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Project X

Page 25

by Watkins, TM

  They thought that we didn’t know where he had been planted at the local coffee shop or that he was trying to weasel his way into the arms of the female staff. They had all been warned about him, told that it was okay to go to get their coffee there but they were not to engage him in anything other than light banter.

  In Katherine’s file was a sub folder that was marked residence. I opened it up and found photos of the house that was listed as her home address. It was a terrace house by the look of it but the fact that there were four mail boxes indicated that it had to be pretty small in there.

  More photos showed various people going in and out but there was a lot of photos of one woman. Peculiar was the best way to describe her.

  “That’s Amber Matthews, known spy for a rival company. Why they are living together I don’t know but they are.”

  I glanced up at Madelyn who had just finished the call.

  “Maybe they are lovers.”

  “I don’t think that either company would allow that Dorian. I think she’s working a long con, spying on the unknown spy.”

  “A dirty double crosser?”

  Madelyn nodded silently, a slight smugness to her smile.

  “You know; I really do hate the spy industry.”

  I sighed heavily as I sat back on my chair, Madelyn collected her files.

  “She’s coming in now; she should be here by eleven.”

  “Good, I’ll come downstairs in a minute.”

  “Did you want to sit in on the interview?”

  “No, just move it along with the belief that she’s impressed you. I’ll wait by the security desk.”

  With an uncertainty on her face, Madelyn turned and departed the room. There was always a certain madness in such circumstances. Willingly letting a spy into the building was not always wise but in some cases, it benefited the situation. Having them think that she has gained access will make them stop all other efforts. All I had to do was keep her occupied.

  Pulling back the phone, I entered her phone number into my own phone. It would come in handy at some point, I will lure her in and distract her.

  The internal door opened and Eva walked out, looking like she was ready to complain about something again. Standing to the corner of the room, I dragged the vertical blinds over and darkened the room.

  “Why are you down here during daylight hours?”

  “Because I’m bored Dorian. This place is such a drag. I want to go outside.”

  “Sure, knock yourself out.”

  “Don’t be a bastard!” She snapped, tears welling.

  “What do you want me to do Eva? I have devoted the best scientists to finding a cure to your problem, I am spending a small fortune trying to fix your screw up.”

  She folded her arms, putting too much pressure on the skin. A line was dragged on her delicate skin, tearing it and opening a wound. Blood began to pour out.

  “Damn it Eva! Have you taken your medication today?”

  “Yes!” She snapped.

  She put pressure on the mark as I called for her medical team.

  “Clearly you haven’t if your skin is tearing so easily.”

  Eva sneered at me as the phone rang in my ear.


  “Eva is in my office; she’s broken through the skin. Send a team down here at once.”

  I heard him barking the orders to his staff.

  “Why hasn’t she taken her medication today?”

  “She refused to sir. We could hold her down if you want but we risk tearing her skin, more than what you would be seeing now.”

  The door swung open and several burly men came into the room with one of the nurses. This was her life and in a way, mine as well. Eva had irrational moments where she would lash out at the staff and so now they had to be protected. Having to hire security staff was costing me more money. Every time I looked at Eva, I saw a drain. If she just behaved herself, took the medication without fuss and stopped causing problems, I wouldn’t mind so much. But this was ridiculous.

  “The team is here, prepare for her return.”

  “Yes sir.”

  The phone went dead and as I placed the handset into the cradle, I looked at my sister. Now she was screaming at them, protesting that they were hurting her and causing more tears in her skin.

  “Get the medication into her.” I snapped.

  The nurse put the tablet away and pulled out the needle. It was the direct and fastest way to fix the issue but the problem was that she’d have to pierce the skin in order to give it to her. With the security team holding her down, the needle puncture wound and the original tear, my office was now looking like a crime scene.

  Eva was lifted to her feet, sputtering her hate filled words.

  “Eva, shut up.” I snapped.

  I was fed up with her.

  “If you don’t take your medication then I will cut off your luxury allowance.”

  Her eyes widened, suitably she stopped her nasty words. No luxury allowance meant that there was no pay TV, no magazines or books, no music subscriptions and no internet access.

  “And if you don’t stop misbehaving then I will stop the medication flowing to you. Do we understand each other Eva?”

  “Yes.” She hissed.

  “Excellent. Gentlemen, if you wouldn’t mind, I am sure Eva would like to return to her apartment now.”

  The guards nodded once and turned to the door, dragging Eva with them. I stepped closer to the nurse, glowering at her with a menace that made her cower slightly.

  “I do not want to hear that she is not taking her medication. If she won’t take it orally then you are to give it intravenously. Is that clear?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Good. You may go.”

  She scurried away, as the door closed I looked at the other one. Amy was standing at the threshold, gaping at the mess. She was a pest like my sister, the sooner I was free of her the better.

  “Have the cleaning crew come and deal with this at once.”

  Amy nodded and returned to her desk. I looked at the bloodbath on the floor and wondered if there would be any remnants of this mess or whether I’d have to replace the flooring again. Damn Eva.

  Glancing at the time, I realized that I only had a few minutes before the spy would be here.

  “Damn you Eva.” I hissed, shrugging on my jacket.

  As I grabbed my phone, I made my way around the pooling blood and rushed to the elevator. I could feel Amy watching me, turning I glared at her. She lowered her eyes without saying a thing, not that she dared to.

  Reaching the security desk, I found everything to be going normally. There was no chaos that would come with a spy in the building. Everything was relaxed and oddly quiet.

  “Has the spy come in?”

  “Yes sir. Madelyn is interviewing her now. She’s been in there for about ten minutes.”

  The door to the security area opened, Madelyn walking out. She looked at me with curiosity but did not acknowledge me, something that I was grateful for. I wanted anonymity for this.

  Behind her was the spy, like her sister she had waves of blonde hair that were laced into a loose plait that trailed over one shoulder. The skirt was dangerously short, something that made my heart stutter. Everything about her made my heart stutter.

  She was stunning.

  Then she smiled at Madelyn and I felt my world collapse, everything that had come before her meant nothing and all that I wanted was to have one of those for myself. A smile for me.

  After shaking her hand, Madelyn’s turned back to the corridor that went to her office, leaving the spy standing at the security desk. She looked at me and I felt exposed, that everything that I had done to protect myself and this company was being unraveled by her.

  But I couldn’t help but stare at her. She was like a breath of fresh air, drawing me into her flawless beauty. She had an innocence about her that made me want to protect her, to bring her into my arms and the safety that I could give her.

  When I looked at her, I knew that my world was going to change forever.


  Look for these titles by TM Watkins

  Night Fire Series:






  The Fast Love Collection:


  Saffron (Coming soon)

  Deadly Beasts:

  The Curse of the Rose

  Divine Blood (Coming soon)

  About the author

  TM Watkins lives in Brisbane, Australia with her family. When she's not working or running around after her family, she spends her days contemplating the next adventure for her characters and her nights writing about them. Under the pen name of xMishx on Wattpad, she has written many books that are still available to read for free.


  Images purchased from Shutterstock

  Artist/s: fztommy and Claire McAdams




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