Book Read Free

Great One

Page 10

by Nayla Matthew

  “Good morning! Daddy is coming to see you today,” I say, sitting at the table.

  “Really?!” Lorelei says excitedly.

  “Yes, he’s going to go to the park with you and May,” I say, she claps her hand together happily. I move to the counter making myself coffee.

  “And what will mommy be doing?” Alec asks, and I only give a shrug in respond. “Well I have summer martini’s next to the pool,”

  “You mean the wading pool?” I ask.

  “Until you get a real one like I requested or move into a bigger place like I requested that is all we’ve got,” he says.

  “I’m in,” I say.

  An hour or so later, I get a call from the security house. I accept his request. He pulls up to my house parking on the side of the road, getting out of the car.

  “Papa!” Lorelei shouts, hopping off the porch and dashing across the lawn. He meets her halfway scooping her into his arms.

  “I missed you so much baby girl,” he says.

  “Is there a specific time you want us back?” May asks, looking back at me.

  “As long as she wants,” I say, she nods before hopping off the porch. I wait until she is leading Braum away from the house, carrying Lorelei away before I close the door and join Alec in my backyard.

  “Now Adeya, I have something to tell you and you’re going to have to be open about it,” Alec says, once I sit down.


  “Mark has a friend, his name is Raphael,” Alec says.

  “Alec,” I say.

  “No listen! Please he’s a really sweet dude! He’s really nice!” Alec says.

  “I don’t know,” I say, sitting back.

  “So, what Braum can move on but you can’t? it’s been three years Adeya! He’s a real sweetheart, and he says he loves your music,”

  “You’ve already talked to him about me?” I say.

  “You’re my closest friend, who happens to be a super star, your name comes up quite often,” Alec says. “Anyway, he invited you to the Fireman’s ball this Friday!”

  “Alec!” I say.

  “I didn’t confirm your invitation but come on Deya!” Alec says. “When was the last time you went out on a date a real one? You have to move on sweetie,”

  “But,” I couldn’t find the words to explain it, and I didn’t want to admit Alec was right. “Just one date,” I say, Alec nearly leaps out of his chair in joy.

  “This calls for a whole glam squad! I’ll be right back!” Alec gets up speeding out of the backyard, leaving me alone to contemplate everything. My last date was going to the movies with Braum before I found out I was pregnant, before he broke up with me. Everything was so normal, he acted so normal, he looked at me like I was the sun and the sky and now, I was going on a date with a complete stranger.


  “Did I hear that correctly? Did you say you were going on a date?” Laila says, her jaw nearly on the ground. “With who? Where? When?” she says.

  “Alec’s boyfriends’ friend, he’s a fire fighter and invited me to some ball,” I say.

  “Lucky boy imagines showing up to a work event with a super star on your arm,” Laila says. “How sweet! Are you excited?” she asks.

  “I don’t know Laila; I haven’t thought about another boy but Braum and I’m terrified” I admit, falling back on my bed. “What if I mess up?”

  “Mess up how? You laugh, you smile, you dance, you do everything you would do with a friend except way more flirting,” she says, I roll over looking at her.

  “I wish you were here,” I say. “I miss you so much,”

  “I wish I was there too! Sipping margarita’s and lying by the pool instead of studying day and night for a class I’ll never pass,” Laila says, dropping her head down in defeat.

  “You’re the smartest person I know, and I can’t see anyone else becoming a Doctor,” I say.

  “Thanks,” she says. “I’ll be there in two months, and we’ll be sipping eggnog and celebrating little Lory’s 4th birthday,”

  “I can’t wait,”

  “And I want every detail about this date! I expect a full play by play,”

  “You know it,” I say, before signing off. I hear the front door open, and I quickly leave my room to greet May and Lorelei at the door.

  “Mama! Mama I want to show daddy my room!” Lorelei shouts, already pulling Braum towards the stairs.

  “Okay honey,” I say, letting them pass.

  “I’m leaving for the day; I’ll see you tomorrow?” May says, and I nod.

  “And actually, can you stay late on Friday, I have a date,” I whisper, her face lights up.

  “A date?” she says, with a wide grin.

  “No one can know May,” I say.

  “My lips are sealed!” she says, before turning and leaving. I lock the door behind her before making my way upstairs, I walk into Lorelei’s room where Lorelei is explaining every toy, she has in her toy chest. Braum however is standing at her dresser, holding a picture. I knew the exact picture, it was summer of sophomore year, when Laila, Geo, Braum, Bo, and I all went to the lake house with our families. It’s a picture of all of us.

  “Laila still has her cast, from when she broke her arm cliff diving,” I say, Braum looks back at me setting down the picture.

  “That was crazy,” he says.

  “There was so much blood, I think Bo fainted,” he laughs at what I say. “One of the best summers to date,”

  “It was pretty fun,” he says.

  “Lorelei honey, say bye to papa,” I say, Lorelei drops her toys back into the toy chest.

  “Bye daddy!” she says, hugging his leg.

  “Bye sunshine, I’ll defiantly come and see you before I leave,” he says.

  “When do you leave?” I ask, he looks back over at me.

  “Monday,” he says, I just nod in response. “Look Adeya,” he starts.

  “I’ll see you later Braum, I’ll call you before you leave,” I say, his shoulders drop and he just nods leaving, I follow him to the door locking it behind it. I rest my head on the door, trying everything to keep it together.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Are you sure this isn’t flashy?” I ask again, I turn in the mirror the glittery pink and red dress sparkling in the light.

  “Flashy? Says the girl who wore a diamond studded dress to Oscars,” Alec says.

  “This is just a Fireman’s ball, do you think I’m out doing it,”

  “Will you stop asking that?” Zahara says, walking into the room carrying a tray of coffee. “You look amazing!”

  “Beautiful,” May says from my bed, where she sat with Lorelei who begged to watch me get ready. Alec insisted on a fiery red dress thinking it paired well with Firefighters. I hadn’t actually met Raphael yet, I had only saw his Instagram which were filled with shirtless pictures and pictures of him in his uniform.

  “When did he say he was getting here again?” I ask.

  “You still have thirty minutes, now sit down and take a breath,” Zahara says, handing me a cup. “Herbal tea,”

  “Thank you,”

  “You look like a princess mama!” Lorelei says

  “Thank you, baby girl,” I say.

  “Now security should be fine, and it’s up north so I doubt there will be a lot of paparazzi,” Zahara says.

  “I can see it now, boyfriend speculations out the wazoo,” I say.

  “Your date has arrived!” Alec says excitedly skipping into the room. “Are you ready?” he asks.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” I say. Only Alec comes with me to answer the door, figuring a whole group of people greeting you wouldn’t be so nice on a first date. When I open the door, I’m surprised that Raphael looks better than his pictures, he holes a bouquet of white lilies.

  “My favorite, how did you know?” I ask, taking them from him.

  “I had a little bit of help,” he admits, with a small smile. “You look astonishing,” he says.

�Thank you,” I say, my stomach warming up. “I’m going to put these away and then we can go,” I say, turning and walking into the kitchen, Alec follows me grabbing the flowers out of my hand.

  “So?” he whispers.

  “He’s cute,” I admit.

  “You two are going to look so cute together, have fun” he says, pushing me towards the door. “And remember, be open,” he whispers, as I walk back to the front door.

  “Are you ready?” Raphael asks, holding open the door.

  “Yes,” I say, he walks me up to his jeep wrangler, opening the door and even helping me inside. He climbs inside himself, and we pull from the space.

  “I will say, when Alec said you agreed to come to this, I was a bit surprised,” Raphael starts. “I knew it was a long shot asking a superstar out on a date,”

  “I’m glad you did,” I say. “I will admit, this is my first date in a very long time,”

  “Sorry if I find that hard to believe,” he says, I can’t help but laugh.

  “Well it’s true, despite what you might have read in magazines,” I say. “What about you?” I ask.

  “Dating?” he asks, and I nod. “It’s pretty hard, with my schedule, I guess that’s something we have in common,” he says.

  “Yes, you might never see me,” I joke, and we both laugh together.

  “I guess some people don’t understand,” he shrugs.

  “It’s an adjustment, and some people don’t like adjusting,” I say. “Can I be honest with you?”


  “I’m really nervous,” I admit.

  “Nervous? Really?” he laughs.

  “Is that hard to believe,” I look over at him and he nods.

  “You’ve walked red carpeted events with movie stars, a small little community center ball with a bunch of fire fighters” he says. “You don’t have anything to worry about, I think they’ll all love you,” he says.

  “Okay, I trust you,” I nudge him, earning a small smile. When we arrive to the venue Raphael helps me out of the car, and we walk in together. I remind me of a high school dance, poorly made decorations and tables littered with plates and cups. Raphael leads me up to a table where people were taking names and handing out seating arrangement.

  “Good evening Raphey, oh my god,” the girl at the table says, looking at me with wide eyes. “You’re Adeya Waterson” she says.

  “Hello, it’s nice to meet you,” she doesn’t say much else, just stares at me in shocked silence until Raphael clears his throat. The girl clears her throat.

  “I’m sorry,” she mutters, grabbing a place card. “You’re at Table one, with the Chief,” she says.

  “Great,” Raphael mutters under his breath.

  “Special request,” the girl says, before standing up from the table. “I’m sorry, but I’m going to die if I don’t get a picture,” she says.

  “Angela,” Raphael hisses.

  “No, it’s fine” I say, with a smile before stepping at her side getting into her selfie.

  “You look amazing, I love you so much,” she says.

  “Thank you,” I say, hugging her. Raphael hooks his arm with mine pulling me away.

  “See you later Angela,” he says, leading me towards the table. “Sorry about that,” he says.

  “It comes with the job,” we make it to a table where an older man with a white beard, and an older lady sits at a table. Along with a young girl, who stared down at her phone.

  “Chief,” Raphael says.

  “Raphael, I was waiting for you to make it son,” the man says standing up, and pulling Raphael hug. “And your beautiful guest?”

  “This is my date, Adeya,” Raphael says, the little girl at the table immediately looks up and her jaw drops to the floor.

  “Oh my god! Adeya!” she screams jumping out of her seat and running over to me.

  “Oh Emily,” the older lady says, but the young girl was already in my arms. I have to kneel down to be eye level with her, pulling her into a hug.

  “Hi beautiful,” I say.

  “You’re so pretty in person,” she gushes, pulling out her phone. “My friends will never believe this! My cousin is dating Adeya!” the girl squeals.

  “Emily,” Both Raphael and Chief say sternly, forcing the girl to pull away. I stand up returning to Raphael side.

  “I apologize for that, my daughter is a little eccentric,” The chief says.

  “It’s okay,” I say.

  “Adeya is actually a performing artist,” Raphael says.

  “A two-time Grammy winner performing artist!” Emily adds.

  “Oh,” the Chief says. “Well please sit, I’m glad you can come to our little party,” he says, Raphael leads me down to the sit, and I sit down. “My name is Anthony Palmer, and this is my wife Patricia and, you’ve met my daughter Emily,”

  “You have a beautiful family, sir,” I say.

  “I bet little Raphael didn’t tell you his uncle is the chief of that station,” he says. “His father and I worked together,”

  “Chief,” Raphael says, cutting the conversation short. “This is actually Adeya and I’s first date, she’s actually friends with Mark’s boyfriend,”

  “Oh well isn’t that very nice of Mark!” Patricia says. The first course arrives, and Emily immediately goes into all of the songs she knows by me and asking questions about other celebrities. By the second course, I can see Raphael is ready to explode, so I push my way out of the seat.

  “Want to have a dance?” I ask, holding out my hand.

  “I would love to,” he says, taking my hand. We leave to the dance floor, where there are only two other couples dancing. Mark pulls me into his chest, as he begins to lead me. “I’m sorry about that,” he starts.

  “Don’t be, I love my fans,” I say. “Is your father, not around anymore?” I ask.

  “Both of my parents died in a fire when I was 15,” he says.

  “Oh, I am so sorry,” I say.

  “No, it’s fine,” he says. “I’ve dealt with it, and of course I just had to become a fire fighter,” he says, with a lifeless chuckle.

  “It’s fitting,” I say.

  “I want to really thank you for coming tonight Adeya, and if you’re willing, I would love to take you out on another date,” he says. “Something more private next time,”

  “I would love that,” I say, with a soft smile. “This was really fun,”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he says.

  By the end of the night, my feet hurt from the dancing, and my mouth hurt from smiling. I had taken so many pictures, it felt like a photoshoot. Raphael drives me home, and even walks me to my front door. “I’ll call you later,” he says.

  “And I’ll answer,” I say.

  “Would it be bad if wanted to kiss you?” he asks, my face begins heating up. “I’m sorry, I know that’s weird,” I lean forward pecking him on the cheek.

  “Thank you for the great night,” I say, before turning and opening the front door. I close the door behind me, resting my back on the door catching my breath.

  “So how was it!” Alec shouts, jumping from the living room and running in my direction. “So?”

  “It was pretty great,” I admit, Alec squeals scooping me in his arms and spinning me around. “I want to hear all about it!” he says, dragging me upstairs. Alec helps me get undressed and we call in Zahara and Laila.

  “Details, I want all the details!” Laila shouts, clapping her hands together.

  “It was just, nothing I’ve ever experienced before,” I admit, and all their faces light out. “We danced, and a laughed, it was just new,”

  “So, are you going on another date?” Zahara asks.

  “Yes,” I say, and they erupt in screams. “Guys! Guys calm down, Lorelei is sleeping!” I hiss.

  “It’s just so sweet!” Laila gushes. “Does he know about Lorelei?”

  “Everyone does,” I say.

  “Adeya,” Both Laila and Zahara say.

  “I’m sure we’ll talk about it, I just want to enjoy this for as long as possible,” I say, and they all nod in agreement. After I finish washing off, getting in bed, it feels like barely a minute before my home phone is ringing, which only means someone is at my gate. “Hello?”


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