The Good Sister: Part One

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The Good Sister: Part One Page 26

by London Saint James

  “Yes,” I said. “Now, if you will excuse me.”

  Lord Ironington reached out. He was quick. He grabbed hold of my arm. Reid pushed Ironington back, breaking his grip from me.

  “I don’t think so,” Reid said, shaking his head. “I don’t give a fucking rat’s ass who you are or what your title is. Touch her again, and I will beat your smug aristocratic ass.”

  Alec came from the shadows. “Do we have a problem here?”

  “No, Alec, I was just admiring the goods, stating my preference for…” Ironington hesitated, looking back at me. “I must apologize, I do not know your real name,” he winked, “my dove.”

  “Lord Ironington, her name is Trinity; however, she is not to be considered goods,” Alec said harshly.

  “So I have been told,” Lord Ironington said with a smug smile while twirling the end of his mustache.

  “Then may I wish you a good night,” Alec said. He placed his hand upon Ironington's shoulder and proceeded to walk him to the door.

  Lord Ironington put on his black overcoat and hat then turned to smile like an evil goblin. “It has been enlightening seeing you again, Trinity.”

  I just bet it was.

  Reid pulled me down the hall and into the kitchen. He shut the doors behind us. With a peeved tone he asked, “Who the fuck was that dude?”

  “Someone I met at Lord Archer’s.”

  “You went to Lord Archer’s house?”


  “Why?” he asked. He took a step forward and took hold of my shoulders.

  “Because he invited me, and because I wanted to go,” I huffed, jerking back from Reid in defiance.

  Reid’s jaw flexed. He looked into the depths of my eyes.

  “Do you like Lord Archer, Trinity?”

  “Of course I like him.”

  “Do you find him attractive?”


  Reid took a large breath. “And so…”

  “And so what?” I asked.

  “Are you planning to let him touch you?”

  “He’s already touched me,” I assured, although I wasn’t going to elaborate how Ashton had touched me.

  A dark storm rolled over Reid’s demeanor. His body tensed, his nostrils flared, and his chiseled features set hard upon his face.

  “Fucking hell, Trinity. What do you mean he has touched you?”

  I crossed my arms without a response in words. I imagined Reid wanted to shake me until my teeth rattled. He stalked forward, pressing himself against me. His excitement rubbed my lower belly through his jeans.

  “Did he touch you like I have?” Reid asked, his mouth inches of my cheek. “Did he put his mouth on your sweet little pussy and make you come?”

  I smirked at Reid. “I’m not going to tell you.”

  “Did he touch you here?” Reid asked, cupping my breast.

  I twisted away, but he took me in hand. I hit Reid's chest. He moved back from me, face chiseled hard. His silver eyes turned to liquid fury.

  “Are you going to let him fuck you, Trinity?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.”

  “So you have been considering it!”

  I stared at Reid dead straight in the eyes and without the bat of an eyelash said, “Yes, but I’m quite sure if I do decide on saying yes to him, I won’t get fucked by Ashton.”

  “Fucking hell!” he yelled. His fist hit the counter top. “He’s a man, Trinity, so if you think he wants to do anything more than fuck you—”

  “Regardless of what you believe, Reid, I may be worth more to a man than a fuck. Maybe even worth loving, and being made love to.”

  Reid raged. He was slamming his fist against the counter tops, kicking the floorboards while cursing quite creatively. I even heard something in regard to an arrogant uptight pompous jackass, shit from shinola, water fowl, and a sphincter.

  “Stop making a scene or Alec will throw you out too,” I said, turning to grab some more sodas.

  “Is it because he has money, a title?”

  I twirled on him, curls whipping, eyes narrowing. “No! Do you think I like you because of your money?”

  Reid’s hard face softened. “No.”

  “Then do not insult me because I might find someone other than you attractive. You’re not the only man in the world, Reid Addison, so get over yourself.”

  “Trinity, look at me,” Reid insisted. “We need to talk about this.”

  “No,” I said, keeping my back turned to him.

  “Trinity Lane Winslow, look at me now,” he said in a low voice that demanded no refusal.

  “No,” I repeated, miffed. While taking the sodas I said, “You don't own me.” Then I left the kitchen in determined steps.

  Reid trailed after me. I ignored him as I flitted up the stairs to my room. I opened my door, walked in, placed the sodas by the snacks then popped the tab on one soda can and took a drink. I walked over to the stereo, and turned the music down before I plopped down on the bed. I crossed my legs in a yoga position, took a deep cleansing breath then in a masterful move I lifted the soda can to my lips, took another drink of my soda, and sat quietly as if nothing was going on, as if Reid did not exist.

  “Are you going to talk to me, Trinity?”

  Stony silence rang out from my direction.


  No response but a cool zero.

  “Okay then, I’ll just wait here until you decide you are going to talk to me,” Reid assured, crossing his arms across his rock hard chest.

  It was going to be a long wait. I got up from the bed, finishing my soda and wishing it was a Coke, tossed the can into the trash receptacle then turned on my heel. I grabbed a book, headed back to my bed, and proceeded to lie down on my stomach across the middle of the bed. I never afforded Reid one glance as I began to read My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands by Chelsea Handler.

  Reid snorted.


  From the distance I heard Reid. “Trinity,” he whispered. “Trinity, wake up.”

  I opened my eyes. The last thing I remembered was reading a book. I must have fallen asleep.

  “Reid, what are you doing?”

  “Trying to wake you up,” he said. “It’s after seven in the morning, and I really need to go to the bathroom.”

  I glanced down at myself. I was only wearing a T-shirt and panties. I glowered at Reid who was wearing his dark blue Calvin Klein's, sporting a raging hard on.

  “How did I get into bed?” I asked.

  “You feel asleep so I put you in bed then I joined you.” I stared at him. “Nothing happened,” Reid assured.

  “I know nothing happened, Reid. I’m sure I wouldn’t have slept through it,” I sniffed. He laughed.

  “So are we going to talk about things now?” he said, coolly. “As you can see I waited out your silent treatment.”

  “Not if you want to talk about Ashton and get pissy like last night.”

  “I want to talk about him, you, me, us.”

  “There is no us.”

  “Maybe I want there to be an us,” he said.

  “Reid, you really are killing me. You can’t have things both ways. Either you want to let someone else love me or you love me. You can’t tell me to give herself to someone else but keep pulling me back into your struggle. I want to help you, Reid, but I can’t play these games.”

  Reid slid my body into his. His bulging crotch pressed against my backside. “I want to hold you, Trinity. I really mean it. It’s no game.” Soon the holding turned into Reid’s hands roaming over my arm, my hip, pulling me tightly into his hot erection. “Trinity, you feel so good,” Reid said, nuzzling his nose between my shoulder blades.

  I couldn’t do this. And then there was Ashton. I felt something for Ashton. I even dreamed about him last night. I dreamed it was Ashton beside of me, Ashton who I clung to, and had I said I love him?

  I pulled away. “Do something with that,” I said, pointing to his tented briefs.r />
  Reid smiled toothy white. “What do you suggest I do with it?”

  “Don’t you have to go to the bathroom?” I asked.


  “Well then, go, and while you’re in there take care of that.”

  Reid rolled out of bed. He sauntered over to the door. “Are you going to miss me while I’m gone?” he teased.

  I covered my head with the bed sheets. I heard his evil laugh as he departed.

  “What am I going to do with him?” I said. “He drives me crazy.”

  The phone was ringing. The sound broke my irritation. I remembered I left it on the foot of the bed. I got up, searching, and found it lying on the floor by Reid’s jeans. I picked it up, brushed back some unruly curls from my face then answered.



  “Lord Archer!” I exclaimed.

  “My dove, I was not expecting you to answer.”

  “I sort of forgot to take the phone back downstairs,” I said with a giggle.


  “Did you need to speak with Jacqueline?”

  “No. I wish to speak with you.”

  There was a strange humming noise in the background.

  “Where are you?” I asked.

  “On a flight.”

  “You are calling me from a plane?”

  “Yes,” he said.


  “How was your evening?” Ashton asked.

  “Well, it was okay until I ran into Lord Ironington.”

  “You ran into Ironington?” The tone in Ashton’s voice was quite disturbing; however, I didn’t know all of his tones, looks, or laughs like I knew Reid’s.


  “What happened, my dove? I must know.”

  “He was surprised to see me, thought I was on the menu,” I snorted. “That’s how he referred to it. He said if he had known I was on the menu he would have waited to place an order.”

  I was pretty sure I heard Ashton say cock sucking bastard, but it was muddled as if he held his hand over the phone when he said it.

  “Trinity, my dove. He did not harm you, did he?”

  “No, Reid pretty much set him straight. Actually, he was going to kick Ironington’s ass. Then Alec stepped in and escorted Lord Ironington to the door after I assured Lord Ironington I was not working for Jacqueline.”

  “Addison,” Ashton said with that tone again. “I shall give him my gratitude when I see him next.”

  That comment surprised me. The tone, along with the gratitude comment, did not quite mesh.

  “You are still coming on Sunday, right?” I asked.

  “I shall be there today, my dove.”


  “Yes. Are you surprised?”

  “Yes,” I admitted.

  “I shall see you after lunch. I have a few things I must take care of then I shall take you into my arms.”

  “Okay,” I said, “I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  “Until then, my lady.”

  Reid returned. Unconcerned he was walking around half naked. Of course he had the kind of body that should be admired, but what’s worse he knew it.

  “Trinity, who were you talking to?”


  Reid’s face took on that look again. Pissed off, ready to rage.

  “What did he want?”

  “Nothing really.”

  Reid wasn’t buying that. His voice had a mocking tone as he spoke. “Really? He called you again first thing this morning for nothing?”

  “If you must know, Ashton calls me every week, sometimes twice a week.”

  “I want to spend time with you, today,” Reid said.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not? Is it because you’re still pissed at me?”

  “No. Because Lord Archer is coming today instead of Sunday.”

  Reid paced back and forth at the foot of the bed, running his fingers through his hair then grabbing at the back of his neck. After a minute or two I could not take it any longer.

  “Why are you doing that?”

  “Don’t see him today,” Reid said.

  “Stop it.”

  Reid came over to the bed. Within a moment he was kissing me. My body reacted. I could not stop my body from reacting to Reid. It was like a match to kindling. I kissed him back. Maybe Reid was an addiction, a bad one,I considered, and then my mind clicked off.

  Reid leaned me back on the bed, inching up my body, tucking himself between my thighs. His manhood pressed against me. Without my control, my sex flared. Reid was everywhere. He was kissing, touching, murmuring things into my ear, not giving me time to think, just giving my body heat and pleasure.

  Within what seemed like a blink of an eye Reid had pulled my t-shirt up over my head and off. He’d removed his boxer briefs, and was now taking off my panties while his lips played havoc with my thighs, my knees, my stomach…

  “Trinity,” he murmured against my breasts. His tongue flicked an urgent tip. “I want you so badly,” he said, sucking then flicking. “I ache, Trinity. You make me ache.” He swirled his tongue around my aroused nipples. “You set me on fire.”

  I always wanted to hear these words from him, but not in this way, and not because he didn’t want anyone else to have me. In another blinding move he plunged deeply into my mouth with his tongue. He was taking over.

  “Reid,” I moaned. He rubbed his cock against my clit. “We need to stop.”

  “You are so wet, so fucking hot,” he mumbled, thrusting his cock against my slickness, against my clit. I shook, sliding against him. I could not stop, even though this time I knew I should stop. “I want you,” he said into my ear, taking the lobe between his teeth with a nip.

  Ashton’s face, his eyes, the way he looked at me, the way he spoke to me, the way he touched me haunted my thoughts. Ashton’s touch was different, not in the way of technique, while that was different, I meant in the way I felt as he touched me. When Ashton touched me I felt adored. The best I could come up with was that Ashton looked at me with lust, yes, but with emotion and with deep caring like I actually was a goddess. Reid’s gaze was more lust than caring. Ashton spoke with passion. Reid just spoke to me like he would speak to any woman. Ashton touched me like I was a gift to be appreciated, explored with careful touches, loving caresses, but Reid touched with one purpose. I stiffened.

  “No, baby, don’t stiffen, don’t pull away.”

  Reid’s words played out in my mind like an instant replay. I don’t think of softness, tender kisses, whisper soft caresses or murmurs of loving words in the dark. I think of other things.

  “Reid, why are you doing this?” I asked.

  “You know why,” he said, sliding his mouth down my stomach.

  “Because you don’t want Ashton to have me?”

  “I don’t want him to have you,” he agreed, “you are mine.” He found his way to my clit, licking it. I faltered then stiffened. “Relax, let me make you come. You know you like it when I flick this little clit.” He flicked it again. “And I like how you moan for me.”

  “No,” I said, pulling back. “Stop.”

  “I can’t,” Reid said. “I need you, Trinity.” I closed my eyes. “Let me try. Let me try to make love to you.”

  Tears sprang forth, rolled down my cheeks. I cried so hard I shook. Reid stopped.

  “Don’t cry,” he said, moving up my body, kissing my mouth, my breasts. “Do you really want me to stop?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  Reid looked conflicted, confused. “Why?”

  “I can’t do this. I can’t pretend everything between us is okay because you have decided you want to try to make love to me. Maybe before, maybe before I would have pretended.”

  “You mean before Archer?”

  I did not answer his question.

  “Reid, you are only doing this because you don’t want me to be with Ashton and you don’t like the idea that I may give my
body to him. What is your plan? To keep fucking other women to get what you need while keeping me as your what?”

  Reid looked into my eyes.

  “Will you make love to me?” he asked.

  I touched his face.

  “I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can. I want to try, Trinity. We will do this your way, however you want it.”

  Reid lay back.

  “You really want me to do this?” I asked.

  “Yes, baby,” Reid said. He twined his finger through a stray curl of mine. “I want to try.”

  I took my time kissing down his body with tender kisses, light caresses, lingering passes of my tongue. I wasn't sure I could really do this, make love to him. I made my way down his body, stopping with my lips within a breath of the head of his cock. He placed his hand into my hair.

  “Come on, Trinity, don’t stop. I’m trying,” he said.

  All I could think about was Ashton. I spent two years dreaming of Reid, had come thousands of miles to be with him, yet even though he was here with me I could not get Ashton out of my mind. Maybe Reid and I were never meant to be anything more than friends, because if you love someone, you love them, you don’t try to love them.

  I was so wrong. There’s a difference between making a man burn for me and making a man love me. I wanted both. Maybe I was greedy, but I wanted the burn along with the love. I might have the ability to make Reid burn, but I couldn’t make Reid love me, no matter what I did.

  “Reid, I’m sorry,” I said. “I can’t do this.”

  “Fuck,” he muttered, “it’s because of fucking Archer, isn’t it?”

  “Maybe,” I said. “I want to help you, Reid, but I can’t make you love me.”

  Reid’s hold on my head became harsh. “I never asked you to help me or to love me.”

  My heart twisted. “No, you didn’t,” I agreed.

  Reid’s body shook. His free hand balled into a fist. I finally took in the whole scene. He pressed my head down upon his erection, holding me there.

  “I need to fuck that beautiful mouth,” he said in a low voice.

  “Stop it, Reid.”

  For the first time in my life I was frightened of him, truly frightened of what he could do.

  “Open your mouth,” Reid demanded, enforcing the demand with his fingers.


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