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Lone Star Rising

Page 21

by Kurt Winans

  Heath was pleased to learn that before he and his driver could return to the office, the sheriff had already begun a wider search for tangible information. Even though he had learned from the fingerprint match that both female victims were from Texas, the sheriff dismissed the thought that the shooting could have been some sort of hate crime. The apparent hit was too well organized for that, as more times than not, hate crimes tended to be more impulsive. However since the two victims did live in the new republic, the sheriff wanted to learn how they would have been getting back home. Therefore he contacted the authorities at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport to inform them of the case, and to see if the two now identified victims were scheduled for an outbound flight in the near future. While seeing to that, he had other staff members check into private planes at the various small local airports of South Lake Tahoe, Carson Valley, and Carson City. It was possible that some private jets had flown in from Texas recently, and if so, perhaps one of them had been responsible for the women in question.

  As the results of that inquiry began to filter in over the next few hours, Heath recognized that one such plane had filed a flight plan into the Minden-Tahoe Airport from the Houston County Airport in Crockett Texas. The flight had come in on Saturday; but that same Gulfstream G280 had flown out for the return leg roughly an hour after the shootings had occurred. Heath asked one of the deputies to dig deeper into what business that private jet might have had while in Minden, and who the plane was registered to.

  A few minutes later the sheriff learned from a separate deputy that the two female victims had indeed booked an outbound flight. They had arrived from Dallas on an American Airlines flight the previous Saturday, and were scheduled for a return flight on this coming Sunday morning.

  While discussing the matter with his guest, a deputy approached and said, “Excuse me sheriff, but I have some information that Agent Bishop asked for.”

  Thanking the deputy, Heath reached for the paper the young man held. Then with an eyebrow raised he said, “Well that’s interesting.”

  The sheriff asked, “Why, what have you got there?”

  “According to this report, the plane from Texas that I had been interested in at the Minden-Tahoe Airport is registered to a Samuel Tillman who resides in Crockett.”

  “And is that important?”

  “Well it could be.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Something doesn’t add up. You and I were just informed that Domonique and the other woman had tickets to fly back to Dallas out of Reno on Sunday.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Well during our conversation over dinner last night, Domonique told me that she was a flight attendant. When I asked her which airline she worked for, she informed me that she didn’t. Then she went on to tell me that she was the primary flight attendant for a private Gulfstream G280 which was owned by the Tillman family in Texas.”

  “Well that sounds like in her line of work, it would be better than the daily grind of taking care of who knows what sort of customers on a flying bus.”

  “I would agree, and that’s the impression I got from her too. But I’m curious. If she worked for the Tillman family, and was on vacation, then it would make sense that she either came here via the private jet owned by them or on a commercial flight.”

  “That sounds logical.”

  “Thank you. But as both would not be necessary, it leads me to a question. Why was the Gulfstream G280 in Carson Valley if Domonique and her friend already had roundtrip tickets on a commercial airline?”

  On the morning after successfully eliminating Domonique from those among the living, Courtney was safely back at the Tillman mansion and sleeping in her comfortable bed. As she rolled over at nine o’clock she realized that the only thing missing from her peaceful and warm location was her husband Mason, but what else was new. He had been away so often during the previous year that it would have seemed strange to wake with him by her side. Courtney missed her husband at times such as the present moment; however she was angry with Mason over what she suspected he had been doing for quite some time. Even so, she still loved the man who had fathered her two children very much.

  In his absence Courtney had needed something to help fill the void which had been created, and Samuel had recognized a way to channel her passion into a skill set which could be useful to the organization. That fact, at least in part, was why Courtney had become so proficient with her recent occupation. There was plenty of available time for her to hone certain skills while Jennifer was in school, so why not practice and train relentlessly until she became lethal. Such a mindset, which brought forth a level of disciplined motivation, was the reason that Courtney had been able to accomplish the most recent mission entrusted to her by Samuel.

  The previous several days at Lake Tahoe had been long and grueling with a genuine lack of sleep, but Courtney completed the sanction without incident. Stealthily tracking the various vacation habits of Domonique, while also being ready to follow the woman nearly everywhere except into her hotel room, had been a difficult challenge. However those efforts had paid off. It seemed extremely doubtful that an investigation into the woman’s death or any of the other three victims for that matter could be traced back to Courtney, so she was well within her right to be proud of how and where the sanction had been fulfilled.

  While Courtney flashed back to the exhilarating moments of the four kill shots and the ensuing escape, Jennifer knocked on the door and entered. Holding a large cup in her hand, she said, “I thought you might like some coffee mom.”

  Rising to a seated position and smiling at the girl who had become a young woman far too quickly, she replied, “That is a wonderful thought Jennifer. Thank you.”

  “Your welcome. And Ms. Holloway asked me to tell you that whenever you are ready, she will have breakfast waiting for you.”

  “Oh thank her for me will you? And let her know that I will be out after a shower.”

  “Sure mom, no problem.”

  A short time later Courtney walked into the kitchen to find Samuel and Victoria, along with Kyle and Ashley, seated around the table. In typical fashion for a Saturday morning, Jennifer and the other two young Tillman’s had already eaten and were off doing something which they found to be important. The four adults had also finished breakfast, and were discussing plans for the day. Ms. Holloway brought Courtney a plate and refilled her coffee, then as usual, sat with the group. Courtney hadn’t seen any of them after her late night arrival, and as far as she knew, Samuel was the only one of them which was privy as to why she had been gone for an entire week. Pleasant conversation resumed, with talk of Jason’s commencement at West Point in little more than a month being the main topic.

  After Courtney finished her meal and washed her plate, Samuel asked, “How would you like to take a walk with me in a few minutes?”

  Sipping the last of her coffee next to the sink she turned and replied, “Sure Samuel. That sounds like a nice idea.”

  Within fifteen minutes the two of them were well clear of the mansion, so Samuel felt comfortable in leaning toward her a bit and whispering, “Well number thirty-seven, I saw the CNN report last evening before your return about a shooting tragedy at a Lake Tahoe ski resort. I assume that was your work, and if so, I must say well done my dear.”

  Without looking directly at him, she replied, “Yes that was my work.”

  “Well you showed me in so doing that you have the ability to improvise in order to carry out even the most challenging of missions. You have skillfully eliminated an enemy from within our ranks, and I’m grateful for your service to both the family and the organization.”

  Turning her head slightly to face her father-in-law as they walked on, Courtney replied, “I’m glad that you are pleased with the results number two. You know that I would do anything to preserve what this family has built.”

  “That’s true number thirty-seven, and as noted, your efforts are much appreciated.”
/>   While continuing on toward the inevitable destination of the reverent bench for Chance, Samuel noticed that Courtney was rather solemn. Perhaps she was still decompressing and recovering from the task which she had just completed for him, or maybe it was something else. In either case, Samuel understood that she would be alright with time. The woman, with the exception of Victoria, was nearly as tough as they came. Because of that inner strength, Samuel knew that if Courtney hadn’t married into the family, most people would have sworn that she was the blood daughter of Victoria.

  Upon reaching the bench, they observed the customary brief silence before Courtney stated, “There’s something that’s been on my mind lately number two, but I’m not sure if I should broach the subject with you. I just don’t know how well it will be received.”

  Nodding his head with understanding, Samuel replied, “Number thirty-seven, you should know by now that you can discuss anything you desire with me while we are on these strolls. Tell me what’s on your mind, and I will try to help in any way that I can.”

  “I appreciate that number two, but are you sure?”

  “Certainly, you have more than earned it. Now please proceed.”

  “Well let me start by assuring you that I haven’t spoken to anyone about this, and I remain cautious to do so now.”

  “It’s alright Courtney. I’m listening, and if something is troubling you then please let me know what it is.”

  “Alright, but it involves Mason.”

  With an increased look of concern on Samuels face, he asked, “Mason? Are you trying to tell me that he has betrayed me and the organization in some way?”

  “No number two. Mason hasn’t betrayed you or the organization directly, and I think you know that he would never do that. However if it matters to you, I do believe that he has betrayed me.”

  “What are you getting at Courtney?”

  “I think, no, that’s not right. I fully believe that Mason has been having an affair.”

  Showing no visible sign of emotion which would tip his hand, he asked, “Well now, that’s a serious accusation. Are you sure?”

  “Yes I am Samuel. But I don’t want Mason’s indiscretion to break up our marriage and thus negatively impact Beau and Jennifer. Additionally, I wouldn’t want to have word of his extracurricular activities become public knowledge and subsequently place a black mark on the Tillman family name.”

  “Well I must say that it’s very considerate of you to think of the family name, and graciously noble I might add to be the bigger person and move beyond his indiscretion. If it’s any consolation to you Courtney, I also believe that Mason is having an affair.”

  Turning with surprise to look at him directly, she said, “Well I’m not sure that I want to be the bigger person Samuel. Mason and I obviously have some things to work out before we can move forward, but I’m willing to try.”

  “That’s just one more reason why it’s obvious that my son made a wise choice in selecting you to become his wife and a member of this family.”

  Not wanting to hide behind a false veneer of humility, Courtney replied, “Thank you Samuel, and yes he did! I believe that fact was true many years ago, and that it’s still true today. Now I just need to have Mason realize it, and come back to his senses.”

  “That’s fair enough I suppose. So do you have a plan to make him once again realize what he has in you?”

  “Yes. First I need to stop him from seeing whoever she is, and I believe that I have a solution to that problem if you will consider it?”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I would like for you to sanction a hit on the woman.”

  “A sanction, are you sure about that Courtney?”

  “Yes I am Samuel, and I want you to let me be the one who pulls the trigger!”

  “That’s rather drastic don’t you think? I mean do you even know who the woman is?”

  “No I don’t think that it’s too drastic! Unfortunately I don’t know exactly who she is yet, but I do know that she’s a homewrecker. So when I do find out who she is, I want to send a message to her and any others who might be considering the destruction of my marriage. As far as I’m concerned Samuel, a slap across the face just won’t do justice.”

  “Although I understand your passion on the matter, I’m afraid that it just wouldn’t be possible Courtney.”

  “But wouldn’t you agree that the vixen deserves to die?”

  “I absolutely agree with you Courtney, but you can’t kill her.”

  “Why can’t I kill her Samuel?”

  “Because my dear, you already have.”

  Sensing that Courtney would be experiencing a level of shock over the unforeseen news, Samuel stood from the bench and moved away so that she could ponder over what had just been revealed to her. She then sat quietly on the bench for several minutes, and couldn’t believe that Domonique had actually been the one. Courtney had always suspected that Mason’s betrayal of her had been with one of the women involved in the Colorado aspect of the past November attacks, but according to Samuel, that was not true. The thought of being so wrong in her assessment of the adultery bothered Courtney; however learning that the culprit was someone right under her nose whom she believed to be a pleasant acquaintance made her furious. As Courtney continued to play back certain events and encounters on the family plane during the previous year, she remembered having multiple conversations with Domonique which included asking her once if she thought Mason was having an affair. Just the thought of that single conversation, which had revealed a vulnerability and weakness via questioning her husband’s loyalty, gnawed at Courtney’s insides and caused her to feel sick to her stomach.

  Courtney fumed for roughly ten minutes, as she knew that Domonique had played her. However once she took a few deep breaths and was able to look beyond the anger which she had toward Mason and Domonique, Courtney could view the scenario from a strategic perspective. Mason was a good father, and at least he had the intelligence and decency to commit his adultery far away from home so that Jennifer wouldn’t be any the wiser. That however didn’t relieve him from being an idiot for doing so and the one who Courtney believed to be most at blame. Courtney knew that she wanted their marriage to become heathy again, but they obviously had some issues to work through if that were to happen. She would confront Mason about his indiscretion at some point, and ask him if there had been any others, but it could wait. As for Domonique, Courtney had to give her some credit where credit was due. She had employed the age old tactic of keeping your friends close, while keeping your enemy’s closer. In so doing, the shameless vixen had completely fooled her competition while in quest of Mason’s affections.

  Standing from the bench, Courtney gave a respectful glance toward the grave marker for Chance. Then she said softly, “Your brother Mason has really messed things up this time. Although I may eventually forgive him, I’m not sure that your father will. It’s unfortunate, but I don’t think Mason has seen the last of his punishment.”

  Then Courtney blew a kiss in the direction of the grave and began walking back toward the mansion. She wasn’t really looking at much of anything other than her feet as she continued to ponder over what had transpired, but then she suddenly saw Samuel appear roughly fifteen feet in front of her to inquire if she was alright.

  She responded with a sigh, “I suppose so given the circumstances, but I’m angry at myself for not having seen this. I believed that Mason was doing it, which is why I asked you about a sanction. I just didn’t ever think that it could have been Domonique.”

  “I understand Courtney. Is there anything that either I or Victoria can do to help?”

  “Does she know?”

  “You mean about the affair, or the sanction?”

  “Well I was asking about the affair, but now that you mention it.”

  “Yes Victoria knows about both, and is ready to offer her support if you need to talk to a woman about this.”

  “That’s nice of her, and I
’m sure that I will seek her support at some point.”

  “That’s a healthy attitude Courtney.”

  “Thanks, now can I ask you something?”

  “Of course you can.”

  “Have you ever cheated on Victoria Samuel?”

  “Never, and I never will. Now I don’t blame you for asking Courtney, and under the current circumstances your question is well-founded, but please don’t ever ask me that again. With a topic such as this, I hope you understand that it’s not correct or fair to lump all men together. While it is true that we all have our weaknesses, even though some men can’t or won’t admit them, adultery is not one of mine. Is that clear to you Courtney?”

  She could tell by the look in his eye that Samuel was serious in his response, and also realized that he had done her a small favor in the breadth of the past minute. Courtney needed to know during her current time of vulnerability that she had someone close to her who was a man of honor, and Samuel would be that person. He wouldn’t let her down, and Courtney suddenly felt more at ease in the recognition of that fact.

  Moving closer to receive a hug from her father-in-law, Courtney said, “Thank you for offering your support.”

  “No problem Courtney, your part of the family and you know that. And remember, Victoria is there for you as well.”

  “I will. Now can I ask you something else number two?”

  Instantly switching gears to match the identity, he replied, “Of course number thirty-seven. What’s on your mind?”

  “How long have you known about Mason and Domonique?”

  “I’ve had my suspicions for quite a while, but I wasn’t sure until recently.”

  “Alright then that leads me to a final question.”


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