Down to Earth_Nature's Role in American History
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New York Times, 228
Nez Perce Indians, 150
Nicaragua, 271
Nicklaus, Jack, 222
Nitrogen, 16, 103, 115
Nixon, Richard, 250
Norris, Philetus, 150
North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) plan, 188
North Carolina, 107, 111, 204
North Dakota, 132–133, 138
Northern Pacific Railroad, 148, 149, 150, 155
Nuclear arms race, 263–264
Oats, 61
Obsolescence, planned, 208–209, 226
Oceans, 22, 170, 232
Odum, Eugene, 246–247
Ogallala aquifer, 201
Ogeechee River, 76
Ohio, 61, 167. See also Cincinnati; Cleveland
Ohio valley, 191
Oil, 221, 272, 273
and pollution, 239, 240, 248
as source of plastic, 227
Ojibwa Indians, 17
Oklahoma, 135
Old-growth forests, 142, 257–261
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 191, 222
Oranges, 175, 176, 181–182, 186, 275
Oregon, 143
Ouachita River, 96
Owens River, 166
Pacific High, 177
Pacific Northwest, 65, 142, 143, 242–243, 257–260
Packaging, 227, 228, 280
Paleoindians, 3, 4, 11–13
and Pleistocene extinctions, 13
Palmer, Arnold, 222
Pamlico Sound, 204–205
Pangaea, 3
Panthers, 225
Paper, 226–229
Passenger pigeons, 42–43, 67–69
Patents, 183, 277–278, 279
Pawnee Indians, 16, 19
Pawtucket, RI, 57
Peaches, 178
Pears, 178, 180
Pelican Island, 144
Pennsylvania, 92, 236. See also Philadelphia
Perdue, Frank, 203
Peruvian guano, 86
Peshtigo, WI, 66–67
Pesticides, 184, 247, 278
Petoskey, MI, 67
Petroleum. See Oil
Pfiesteria, 205
Philadelphia, PA, 157, 162, 168, 237
Philippines, 269, 270–271, 273
Phillips Petroleum, 212
Phosphates, 248
Phosphorous, 167
Piedmont, 72, 74, 79–81, 85–86
Pigs, 29, 45, 190, 191, 202. See also Pork
in cities, 159, 160–161
and garbage disposal, 168, 171, 230
introduction of, to New World, 29, 191
in the South, 93, 98, 99–100, 107, 108
Pinchot, Gifford, 111–112, 154, 242, 259
and fire suppression, 143–144, 145
utilitarian views of, 138–139, 141–143
Pine trees, 20, 35, 50, 62, 111
Placer mining, 119
Plains Indians, 16, 18–19, 122–123, 124–128
Planned obsolescence, 208–209, 226
Plantations, 71–79, 81–88, 101
overseas, 266–267
Plant Patent Act (1930), 183
Plant Variety Protection Act (1970), 277
Plastic, 226–227, 231–232
Pleistocene extinctions, 12–13, 27, 29, 125
conflicting explanations of, 13
Plows, 61, 135
Plums, 178, 183
Plutonium, 264
Plymouth colony, 28, 40
Polk, James K., 118
air, 222, 234, 251, 252
water. See Water pollution
Population, pre-Columbian, 13–15, 20, 27
Population growth, 55, 74, 105
in early New England, 26–27, 40, 43–45
in Europe, 31
Populism, 109
Pork, 190–191, 195
factory–style production of, 191, 202, 203–205
Portland, OR, 219
Post, John, 47
Potash, 41
Potatoes, 46, 183
Powell, John Wesley, 116
Predators, 34. See also Wolves
extermination efforts against, 43, 145–147, 153–154
Prince George, BC, 188
Prohibition, 115
Property, private, 31–32, 154, 277–278, 279
Pumpkins, 15, 41
Queens, NY, 162, 179
Racism, 30, 115, 256. See also Slavery
Radiation, 256
Rœder, Ole Munch, 160
Ragmen, 171
Ragweed, 225
Railroads, 64, 192
and agriculture, 61, 101, 178
and hunting, 68, 107, 127
and lumber industry, 64, 110, 111
in the South, 101, 107, 110, 111
and tourism, 148, 149, 150, 155
Rain forests, 271, 272–273
Raisins, 178, 180–181
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 21
Ranching, 129–134, 138, 146
Rappahannock River, 90, 92, 93
Rappaport, Roy, 225
Rats, 30, 92
Reagan, Ronald, 258
Recycling, 228–229
Redwood Summer, 260
Refrigeration, 178, 191, 192
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (1976), 251
Revolution, American, 45
Rhode Island, 57. See also New England
Rhodes, James, 248
Rice, 29–30, 75–79, 269, 270
Richmond, VA, 95
Rivers. See also specific rivers
changing use of, 56–59, 79–81
fish runs on, 46, 56, 58, 79–81
Roads, xi, 212–217, 225
federal policies toward, 212–213, 216–217, 243
and suburbanization, 216–217
Roanoke Island, 21
Rochester, NY, 162
Rockefeller Foundation, 269
Rocky Mountains, 4–5, 116
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 136. See also New Deal
Roosevelt, Theodore, 138–139, 140, 142, 155, 166, 183
Rubber, 214, 232–234, 262
Ruckelshaus, William, 256
Ruffin, Edmund, 74
Rye, 28, 41, 43, 45, 46, 61
Sacramento River, 177
Safeway Stores, 195
Sagadahoc colony, 26
Sagan, Carl, 249
Sahai, Suman, 279
St. Louis, MO, 157, 170, 192, 193, 196, 212
St. Lucah, GA, 96
St. Paul, MN, 171
Salisbury, NC, 95
Salmon, 56, 120
Salt, 95, 225
Sand County Almanac, A (Leopold), 242
San Francisco, CA, 139
San Francisco Bay, 168
San Gabriel Mountains, 219
Sanitation. See Garbage; Landfills; Sewerage systems
San Joaquin River, 177
San Joaquin valley, 186–187. See also Central Valley
Santa Barbara, CA, 248, 249
Santa Clara valley (Silicon Valley), 178
Santa Fe Trail, 122, 123
Sauget, IL, 236–237
Saunders, Charles, 136
Savannah, GA, 36, 169
Schofield, Lt. Gen. John M., 127
Scientific American, 95
Scott, Frank J., 222
Sea Islands, 81
Seeds, 268–269, 270
Settlement houses, 157–158
Sewall, Samuel, 26
Sewerage systems, 159, 166–168
Shad, 56, 80, 168
Sharecropping, 101
Sheep, 29
Sheridan, Gen. Philip, 128, 153
Sherman, Gen. William Tecumseh, 92, 127–128
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 212
Shiva, Vandana, 279
Shoshone Indians, 19, 150–151
Sierra Club, 139, 243–245, 253
Sierra Nevada, 119–120,
Silent Spring (Carson), 247
Silicon Valley (Santa Clara valley), 178
Simmel, Georg, 70
Sinclair, Upton, 157, 192–193, 194, 197
Sioux Indians, 19
Siskiyou Mountains, 258
Sitting Bull, 124
Skin cancer, 206
Slater, Samuel, 57
Slavery, 73–74, 82, 85–86, 87–88, 98
Slaves, 75–78, 97–98, 105
Sloan, Alfred P., Jr., 208–209
Smallpox, 28
Smith, Capt. John, 25
Smith, Josiah, Jr., 75
Smithfield Foods, 204
Snead, Sam, 222
Soapsuds, 248
Soil depletion, 72–73, 85–86
Soil erosion, 73, 74, 79, 103, 109
Solar design, 221
Sorghum, 195
South, the, 15–16, 34, 99–115, 169, 203. See also specific states
in the Civil War, 89–98
climate of, 47, 221
Indians in, 4, 15–16, 18, 20, 85, 136–137
logging in, 35–36, 109–111, 113
monoculture in, 97, 99–104, 110, 188
plantations in, 71–79, 81–88, 101
small farms in, 79–81, 105, 109–110, 111
South Carolina, 22, 25–26, 47, 75–79, 80, 105
climate and weather in, 22, 47
and cotton production, 83, 85, 102–103
South Dakota, 134
Soybeans, 278
Space program, 249, 250
Spanish settlers, 119
Sport hunters, 107, 151
Sport utility vehicles (SUVs), 276
Spotted owl, 259
Squash, 15, 41
Standard Oil, 187, 209
Stanford, Leland, 121
Staten Island Sound, 168
Steinbeck, John, 186
Stock laws, 109
Straus, Michael, 187
Streetcars, 163, 212
Suburbs, x, xi, 206, 207, 215, 217, 246
federal encouragement of, 216–217
lawns in, 206–207, 221–225, 246
Sugar plantations, 271
Summers, Lawrence, 267–268
Sunkist brand, 181, 182, 183
Sun-Maid brand, 180
Sunsweet brand, 183
Superfund law, 251
SUVs (sport utility vehicles), 276
Swift, Gustavus F., 192
Swift company, 192
“Swill children,” 168, 170, 171
Swine. See Pigs
Taft, CA, 146–147
Tar Heel, NC, 204
Taylor, Frederick W., 141, 222
Taylor, John, of Caroline, 74
Taylor Grazing Act (1934), 201
Technological change, 55–57, 63, 68, 225. See also Automobiles; Industrial revolution
and agriculture, 82, 95, 135
Telegraph, 68
Television shows, 222–223, 246
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 265, 266
Texarkana, AR, 254
Texas, 82, 111, 135, 235
and beef production, 129, 131, 132, 196
Texas fever (babesiosis), 86, 109
Textile factories, 57–59, 79–80
Thailand, 265–267
Thomas, Cyrus, 116
Thompson, E. P., 80
Thoreau, Henry David, 39, 50–52, 55, 67
Three Mile Island nuclear disaster, 264
Tidal irrigation, 76, 78–79
Time magazine, 239, 248
Tires, automobile, 233–234, 262
Tobacco, 71–74, 77
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 261
Toledo, Ohio, 167
Tomatoes, 184
Tourism, 144, 245–246
national parks and, 148, 150, 155–156, 241–242
Toxic Substances Control Act (1976), 251
Toxic waste, 254–256, 267–268
TREES (Timber Resource Equals Economic Stability), 259–260
Tree spiking, 258–259
Trimble, Stanley, 86
Trobriand, Regis de, 90
Tropical forests, 271, 272–273
Truman administration, 187–188
“Tubmen,” 164
Turf grass, 206, 222, 223
Tyger River, 80
Typhoid fever, 25
Union Pacific Railroad, 132
Uranium, 256
U.S. Agency for International Development, 267
U.S. Army, 127–128
U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey, 145–147
U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 201
U.S. Bureau of Mines, 209–210
U.S. Bureau of Public Roads, 213
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 187–188, 243–246
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 136, 194, 199–200
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 259
U.S. Forest Service, 138
and fire suppression, 143–144
and grazing, 201
and logging, 142–143, 243, 258, 259
U.S. National Park Service, 151, 241–242
U.S. Rectangular Land Survey (“the grid”), 60, 116–118
U.S. Supreme Court, 151, 237, 277–278
U.S. Weather Bureau, 221
U.S. Works Progress Administration, 213
Utah, 132, 243
Vanderbilt, George, 111
Vermont, 48, 67. See also New England
Vicksburg, MS, 92, 96
Vietnam War, 248–249
Virginia, 28, 71–74, 80, 106, 226, 233. See also Jamestown settlement
in the Civil War, 90–91, 95
Volcanic eruptions, 46–47
Vonnegut, Kurt, 253
Walden, Or Life in the Woods (Thoreau), 39
Walker, C. Irvine, 92
Wallace, Henry, 269
Walt Disney Company, 246, 283-284
Wampumpeag (wampum), 34
Waring, George E., Jr., 158, 167
Warren County, N.C., 256
Washington state, 143, 264
Waste. See Feedlots; Garbage; Human waste; Manure; Sewerage systems
Water pollution, 251
effect of, on fish, 167–168, 204–205
feedlots and, 190, 204–205
by oil, 239, 240
Water Pollution Control Act (1972), 251
Water rights, 57–59
Waters, E. C., 155
Water systems, municipal, 165–166
Watt, James, 258
Wealth, per capita, 55
Weantinock Indians, 32
Weather, 181, 274. See also Climate; Droughts
in the Civil War, 90–92, 96–97
and volcanic eruptions, 46–47
in the West, 116, 130, 132
“Weeds,” 31, 75, 223, 225
Weeks Act (1911), 144
West, the. See also Great Plains; National parks; Pacific Northwest; specific states
climate of, 116–118, 137, 153, 176–177
environmental conflicts in, 121–122, 123, 130–131, 150–153, 242–246, 257–260
predator control in, 145–147, 153–154
West Africa, 29–30
West Boylston, MA, 166
West Indies, 48
Wetlands, 234
Weyerhaeuser, Frederick, 64–65
Wheat, 55, 96
and the “Green Revolution,” 269
introduction of, to New World, 28, 41
in New England, 41, 43, 45, 46
in the West, 6, 61, 134–136, 177
White, Andrew, 18
White, E. B., 242
White, John, 21
White, Justice Edward, 151
White Castle, 197
Whitney, Eli, 82
“Wilderness” (term), 20, 147–148, 253–254
Wilderness Act (1964), 243
Wilderness advocates, 139, 147–148, 240, 242, 243–246, 257–260
ilderness Society, 242, 243
Wild Kingdom, 246
Williams, Michael, 65
Williams, Roger, 32
Wilson, Alexander, 67
Wind erosion, 136
Winthrop, John, 28
Wisconsin, 7, 62–67. See also Milwaukee
Wise Use movement, 259–260
Wolves, 34, 43, 125, 146
Women’s Civic Association (Louisville, KY), 170
Women’s Health Protective Association (Brooklyn, NY), 170
Woods, Robert, 157
in California agriculture, 185–186
in fast food restaurants, 198
in lumber industry, 258–259, 260
in meatpacking, 194, 197
World Bank, 264–268, 272
World War I, 135, 136
World War II, 213, 222, 268
Worster, James, 58
W. R. Grace corporation, 279
Wright Act (California, 1887), 178
Wyoming, 128, 146, 151
Yard waste, 230–231
Yazoo River, 96
Yellowstone National Park, 148–154, 241, 242
Yellow Wolf, 150
Yokut Indians, 19
Yosemite National Park, 140, 241
Yuba River, 119, 120, 121