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Porn Star

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Placing two slices of bread in the toaster, she took a quick sip of her coffee, before spreading some butter onto her toast.

  Her thoughts returned to the night before with Jason. He was different, attentive, and kind of sweet.

  One night shouldn’t have her thinking about more. Shaking her head, she poured her coffee into a traveler’s mug, grabbed her purse, locked up her house, and headed out. While she was sipping her drink, the cell phone rang. Shuffling in her bag, she found the outdated phone and accepted the call.

  “This is a surprise,” Sydney said.

  “What? I can’t talk to my sister?” Dawn asked.

  “No, I was thinking about the fact you’re calling me so soon. What’s up? You usually leave it a couple of days or a week.” She kept walking, passing several boys wearing street clothes. It was a Saturday, which meant school was out.

  “What? I can’t talk to my sister without there being an ulterior motive?”

  “I am talking to Dawn, right?”

  “Fine. I just wanted to know how your night went. You left the club pretty early, and I’m a curious little bee. You are my younger sister.”

  Sydney laughed. “You want to know if I got up to anything.”

  “You’re twenty-five, Syd. You can say fuck or screw, or bang?”

  “What about you? Did you and what’s his name get it on?”

  “Nah. He danced with me a few times, then dropped me off home. He’s a porn star you know.”

  “I know. The guy I was with is his PA or something. I don’t know. Don’t care.”

  “Oh, that’s right, you don’t watch porn. You should. Richard, or Rich I think he goes by in the porn industry, is superhot. Not as hot as a guy known as Bone Harder mind you,” Dawn said, rambling on.

  “Bone Harder?” Sydney couldn’t help but snort. “What a silly name.”

  “It’s a stage name. Most of the stars have them. Consider them a pseudonym only for porn. You should see some of his movies, Syd. I tell you, the man knows how to fuck and have a woman screaming his name. I’ve come to many of his scenes.”

  “I hope you’re in the privacy of your own home talking like this,” Sydney asked, grossed out by how open her sister could be.

  “Nope. I’m sitting in the office, staring at my boss. He keeps giving me funny looks, but then, he is a hottie. Shame I don’t fuck colleagues.”

  “No, you fuck everything else.”


  “Not touché at all. I’m stating the fact my sister is a slut.”

  “Damn, if I didn’t know you loved me, I’d be insulted.”

  “I tell you with all the love in my heart, Dawn.” Sydney took another sip of her coffee.

  “Why don’t you watch a few clips online? You may find what you’re looking for.”

  “No thanks. I don’t need to go looking at porn. I saw some years ago. Fake moans and groans really don’t do it for me.” Sydney saw she was only twenty minutes from the shop and decided against hailing a cab.

  “Anyway, back to your dream man. Are you seeing him again?” Dawn asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Do you want to see him again?”

  “Yes. I really like him. I know it’s crazy and we only met each other for a couple of hours, but he was nice. He made me laugh.”

  “Did anything else happen?”

  “He kissed me. It wasn’t just a peck on the lips either. It was a proper full kiss.” Sydney paused as her lips seemed to tingle. “Dawn, it was amazing. I’ve never been kissed like that before in my life.”

  “Then date him, Syd. Nothing and no one is holding you back. You really need to see that.”

  “We’re not in a relationship or anything. I’ve not promised him a thing.”

  “So? Just live a little. There doesn’t have to be anything more. That’s the point, Syd. Just have a taste of something a little different. I did.”

  “No, you broke up with your childhood sweetheart, and have spent the last few years fucking everything in sight.”

  “I saw him screwing my best friend at the time, and he knocked her up.”

  “I didn’t say it was wrong. Maybe you need to start learning to trust people a little more. Put yourself out there for more than a quick tumble.”



  “A quick fuck. A tumble makes it sound like I’m screwing with a farmer.”

  Rolling her eyes, Sydney chuckled. “You’re unbelievable, you know that right?”

  “Of course. You love me anyway. I’m your dear old sister.”

  “Whatever. I’ve got to go.” Sydney crossed the road, rushing over so she didn’t get run down by a car.

  “Enjoy and I’ll chat soon. I won’t be around the rest of the weekend. I’m going out dancing with David.”

  “The bouncer from last night?”

  “Yep, and I can’t wait to test out his strength. I wonder if he’s as strong as he looks. I hope so.”

  “Bye.” She disconnected the call, turning toward the door when Ben came out. “Hey, Ben,” she said.

  “Hey, Tricia’s inside with a recipe for you to try.”

  “Really?” Tricia was the owner of the artisan food store but left all the baking ideas to Sydney, not that she minded.

  “I think a customer wants it for her basket.”

  “Okay. Thanks for the heads-up.”

  “No problem. Did you have a good Friday night?”

  Ben was a wonderful man, sweet, and he’d asked her out a few times. She kept refusing. One of the things she and Dawn had in common was never mixing business and pleasure.

  Sydney dealt with the problem with Tricia and started making the three different kinds of chocolate cake. While the cakes were baking, she downloaded the multiple hamper orders, and started to assemble them. They were busy, and she had to keep stopping to serve customers. She loved working in the artisan food store. Her love of food had drawn her to the work. She’d studied baking in college, and Tricia appreciated her and paid her well.

  Sydney wasn’t suffering, and the shop was doing better than ever with their internet orders.

  Once the cakes had finished cooling, she frosted them before calling Tricia over to taste.

  “This is the recipe you sent, this is my version, and a version I found from a cookbook,” Sydney said, wiping the chocolate buttercream frosting from her fingers.

  Tricia took a fork and started to taste them. This was the part that always made Sydney nervous.

  Looking up from the cakes, she froze. Jason was coming through the door. Her heart started to pound as she watched him. She was no longer in a sexy little dress, but her normal work clothes.

  “Hello,” he said.

  He was even better looking than she recalled the night before. In the night he was sexy, but right now, he was fucking handsome.

  Language, Sydney.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “So I thought I’d stop off for some cake and a coffee.”

  “Um,” Tricia said. “This one is so much better. You’re a dream, Sydney. I’ll call Mrs. Roberto immediately and ask her to come for a taste.”

  “Can I take a break?”

  “Honey, you can take the rest of the day off. This was the only order I needed you to complete. Once we’re done with the tasting you can bake and prepare the hamper on Monday.”

  This was what she loved about Tricia. She was a great boss, and knew when to reward her staff. Removing her apron, Sydney grabbed her bag from the back of the room to join Jason.

  “I’m a lucky guy,” he said.

  She smiled.

  What else was she to say?

  Chapter Four

  Jason ordered two coffees and a piece of chocolate cake.

  “Did you bake this?” he asked, once they took their seat.

  Sydney looked nervous, and he noticed her hands shook a little. “Yes. I bake all the cakes for the shop.”

  “Do I make you nervous
?” he asked.

  “No.” She laughed. “I didn’t think you were going to come.”


  “The cold light of day changing your mind, maybe?”

  “No, nothing was changing my mind. To be honest I didn’t know if I should come or not.”


  “Last night was amazing. I didn’t know if you’d want to see me again.”

  “I do.” She looked out of the window, her cheeks heating.


  “My sister knows your, erm, your boss’s videos.” She slapped a hand over her mouth. “See, I just shouldn’t talk.”

  He laughed, but his heart was pounding. “Are you close to your sister?”


  “Do you live together?”

  “No. She stayed at my place last night. She was too wasted to return home. I’m the middle ground for her. I’d rather put her up than worry about her heading home,” she said.

  “Have you ever seen my boss’s videos?” he asked, hating himself for lying.

  “That kind of thing isn’t mine. I don’t like it.”

  He perked up. “You’ve never watched it?”

  “I’ve watched it, but I don’t see the attraction. I mean, there’s no intimacy or anything between the couples. They’re just a bunch of scenes, the dirtier the better. I’m not into that kind of thing.” She picked up her coffee, taking a sip. “Is that what it’s really like?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You work with that guy. Your boss. You must see some things?” she asked.

  “You want to know what it’s like on an adult set?”

  “Yeah, I mean, no.” She frowned staring down into her cup.

  “I tell you what. We’ll drink this, and then go back to my place and I’ll tell you all about it?” he asked, finding her completely charming.

  “You want me to come back to your place?”

  “Yes. I’ll make us some dinner, and we’ll have privacy to discuss whatever you want.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know you.”

  He threw his head back again. “You’re utterly charming.”

  “Is that a compliment?”


  There was nothing about Bone Harder in his apartment. He had a collection of the DVDs that he was involved in, but they were locked in the bottom of his wardrobe, and he didn’t need to worry about her snooping around.

  “My sister says I should try something different. I guess I’ll come back with you, and we can talk. Do you know how to cook?”

  “I make a mean mac‘n’cheese.”

  “A man after my own heart. It’s a date or whatever you want to call it.”

  “I’m happy to call it a date.” This was the first time in ten years when he’d been out with a woman without the charged undertone of his career. Yes, they were talking about porn, but it wasn’t the entire route of their conversation. He didn’t want to lose what they had together.

  Cutting into the cake, he took a large bite, moaning as the chocolate melted in his mouth.

  “Oh, my, that cake is to die for.” Some of the chocolate frosting was on his thumb, and he sucked it off.

  “You like it?”

  “This is the best chocolate cake I’ve ever tasted.” He moaned with each bite he took. “Sorry, you really need to have a bite.” Jason cut into the cake and offered her up a slice. “Open up.”

  She opened her lips, taking the cake inside.

  He couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to sink his cock into her mouth, and watch her suck him off. His cock began to pulse with fresh arousal simply by imagining her. Fuck, he wanted her.

  It had been years since he’d known this kind of arousal.

  “It’s delicious.”

  “Tell me about it. This is the best chocolate cake ever.” He took another bite, believing he could taste her on the fork.

  Once they finished their coffee and cake, he helped her outside, luring her around the back toward his parked car.

  “You’ve got a car?”

  “I do, and I don’t feel like walking all the way to my studio apartment.” He helped her inside, leaning over to strap her in.

  “I can fasten my own seatbelt.”

  “I want to do it.”

  Once the seatbelt was fastened, he moved around to the driver’s side, climbing in.

  She sat back, closing her eyes. “Your car is so comfortable.” She ran her hands down the leather seats, and he must have sex on the brain because he imagined those same hands caressing him.

  It was driving him crazy with need.

  “All the comfort for you. So tell me, Sydney, why haven’t you opened up your own cake shop or bakery? If you bake cakes like that, you must be good at everything else?” he asked.

  “I don’t want my own bakery. I love baking for Tricia. Believe me, I’ve been offered a chance to have my own business, but I’m not interested,” Sydney said.

  “How come?”

  “My parents owned a bakery when I was growing up. At first it was great, and they were doing well. Then the markets changed, illness struck, and the bakery became a nightmare, costing more to keep it open than profits. Dawn and I both agreed we didn’t want that kind of life where we were worried about profits, and running a business.”

  “Did Dawn talk you out of it?”

  “No. She said if I ever want to start my own business she’d be by my side. She can’t bake a thing. I got the baking bug. She’s more of the business geek.”

  He didn’t imagine the woman he saw last night as a business geek. “Really?”

  “Yeah. A lot of people don’t know it, but Dawn could bore anyone to death with the tax system, the rules, blah, blah, blah.” She chuckled. “I love my sister and my parents. I just don’t want to grow to hate something I’ve loved doing for so long. I love my baking, and I won’t stop it.”

  “If it’s a passion you love I don’t see a reason why you should change it.”

  “Tricia, the woman who was tasting the cakes, she’s been really good to me. I adore working for her. I get a great deal of freedom, and none of the stress.”

  “I can see that.”

  “So, we’re alone. Are you going to tell me about the murky deals of the porn business?” She lowered her voice, going all dark.

  “It’s really not that dark, Syd, sorry to upset you.”

  “I’m not upset, just curious.”

  “Not curious enough to watch?”

  “No. I watched once, it was boring, end of story.”

  He parked up in the designated parking area, and cut the engine.

  “We’re here?” she asked.

  “Yes. We’re here.” He opened the door and was on the way around to her side, but she was already out.

  Jason took her hand, and led her up toward the main doors. This was his space, and he rarely brought women back here. He preferred to go to their houses to fuck.

  “Let’s go inside,” he said, pulling out his key.

  Once inside, he locked the door, throwing his keys back into the tray.

  “Wow, this is completely a letdown.”

  “What did you expect? Naked men and women?”

  “I don’t know what I expected.”

  “Sorry to upset you. I don’t bring my business home with me.” Unless you call my cock business.

  She walked into the room, glancing around. “Okay, now I’m here I really don’t know what to do.”

  He chuckled, walking toward her. Rubbing her arms, he stared into her beautiful brown eyes. “Relax. I’m not going to kill you or attack you. Do you want a drink?”

  “Coffee if you’ve got it. I’m not a big drinker.”

  Jason watched her as she took a seat in front of the large television. Richard was nowhere to be seen, but he didn’t expect his friend to be around as he was filming again today. He was screwing three girls today, a blonde, a redhead, and a brunette, one after the other.

  Jason finished making the coffee, and moved toward her, handing her a cup.

  “Thank you.”

  Sitting down beside her, he inhaled the subtle scent of her perfume. It was mellow and sweet. He only scented it because he was close. She took a sip of her coffee, leaning forward, and placed her hot coffee on a coaster on the table.

  “Come on, tell me. I’m here in your private apartment. What is it like?”

  “You really want to know about porn?”


  “But you don’t watch it?”

  “I don’t need to watch it. You can tell me all about it.”

  He shook his head. “Okay, you really want to know.”


  Jason ran a hand down his face. Maybe this could be the chance not to lie to her. To tell her the truth from his side of things.

  Placing his coffee cup down, he turned toward her. He took a loose curl of her hair between his fingers, touching the strand. Jason wanted her. He wanted her more than any woman he’d been with.


  The way Jason was touching her hair was turning her on. Her nipples were pressing against the padding of her bra. Sydney was so pleased that she’d worn a padded bra otherwise he’d see how easily aroused she was.

  Licking her dry lips, she stared into his green eyes, and part of her wanted to close the distance between them, to take his lips.

  “Porn is not as easy as people think,” he said.

  “You don’t just get hard, and insert one into the other?” she asked. Her cheeks were heating. How old are you?

  “It is that, but it’s not. A guy has to get aroused and stay aroused. I know that some men have to stay hard for a good four hours, without reaching orgasm.”

  She winced.

  “Yeah, it can be really bad. Then there’s the women. They lose interest or are not aroused. It’s a job, Sydney.”

  “Does your boss have a girlfriend?”

  “No. He doesn’t.”

  “It must be hard to have a relationship outside of work.”

  “How do you mean?” he asked.

  He tugged a little on her curl, and she struggled to string together a coherent thought.

  “I don’t know many women would be okay with the guy they were dating who was in the porn business. He’s screwing everything in sight. It’s not exactly monogamous, is it?”


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