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Unbridled: Lone Star Lovers, Book 1

Page 6

by Delilah Devlin

  “Must have been worried about you.”

  “He figured out real quick it was Justin who snuck up to my bedroom window and lured me away. You’d have thought I’d consorted with the devil himself the way he acted.”

  “He’s always had a thing for Justin,” Rowe murmured, knowing full well what drove the animosity between the two men.

  “I don’t get it. I mean, yeah, I know Justin doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to women, but it seems more personal.”

  “It is, sweetheart. But Justin or Cutter’s gonna have to tell you about that.”

  A soft, feminine snort sounded in her ear. “Like either one of them are big talkers.” She sighed. “I still can’t believe I let him talk me into it.”

  “Can’t blame it all on him. You could have said no.”

  “As if! Tell me you can resist him when he uses that sexy growl. And he got me mad first.”

  Rowe chuckled. “Mad enough to forget you don’t like him?”

  “Mad enough to do whatever the hell he wanted.”

  Rowe blew out a deep breath. His body tightened. “Jesus, wish I’d been there to watch,” he whispered.

  A long silence followed. “You could really do that?” she said softly. “You could stand back and let him have me…like that?”

  Dani didn’t sound shocked or disappointed. Her soft voice had grown husky. Rowe lowered his own voice and growled. “Might join in too, if you’d like.”

  Dani gave a short, choked laugh. “God, I can’t stop thinking about it. About us, all of us. It’s wrong in so many ways.”

  “According to whom? Whose opinion really matters?”

  “Cutter’s matters.”

  “I think Cutter only wants you happy. If you’re circumspect, and don’t flaunt it to raise eyebrows, I don’t think he’d care if you kept a harem. He just wants you safe and loved.”

  “He thinks Justin doesn’t respect me.”

  “Justin has some things to learn about us. He thinks he knows us inside out. And while he knows how to get to us sexually, he hasn’t learned to trust us.”

  “Trust.” She huffed. “He all but demanded it of me.”

  “He has to learn to give it before he can expect it back.”

  “And how do we teach someone as stubborn as him?”

  “Maybe we should push him outside. Make him watch. We can show him a thing or two about what two people who love each other can do for each other.”

  “You still love me?”

  Rowe smiled at the thickness of her voice, envisioning her soft green eyes moistening. “Always have, Dani. We’re the same people. We have the same dreams. I think bringing Justin into the fold will be good for both of us.”

  Dani groaned into his ear. “I have to help out with the books and payroll today. Now you’ve completely blown my mind.”

  “Leave it all to me. Whatever happens on Friday, just go with it.”

  Rowe closed the phone and grinned. Feeling lighter, like all the pieces of his life were finally coming together, he strode toward the house and his office. He’d always known his future would include Dani, that they’d marry one day, but he’d still felt like his heart had room for more.

  Justin knew Rowe was hooked, but he probably didn’t have a clue how deep his feelings really went. Justin was a hard case. He didn’t trust anyone but himself. Didn’t rely on anyone to give him happiness.

  And other than his little sister, he didn’t love a single soul.

  Every time Justin and he were together, the glimpses of tenderness only came when Justin was spent, too exhausted to fight the ties binding him closer and closer to Rowe.

  Justin was a sensual guy, a hedonist when it came to finding pleasure, which was the only reason he’d given into the urge to take Rowe as a lover. But he was a hetero man at heart. Love would have to be strong to overcome his proclivities in the long run.

  Rowe wasn’t as sure about his own natural bent.

  Dani was his friend, his playmate. If it didn’t sound completely gross, he might have labeled his affection…brotherly. But that didn’t mean he didn’t desire her, didn’t get off on sinking into her hot little body, didn’t crave the clasp of her mouth and hands wrapping around his cock.

  When wicked humor glinted in her eyes, issuing a feminine challenge, every muscle of his body hardened…and he was there. And he knew she felt the same way about him.

  And yet, he’d seen the way she’d stared at Justin. Kinda like he wished he could. All that heat and yearning burning in her eyes told Rowe everything he needed to know.

  Dani could be happy with the both of them. She’d share her body, share her life and a home. But he had to tread carefully. Justin was stubborn enough to hold himself apart from them, try to keep them dancing to his tune. The bastard thought he had to be in control.

  It was going to be tough figuring out how to get the ornery cowboy to surrender to love.

  Dani signed the last payroll check and closed the checkbook. Everything was ready for Friday’s payday.

  The past couple of days hadn’t been bad between her and Cutter—exactly. Since he was up with the roosters and she hadn’t quite gotten used to the early mornings, they only shared the dinner meal together. Most of the day, he came and went, ducking his head into the office to see if she needed anything, which she didn’t. She’d spent her summers taking care of the admin side of the ranch since high school.

  And she didn’t mind doing it now, even though nothing had been settled between them. Cutter ground his jaw every time she tried to talk to him about that night, so she’d let it go.

  Likely the problem would fester into a sore the size of Texas before Cutter relented. He was the most stubborn man she’d ever known. Even more so than their father. And that was saying a lot.

  She’d loved them both despite the flaw.

  Dani pushed the chair away from the desk and stood, stretching her arms over her head and rolling her shoulders to ease the ache. She’d spent too many hours tallying columns of numbers in the ledgers. Cutter refused to automate.

  Sunshine gleamed from the window and she glanced outside, sighing as she watched a ranch hand pounding nails into the wooden fence surrounding the corral. Everyone else was out riding herd, moving them to fresher pasture or following the fence line to check for breaks.

  She’d have liked to join them, but then again, she didn’t really want to talk to anyone right now. As edgy and grumpy as she was, she’d snap. Sleep hadn’t come easy the previous night. The memory of Rowe and Justin played back, over and over, only she’d rewritten the scene in her mind.

  In her dream, both men were naked. Rowe was still on his knees and suctioning hard enough to make Justin’s toes curl into the plank floor. When Justin challenged her with his hard gaze, she didn’t bolt. Instead, she’d imagined herself walking nude toward both of them then sinking to the floor beside Rowe. Together they’d pleasured Justin until his whole body quivered and shook. When he came, she and Rowe took turns lapping the sticky white stripes from each other’s faces.

  The image was burned in her mind. Kept her body tense, her sex and breasts aching. She was half afraid that anyone looking at her now would know exactly what she was thinking because she couldn’t stop sweating.

  Frustrated, she decided to get out of the house and ride. Maybe the wind rushing through her hair would cool her down.

  But even her horse seemed to know what she wanted, because without so much as a single nudge or pull of the reins, the mare headed straight for the cabin.

  Someone else had read her mind. Dani flashed Rowe a grin and slid off her horse.

  Rowe sat on the porch, his lean face breaking into a smile.

  “Waiting for Justin?” she drawled.

  “Nope, I was waiting for you.”

  Dani tilted her head in a silent question. “You have a spy at the house?”

  “Nah, just knew you’d never hold out until Friday.”

  She wrinkled her nose.
“I hate being predictable. But I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Want to talk?”

  “Can we talk and get busy at the same time?”

  His soft chuckle was all she needed to hear. He stood and gripped her hand, tugging her up the steps and through the door.

  They undressed each other, kissing every inch of skin they laid bare until they were naked and lying on fresh sheets in the bed that still sat in the center of the floor. Rowe cloaked himself in latex, and then they faced each other, heads supported on one hand, while their free hands roamed.

  Rowe pinched a tightly beaded nipple. “You know, it’s not because I don’t love you.”

  Dani knew exactly what he was talking about, and was relieved they still seemed so in tune. “I know.” Her fingertips scraped down his belly, heading toward his cock, which jerked as though excited about the attention coming its way.

  “It’s always been good between us.”

  Dani wrapped her hand around his shaft, enjoying his steely hardness and the heat radiating through the condom. “But not fantastic, right?” She darted a glance his way, intending only a peek, but his soft, regretful smile held her.

  “I didn’t know I wanted more. Not until it happened.”

  Dani kept her expression set. If she got too emotional now, he’d feel like hell. “I would have tried.”

  “I know that.” His hand cupped her breast and squeezed, then he tucked his fingers between her legs and traced the edges of her folds.

  “Justin…he gives you everything you need?” she asked, afraid of the answer, and hoping she wouldn’t betray her sadness by tearing up now. Rowe needed to tell her this. Needed her understanding.

  Rowe rolled over her and settled his cock between her legs. The tip pushed against her pussy then slid rapidly inside, not stopping until every inch of him filled her. “He doesn’t give me everything I need. He can’t. He isn’t you.”

  The tears she’d wanted to hide leaked down the side of her face. “I was afraid you were done with me. I think that’s why I was so shocked yesterday.”

  Rowe kissed her. Settling his weight on his elbows, he combed his fingers through her hair. “I will always love you.”

  Dani stared into his pale blue eyes. “But…?”

  “You give me warmth and laughter. Justin…”

  “Overwhelms you?” she whispered.

  “Yeah, he completely blows away every inhibition I ever had. He’s like a goddamn drug.” He sighed. “I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you.”

  Dani swallowed the tears down her throat, hating the regret in his gaze and feeling guilty because he thought he’d betrayed her. “I have something I should have told you a long time ago.”

  Rowe pressed a finger against her lips. “You’ve been with him too. I picked up on that. It’s okay. I’m kinda relieved actually. It means we both have the same taste.”

  A gust of laughter caught her by surprise. “It was only the one time. Right after high school. And I hated myself for being weak.”

  His wry grin said he knew exactly how she’d felt. “Even if I hadn’t become his lover, I would have forgiven you. We have too much history, and we were so damn young. It’s a wonder we’ve come this far.”

  “I’m sorry I never told you. Maybe it was meant to be this way.” She blushed, feeling foolish saying that, but Rowe’s crooked smile said he felt the exact same way.

  But in true Rowe fashion, his expression slipped from tender to wicked in a heartbeat. He lifted a brow, Justin-like, and growled, “Want to make me spank you first?”

  Dani laughed. “I think I just wanted a hug, and this is the sexiest kind imaginable.”

  “’Nough talk then.” Rowe’s sweet breath entered her mouth a moment before he kissed her hard. His tongue stroked deep, sweeping along the edges of her teeth, and then dueled with hers.

  Dani raised her legs and hooked them behind his back, tilting her pussy to take him deeper and squeezing her inner muscles around his shaft.

  As he began to thrust, the slow, steady throb of her heart picked up the pace; her breaths quickened. The slick, wet sounds they made as they came together were just nasty enough to thrill her, and the familiar musky scent and feel of the man working above her smoothed away the edges from her earlier unrest.

  Sex with Rowe had always been comfortable and comforting. He worked hard to please her. Convinced he still loved her and that she still had a place in his life, she gave herself over to his loving, gliding her hands over his chest then clutching the tops of his shoulders when his thrusts quickened.

  The climb ended quicker than she’d thought it would. Tiny, pleasurable convulsions began to pulse all along her channel. She arched her back and slammed her hips upward, meeting his strokes, gasping as the sudden wash of her orgasm took her breath and swept her away.

  When she came down, Rowe wore a one-sided smile. “I think I got it.”

  “You did. Just what I needed,” she groaned and tightened her legs and arms around him to hold him closer.

  Rowe kissed her forehead and waited while she unwound herself from around him. He padded to the small sink and poured water from a bottle onto a clean cloth. On his way back, he glanced at the window and hesitated.

  “What is it?”

  Rowe shook his head. “Thought I saw something.”

  When they’d both cleaned up and dressed, he helped her onto her horse. “Ready for tomorrow?”

  She slid her boots into the stirrups. “Just what’s supposed to happen?”

  He winked and gently slapped her horse. “Wear something sexy.”

  Dani made a face at him and tugged the reins to turn the horse. When she pulled away from the trees, she glanced to the far hilltop.

  A lone cowboy sat atop his horse. Even from the distance, she knew it was Justin. She started to lift her hand to wave, but something about the way he held himself—his posture straight, his aura so vigilant—stopped her.

  She didn’t know if he was angry or jealous, or if he cared at all. But she did like the fact he didn’t move, following her with the turn of his head as she headed back to her brother’s ranch.

  Chapter Five

  Dani’s body hummed. Rowe had told her to cool her heels until Friday. Even if he hadn’t set the date, she’d have known something was going to happen tonight. The stillness of the air outside, the sharp edge of summer heat, the energy buzzing inside her own body kept her anxious and excited. If only her brother wouldn’t put a damper on her emotions. Not now.

  Cutter sat across the table from her, toying with the food on his plate. His glance had raked her once before he took his seat, but he hadn’t commented on the fact she’d showered and changed. But his gaze lingered on the thin straps of her silky green top.

  She hated the tension between them. Hated that he was disappointed in her. But she wasn’t fifteen anymore. Setting down her fork, she took a deep breath. “We should talk.”

  Cutter gave a sharp shake of his head and kept his gaze glued to his plate.

  Tears filled her eyes, and then she grew angry. She’d only feel guilt over what happened if she let him lay it on her. “You’ve gotta know I’m not a virgin.”

  His face screwed up in disgust. “Jesus, Dani. I don’t want to talk about this.”

  “You don’t want to talk about anything,” she said, feeling miserable. “And I can’t stay here with you, feeling like this.”

  Cutter’s expression became impossibly darker. “What are you saying? You wanna go? Wanna shack up with Cruz? Think he’d even have you? You might cramp his style.”

  Dani tossed her napkin on the table. “Would you stop it?” What he said was true, and she knew it. But it still wasn’t any of his damn business.

  Cutter’s lips curved into a bitter smile. “When I thought it might be Rowe—that was bad enough. You two were always thick as thieves, and don’t think for a moment that I don’t know you’ve been getting it on for years with him.”

  Dani lifted an eyebrow. �
�What’s wrong with Rowe?”

  “He strung you along. Never stepped up to make an honest woman of you.”

  Dani snorted. “What the hell? Do you think this is the Old West? I don’t need anyone making me honest! Did you ever think that maybe I was the one dragging my feet?”

  Cutter’s expression, a mixture of anger and confusion, frustrated her. He didn’t know a thing about what was inside her. She blinked to dry the tears quickly filling her eyes.

  Cutter shoved his half-finished plate forward. “Why would you drag your feet? You sleep around with him. You’re obviously compatible. Why not marry the man?”

  Heat flooded Dani’s cheeks. “I fuck him, Cutter. Can’t you call it what it is?”

  “Don’t push me,” he said, raising his voice. “You want me to go ballistic on his ass? You’re my little sister. My responsibility.”

  “I’m twenty-freaking-five. All grown up. I don’t need you babysitting me. And I don’t need you choosing my boyfriends.”

  “Gonna have more than one? Does Rowe even know you’re seeing Justin?”

  Dani crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes. “As a matter of fact he does. And yeah, maybe I like having more than one.”

  His mouth opened then his eyelids fell halfway. He clamped his jaws shut.

  “Yeah, think about it,” she said softly, rising.

  The doorbell rang, and Cutter shot out of his chair.

  Dani hurried to the door, her brother right behind her. When she swung it open, her stomach dropped. If it had been Rowe this would have been so much simpler.

  Justin stood on the stoop, his hat crushed in one hand, his dark, hooded gaze landing on her, giving her a once-over that left her trembling before his gaze lifted beyond her shoulder. “Cutter.” He gave her brother a nod.

  Dani risked a glance over her shoulder at her brother, who was equal in height and breadth to Justin, and wondered if a fight was about to break out. Both men bristled with animosity.

  And what was up with that? Sure, Cutter had his reasons, but what was with Justin? “You here for a reason?” she asked breathlessly, clinging to the doorknob behind her.


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