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Unbridled: Lone Star Lovers, Book 1

Page 11

by Delilah Devlin

  The tremor that shivered beneath Rowe’s palms worked its way up and down Justin’s strong frame.

  His breaths hitched, his growls softened into choppy, sobbing moans, and still he plowed deep into Rowe’s mouth, thrusting wildly.

  Tears burned Rowe’s eyes and he shut them, accepting the intimacy of the moment, knowing Justin was past caring about his pride, had forgotten to mask his vulnerability or his deep need.

  Rowe welcomed the moment, falling deeper in love with Justin. Justin might still want to fight his attraction when the passion waned, might want to name it something crass and safe, but Rowe knew better. Justin was scared but too ensnared to run.

  When Justin’s come spilled down his throat, Rowe swallowed, drinking him down, loving him with his mouth and tongue until Justin trembled inside his embrace. He pushed up, gliding along Justin’s sweating skin, and wrapped his arms around him. “I promise you,” he whispered into Justin’s ear, “I love you. We love you. That won’t ever change.”

  Dani covered her mouth as her jaws stretched around a wide yawn.

  Justin’s lips twitched. From across the kitchen, he lifted his coffee cup, a silent reminder that more sleep wasn’t part of the plan. Dressed only in his blue jeans, the top button open, all he had to do was breathe to turn her on.

  Both men were similarly attired. And they’d allowed her only a T-shirt, wanting easy access, but needing her “interestin’ parts” covered so they could get through breakfast without having to clear the table.

  All in all, Dani had never felt happier, if a little tired. The men had stamina she envied.

  Dawn had come and gone unnoticed. The ranch hands hadn’t come knocking. Maybe word had already started to spread, because her car was still parked in front of the house. Whatever the reason, they were all too happy, too sated to give a damn.

  She might be a little less than fresh, and her “interestin’ parts”, as Justin would say, were a little raw, but she was satisfied the three of them had come to an understanding. Justin loved them both. Had admitted it aloud. They’d returned the sentiment, over and over—whispering, shouting, moaning around their avowals.

  A door crashed in the distance, and both men stiffened as heavy footsteps thudded toward the kitchen door. Dani had only a second to pull down the hem of her shirt when the door swung open and Cutter stormed inside. His gaze slammed into hers then rose to Rowe’s who sat opposite of her at the table. His shoulders relaxed…marginally, but then Justin cleared his throat.

  Slowly, Cutter turned his head, his gaze raking over Justin. A flush of anger blazed across his cheeks. “Dani, get dressed. We’re leaving.”

  Dani set her cup on the table and rose. She walked slowly toward her brother, her stomach trembling. This wasn’t how she’d wanted to tell him, but she wasn’t about to live her life to make him happy.

  “I don’t want any fighting in my home,” she said softly.

  Cutter’s eyebrows lowered, confusion warring with his anger in the glare he pinned her with. “I expect a ring.”

  Dani’s glance cut to Rowe, whose lips pursed. Then to Justin, whose expression grew carefully blank.

  Rowe cleared his throat, drawing her attention back. His expression was tight, his jaw clamping hard. He drew a deep breath then released it and closed his eyes for a second. When he opened them again his gaze shot to Justin then back to her. He gave her a nod.

  And because they’d known each other so long, thought like one person, she understood. Rowe might want to be the one, but Justin needed this. They’d teach him what love meant. She turned to her brother and smiled. “I’m marrying Justin, Cutter. Get used to it.”

  Justin’s dark brow arched, but a smile began to stretch his lips. He dropped his gaze to his coffee cup.

  “It’s not what I wanted for you,” Cutter muttered.

  “But I’m happy. And I’m sure.”

  Cutter’s jaw tightened, but his fists uncurled at his sides. “I don’t approve.”

  He nearly strangled on the words and Dani took pity. “You don’t have to. But don’t worry about me. Justin…and Rowe…are what I want.”

  Cutter’s eyes closed briefly. When they opened, he couldn’t meet her gaze, but he nodded and turned on his heels, leaving as quickly as he’d arrived.

  When the door swung shut behind him, Dani sagged.

  Strong arms enfolded her from behind. Bronzed arms. Justin. Dani turned inside his embrace and pressed her wet cheek against his chest.

  “You should have chosen Rowe,” he said gruffly. “Everyone knows he’s a better man.”

  “Rowe and I chose you,” she said, snuffling. His heartbeat, strong and steady, reassured her.

  “I’ll make all the arrangements,” Rowe said quietly.

  “My brother will damn well give us the biggest wedding this county has ever seen,” Dani said, pulling away from Justin because she wanted to see both her men.

  Rowe had left the table and stood beside them. “You planning on giving everybody somethin’ to talk about?”

  “You mean beside the fact I’m marrying the town’s bad boy?” Dani grinned, feeling all her worries melt away beneath Rowe’s lopsided grin. “We’re gonna have to work on learning a six-legged waltz.”

  Justin’s laughter shook his chest.

  The surprising sound of it, deep-timbred and free, lightened her heart. When Justin pulled her and Rowe into his embrace, they smiled across his broad chest. They’d done the right thing.

  Sure, there were details of their arrangement to work out. But she knew she wanted Rowe’s child first. His reward for his unselfish act. Somehow, she knew Justin would be all right with that. In just a few years, they’d have more love surrounding them than any three people could ever hope to achieve.

  Dani mouthed the words, “I love you.”

  Rowe smiled and gave them back.

  Justin hugged them harder. “You know I want me some of that too.”

  Dani ducked under Justin’s arms and pinched his side, then dashed out of the kitchen toward the bedroom. The sound of the men, jostling each other against the corridor’s walls as they followed, had her giggling. When an arm caught her around the waist and she was flung over a sturdy shoulder, Rowe’s by the shape of the ass she was staring at, she erupted in peals of laughter.

  She lifted her head and met Justin’s cat-like smile as he stalked after them both. Lord, could a girl get any luckier than this?

  Then Justin arched those bold, sleek eyebrows, and Dani felt a frisson of feminine alarm. No matter how many years they all shared, she knew she’d always feel like this. Desired, unbearably excited, loved—and by the only two men who could complete her.

  Dangling over Rowe’s shoulder, she reached out a hand.

  Justin lifted it and kissed her palm. “Don’t think I’m gonna go light on either of you, baby.”

  “Cowboy, I’m countin’ on it.”

  About the Author

  Until recently, award-winning erotica and romance author Delilah Devlin lived in South Texas at the intersection of two dry creeks, surrounded by sexy cowboys in Wranglers. These days, she’s missing the wide-open skies and starry nights but loving her dark forest in Central Arkansas, with its eccentric characters and isolation—the better to feed her hungry muse! For Delilah, the greatest sin is driving between the lines, because it’s comfortable and safe. Her personal journey has taken her through one war and many countries, cultures, jobs, and relationships to bring her to the place where she is now—writing sexy adventures that hold more than a kernel of autobiography and often share a common thread of self-discovery and transformation.

  To learn more about Delilah Devlin, please visit Send an email to or join her Yahoo! group to enter in the fun with other readers as well as Delilah:

  Slippery when naked…


  © 2009 Delilah Devlin

  When Bobby Blackhawk and Cale Yanc
ey see a car slide off the highway and into an icy creek, they’ve got only minutes to get the beautiful driver out alive. And only one way to save her from hypothermia: take her to their isolated cabin, get naked…and hope like hell that when she wakes up, she doesn’t scream the place down.

  Katherine Duvall opens her eyes in a strange bed, and the tingles flooding her body aren’t entirely due to restored circulation. She’s snuggled between two handsome men, one a gruff, gentle giant, the other a sexy, playful Native American. Having just left her fiancé romping with another woman, she’s not quite as shocked as she might have been.

  In fact, these two lonesome cowboys could be the perfect bookends to satisfy her hunger for revenge and bolster her dented self esteem. It’s not long before their raging hormones are melting the snow on the cabin roof.

  To their surprise, they find something else is melting, too. Their hearts…

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Saddled:

  Katherine Duvall awoke as sensation flooded her feet and hands—sharp prickling pinches that made her moan.

  “Yeah, it’s gonna hurt. But it’s a good sign sweetheart,” a man whispered against her hair. “And there’s no frostbite. I checked.”

  He’d checked? One fact penetrated her pain-filled fog. He’d done a lot more than checked. She was naked. And his bare-naked body was pressed up against her back, a penis nudging her bottom.

  “Where are my clothes?” she gasped, choking on outrage and fear.

  “Had to shuck ’em. They were soaked.”

  She remembered the car sliding into the water. But why wasn’t she in a hospital? “Where am I?”

  “In my cabin. Couldn’t chance taking you back to Wellesley. Snow’s comin’ down too hard.”

  Her fingers stung, and she pulled her hands from under the covers to peer at them in the inky darkness. “How long have I been here?”

  “Maybe an hour. Was worried about you two. You both passed out.”


  “Bobby went into the creek after you. He’s not in much better shape.”

  She edged carefully away from his body, instantly missing the warmth and rolled onto her back to get her first view of her “rescuer”. What she saw didn’t do a whole lot to alleviate her fears.

  The man lying beside her was enormous—a broad-shouldered shadow. Her heartbeat thudded against her chest as her alarm grew, and she wondered what else he might have done while she’d been out.

  “Let me get the lamp. You sound like you’re about to freak out.”

  About to?

  He leaned away. A light flickered on from a bedside table, and she got her first clear glimpse of the stranger in the bed beside her. He leaned on his elbows, his expression taut as she stared back. Shaggy, brown hair, thick dark brows over deep-set eyes. His skin was deeply tanned, his chest and abdomen a study in light and shadow as muscles rippled as he breathed. The thick fur covering his chest glinted with red and gold where the light struck it.

  Then she caught a glimpse of another body outlined beneath the covers on his opposite side. “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “It’s not what it looks like,” he said softly, a smile turning up the tips of his mouth. “Swear. I had to get you both warm.”

  She pulled the edge of the blanket higher over her chest and scooted away from him, caught by a hard shiver.

  “You’re still chilled. The electric blanket’s set low. Didn’t want to damage tissue as I heated you both up.”

  A groan sounded beyond the bear-like man. “Goddamn, would you both shut up? Fuck, everything hurts.”

  “Bobby, you need to wake up. We got a problem here.”

  The figure huddled under the blanket stirred and rolled toward them with a moan. When he came up on an elbow, air hissed through Kate’s teeth. The man was even more attractive than the first, and she was wondering if she’d woken up on the wrong side of heaven. This one wasn’t as large but was every bit as ripped. And his wide chest was hairless, his face austere, scraped clean over high cheekbones and a jutting jaw. An Indian by his bronze skin, even without seeing the long black hair that filtered around his shoulders.

  Still, they were both naked. And sharing a bed with her. And she didn’t know if she was safe or about to be molested. After all she’d felt an erection prodding her bottom.

  She took a quick, silent inventory. The parts of her that weren’t busy thawing didn’t feel any different. She’d know, wouldn’t she, if he’d already taken advantage of her?

  “We’re not going to hurt you, lady,” Bobby said. “We saved your life. Get back under the covers and snuggle close. You’ll warm up faster. Can’t have you getting sick, seeing as how you’ll be stuck here for a while.”

  Her heart stuttered, then began to race. “What? I can’t stay here.”

  “Don’t know if you noticed,” Bobby replied, “but there’s a storm outside. The roads are closed. No one’s getting in or out.”

  She opened her mouth to make another protest, but she shivered again and moaned as the pain intensified in her fingertips.

  “You’re gonna have to trust us,” the big guy said. “If something comes up between us, you’ll just have to ignore it. My body’s warmer than yours even though I’ve been stuck between two blocks of ice for an hour.”

  Color filled her cheeks. She shivered for another few moments and then gave in to the offer of warmth. Facing away, she settled on her side and held her breath as he snuggled close again. When his arm came over her waist, she jumped but calmed as he shushed her gently.

  The embarrassment and fear was a small price to pay for the heat his body generated.

  “Just go to sleep,” he muttered. “This is as close as I’m gonna get.”

  It was close enough. Again, his cock was upright and poking at her bottom.

  “Don’t know how it’s staying hard,” he whispered. “Your ass is cold.”

  A gust of laughter surprised her. “Serves you right. Should have kept your underwear on.”

  “Lady, you always this grumpy?” came Bobby’s slurred whisper.

  “No. I’m just not used to waking up in bed beside strangers.”

  Bobby grunted and slid closer to the bigger man’s back. She knew because his hand reached right across the body between them to land on her hip. “Fuck, I’m cold.”

  Cale lifted his upper leg. He was relieved the woman hadn’t starting screaming the house down, but he was embarrassed just the same that she’d noticed he was aroused. “Slide whatever you need to warm up between my legs.” He slid his ankles forward, capturing the woman’s feet between them.

  She sighed and settled deeper against him. “Can’t believe I’m doing this…”

  He wondered if she’d really freak if two cocks poked at her when he felt Bobby’s slip between his legs, nuzzling under his balls. His own gasp at the uncomfortable chill stirred thick, fragrant hair in front of his mouth. She smelled like strawberries. Nice.

  Spooned front and back, and with his companions warming up nicely, he raised his eyes to the window beyond the bed, thinking it might be an interesting few days while they rode out the storm.

  From the sound of the wind howling, shaking the glass and rustling thick drifts of snow over the roof, they might as well hunker down and stay warm inside. Cale tightened his grip on the woman’s slender waist, slowly drawing her closer, and nestled his face against her soft hair. Yeah, the next few days might get hot as hell.

  The heart wants what it wants…

  Rough Stock

  © 2009 Cat Johnson

  Bronc riders Mason and Clay have shared both good times and bad as best friends, but they never expected to share their boss’s daughter, April. Can two friends love one woman, body and soul, without it destroying them?

  The heart wants what it wants. For April that means not choosing between the two cowboys she loves, no matter how wrong it may seem inviting them both into her bed.

  Life sends the three lo
vers in opposite directions, but a devastating injury brings them all together again. Their relationship now is no less bittersweet—or complicated—than before. Once severed, old ties leave scars that are tough to heal…

  This book has been previously published and has been revised and expanded from its original release.

  Warning: When you choose a man who thinks 8 seconds is a long time, perhaps you need two of them. In other words: Watch out, this book contains hot ménage sex with two cowboys and the woman they love.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Rough Stock:

  The sudden appearance of pale, silky, feminine stomach stopped Clay Harris dead in his tracks. His greedy eyes devoured the smooth, firm skin shadowed beneath the newfound lushness of her breasts.

  He swallowed hard. “April Elizabeth Carson. What do you think you’re doing?”

  She paused to look at him, one hand stopped in mid-motion as it tugged the hem of her shirt up over her bra—her white, thin, lacy bra. “What? It’s hot. I’m going swimming.”

  Clay’s best friend, Mason Smith, shot him a meaningful glance, a wide-eyed look of fear mingled with anticipation. “Um, shouldn’t you go home and change into a suit first?” Mason suggested.

  “Why? The house is so far and I’m hot now.” Her guileless pale blue eyes proved she didn’t have a clue what she was doing to them.

  Clay knew exactly what Mason was thinking when he made the suggestion about the swimsuit. Their good old buddy April, who they’d met when they came to work for her father five years ago, was hot all right, but not in the way she’d meant when she said it. She had filled out over the past school year. April had turned eighteen and out of the blue transformed from an underweight, gangly teenage girl whom they had always treated like one of the guys into someone who was all female. One look at her and all of her new shapely curves and there was no denying it.

  Clay swallowed hard. She was going to whip off her T-shirt and shorts and dive into that lake in nothing but her bra and underwear, like she had done at least once or twice each summer whenever the heat got unbearable. But this time, unlike the others, his raging eighteen-year-old male hormones would not be able to ignore it. Nor would she be able to ignore his hard-on, which was already starting to wake up just at the thought.


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