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Forever Love (Love Conquers All Book 4)

Page 7

by Persons, Cheryl

  Seth looked at Peter and slowly his face turned from one filled with anger to one of compassion. “I know that you love her. How can I help?”

  Peter smiled. “Can you stay with Jasmine tonight? I need to go to Avery and I need to take tonight to talk to her.”

  “Then you better go.”

  “Do you mean it; you don’t mind?”

  Seth shook his head. “My sister’s happiness is what’s important right now.”

  “Thank you Seth!”

  Seth nodded. “Don’t make me regret it.”

  Seth was only trying to protect his sister; so he wasn’t offended by what he said. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Peter grabbed his bag that he had already packed and hurried out of the house. Too much time had already passed and he was ready to make his move.

  Chapter 11

  Megan enjoyed the day of activities; she was still a little upset about Mary Jo’s accusations, but she didn’t want it to ruin the rest of the weekend. She heard knocking on her door and headed to open it. She saw Mary Jo in the hallway, but no Paul. “Hey Mary Jo; where’s Paul?”

  It was instantaneously that she started to cry. “I am just not cut out for relationships.”

  Megan pulled her into the rom. “What happened?”

  “We fought all day.” He was mad that I didn’t let him win at basketball. You thought Brandon was a sore loser? I tried to explain that I was in basketball all throughout high school. We fought because I wanted to go to the rest of the planned activities. He thought that I would ditch all of you and spend time only with him.”

  “I’m sorry Mary Jo.”

  She shrugged. “It’s best that I learn this now. I don’t want to get married, just so that it can end in another divorce.”

  Megan smiled. “So, he went home?”

  “He left a few minutes ago. I also need to apologize to you.”

  “Apologize; what about?”

  “If you decide that you are meant to be with Brandon, I won’t try to stop you. I shouldn’t be giving marital advice.”

  Megan snickered. “Seriously; we are just friends. He likes someone else.”

  “He does?” Do I know her?”

  Megan wanted to say something, but she knew that it wasn’t her place. “I think that you do, but I can’t say anything else.”

  Mary Jo looked disappointed, but nodded. “Get dressed and you can come to supper with us.”

  “I don’t think so; I’m not really in the mood to party.”

  “Do you want him to think he got what he wanted? You will have a great time; I will make sure of that.”

  Mary Jo looked like she was considering it. “Okay fine; give me 15 minutes.”

  Megan put the finishing touches on her makeup and heard a knock on the door. “That was fast…” she started, but saw that it was Brandon. “I thought you were Mary Jo.”

  He laughed. “No, I’m not Mary Jo.”

  “Speaking of Mary Jo, guess who sent her boyfriend packing?”

  His eyes got wide. “Why did she do that?” Megan gave the short synopsis and when she finished she saw a wide range of emotions from the news. “Maybe I should rethink this whole fantasy of a relationship. It sounds like she is tough on men.”

  “I told you, she just hasn’t met the right guy.”

  He didn’t look convinced. “What if I’m not the right guy either?”

  “There’s only one way to find that out.” She heard the faint knock on her door. “She’s here.”

  When she opened the door she saw that Mary Jo was standing in her dress and black high heels. Mary Jo’s eyes went from Megan to Brandon and then she quickly looked away. Megan almost felt like she was holding back feelings too. When the silence was too much to bear she cleared her throat. “I’m sorry that I kept you waiting.”

  “You didn’t keep us waiting.” Brandon replied; Megan was relieved he finally found his tongue. “You look nice, by the way.”

  Her face turned red, but she smiled. “Thank you.”

  Megan knew it was only a matter of time. “We have a dinner to get to.” She spoke; even though she kind of hated to break it up. They had plenty of time to make small talk.


  “Food was delicious.” Megan stated as she took a drink. “They really went to great links to prepare this reunion. The last time I was here, was our senior prom.”

  “I can’t believe we even had to vote for a king and queen.” Brandon added with a laugh.

  Megan voted for Mary Jo and Brandon; she thought that would have been a great way to jumpstart a relationship. “Attention everyone; we are about to make the announcement of your king and queen.”

  “You’re a shoe-in Megan.” Mary Jo smiled. “You were queen in high school.”

  Megan didn’t even want to think about that; Peter was her king. “Okay, drum roll please.” The room was filled with the buzz of what was supposedly drums; “the queen of the 20 year class reunion is Megan Prescott.” The alumni cheered, but she just remained seated. “Megan, come up and get your crown.”

  Megan looked at Brandon. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to go down. She reluctantly walked to the center of the room and they placed the crown on her head. “Thank you;” she mumbled.

  “Now, drum roll please.” Again the rumbling sound coursed through the ballroom. “I am sure that the honors would have gone to Peter, had he been here…” Megan heard the judgment in her voice. “Since he’s not, the king is Brandon Woodberry.”

  Megan inwardly groaned. She couldn’t say she was shocked. The alumni applauded as Brandon took to the front of the room. Once the crown was placed he turned to her and smiled. “I feel a setup.” She whispered and he nodded in agreement.

  “Ladies and gentleman, your king and queen will not take to the dance floor for their first dance.”

  Brandon held out his hand and they took to the floor. As they started to dance she shook her head. “I voted for Mary Jo.”

  “Yeah;” he laughed. “So did I.”

  “There’s only one thing you can do. After this dance you need to dance the rest of them with her.”

  “Why do you think she would want to dance with me?”

  “She just needs a little push.”

  “We’ll see.”

  They finished their dance and he bowed to her. She chuckled as she playfully hit him. “Just give it a try.”

  They went to the table and she sat down, but he remained standing. “Mary Jo? May I have this dance?”

  She looked at him; shock was written on her face. They she smiled; Megan thought it was a good sign. “Actually, I’m really tired; I’m going to go back to my room.”

  She stood up and Megan wanted to object. “Mary Jo, just a couple of songs.” She urged.

  “I’m sorry Brandon, Megan. “I’m really not up to it.”

  She left Megan speechless. “I really thought…”

  “Don’t worry about it; it isn’t meant to be. Maybe she has the right idea; I’m pretty tired myself.”

  He headed out of the room and she followed him. “Come to my room.”

  His eyes doubled in size. “Megan, that is not proper.”

  She laughed. “We’re going to talk; that is all.”

  He shrugged. “Whatever!”

  They waited until the elevator left them off at their floor and they headed to her room. It was time she confessed everything. Life was too short and he needed to go after what was important.


  “You and Peter are separated?” The look of pure shock could have been humorous, had Megan been in the laughing mood.

  “We are, but I’m beginning to realize that I made a huge mistake. I’m going to leave tomorrow morning. My family does need me.”

  “I’m sorry about the loss of your infant daughter.”

  Megan couldn’t say anything to respond that; she didn’t want to get emotional. “It’s important to remember that life is tricky an
d when you want something you have to go after it. Otherwise, you’re missing out on what could be the best part of your life.”

  “She didn’t seem to really have an interest in dancing with me.”

  “True, but you didn’t really say anything that would cause her to believe that you wanted to dance with her cause you liked her. She probably though you were feeling sorry for her.” She hesitated before she continued. “I guess I’m a bit surprised. When did you know you had feelings for Mary Jo?” His face flushed and she instantly changed her tune. If you don’t want to tell me, tell me to butt out.”

  “No, it’s alright. I don’t want you upset with me. Right now, you’re my only friend.”

  She laughed. “I wouldn’t go that far, but I promise you there will be no hard feelings.”

  “I guess that I’ve always known. Don’t get me wrong, I loved you in high school, but it is the reason that I broke up with you then.”

  Megan’s jaw dropped. “You never told her?”

  “Megan, she was popular with guys and she usually dated the jocks. I didn’t think there would be any point and I didn’t think she would be happy settling down with someone like me.”

  “Someone like you? You sell yourself short; you’re a great guy.”

  “Thank you, but I didn’t think she would feel that way.”

  “You seemed to go on to being happy with someone else; you got married.”

  “I was happy, but I did move away because I didn’t think I could stay in Texas and watch Mary Jo find someone else.”

  “Wow! You left because of her? Is that why you came back?”

  “Possibly!” When he didn’t make eye contact, she knew.

  “Then what are you waiting for? You have to tell her.”

  “I want to, but…”

  Before he finished his statement they heard a knock on the door. “This could be her.” He looked like a frightened kitten when she went to open the door. However, it wasn’t Mary Jo; instead she stood facing her husband. “Peter?”

  His smiled faltered when he looked towards Brandon. “Am I interrupting?”

  Brandon inched closer to them. “Peter, I see it on your face. You have this all wrong.”

  “I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”

  “Peter, he was just…”

  “It’s pretty convenient that you decided to come alone.”

  Megan’s jaw dropped. “Peter, that is not fair to her.” Brandon started to object.

  When Peter turned to Brandon a mask of irritation clouded his face. Megan watched in horror as his fist went up and connected with Brandon’s jaw.

  Chapter 12

  “Brandon, are you alright?” Megan hurried to his side. He touched his jaw and nodded. She turned to Peter. “Have you gone crazy?”

  “Me? We’re still married and you have your ex-boyfriend is in your room.”

  “Whoa man; it’s not what you are thinking.”

  “I didn’t ask you.” Peter snidely remarked.

  “Brandon, maybe you should go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Okay; goodbye Megan.” He looked at Peter. “Goodbye Peter.”

  Peter didn’t say anything as Brandon left her room. When he looked like he was about to speak, she held up her hand. “I get to go first. What do you think you were doing? What you walked in on had nothing do with Brandon and myself.”

  “Then tell me, why was he here?”

  She was conflicted; she didn’t feel she owed him an explanation, but she knew everything could be salvageable. “I don’t feel I need to tell you that.”

  “Megan, what was I supposed to think or do?”

  “Peter, you were supposed to trust me. Brandon doesn’t still have feelings for me. He’s in love with Mary Jo.”

  “What?” He looked away and she was frustrated. “I’m sorry; I guess I saw him here and…and…”

  “You got jealous, but that’s not an excuse. Why are you even here? Where’s Jasmine?”

  “Jasmine’s with Seth. I needed to come here so that I could try to mend our marriage, but now…”

  “Peter, you can’t expect to come here and have it all work out. A lot of time has passed and it’s going to take more than that. I’m irritated that you didn’t trust me enough; you jumped to the wrong conclusions.”

  “I know; I can only say sorry. I’ve missed you Megan and I suppose I let my imagination get the best of me. It’s not a jump for me to believe that he would still have feelings for you.”

  “The point is, it wouldn’t matter if he did; not to me. I don’t have feelings for any other guy. I still love you and I want to work things out.”

  “Have I screwed everything up?”

  She thought about that for a moment and as she sat down on the bed she shook her head. You haven’t messed anything up, but if we lose faith in each other then we might as well give up. I decided I’m going to go home tomorrow morning. I miss Jasmine and I’ve already seen the people that I wanted to see.”

  “What do you want me to do? I’ll do anything.”

  She looked down at the floor. It was going to be hard for him to hear it. “I want you to go home.”

  The look of pain on his face was undeniable. “Do you really mean that?”

  She slowly nodded. “I can’t think while you are here.”

  “I can get another room.”

  “You would still be close by and I really need the space, but I promise you that we will talk when I’m back in Dallas.”

  “I guess that I will have to accept that.” Megan stood up and followed him to the door. “I’m sorry Megan that I hit him.”

  “I know you are, but trust in us.” He nodded and stepped into the hallway. “Be safe getting home Peter.” She threw him a kiss and he was gone.

  When the door closed she shut her eyes. She wanted to be furious that he didn’t trust her enough, but she was glad that the love was still there. It was their chance to build it from there.


  Megan knew that before she could go home, she had to see Brandon. It was important to make sure there were no hard feelings. When she called his room and he didn’t answer the next morning, she was confused.

  She stopped outside of Mary Jo’s room and shrugged; it was worth a shot. She knocked on her door and was disappointed that she didn’t answer. She would have wondered if the hotel was evacuated and they forgot to tell her, but she spotted Nicole Archer from their class. “Hey Nicole.”


  “Have you seen Brandon or Mary Jo?”

  “Yeah; they’re at breakfast. I just came from there.”

  Her bubbly personality was why she was cheerleading captain junior and senior year. That and the fact that she was close with the entire football team; “Great, thanks.” She hurried away; she was hopeful about them being together at breakfast.

  When she spotted them sitting together in a corner booth she had to smile. “Hello.” She approached their table and looked between the two of them.

  Brandon’s exuberant smile was apparent. “Megan, care to join us?”

  “No, but thank you; I gather that all is well.”

  He nodded and looked at Mary Jo. “I told her everything.”

  “Megan, I’m so sorry for thinking the worst.”

  Megan laughed. “Don’t worry about that; you weren’t the only one.” She worriedly glanced at Brandon. “How’s the jaw?”

  He stroked it and laughed. “Barely a sting…it was the best thing that could have happened.”

  Megan raised her eyebrows and saw Mary Jo with a questioning look too. “I’m not following.”

  “Had Peter not hit me I would probably still be moping around and scared to tell Mary Jo how I feel. “He reached for Mary Jo’s hand and grabbed it. “Peter made me see that you have to fight for what you want. I went to her room and told her that I love her and she said…”

  “I love you too.” Megan felt like she was viewing a live version of
a romance novel as they kissed.

  Megan stared at her friend. “I knew how Brandon felt, but…”

  “Megan, he was always off limits, because he was your first love. However, when he explained how you were trying to help him out I knew that it was safe.”

  Megan hoped it was legit, but after several failed marriages it was hard not to question. “You need to remember who your cupid was; I am happy for both of you.” She looked away as her thoughts trailed to Peter. “Will you tell everyone that I said goodbye?”

  “You’re leaving?”

  “I have to. It turns out that I’m better suited with helping other relationships, than my own.”

  Mary Jo stood up and hugged her. “Thank you Megan.”

  “I didn’t do anything; not really.”

  “You did more than you know.”

  She smiled at Mary Jo and then turned to Brandon. She kissed him on the cheek. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of you. Make each other happy.” She turned away and grabbed a doughnut before leaving the café. It was time to do her part in getting her family back.

  Chapter 13

  Peter looked up as Megan entered the house. “I’m home;” she called from the foyer.

  He was worried how she would react around him. When he got into the foyer and she looked at him she smiled. He let out a sigh of relief. “I was afraid…”

  “I know that the only reason last night happened was because you love me.’ He sensed there was more to it than that so he didn’t interrupt. “I also know that it’s one of the reasons I want to go back to Dr. Andrews.”

  Peter nodded. “So do I.”

  “You do, but I thought…”

  “Megan, I was stupid not to continue with it. It’s important to you and it’s important to me.”

  “Thank you.” She leaned up and kissed him, but it was briefer that he would have hoped. “I have an appointment at 4:00; will you be there?”

  He nodded. “I will.” He moved to the door. “Seth picked up Jasmine this morning and took her to the park with Savannah.”

  “Okay; thanks for watching her.”


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