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Blood Magic (Blood Books Book 2)

Page 9

by Danielle Rose

“Do you really think it takes more than half a brain to know something was up?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest. I was offended that she thought so little of me.

  “Are we really going to talk this out?” Sebastian asked, his jaw nearly scraping against the floor.

  “As far as Rogue attacks go, this has been pretty easy. Have you ever thought that she,” I gave sarcastic air quotes to emphasize my point, “wanted you gone? If not, then she doesn’t know me very well. I think I can handle one Rogue.” I desperately needed to know who she was, but I couldn’t grovel. He’d never give me the information I needed if I did, and at this point, I wasn’t too sure I’d ever get the information I needed by simply beating it out of him. Rogues were ruthless. He’d hold out until death—I was sure of it.

  A wicked grin branded his face. “Who said I was alone?”

  Bile worked its way into my mouth, but I pushed the sickening feeling down. Twigs snapped in the distance, and I knew they were upon us. I spun around in time to see them emerge from the trees. My eyes darted to each as the Hunters and hybrids tensed, bracing themselves for the attack. Sibyl’s standing order to leave us be must’ve been relinquished, because she dashed forward, shoving her hand into a Rogue’s chest and ripping out his heart before moving to the next. I couldn’t be sure how many surrounded us. Twenty? Thirty? We were cornered and without time to discuss logistics.

  Stupidly, I had turned my back on the Rogue I had been fighting, and I only remembered his presence when he dug his fangs into my neck. I screamed as he drained me in long, hard slurps. The pain riveted through my body, leaving an earth-shattering revulsion in my gut.

  “Avah!” Jasik called as my knees collapsed.

  The Rogue wrapped an arm around me, pressing my body against his. “You’re gorgeous, y’know? Maybe I’ll keep you for myself,” he said between swallows.

  The thought was enough to push down the pain and take control of the situation. I put on my game face, slammed the back of my skull into his nose, and quickly turned in his arms until I faced him. Blood gushed from his face as I ran my fingers through his hair. He gasped at the small show of affection, and inside, I smiled. Amateur. I gripped the ragged strands, yanking his head back, and dug my fangs into his neck, recharging.

  He tasted bitter but powerful. Before he had the chance to resume control, I twisted my arms until his head snapped, and he fell limp. Copying Sibyl’s tactic, I slammed my fist against his chest and dug. I crashed past his rib cage, the small bones in my hand shattering upon impact. I sucked in a sharp breath as the pain coursed through me. Almost as quickly as they broke, my bones began to heal—just in time for me to find the soft tissue of his heart. I ripped it out and tossed the flesh to the ground. I faced my attackers, but found none. In a matter of mere minutes, the Hunters and hybrids had killed them all. For a brief moment, I was elated. Perhaps we really did have a chance to save Amicia.

  “Nice tactic, though arousal has never been an option for me on the battlefield,” Sibyl said.

  I shrugged in a sad attempt to hide my embarrassment. “Felt like a good plan at the time. Plus, it worked.” I couldn’t bear to look at Jasik.

  “Death by boner. I like it, A.” Jeremiah laughed and gave me a playful slug.

  I rolled my eyes but couldn’t stop the smile from forming.

  I wiped my bloody hand on nearby grass as hybrids effortlessly tossed bodies into a pile. With the snap of her fingertips, Sibyl set them on fire. I let my eyes linger as I wondered if I’d ever have her strength, her confidence, her control. She fought with ease, each move elegantly executed. Watching her attack was no different than watching a ballet dancer perform. She was graceful, nimble, formidable. I promised myself I’d train until I matched her strength.

  “So someone’s after Avah again?” Lillie asked.

  I shrugged. “I’m not worried about it. They don’t seem to be too smart.” I played it cool, even though I felt like screaming. Was there ever going to be a time I wasn’t some pretty prize?

  “Or maybe they just didn’t expect us,” Sibyl countered.

  I knew she was right. The hybrid species kept to their secluded lifestyle so much so that Jasik, at nearly seven hundred years old, had only heard stories about another vampire species. He hadn’t seen a hybrid in the flesh until I turned.

  “Whatever it is, I’m not worried about it. If they’re coming, they’re coming. Me stressing isn’t going to change that. I’d rather focus on Amicia.”

  I cringed as I recounted the faceless victims sprawled at my feet. I didn’t believe in coincidences. Something was coming for me, and I knew she, whoever she was, had to be tied to it.

  THE MANSION LOOKED eerily familiar. Its uncanny decor and location mirrored Amicia’s manor perfectly—even the house’s layout was identical. I raised a questioning eyebrow when I caught Jasik staring.

  “We have good relations with the vampires of this house. When it was time to move and build, we collaborated.” He shrugged, as if that was normal behavior.

  “Isn’t that kinda weird?” I asked.

  “No,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “My guess is our bedrooms aren’t the same,” I said with a wink.

  He smiled his award-winning grin, and my heart skipped a beat. I bit my lower lip, enjoying Jasik’s relaxed side. Too often, I didn’t see his playful nature. I hoped that would change once Amicia was brought home.

  “We’ll be staying in the guest quarters. You and I will share a room.” He licked his lips, his cool blue eyes darkening.

  I sucked in a sharp breath. “I love your dirty mind.” I stood on my tiptoes, and he brought his mouth down, his lips teasingly grazing mine.

  “Jasik, I’m so happy you’ve made it.”

  Groaning at our lack of physical contact, I stepped back and watched the speaker take each step down the stairs toward us. She moved with finesse, her long, red locks twisted in curls that hung across her chest. Her baby blue eyes watched me carefully as she took Jasik’s hands in hers and placed a kiss on either cheek. She did the same to Malik, Lillie, and Jeremiah. When she reached me, I wasn’t sure how to react—so I did nothing. She smiled and offered her hand.

  “Katalina Devereux, this house’s high priestess. I’ve been dying to meet you, Miss Taylor, but Amicia likes to keep her vampires to herself.” Her smile seemed sincere, so I took her hand in a firm grasp.

  “Oh, umm… sorry?” I released her hand, feeling inadequate and uncomfortable under her stare.

  She laughed, showcasing perfect teeth. In fact, everything about her screamed model. When she spoke, heads turned. She was tall; to meet her gaze, I had to actually look up, and at five foot seven, I wasn’t exactly short. Her six foot frame was thin and lanky, but her elegance screamed power. I was sure she was old—probably not as old as Amicia, but old nonetheless.

  “No need to apologize. Amicia and I are good friends. She knows she couldn’t keep you from me forever.”

  “Of course not, Miss Devereux. I’m sure we would have met eventually.”

  “Please, call me Kat. Everyone does.” And with that, she spun on her heel, facing Jasik. “You know where your rooms are, and you’re welcome to feed when you’re ready.”

  “Thank you, Milady. We will be staying but a day. We sincerely hope to not be a hindrance.”

  “Oh, stop.” She waved her hand dismissively. “You’re always welcome. You know that.”

  Her eyes flickered back to Malik, and I saw the briefest flash of desire cross his eyes. I was stunned into speechlessness. Malik and Kat? His earlier excitement to visit this specific coven was beginning to make sense…

  “It’s been too long, Milady,” Malik said as he grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. She quivered—yes, quivered—as he placed the lightest of kisses against her skin. “You’re as radiant as ever.”

  Blushing, she withdrew her hand. “You’re too kind, Malik.”

  I nudged Jasik, no one but him noticing. Everyone else was likely
too busy drooling over the obvious attraction between Malik and Kat. Or maybe that was just me, because Jasik frowned at me and shook his head.

  “I’ll leave you to settle, then,” Kat said as she stepped toward the foyer’s staircase. “If you need anything…” she called over her shoulder before disappearing into what I assumed to be her office. I wasn’t an idiot. There was a lingering invitation in her final words. I glanced at Malik, noticing his bright eyes. Yep, he caught it, too.

  “Well, it looks like Jasik won’t be the only one getting laid tonight,” Jeremiah said. “Let’s hope I can jump on this bandwagon!”

  I barked out a hard laugh, though everyone else scowled. I faced him and shrugged. “I thought it was funny,” I mumbled.

  Jeremiah winked at me.

  “Where are her Hunters?” I asked, looking around. A few vampires lingered, but I hadn’t seen a single Hunter.

  “Patrolling, I’m sure. A high priestess is missing, visitors have arrived, and an army of hybrids slumbers in the woods. They’re likely on edge.”

  I nodded. It was too easy to forget the shit storm we’d gotten ourselves into. “I’m eager to meet them.”

  “They’re eager to meet you, too.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Everyone seems eager to meet me. It’s getting old.”

  Jasik smiled and grabbed my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “You’re different, Avah. Special. Don’t forget that. You mean something important—a blending of the species. An alternative to war.”

  I had never thought about my transition as an alternative to the war, but he was right. There were options. We just had to get other vampires and witches to see it.

  “Come. Let’s get you clean,” Jasik said, pulling me toward the stairs.

  “Excuse me? Is that your nice, British way of telling me I stink?”

  “No, that’s my nice, British way of telling you that I plan to devour every inch of you as soon as we get into our room.”

  I gasped, but not because of his words. It was the hunger, the love, in his eyes that left me speechless once again.

  THE FIRST TIME Jasik and I were intimate, we were in the shower in my private bathroom. As I stepped into a shower once again, I licked my lips. Water cascaded down his muscled torso, and he playfully shook his head, sending droplets flying. I laughed and reached for him, my hands tracing the rigid curves of his stomach. My eyes danced across his nude body; he was a delicious sight to see: toned, tanned, and tantalizing. My mouth watered as I took him in.

  “See something you like, love?” he asked with a wicked grin.

  I bit my lip and nodded. “Always.”

  He grabbed my hand that playfully rubbed his body and brought it to rest against his neck. My other arm followed suit, and I pulled him down. His lips met mine in a passionate embrace. His tongue brushed against my lips, and I opened for him. Deepening the kiss, he devoured my mouth with precision strokes of his tongue. Jasik was a fantastic lover. His mouth, his hands, could do things with just the lightest caress. I’d never experienced anything as passionate or as real before. He groaned as he pulled away. I unsuccessfully attempted to protest by pulling him back to me. He was hard against my stomach, so I reached down to grasp his appendage, caressing his length.

  He closed his eyes and braced himself by placing one hand against the tiled wall and the other against the glass door. “Avah,” he moaned.

  Knowing he was at a disadvantage, I dropped to my knees and took him fully in my mouth. My tongue danced across the tight, veined skin. I opened my mouth wider and swallowed, opening my jaw completely, taking him until he rubbed against the back of my throat.

  He inhaled sharply. “Avah…”

  His hands were at my hair, rubbing, pulling, guiding me to a speed that made him shiver. With one hand at the base of him, the other rested against his stomach, in time with his rapid breathing, I took him long, hard, and quick. Gazing up at him, my eyes met his; their neon glow burned brightly back at me. He licked his lips, his fangs lengthening as he moaned my name. The thought that I was able to bring down such a god—both in bed and on the battlefield—was exhilarating. He came in long, thick spurts, and I greedily swallowed it down, relishing the thought of being with him like no one else could.

  I stood, licking my lips dramatically and moaning, my teeth dragging against the skin of my lower lip.

  “You’re quite the tease,” he said, pulling me into another kiss.

  I tasted him again, the act intimate, erotic. I moaned, pulling him closer, the short distance between us too much to bear. I ached to be near him, to feel the rough edges of his body brush against the soft curves of mine. He pulled away, ignoring my groans.

  “I admire your enthusiasm, my love, but we have all night. And tonight is yours…”

  I dragged my nails against the skin on his back as my core clenched at his promise—and threat.

  “But first, turn. Close your eyes.”

  I obliged, and the heavenly scent of vanilla filled the air. Slowly, Jasik rubbed his palms against my head, swirling his fingertips in perfect spots. I moaned, leaning against him, allowing him to be my embrace.

  “Feel good, love?”

  I nodded, and he threaded his fingers through the length of my hair. Lowering his arms, he spread the bubbles against my back, soothing knots I didn’t realize had settled there. My breathing slowed as I fell into an abyss of pleasure and relaxation.

  “This is almost better than having you in bed,” I said.

  He released a loud laugh.

  “I said almost.”

  “Thank the goddess,” he replied as he sank his fangs into my neck.

  I gasped, my legs buckling. He wrapped an arm around me, supporting my body when my legs had failed me. I reached back, eyes lidded heavily, and ran my hand through his short hair. I pulled him closer to me, but he backed away.

  “I just needed a taste,” he whispered against my neck. His tongue ran the length of my wound before it healed.

  I groaned. “Not fair.”

  “And what you did was?” He gave me a mischievous grin.

  “Fair to whom?” I smiled.


  “Well,” I said as I turned around, “two can play at this game, Jasik.” I grinned wickedly, grabbed the bottle of shampoo, and squirted a large pile onto my palm. I rubbed my hands together as tantalizingly as possible, swaying my hips, biting my lip, and moaning his name. Before he could pull away, I brushed my fingers through his hair, lowering to wash his torso. I rubbed along the curves of his arms. He turned, and I washed his back, guiding my hands down the length until I grasped his firm buttock. He gasped as I struck his skin with my hand. I giggled as he turned around and grabbed me by the hips. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “You don’t play fair,” he said.

  “I know,” I admitted.

  He stepped back, letting the water run down our curves until we were clean.

  Stepping out of the shower, we bypassed the towel rack; wet footprints followed in his wake as he took me to the bedroom and gently laid me down. I shimmied to the head of the bed and rested against the plush pillows. Jasik stood at the foot of the bed and then slowly climbed, on his hands and knees, toward me. The dark, thrilling gaze he gave me almost skyrocketed me into an orgasm. I was breathless, my chest heaving shamelessly as I practically panted over him. He was a beautiful sight to see with clothes on. Without them, he was a prime specimen of a man. Chiseled, flawless, strong, he was everything women swooned over. And I was lucky enough to call him mine.

  “Tonight is all about you, Avah,” he crooned. “Your body, your pleasure, your needs…” His British accent was thick as he spoke to me in an irresistibly dirty tone.

  He placed delicate kisses along the arch of my foot before softly biting the pad of my toe. I gasped, feeling the action deep in my core. It tingled, and I fought back a moan.

  His tongue traced its way along my calf and up to my inner thighs, which b
razenly fell open for him. He kissed me softly, sweetly, his tongue stroking delicious circles on my skin. My fangs lowered instinctively, and I moaned his name, arching my back. I pressed the heel of my foot against his bottom, inviting him closer. He obliged.

  His tongue found the sensitive nub of my core, and I shook involuntarily as he worked me into an ecstatic void. I cried out as I orgasmed, his name on my lips. He blew teasingly onto the throbbing bundle of nerves, and I shuddered, the promise of another orgasm dangerously close.

  “I want you,” I whispered, my eyes opening to meet his.

  He kissed his way toward my torso, his tongue ringing my navel before sliding against the curves of my stomach muscles. A tremor shook through me as he positioned the thick head of himself at my core. Ever so slowly, he inched himself inside me. When he could go no farther, he grasped my hips, arching my back. Carefully, he pushed again until he was rooted fully within me. I dug my fingers into the bed, scrunching the bedsheets in my fisted hands. Leisurely, he pushed in and out, allowing my body to acclimate to the long, thick intruder. My desire coated him as he slipped in and out, still at an excruciatingly slow pace.

  “More,” I whispered.

  “More?” he asked.

  “I need more.”

  He adjusted his stance, leaving one hand to rest by my head, supporting his weight, while the other kept my back arched. I hiked my hips up as high as I could and wrapped my legs around him, my ankles crossing at his bottom.

  “Open your eyes, Avah,” he said, and I did. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “I love you,” I said. I released the sheets and ran my hands up his arms until they settled at his neck and in his hair.

  As he thrust punishingly hard and fast into me, he brought his mouth to mine, muffling my cries. I dug my fingers into his hair, pulling on the roots, and squeezed my legs around him, begging him to inch closer until I wasn’t sure where I ended and he began. And he did. He always gave me exactly what I needed. When he sank his fangs into my neck, I orgasmed again, moaning, dragging my fingernails against his back. Unable to control my hunger any longer, I bit him. My throbbing core, his deliciously smooth strokes, and the overwhelmingly sweet taste of his blood on my tongue was too much to bear. My orgasm rippled into another and another, until I could no longer keep track. He released my neck. With closed eyes and my name on his lips, he came long and hard. Our bodies, coated in a fine mist, rested against each other as we regained our strength and allowed our sputtering hearts to calm. His forehead rubbed against mine, and I kissed him feverishly.


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