She smiled. “That doesn’t sound too bad.”

  “Hmm. Yes, well, what does sound bad is you are my mate and it was not far more pleasurable. You never let go of the multitude of thoughts swirling in your mind. Rather, they continued tumbling over and over, and I was unable to distract you from them entirely.”

we shouldn’t take that to mean anything. Think about what has happened to me. I would be ashamed of myself if I simply forgot my brother.” The thought of ever forgetting Joshua and what he’d been put through was impossible.

  “Jessica, love, you don’t understand. A vampire’s bite has brought relief to humans in the most horrific moments. For example, as they lie dying, terrified by the vampire’s attack, we are able to relax the worry.”

  Jessie winced. “Sort of a bad analogy, don’t you think?”

  “Perhaps, but what is…worse…is that your thoughts could not be calmed. I wonder not only what you know, but what has been done to you to make you not forget and not share.”

  “Done to me?”

  “Yes. I’m certain you’ve seen things that Tyrone or Rollins did not want you to repeat, but they didn’t want you to forget either. To add to my suspicion is the fact Tyrone was at your home. The man was rarely seen outside Panthera in the last few years, yet he went to your home when he knew your brother wasn’t there. It leads me to believe you must have been very valuable to him.”

  “You think I’ve been…I’m an experiment?” Jessie’s hands shook. “What’s going to happen to me?”

  There was nothing that compared to not knowing. There was not a thing that rivaled the terror of what might happen.

  “You have to figure it out. You have to know what’s in here.” She pointed to her temple. “You have to let Rafe question me. Don’t make this harder than it is.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  As if seeing the look of fear on Jessica’s face did not hurt enough, feeling her fright was immensely worse. It wasn’t simply the usual increased heart rate and quickened pulse that caused Ricard to want to shelter her from the world.

  But having tasted his mate, having a piece of her gave him a direct link to her that amplified everything. It seemed as though the fear was his own more than it was hers.

  When she placed a trembling hand on his chest, he wanted nothing more than to hold her and force the world away from her.

  “Ricard, I know you hate the idea, but please don’t argue about Rafe questioning me. We have to know what I might know, and the sooner the better.” She sat watching him, and Ricard felt her trying to comfort him. “You can trust him, even with your own life.”

  “I do trust him with my life, but it’s not my life I’m worried about.”

  He literally felt the way his mate’s entire being focused on soothing his worry and coaxing him to agree with her request. Silently, but as sure as she was sitting on his lap, her being moved around him, assuring that everything would be fine, that there was nothing to fear.

  Without a word or a movement she provided him with the knowledge he needed, showing him that when Rafe last questioned her nothing untoward happened, nothing frightened her. She opened herself to Ricard and showed him that Rafe had been nothing less than kind and respectful in his probing.

  “This connection mates have that allows them to communicate and know what the other needs is indescribable. From the moment we met I felt it.” He could not stop the smile that slowly appeared.

  Remembering how good it felt to have a mate, someone who existed for him, someone who gave meaning to his existence, brought such solace and joy to his old heart.

  Still with this pleasure for himself, he owed Jessica an explanation, the truth. “Love, I have spent many years trying to understand the mating bond, trying to rationalize and understand something I thought to be so far out of my reach that it never occurred to me it might happen again.”

  “Again?” Her hand came to his cheek.

  He nodded, keeping his gaze trained on her face, not wanting to miss any sign of upset. “Yes. My first mate died many years ago.”

  He studied her smoky eyes and for the first time noticed how they had deepened to a dark chocolate. He noticed the way they shimmered in the dimly lit room, as though they were lit from the inside by something too powerful to be hidden.

  “I’m so sorry, Ricard.” She threw her arms around his neck and squeezed him close. “That must have been an awful time for you.” Kissing his neck she said, “If you felt about each other the way we feel now, I don’t know how you went on living.”

  “Yes, we did.” Ricard held Jessica, savoring the feel of her soft body against his, the scent of her skin, and the warmth of her love. “Mates are for life. It’s very rare for one to go on without the other, and practically a miracle for a remaining mate to find another.”

  “It’s a blessing. A real blessing.” She sniffled. “I’m so thankful to have you.”

  Jessica’s very essence seemed to flow through Ricard, not just around him, or near him. She literally moved through him, as though she were part of him.

  He remembered this feeling, remembered the very first time he felt it with Genevieve. They had both been surprised by the exhilaration, the intimacy, and the power of the pure love.

  “I am surprised by this new experience. It is…illogical.”

  Jessica tilted her head to the side, sending curl upon curl tumbling to the side. “No one said love was logical.”

  He shook his head very slightly. “You don’t understand. What is happening right now, this thing that you are able to do, I expected this after we had…consummated our bond.”

  Ricard caught the flush of Jessica’s cheeks and admired it along with the way she maintained eye contact with him. “I am surprised you are able to do this in advance of that act.”

  She gave a slight lift of her shoulders, the same one that said she had an opinion to share. “Maybe I’m so loving I’m more powerful than all the other girls.” The slow blink, pinkish cheeks and sly smile made Jessica Stevens the most beautiful, sexiest woman Ricard had ever seen.

  “I am certain that wherever I am concerned, you are by far the most powerful woman to exist.” He pulled her close and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Far more powerful than I.”

  “Tell me you are not worried and that you will not interfere with Rafe questioning me.”

  “I cannot. I am worried. I will be worried until it’s over, and even then I will continue to worry.” He squeezed her close and noted the way her body tensed. “But, I will not interfere. We must get the answers we seek, and if you are comfortable with Rafe, I will not impose my own wishes upon you.”

  It would take every ounce of patience and self-control Ricard could summon to keep from reacting to Raffaele Barone being so close to his mate. But, if this was what she wanted, and it seemed this might be the easiest, quickest way to gain the information they needed, Ricard would find a way to make it happen.

  Jessica managed to wriggle out of his grasp and rose from his lap, holding out her hand. “Let’s go. No more delaying.”

  Following her to the lab where Rafe and Serge waited was like following a Siren to his death. He walked behind, trying to convince himself all would be fine. But nothing he told himself was believable.

  Rafe and Serge stood before one of the white boards, discussing the contents and suggesting possible conclusions to why things were the way they were. As Ricard and Jessica entered, they turned.

  “Good evening, Jessie. It’s nice to see you again,” Rafe said.

  Ricard felt the cold burn of jealousy churn in the pit of his stomach.

  It was not that he did not trust Rafe. In fact, he trusted every member of The Vampire Guard with his own life. But, he could not trust anyone with his mate. No vampire could. It defied every cell in their bodies to leave the safety and comfort of this one perfect being to anyone.

  Jessica squeezed Ricard’s hand. “It’s nice to see you as well.”

  Rafe stepped toward Ricard. “You know I would never—”

  Ricard held up his hand. “Let us not linger on the formalities or promises of things that we both know will serve only to annoy me.”

  Rafe gave a slight bow of his head. “As you wish.”

  Jessica closed any space between her and Ricard, pressing her body to his. The warmth
of her touch instantly soothed his anger.

  He glanced down to see her gentle smile and could not help but smile. “I do not understand.”

  “I know.” She shrugged. “But I like it.”

  “As do I.” Ricard turned to Rafe. He wanted to offer some sort of apology for his behavior, but the sight of the vampire who was about to use his skill of influence on Jessica nearly caused him to become violent.

  Jessica cleared her throat. “Why don’t we get started?” She stepped around Ricard to take a seat at the table.

  Rafe sat across from her while Serge moved to stand nearby. Ricard remained positioned directly behind Jessica, his hands resting on her shoulders, ever certain the touch of their bodies would be a comfort to her as Rafe questioned her, thus forcing her to remember things Ricard was certain would be painful.

  She brushed her cheek against his hand, then pecked a soft kiss to his knuckle. That was the moment he realized he needed her touch during this moment, as much, if not more than she needed his.

  This weakness only fueled his anger more. It made him hate Rafe.

  His eyes narrowed, lips curled up into a sneer, revealing his fangs. He barely breathed. Instead, he stood glaring at the man who would intrude upon his mate’s private thoughts.

  “If you’re ready, we’ll begin,” Rafe said.

  “Sure.” Jessica inhaled deeply, then let out a slow breath.

  Ricard wondered if she recalled the sensation of having Rafe use his vampire influence to question her. The question set off a barrage of thoughts whipping through his mind with the anger of a hurricane.

  Did she recall? Did he touch places that were not his to see? Did he know details he never should? Did she like the feeling of being compelled by Rafe?

  Jessica moved, drawing Ricard’s attention from his adversary and reminding him he was to comfort her. He glanced down and saw her flinch. Her eyes widened for a second before her face softened. Ricard felt the ice-cold anger in his chest warm, then subside a bit.


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