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Forever Love (Love Conquers All Book 4)

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by Persons, Cheryl

  “Ironically I met him while trying to get back together with husband number 4. David and I decided to go on a cruise to try to work out our differences. However, we were only on the ship for one night before I realized that his girlfriend was on board. Can you believe that? He honestly thought that he could get away with bringing her along. He never had any intentions of leaving her out of the equation, but I wasn’t going to let that ruin my fun. So, I went out dancing and having a wonderful time and decided to forget about him. Lucky for me I ran into Paul McIntyre. He was on the cruise with a group of friends. It was instant magic.”

  Megan rolled her eyes; she had heard that before. “Where does he live? When did this all go down?”

  “He lives in Florida and I am looking at possibly moving there. We met 3 months ago; luckily David and I just had to sign the papers and the divorce was final a month later. He has a son, but we have mutually decided that I won’t meet him until we decide to get married.”


  “I know what you’re probably thinking. When will Mary Jo learn that she’s not cut out for a relationship? I get that and I am sure that you are laughing inside at how naïve I could actually be, but this is different. I wasn’t looking to fall in love, but it just happened. I’m going in with my eyes wide open. I do love him Megan and I hope that you won’t judge me for that.”

  Megan listened to what Mary Jo was saying and she partly was worried that she was going to start to cry. Everything she was saying was exactly the things that Megan was thinking, but then it dawned on her that she wasn’t really being fair. She chuckled; trying to lighten the mood. “Who am I to judge?”

  “Why? What do you mean by that?”

  It was probably the best time to share her news; so she did just that. “Peter and I aren’t exactly having the time of our lives. If anything, we’re experiencing more than just a rough patch.”

  “What? You and Peter are the epitome of what a good and lasting relationship looks like. You have nothing to worry about; that I am sure of.”

  “I wish that I could be so sure. I don’t know; maybe it’s because we have been together for so long and just need a reprieve. Something isn’t right with our relationship; I had mentioned that I wanted to go see that Dr. Andrews that you go to; he pretty much just laughed in my face.”

  “In his defense, can you really blame him? He probably wanted to know why you thought a marriage counselor that I have used would work. She’s good, but she’s not a miracle worker.”

  “I just need someone that we can go to and talk with. At this point, I think that anyone could do the job.”

  “I’m sorry that you have to go through this.”

  “Thanks Mary Jo; I am happy for you and I truly hope that this is the one relationship that works.”

  “I appreciate that; he really makes me happy.”

  Megan was relieved to hear that. “I guess that I could use Dr. Andrew’s phone number.”

  “That’s a number that I have memorized.” Mary Jo laughed. “Are you ready?”

  “Just a minute;” Megan grabbed a pad of paper and pen out of the end table. “Go ahead;” she rattled off the number and Megan took notes. “Thank you.”

  “Let her know that you’re a friend of mine; I’m sure she’ll work you in. Good luck Megan and I’ll see you at the reunion.”

  “Thank you; goodbye Mary Jo.” She disconnected the call and stared at the phone number. She hoped that she could help them; she believed they weren’t beyond repair. She smiled at Jasmine who was still playing with her doll. All of their happiness depended on the counselor; she was willing to do whatever it took to make their family whole again.

  Chapter 6

  Megan was relieved that they were able to get an initial appointment so quickly. Mary Jo was right; mentioning her name got the results she needed. They were all set to meet up Tuesday afternoon. Peter had offered to pick her up, but she quickly averted that idea.

  Now that something was finally about to happen in helping to repair their marriage, she knew she had to talk to someone. She walked around the B&B looking for Seth. She finally found him in the back mowing the lawn. When she had gotten in the back, he looked up and waved. She walked closer to him and he shut the lawn mower off. “Do you have a moment; I need to speak with you.”

  “Sure; what’s up?”

  They walked to a table and sat down. “I’m going to leave at 3:00 today.”

  “No problem.”

  They sat there for a minute; neither one said another word. She let out a breath and sighed. It was the moment she was dreading. “Here’s the truth. Peter and I are having some marital problems.”

  Seth looked like he was trying to process the news. “What did he do? I’ll kill him.” He jumped up and hit his fists on the table; the fire in his eyes was startling.

  “Seth, sit down.”

  “I am not going to stand by and let him hurt my sister. What did he do?”

  Megan shook her head. “It isn’t like that. Please, sit down.” She waited for him to abide. “Thank you. Peter didn’t do anything; at least, nothing like you’re thinking. We haven’t been the happiest couple for a long time now. Before I became pregnant with the twins I was seriously considering leaving. However, I realized that having a child was our miracle. Things changed when we learned we were going to have the family that we always dreamed of. Then the unthinkable happened and we lost part of our family. Jasmine was still our blessing, but there was still something missing. Seeing how happy Thomas and Rebecca was on their wedding day…it made me realize that Peter and I both deserve so much more. I want that back.

  “Wow; I never would have even guessed.”

  “I know; we both hid it well. I can’t deny that we still love each other, but sometimes that isn’t enough. Three weeks ago he moved out of the house.”

  Seth’s mouth dropped open and his eyes got big. “You waited until now to tell me this? Why didn’t you come to me sooner?”

  Megan shrugged. “I was scared; maybe a little ashamed. Cassie and you have such a great relationship.”

  “You should have come to me; or to Cassie.”

  Megan knew she had made a mistake by holding it in. “I know, but it’s over and done with; which brings me back to today. At 3:30 we have an appointment with a counselor. I’m hoping that she’ll be able to help us work through our problems.”

  “For what it’s worth, I have faith. I have seen you guys and the love is so visible. This is just a little glitch in your relationship.”

  Megan smiled; it did help to talk to him. “Thank you for listening.”

  “I am glad that you finally were able to share.”

  “I’ll let you get back to the lawn.” She left the table and as she reached the door she looked back at him. She saw that he was still looking her way. She knew by that evening he would tell Cassie. She was alright with that, but soon she would face awkwardness with Peter. It was necessary, but going to be difficult.


  Peter stood up as Megan entered the waiting room. “Am I late?”

  “No; I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t. I got here especially early.” The truth was he couldn’t stop thinking about the appointment the entire day; he had to get out of work before he lost his mind.

  “Oh; I thought maybe my clock had stopped.” He smiled and she broke his gaze. “Did you sign-in?”

  “Yeah; they said she’s running right on time. It shouldn’t be too much longer.” They took a seat and he heard the breath of air escape her lips. “Are you nervous?”

  “Are you?”

  He slowly nodded. “I suppose I am.”

  “I am too, but I guess that I didn’t want to own up to that.” She laughed half-heartedly and he reached out to grab her hand. He was thankful when she didn’t let go.

  It was only a few minutes longer when the door opened and a tall, heavier woman appeared. “Prescott;” she caught their nervous expressions and smile
d. “Please come with me.”

  They continued to hold each other’s hand as they made their way down the long narrow hallway. Peter stepped back so that Megan could enter the room after Dr. Andrews and then he joined them. As they sat down on the couch and waited for her to be seated, Peter’s nerves even grew.

  “Good afternoon; I am Dr. Andrew’s.” She looked between the two and then a smile crossed her face. “First of all, I just want to say a couple of things and hopefully this will ease your minds. You both seem a bit on the nervous side.” Peter wanted to laugh at that; he was beyond only being a bit nervous. “I have to say, I think you are the first couple that I have met on the first day that seem still attached to their significant other.” Her eyes fell to where their hands were still connected and she chuckled. “Most couples that are at this phase are on the verge of killing their partner, not holding their hand.” When she said that he felt Megan’s hand fall from his; “It was merely an observation; there’s no need to pull away.” Despite her reassuring tone, their hands remained apart. “Let me tell you a little about myself. I have been practicing family psychology for nearly 19 years. I do a lot of counseling of marriages and couples that are dating long term. I am married with 2 children and 3 grandchildren. I like to focus on the problems within a relationship and then work on how we can fix those. Do you have any questions for me?”

  Peter looked at Megan and she shook her head; she still seemed scared, but maybe starting to relax a little. “I do have a question.” Megan looked at him, but he continued. “Do you hold all sessions between the couple together? Or, will we be expected to do some individually?”

  “That’s what we’ll find out today. I like to see how a couple communicates together, but if I feel that they are holding back then I will reevaluate the sessions. It all comes down to what’s best for the couple.” Peter nodded and she went on. “The most important thing, and this is what I find the most difficult with couples, you have to be completely honest with yourself and with me. Do I have an understanding?” They each nodded an agreement. “Whose idea was it to seek out professional help?”

  “It was mine.” Megan spoke softly.

  “Megan, when you gave the suggestion was Peter up to it?”

  Peter turned to Megan and their eyes met. “Of course;” he began.

  When he turned to Dr. Andrews she definitely didn’t look too pleased. “Peter, with all due respect, I was asking Megan the question.”

  Peter nodded and looked down at the floor; he was too embarrassed to hear Megan’s answer. “Honestly, he didn’t jump at the idea.” There was a slight pause and he looked up to see if she was going to continue. When his eyes caught hers, she shrugged. “I don’t think that he knew how much it meant to me. When he found out, he was agreeable to it.”

  He smiled at her and she looked away. “That is a start; the important thing is to remember if it’s important to the spouse, then it should be important to you.”

  She was looking directly at him and he felt like crawling in a hole. “I know that now;” he quickly responded.

  “Good; so tell me about the time you feel things started to get a little rocky.” Peter hoped that Megan would start out by talking, but they both remained quiet. “Was it revolved around finances? A lot of married couples get bogged down with bills; many times it becomes too much for them to handle.”

  “It’s true money has taken a toll on us, but we always seem to manage. I don’t think that’s really the problem; do you?”

  Megan looked at him and shook her head. “No; I think that it might be a basis, but it’s not the root of the problem.”

  “What do you mean by that Megan?”

  Peter watched as Megan looked at Dr. Andrews and he waited to hear the answer too. “We have major bills; we’re still paying for schooling that I never even finished. When we moved to Dallas, Peter was able to get a job at a local auto mechanic. It didn’t pay the best, but at least we had food on the table. About 4 years ago he was offered the chance to open up his own shop. Of course, we both agreed it was the chance of a lifetime. I was supportive, but I didn’t realize that he would never be home.”

  “How did that make you feel?”

  Megan looked away and snickered. “Like it was more important than our relationship;” it was like a knife to his chest.

  “I never meant for you to feel like that, but this work is important to me. I had a job to do and some way to pay the bills. It’s not like you make a ton of money at the B&B. Someone had to take care of us.” After he flung the words out there, he saw the pain on her face and he felt awful. He turned to face Dr. Andrews, but he couldn’t bear to think of how Megan was dealing with what he was saying. When he looked back her way, she brushed a tear from her face. “Is this how these appointments are supposed to work?”

  Dr. Andrews looked at Megan, and then her eyes fell on Peter. “Sadly, sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s the only way to get some resolution. Megan, tell me about the B&B.”


  Megan reached across a table and grabbed a tissue. She could tell, from the look on Peter’s face that he was sorry for saying what he did. However, it was over with and he clearly felt resentment that she didn’t go out and get a regular job. “About 5 years after we were married my Aunt Sally passed away. She owned this Bed and Breakfast and she left it to my brother and I. I talked it over with Peter and, I thought that we both agreed that we would move to Dallas and I would help run it. I had no idea that he harbored such resentment towards me.”

  “Megan, I didn’t mean…”

  She stared at him and he instantly quieted. “I am glad that I know, because now it is starting to make sense. A lot of our arguing is because of bills. I am not bringing home enough money to help out and instead of explaining this to me, you go out and work nonstop to make up for it.”

  “I didn’t work nonstop; I was at home a lot, but you weren’t there because you were too busy taking care of other families that you didn’t even know. If it wasn’t for that snowstorm, we probably wouldn’t have time to have a child.”

  “It’s not all my fault Peter; take some responsibility.”

  “You’re right; if I would have been a man and put my foot down and said we weren’t moving here so that you could live out your dreams, then this might not have happened like this.”

  “Wow; I am glad to know how you really feel.” She turned to Dr. Andrews and smiled. “Is our first session going like most?”

  She wrote down some notes and looked at Megan. “Actually, believe it or not, it’s going better. Our time is quickly drawing to an end, but I do want to see you back here together. Tomorrow would work; if that would be alright with you both.”

  Megan heard Peter snicker and she glowered at him. He stood up and turned to Dr. Andrews. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think that would be such a great idea. I have already had my share of fun and it’s only been the first appointment. I need some time to make it sink in.” Before Megan could let it all sink in he was out the door.

  She turned to face the counselor and shrugged. “I guess this is our first and last appointment. I’m sorry for wasting your time.”

  “Please, don’t go.” She had just reached the door, but turned to face her. “I have seen couples in far worse shape than you and they made it. I wouldn’t give up hope.”

  Megan laughed and wiped a tear from her eyes. “You heard him; he doesn’t think there’s any point in continuing.”

  “Do you?”

  “What does it matter? It takes two people to make a marriage work and we’re worse off now than before we walked through those doors.”

  “A lot was said and most of it was said out of fear. If you love him then there is always hope. Has that love ended because of what he said today?”

  Megan thought of that and then shook her head. “No, but…”

  “Then there are no buts about it; come tomorrow at the same time. You will see; he will find his way back here.”<
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  Megan wasn’t so convinced, but she needed to trust in something. She just nodded and left the office. She needed to believe that Peter would think about it and change his mind. It was the only thing she could hold onto.

  Chapter 7

  As Megan took a seat in the waiting room, she had hoped that she would have seen Peter there waiting for the appointment. Unfortunately, she realized that that was just a dream. He had made himself perfect clear. She had picked up the phone on several instances to call him, but would just hang up. She had to give him breathing room. She wasn’t ready for Dr. Andrew’s to appear, but she forced a smile as she did. “Megan, I am ready for you.” Megan hung back as she followed her. She sat down as she closed her door. “How are you doing today?”

  “I’ve been better, but it is what it is.”

  “I’m sorry about yesterday; have you talked to him?”

  Megan sadly shook her head. “I couldn’t bring myself to call him. I was hoping he would be here.”

  “If he had been here, what would you have said to him?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Sure you do; pretend like he’s here.”

  Megan laughed. “That’s crazy; he isn’t here. How could this help?”

  Dr. Andrews' pen fell to the floor and she stood up. “You know, maybe I was wrong about what I saw. I thought that you both wanted to save your marriage, but you’re not trusting me to do my job.”

  Megan watched as she opened the door and stood there, just waiting for her to leave. “I guess I would ask him why he didn’t come to me. I am his wife and the least he could have done is share with me that he didn’t want me to work at the Bed and Breakfast. It was important to me, but not as important as he was.”

  She waited as Dr. Andrews closed her door. “Go on;” she took a seat back in front of her and waited.

  “He has a knack of shutting me out; especially when it comes to dealing with difficult situations. It never used to be that way; we used to be able to talk about anything and everything. Then one day, that just stopped. I think that it got to the point where we became too comfortable with each other. We just assumed that the other person knew how we were feeling.” She could feel the sting of tears so she closed her eyes. “It just started to be so hard to deal with the things that came to us. I was only 21 when we married and I still feel that we made the right choice, but it’s harder than I ever would have dreamed.”


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