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Moonlight's Gift (Moonlight Series Book 2)

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by Ashlynn Monroe

  “Chessa, come back here,” Bianca shouted. What if a human sees her wolfed out? Her daughter didn’t return. I lost her once, and she came back a werewolf. Bianca’s heart pounded as she stood up on wobbly legs. She couldn’t lose her daughter twice. They’d just rescued Ches from the man who might be Bianca’s biological father. Ches only survived the bite because I have a werewolf father. Her eyes watered when she thought about what her child lost the night she’d been taken. Lucas. Bianca had gotten over Lucas a long time ago, but still cared about him. His death hurt.

  Bianca lost a lot of blood due to a stray bullet during a firefight over Law’s territory. If Kane Wolfe, the mayor, and his town wolves hadn’t shown up, she’d have probably died. Owing my life to Kane sucks. So weird. Lately, I’m getting used to a lot of weird.

  Pulling the IV out of her arm, she winced. The monitor started beeping. Bianca grabbed her bloody clothing out of the plastic bag labeled ‘property of’ and pulled her panties on, then pulled off the gown and donned her jeans, before clasping and adjusting her bra. A young brunette nurse came into the room, scowling. “What are you doing? Sit down before you fall.”

  “I have to go find my daughter. I’m checking out.”

  “The doctor has to release you.”

  “I’m leaving.” Bianca ignored the woman’s presence and pulled her stained sweater over her head. She staggered passed the gawking nurse. I wonder if I’m her first escapee. She snatched her purse off the bed on her way out the door.

  Bianca rounded the corner, moving toward the bank of elevators. She hadn’t been in this part of the hospital for a long time, not since her mother died. She was glad for the modernization of the décor and different paint. The new façade helped dispel those long buried bad memories.

  “Wait,” called a different nurse. “Come back.”

  Bianca pressed the down button a few times as if her insistence would make the mechanisms move faster. “Come on,” she muttered. The window nearby told her it was already getting dark outside.

  The ding was a relief. Bianca stepped inside as a gaggle of hospital staff came rushing toward her. The door shut before anyone reached her.

  Chessa was priority one, and as much as she wanted to help Law, Ches was right, Bianca’s humanity would only complicate things for her wolf-man.

  Ignoring the bad elevator music, she closed her eyes. “Please God, be with him and with Ches. I could use another miracle tonight.”

  There was only one place in town Chessa would go. And that place wasn’t home.


  Kane groaned as he sat down at his desk. He still had a town to run. Considering the drama Ms. Archer put him through his daily work was falling behind. He might be the alpha the other alphas obeyed, but he was also running a town. A twinge in his back brought a hiss from between his teeth. It’s too easy to forget I’m getting old. He glanced at the picture on his desk. His sons were too young to take his place. In a few more years, he’d decide which one deserved his legacy. There was a knock at the door. Tanya was gone for the day, so that meant his wife, Pearl, had let someone in. He’d punish her, but for now, he sat up a little straighter and hid his aches.

  “Come in.” Alden walked in looking disheveled. This could only mean more drama from Foster or Ms. Archer. Kane sighed. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “What have they done now?”

  Alden’s tell, a twitch in his cheek, gave away his fear. “I didn’t know if you wanted the little girl watched too, she’s run off. I came the moment I saw her leaving the hospital. She was in a hell of a hurry.”

  Kane leaned back in his chair. Scowling he threw his arms and looked up at the ceiling. Shaking his head, he wondered if Joslyn Archer ever looked down on her daughter and granddaughter. Maybe she had to look up. He’d always thought of his beautiful human as an angel—until recently. Joslyn was a conniving demon. She’d stolen something from him, something he never even knew he wanted until he’d found it. The night isn’t over yet, and the paperwork will just have to wait until tomorrow. “Yes, the girl too. Foster doesn’t seem to know how to deal with his new responsibilities. I need to keep Ms. Archer under surveillance, including her daughter.”

  “Why do you care about a human and her bitten kid?”

  Alden never questioned him. Kane glared. Alden took a step back. Kane relaxed, but only a little. “You’ve committed arson, murder, and every other crime I’ve asked of you. Why does it matter this time? Is this assignment boring you?”

  “She’s…I owe her, and I won’t hurt her kid, you know I don’t kill kids.” Alden paused and looked away as if remembering something he didn’t want to think about. When he turned back, his eyes were steel and his jaw clenched. “Anyone causing this much trouble is dead. I’ve killed enough people for you. I know your pattern. When the time comes, I won’t do it.”

  Shock kept Kane silent. He cleared his throat to cover his reaction. “What did she ever do for you?”

  “My little brother, she’s been damn good to him. His foster family is worthless. I don’t know what the hell would have happened to him without the community center. I thought I could kill her, but after seeing her bleed, I’ve changed my mind. I don’t give a shit about too many people, but she’s a good woman.”

  “I didn’t think you had anything to do with the boy.” Kane stroked his goatee thoughtfully. “You’ve never been the family type.”

  “My brother doesn’t really remember me. Our parents died when he was in kindergarten, and I was in my teens. I keep my eyes on him, but he’s better off without me.”

  “The boy probably is, but you should have come to me sooner about the family. I’ll see about having him placed with better wolves.” Kane sighed. “She’s a popular woman, Ms. Archer, surprisingly allied with many in the pack. I’m not planning to have her killed. The humans like her as well as my wolves, it seems. Her death would raise far too much suspicion. Does that help your newly born conscience?” Kane stood. “Tell Matthew to bring the black SUV up. I’ll be driving myself. After that, get your ass back to the hospital and make sure Ms. Archer is tucked in for the night—safe.”

  Alden gave a curt nod before leaving.

  Bianca Archer seemed to have nothing but close friends or mortal enemies. The woman inspired strong feelings from both sides. Keeping her alive might not be possible.


  Law fought his wolf down as primal instinct left him on the verge of shifting. Bianca’s beloved community center stood vandalized. The window on the entry door hung open, the window smashed. He ran over to Chuck Gibson’s patrol car. The police officer sat looking at the building. Chuck lowered the glass but didn’t get out.

  Law growled baring his teeth. “What the fuck is wrong with you?’

  Chuck squelched up his face. “I was outnumbered. They might be bitten, but they’re young and strong. Those bastards aren’t like us; they’re the animal.”

  “A human woman is no match for our kind.”

  “I know. I tried to help her.” Chuck held up his arm, the sleeve of his uniform was gone, and several nasty bite wounds were healing. “They took a chunk out of my back too.”

  Law clenched his fist and the urge to throat punch Chuck made his arm ache. “You’re a disgrace.”

  “Besides, the human saw the shift. Kane wouldn’t let her live. He’s right to protect us. It’s the old way. There’s no reason for me to die for a dead woman.”

  Growling at the sorry excuse for a male Law’s eyes narrowed. “You aren’t fit to wear your badge.” He turned away from Chuck and took a step toward the building, refusing to abandon the woman if there was still hope.

  “What will your human do when you don’t come out?” Chuck called. “No other wolf would claim her, and she’ll be at Kane’s mercy.”

  Law paused, just for a second, before ignoring the man. Fear for Bianca left a tingle down his spine, and his inner wolf wanted out. She’d never understand him abandoning her friend. His animal in
stinct was to protect his own, but his human side refused to let Sabrina die. Law smelled the earthy odor before he entered the community center. Tobias. The alpha always stank of the minerals found in the quarry near his encampment. These were more of the disbanded pack. Four bitten males and they still bore the traces of their dead alpha’s stench. Law stepped over broken glass as he entered, noticing tables and chairs strewn around the room.

  The destroyed front office made his stomach drop. Papers lay scattered all over, and no surface appeared untouched by the vandals. A small drawing of two stick figures holding a heart hung taped to the door. Bianca’s name was under the taller figure and the child artist, Alyssa, put her name under the smaller person. Bianca does important work here. I’m going to kill the animals that did this. He rounded the corner into the main space, a basketball court, used as an activity area when there wasn’t a game. Keeping wolf teens out of trouble isn’t easy Wild Rose Valley needs this place.

  One spot stood untouched. A table of finger painting and craft supplies sat ready for the next day, lined up in a neat row. A pinball machine lit the corner. A child’s jacket hung on a peg.

  Laws’ gaze caught destruction in a computer lab. The row of computer monitors lay smashed along the child-sized counter. A crumpled computer tower was near his feet. The components scattered in broken bits around the case. Moving further into the room, the scale of the crime made his heart ache for Bianca. Most of the furniture lay broken. The smell of urine and a wet spot on the rug showed the disregard these feral wolves had for the community and protecting the secret of what they were. Adrenaline spiked. This was his woman’s territory. His wolf responded to the damage and the man fought for control. He pushed his animal back again as the reek intensified and he heard voices. He tensed and pressed against the wall into the shadows.

  Law caught another scent too. Human. Sabrina smelled of woman and floral perfume. The girl was still here somewhere. Relief flooded him enough that his shoulders sagged a little.

  “Why play with her like this?” said a rough male voice. “Let’s just let out our big bad wolves and eat her.”

  Law watched them in the distorted reflection from a broken mirror. They didn’t notice him blending into the shadows. Bittens didn’t have as good of a sense of smell as a born wolf. With the blood and urine scent, he had some cover. One bitten had a long scar on his cheek and a missing chunk of lower lip. The tallest one held himself with authority. The other two were skinny, underfed mongrels that looked so much alike they had to be brothers. They laughed at the same time, and the sound was a disharmonic dimwitted chortle. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

  Scarface growled. “I haven’t gotten laid since the full moon. I want some time with this one before she dies.”

  The tall one laughed. “Hell, I could use a fuck, even if she’s just a human. Besides, I haven’t had fun like this since we killed the townie she-wolf. Her blood tasted like fear, my favorite flavor.”

  Law had to fight harder to stop the transformation. His wolf wanted out—bad. These bastards murdered the girl he’d abandoned to keep his pack safe. Her death was on these murderers, but also on his shoulders too. Law hurt in his effort to hold back the wolf. Everything in him wanted revenge for the dead woman’s pain and his guilt, but for the sake of the living, he resisted the call to attack. Sabrina was his priority.

  “There’s no reason to rush.” The tall one glared at the others. “I’m not going to hurry. This is payback for all our dead. Kane is going to suffer. Everyone in town is fair game now. We kill Archer too.”

  Law could see the man’s reflected expression. Malice etched deeply in the lines of the interloper’s face. This male was a mortal threat to his woman. Law struggled to hold on, but it was no use. He still didn’t know where the human was, yet there was no stopping his transformation now because his wolf was strong when his mate was concerned, primal instinct ruled him.

  Muscles and bones twisted, hair sprouted in seconds changing from dark blond to the silver coat of his wolf, but the surge of adrenaline and endorphins ensured the pain was minimal. Bianca’s image was his last coherent human thought. Law’s mind merged with his wolf as his consciousness lingered for a moment before the humanity was gone.

  “Fuck!” shouted the tall one. “It’s Foster.”

  The intruders weren’t able to transform into wolves without the full moon, not like Law could. Instead, they resembled movie monsters. Law sprang on the tall one, tearing out his throat, the bitten died in seconds.

  Law growled as Scarface lunged to a row of cabinets. His hands still had fingers, but they were changing. He managed to fumble with the latch, and Sabrina’s startled shriek made the wolf whine as Scarface yanked her to her feet. Sabrina’s ebony skin bore scratches and cuts, but no bite marks. Her captor slapped her. The wolves’ ears went back, and he hunched down, ready to spring.

  “Back off or I kill her.” Scarface put his half-metamorphosed hand on the woman’s delicate throat. She squeaked as he tightened his grip. When he released her neck, she coughed out a gasp. “Damn, she’s hot. I wish we’d had some time to enjoy her.”

  A half-metamorphosed Tweedle Dee gave a barking laugh. Law inched closer to the angry wolfman. The bitten growled but didn’t back off. Motion caught the wolves’ attention. A familiar gray wolf, his friend, a born name Ben, jumped on Scarface. The bitten lost his hold on Sabrina as Ben bit into his shoulder. Moments later, Scarface’s life ended. Sabrina tumbled to the ground and started to crawl away. Law turned to Tweedle Dee. Law’s human frustration made the wolf more dangerous. The bitten tried to get his teeth into Law, but the animal’s strength outmatched the scrawny male, and he died screaming. Blood-spray arched across a mural of playing children and coated the wall in a grisly splatter. Sabrina wept and wriggled away. She tried to stand up and run, but her limp showed she was injured. Ben dispatched the terrified Tweedle Dum with minimal effort as Law pounced, blocking the doorway to stop the human. He sat down; his head cocked to the side. Sabrina wobbled to her feet, backing up.

  “Nice doggy. Good doggy. It’s okay little guy,” Sabrina said in a high, nervous tone. “I won’t hurt you.”

  Law whined.

  Behind Sabrina, the wolf who’d come to Law’s aid returned to his human state.

  Ben wiped the blood off his face with the back of his arm. His chubby face appeared ruddy. He pushed the dark hair out of his brown eyes before grabbing a broken chair seat to cover his nudity. “Don’t freak out,” Ben said.

  Sabrina shrieked and turned around. “Ben? What happened to you?”

  Law took advantage of her distraction, and the wolf receded inside of him. He stood up, covering himself with his hands.

  “It’s okay,” Ben said. He took a step toward Sabrina, and she stumbled back. “I’m not going to hurt you. I came to help.”

  “Did you scare away the wolf?” Sabrina’s voice rose, and her eyes were wild. “Is it gone?”

  “Bianca sent me,” Law said. “We’re here to help.”

  Sabrina whirled around. She looked back-and-forth between Law and Ben.

  “I—This can’t be real,” Sabrina’s voice trailed off, and her eyes rolled back in her head.

  “Catch her,” Ben shouted and Law lunged, seizing the woman before she hit the floor. “It looks like we have a hell of a mess to clean up.”


  Kane turned downtown, passed the derelict malt shop. He’d forgotten the business had gone under during the recession. Teenagers no longer hung out in places like Millie’s Malts because of all their social media and little mind-numbing devices. Chessa hadn’t been at the middle school, and Ms. Archer’s home was dark and lifeless. I can’t believe I’m not delegating this. When did I start to care so damn much? Too much time has passed. It’s not as if I can turn the clock back and…. He passed by the community center. The sight of a broken window was his first clue that something was wrong. Foster’s naked ass was the second.

  “Damn it,” Kane gr
umbled and stopped his SUV. “What have you done, this time, Foster?” He grumbled to himself as he put the vehicle in park and got out. Another wolf, one of Kane’s pack, came out holding an unconscious human. “What is it with you and human women?” Foster glared. “Get in.” Joslyn, I hope you can hear me. Your daughter and her mate are going to be the death of me. At this rate, I’ll be seeing you soon.


  Joy stood at the mudroom window. The dark valley stretched out cloaking the night in beauty. The wild loneliness called to her wolf. Fog clung to the rolling bluffs obscuring the fall colors peppering the lush leaves. She wanted freedom after all the suspicious glances she’d gotten and the cold reception back into the pack. Finding the courage to leave her mother’s room was almost as hard as finding the courage to stay. I can’t run away. I need to make things right with Mom and Law.

  Law. Worry nagged in her brain. Her brother wasn’t back from the hospital. Her preternatural eyesight allowed her to see far down the twisting road, and there was no sign of any traffic. Night air held the nip of fall, and Joy inhaled the sweet, crisp uniquely Wisconsin scent. She wrapped her arms around her waist. Come home big brother. I need your strength.

  Something touched Joy’s shoulder, and she jerked with a start. Sucking a breath through her teeth, she whirled around.

  Nik draped his sweatshirt over her shoulders. It smelled like him. That indefinable musky scent was his and his alone. “I thought you might be cold.”

  For a second terror clouded her thoughts. This is Nik, and he’d never hit me. She hadn’t been around him in a long time, yet she trusted him more than she would most other men. A hot flush burned in her cheeks. “Thanks.” She turned around and studied his reflection behind her in the window. Can I trust you, Nik? Can I? He was so tall and handsome. She noticed her black curls dangled wild around her face, and she wished she’d taken a second to brush her hair.


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