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Arctic Obsession

Page 29

by Alexis S. Troubetzkoy

  My profound gratitude to Professor Franklyn Griffiths, University of Toronto and Senior Fellow, Peace and Conflict Studies; and to Dr. Stanislav Shmelev of the Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University, for their helpful critique and insights on aspects of the final two chapters. And to Cameron MacLeod Jones for the production of the illustrative maps — impressive work indeed for a fifteen-year-old. And finally, thanks to my agent Bill Hanna of Acacia House Publishing Services and to his wife, Frances, for their support in this work — the idea for the book was Bill’s in the first place. Memories continue unflagging of two individuals now deceased who introduced me to the Arctic: businessman Otto Kredl, with whom I travelled into the extreme North, and George W. Jacobsen, the Arctic pioneer and founder of the Jacobsen-McGill Arctic Research Centre on Axel Heiberg, who was my mentor on that remarkable tour of discovery.


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