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The Good Sister: Part One

Page 20

by London Saint James

  Ashton growled his approval. “Very good, Trinity.”

  I let out a moan in my throat as I sucked Ashton harder, took him to my deepest point then slid my mouth off so I could run my tongue around the head of Ashton’s cock before I plunged my mouth back over him. I imagined a push pop or a lollipop as I swirled my tongue around him.

  “Trinity,” he said breathless. “If you keep doing this with such vigor I shall not last long.”

  If my mouth hadn’t been stretched full of him, I would have smiled. I pumped harder. I wanted him to come. To feel the pleasure I’d felt with him earlier while riding. I sucked harder, pumped my hand and my mouth, feeling him press and jerk, hearing his groan. I looked up into his face. That’s all it took.

  “Bloody hell,” he said. He tried to pull out of my mouth, but I would not let him. As he pulled back I pushed forward.

  He was going to come inside of my mouth. Ashton’s eyes flashed, pulsed darker. His face transitioned from concentration, to hunger, to satisfaction. I tasted his salty seed. I felt the heat of his juices flood my mouth, feeling the essence of his manhood as it washed over my tongue in a bath of pleasure. I continued sucking. He pumped once, twice, stopped with a whisper of my name. I swallowed, never removing my eyes from Ashton’s gaze. I pulled my mouth from him, smiling.

  “Did you enjoy that?” I asked.

  “Yes. More than you can ever imagine, my dove. Now come, let us take a seat on the settee. I believe it is your turn.”

  There was a commotion, yelling, something crashing. Beyond the closed doors to the parlor things were being broken, destroyed. Ashton grabbed his boxers and his pants, pulling them up and on.

  “Get up,” he said, helping me. “Whatever happens, do not move from my side.”

  “Okay,” I said as I got to my feet. Listening to the commotion going on outside the door, I instantly grabbed onto his arm. “Ashton?” I was shaking.

  “Do not say a word,” he said in a low voice. “And do not move one inch from my side.”

  The doors flung open. “Lord Archer, I tried…” The female staff member was slapped to the floor by the man barreling in like a raging bull.

  “Well, well, little brother,” the man said. Immediately I knew this was Gavin. “It looks like I caught you in the act of getting some sweet American pussy. Pardon the interruption.” He smirked then eyed me. “Is not this the new little cunt Jacqueline has added to her line up? I must say I am surprised you finally decided to partake of Jacqueline’s goods, and with a yank,” he spat. “Here, here…” he continued as if making a toast and lifting an imaginary glass. “I do say it is about time, little brother. I was beginning to wonder if I were the only one of our family to dib my ink into Jacqueline’s pleasure well.”

  “Gavin, why are you here? Were you not instructed to stay away this weekend?”

  With a mocking bow, Gavin extended out his arm. “Oh, forgive me, your lordship.” Then he stood straight. “You are not the Lord almighty, my little brother. I should think since you bought and paid for this new pussy I should get a piece, taste the goods if you get my meaning. We are family after all.”

  “I curse the day you were born, Gavin! You are a disgrace to the Archer name, and I assure you more than a disappointment as a brother.”

  I clutched on to Ashton’s arm, felt his muscles tense, and the adrenaline pump through his body. I stared back at the man who was Ashton’s brother. He was crazed, more than likely high on something. Gavin was tall like Ashton, but nothing in Gavin resembled Ashton. His hair was sandy colored, dirty looking, almost greasy, and in total disarray. His face was square in shape. His nose sharp, and Gavin’s eyes were dark, possibly brown. His clothing was dirty. The pocket on his suit was torn, hanging. Gavin was a true devil: of this I was sure.

  “Gavin, you need to go back to your crack pipe and your two dollar whores,” Ashton hissed.

  Gavin moved forward. “I think since I am here, I will have a bite off of your whore.” Gavin looked at me. “You will like my bite.” He snapped his teeth.

  “She is not a whore, and you will not touch her!”

  “Then maybe I shall look at her. Watch her give you pleasure while I stroke my cock,” Gavin rebutted. “I don’t know, brother.” Gavin’s dark glare shot to Ashton’s face. “She may be too tempting to pass up. I might need to give her my prick.” Gavin stared at me, lingering. “You need a good pricking I should say, do you not? Yes…” he snarled, “you need it bad.” Gavin grinned, and it was evil personified. He tilted his head as if considering. “Perhaps you hunger for two cocks?”

  I tucked myself into Ashton.

  “Gavin!” Ashton called out, drawing his brother’s attention back to him.

  “What’s wrong, brother? Are you afraid my cock will give her more pleasure than yours?” Gavin slithered forward. “Come here!” he yelled. “You shall pleasure us both.”

  “She will not go to you, Gavin. And you shall not come any closer.”

  Gavin smirked. “Ashton, you need not worry. I am feeling generous tonight. I shall allow you the pleasure of her tight little cunt. You can fuck her while she sucks me off,” he growled, inching closer.

  “If you come any closer, Gavin, I shall string you up myself, finally put you out of your misery then send correspondence home to father informing him his whore mongering, crack smoking, drug dealing, rapist and pedophile of a son is finally dead. I doubt he shall morn the loss of his firstborn.”

  Gavin moved forward. Ashton tucked me behind his back. “If you come one more step closer, I promise you I will crack your neck and never shall I shed a tear, my brother. So go ahead and test me. See if I speak the truth.”

  There was more commotion out past the door. Staff scurrying around. The lady who was smacked to the floor, finally stood up. She ran out of the room.

  “Gavin, you slithering bastard!”

  I glanced around Ashton to see Alec. Heard the shiiiing of the blade leaving the sheath. In one blinding move Alec had a blade to Gavin’s throat. The firelight glinted off the silver pressed to Gavin’s neck. Gavin stilled.

  “Give me one good reason I should not slit your throat,” Alec said. “Just flinch, and I will cut you from ear to ear.”

  “Alec, this is none of your concern. This is between me and my little brother,” Gavin said. His face showed the fear of his new predicament.

  “When you insulted the woman at his side it became my concern. Besides, I might take this opportunity to cut your little prick off. I’m thinking I shall send it home to Jacqueline in a silk lined box.” Alec tightened the blade to Gavin’s throat. “What do you think of that, Gavin?”

  “I have no argument with you, Alec,” Gavin said.

  “Maybe I have argument with you, you slimy cock sucking bastard.”

  “I’ll go. I shall go back to England,” Gavin mumbled as the blade got closer. Blood began to trickle down from the side of his neck onto the dirty collar of his shirt.

  “The authorities will be here soon; until they arrive I think I will just slice off a piece of you at a time.”

  Alec made a deeper cut, and more blood flowed. Gavin stiffened, his face almost puce in color. His eyes bulged out in fear.

  More commotion, men coming in, only this time they were wearing uniforms, so they had to be the authorities.

  “Lord Archer,” one of the men in uniform said, “what is going on?”

  “Gavin has gone on a crack binge, busted into my home, and threatened my lady. Alec arrived to speak with me regarding some outstanding business and interceded until you arrived. Will you take my brother into custody until he sobers up? I shall be at the station tomorrow to escort him back home to England.”

  “Of course, Lord Archer,” the man said, moving to Gavin’s side followed by two other men in uniform. Alec stepped back as they interlocked their arms into Gavin’s and tugged.

  Gavin glared at his brother then at me. “She looks sweet.” He flicked his tongue out and over his lips. �
�You won’t be able to protect your new piece of pussy forever, little brother. Eventually I will get a taste of her little pink quim.”

  “Get him out of here!” Lord Archer ordered.

  The authorities wrestled Gavin Archer out the doors. Alec sheathed his blade, but Ashton seemed to still be seething. Two male staff members walked into the room.

  “Lock the gates, and lock down the house,” Lord Archer ordered. “And have Charlotte tend to Marie. Gavin struck her.”

  “Yes, my lord,” said one man before both of them scurried out of the parlor in haste.

  Ashton looked at Alec. “I shall sleep in Trinity’s bed chamber tonight in case my brother finds a way out of his holding cell.”

  “I will join you,” Alec replied.

  Lord Archer turned to me. “I am so sorry, my dove. You are safe. I can promise you this. We shall go up to your sleeping quarters, and tomorrow morning Alec will take you to Jacqueline. I shall escort my brother home to my father to ensure he stays in England. I believe it is time for another lengthy stay in the hospital.”

  “When will you be back?” I asked with a quivering voice.

  Ashton smiled tenderly. “I am unsure at the moment, but I shall come back.” He placed the pad of his thumb to my lips as his other hand brushed over my cheek. “For you, my lady, I would walk through hell.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ashton and Alec escorted me to my room. Alec looked disturbed, his face rock hard, serious. I noticed his eyes, not soft, but firm as if the honey tones had set to amber.

  “I will check out a few things, make sure the grounds are secure then I will be back,” Alec said to Ashton.

  Ashton nodded. “Very well.”

  I walked forward into my room upon shaky legs. Once inside, I deflated. I felt like I wanted to collapse. For a moment I thought I might faint. I wavered. Ashton must have noticed. A grimace fell across his features. Without hesitation he reached down, tucked his arm under my knees, swooped me up, cradling me within his arms, and held me secure against his chest as he walked me over to the bed.

  “Do you need to lie down, my dove?”

  “For a second,” I admitted.

  Ashton placed me gently upon the bed then sat down beside me. He swiped his fingertips over my forehead, smoothing the fear from my brow. His expression was somewhere between worry, remorse, and seething anger. He bent to place a kiss upon my forehead.

  “I am sorry you had to witness such things. My brother is not capable of rational thought when he is on his drug of choice.” Ashton’s voice became quiet. “I am not sure he is ever capable of rational thought.”

  “Would you have really hurt him?”

  There was no hesitation in Ashton’s reply. “Yes, I would have.”

  “Can he really get out of jail and come back here?”

  “He has found a way in the past. He can be very clever or maybe devious is the better word.” Ashton looked into my eyes. “You need not worry. You will be safe. He will never touch you. I shall never allow it.”

  I sat up. “I’m not worried, Ashton. I always feel safe with you.”

  Ashton twisted one of my curls around his finger. “I am pleased you feel safe with me.”

  “I need to change my clothes for bed, but I’m not sure what I have to wear to bed is exactly warm and cozy. In fact, I might as well be naked.”

  “You prepare for bed. Do not fret. I shall close my eyes as I tuck you in tight beneath the covers.”

  “But what if I want you to see me?”

  “Is this your wish, my lady?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Then it is my wish,” he replied.

  I slid off the bed and over to the armoire. I placed one hand to the side of the armoire for support while my other hand fumbled about with my shoe. I finally pulled off my high heel. I placed my shoes into the drawer, grabbed the white sleeping gown, and headed into the bathroom. I paused for a brief moment. Am I really going to show him my naked body? I took off the black dress, brushed my teeth, removed the clip out of my hair, and watched my reflection in the mirror as my long golden curls fell. I grabbed the sleeping gown and slipped it over my head. It had a low shoe-laced neckline that tied, but it plunged to my navel. Nothing was obscured or hidden by the material.

  I took in a deep breath, turned off the bathroom light, opened the bathroom door, and walked forward. There was no way to hide the tremble of my body.

  “Do not be frightened,” he said. “Come closer.”

  I stepped forward from the shadow. Ashton had not moved. He was sitting in the same place I’d left him.

  “Move your hair, my dove.”

  Slowly, I lifted my hand and moved my hair.

  “Sweet Jesus,” Ashton said. “You outshine the heavens.” The swell of my bottom lip was caught between my teeth. He held out his hand. “Come here, my dove.”

  I reached out and took his hand. Ashton tugged me two steps, pulling my body into his body. I was standing, he was sitting, but I was tucked between his legs. Ashton’s hands roamed down my back, cupping my bum.

  “You are a vision,” he said. He kissed my mouth, my neck, ran his nose along my collarbone then stood up. He pulled back the covers, picked me up, laid me down, and tucked me under the covers. “May I join you?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said.

  Ashton toed off his shoes where he stood, removed his socks, unzipped his pants, took them off and tossed them unceremoniously onto the bedside table. His belt, his shirt, his tie, and his suit coat were still strewn about in the parlor. He had not removed his boxer briefs, and they were bulging quite impressively. He slid in under the sheets with me. Ashton spooned me, encasing me within the protection of his bigger frame. I remembered wanting to curl up onto his body, and now I knew how it felt. It was just as I had thought, safe, secure, and then there were other feelings.

  Alec knocked. “I’m coming in,” he announced, opening the door then quickly securing it behind him. “Everything has been locked down around the estate.”

  “Good,” Ashton said. “The whole retched ordeal has shaken Trinity.”

  “Yes. I’m sure,” Alec replied. “I will sleep on the loveseat, but I will move it to the door.”

  “Fine,” Ashton said. He kissed the back of Trinity’s head.

  Alec scooted the loveseat over to the door. “Do you have any extra pillows?” he asked.

  Ashton pulled a couple off the bed. “Here,” he said, handing them to Alec, “and there is an extra quilt in the bathroom cabinet.”


  “I should be the one thanking you, Alec. I am at a loss, and assure you I deeply regret what happened this evening.”

  “It is not your fault, Lord Archer. You cannot control Gavin just as you cannot control the wind or the rain. Gavin is a force all unto his own.”

  “No, but this is the last and only time Gavin will be within a breath of Trinity. That, I can promise.”

  I peeked out from the covers to see Alec removing his shirt. His tall body was well muscled, but there was something wrong. His beautiful cinnamon colored skin was scarred. His chest, his stomach, and his sides were marred with deep slash marks. I wondered what had happened to him. Some of the scars were raised and puckered his skin while others were long, angry, jagged configurations.

  Alec pulled off his boots. He didn’t remove anything else, and wrapped himself in the crimson colored quilt before lying down upon the loveseat. He placed his knife by his head. The fire illuminated the room quite well. With a breath, I closed my eyes. I felt Ashton’s hand comb through my hair, moving it from my neck, then his large hand upon my hip as he inched up the material of my barely there gown.

  Ashton leaned into my ear and whispered, “I wish to pleasure you, my dove, but you will need to be quiet. May I have my wish?”

  I nodded my head, and bit at my bottom lip. Ashton’s hands moved the material from my hips. Next, he located the laces on the front of my gown. He pulled the lace
free, giving him access to my breasts. I shivered when his hand slid up my ribs then over my right breast. He cupped it, kneaded it softly before his fingers squeezed my budding nipple, rolling the nipple between his fingers. I arched into his touch, but kept quiet.

  Ashton whispered into my ear, “You are perfection.” He took the lobe of my ear between his lips. He sucked before moving down the cord on the side of my neck, nipping, sending chills across my skin. “Exquisite,” he murmured. Goose bumps raced across my skin. “Turn your head for me, my dove. Allow me to take your mouth as mine.”

  I turned my head per his request. I would allow him access to my mouth, and anything else he wanted. Then I remembered Alec was in the room. I turned to see Alec then back toward Ashton, unsure.

  “Do not fret,” Ashton whispered against my lips before he traced the line of my lips with his tongue, outlining before plunging into my mouth, taking it, claiming it as his. I started to make a little mew of sound so he pulled back and placed his fingertip to my lips. He shook his head no. “Quiet,” he whispered and kissed me again, allowing his tongue to tangle with mine.

  I placed my hand to Ashton’s face. Patted softly. He stopped kissing me. I touched his lips then arched my breasts into his touch. He shook his head no. Leaned down, and placed his mouth to my ear. His hair brushed against my face in a tickle of chocolate colored silk.

  “We must be quiet.”

  I turned, placing my mouth to his ear. “Please, Ashton. Put your mouth on me.”

  Alec stirred. Ashton froze. Slowly he turned to look in Alec’s direction. In a smooth readjustment of his body, and mine, Ashton placed his mouth to my breasts, pulling one taut tip into his lips. Ashton swirled his tongue around the pink perfection of my areola then back over my gumdrop tip before sucking with a gentle rasp of his tongue.

  I arched into Ashton’s mouth. I wanted to moan so badly, yet found the strength to hold it in. When I thought I could take no more, Ashton moved to the other breast and did the same, sampling me with his mouth. His hand glided over the curve and concave of my belly until he felt my navel, and rested there.


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