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Aspen's Stunt

Page 19

by Melissa Grace

  Wren smiled. “You’re pretty good with playing this celebrity game, aren’t you?”

  “I’m not so sure about that, but I do think you should handle the break-up and soon. That way you can steer it the best way for all of us. Either way, it’ll get Zoltan what he truly craves. Free publicity.”

  “When did you start to get so smart about Hollywood life, Stunt Girl?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. It just sorta happened.”

  Wren thought for a moment. “Maybe JT and I will be having a “lovers” quarrel tonight. It needs to happen in some public place so that lots of people can witness it happen.”

  “This is a perfect time, right before this place becomes a total ghost town before Christmas.”


  “Yeah, and before we stay trailer bound for the next two days. Not a bad thing, mind you.” Aspen’s cheeks reddened.

  Wren nodded. She knew exactly what Aspen meant. “It’s a done deal, then. I will make it known that JT and I broke up weeks ago, long before you and I happened during our trip to Christmas Valley.”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  “Zoltan will have a fit that it’s not in line with whatever cockamamie idea he’s conjuring up, but this is about me and you…and hopefully me not looking like a two-timing tramp.” She brought Aspen’s hand up and pressed it against her chest above her heart. “I need to be honest about my feelings and this feels so right.”

  “It is right.” The desire in their eyes couldn’t be mistaken for anything else, but what they so desperately yearned for… a moment to connect like they had on Fort Rock.

  “I think I’m done with talking for now.”

  Wren looked over at the door.

  “I locked it when I came in.” Aspen’s smile widened.

  “Good.” Wren stood up and straddled Aspen’s lap. She loosened the top button of her shirt. “Let’s hope there’ll be no more interruptions until I am ready to convince JT to meet up with me later.” She yanked her shirt up and over her head, and then tossed it on the floor. She shoved Aspen backward into the plush chair.

  “I’ll try not to wear you out too much before tonight’s big scene.”

  “Oh no, that won’t be necessary. I can handle it.”

  Chapter 14 – The Break-up

  “Are you ready for this?”

  “I’m ready.” They started for the door when JT grabbed Wren’s wrist. She turned to him. “Wren…I just want to thank you for being such a great pretend girlfriend for the past few months. I know my behavior was more than anyone should have to put up with, but for what it’s worth, you’ve been my favorite girlfriend by far.” He leaned in closer. “Even if we haven’t had sex,” he whispered.

  Wren chuckled. “You’ll always have a place in my heart, JT. That place is just in the same locale as all my other friends.”

  “I respect that. And I appreciate that you fit me in there somewhere.”

  “What can I say? You grew on me."

  They looked at the doors to the studio and back at each other. They knew there would be staff readying the set for their return after Christmas.

  Wren stomped in through the studio doors first while JT trailed in after, allowing the door to slam behind him.

  “Wren, hear me out first.”

  “JT, we went over this weeks ago. You will always be dear to me, but it’s best we move on and see other people.” She turned toward him abruptly. “I already have.”


  “How did it go?”

  “I think JT and I were convincing. The staff all stood there and stared. There were even a few Extras wandering about. Probably waiting to see if JT wanted to…. ‘hang out’ later.” She laughed.

  “Wish I could have seen it,” Aspen admitted.

  “JT played it so cool. I mean, he wouldn’t want to lose face with any potential one-night stands. He hasn’t quite slept with all of them yet,” she joked.

  “No kidding.” Aspen’s cheeks blushed. “I wonder what Zoltan will think.” She giggled.

  “I have no idea what repercussions may come of this when it comes to Zoltan, but the good news is, I made it loud and clear to everyone within earshot that you and I are most definitely an item. I even made it clearer that you and I happened after JT and I split from our fake relationship. I even heard a few whispers and claps after I announced you and I being an item.”


  Wren gave three big nods.

  “What did JT say to all this?”

  “He said he respected my decision and also commented on how could he compete with such a wonderful heart as the one you carry. He said he thought the world of both of us and we hugged. He even made mention of us having his blessing.” She laughed. “He was acting so...fatherly about it.”

  “Ah, that is sweet.”

  “He really can be, at times.”

  “So, does this mean we are free to leave the compounds long enough to stock up on food? There’s nothing I want more than to help you choose some tantalizing cuisines that will help make our time in our trailers this Holiday season even more special.”

  Wren wrapped her arms around Aspen’s waist. “That sounds highly appealing. Something that will not only help us replenish our depleted energy, but will be sweet, sticky, and very messy.”

  “I have a few ideas for a holiday smorgasbord in mind.”

  “I bet you do, but alas, my sweet, I think we’d better leave the shopping up to one of my personal shoppers.”

  Aspen drew her chin back. “Personal shoppers?”

  “I know how it sounds, Aspen. Believe me. But yes, I have people that shop for me. It’s really out of necessity so people vying for my attention won’t crush me. They can get pushy past the point of everyone’s safety.”

  “What about a disguise? You don’t want us to go shopping together?” She pretended to pout.

  She took Aspen’s chin in her hand. “I would love for us to go shopping together, if I could even pull off a disguise effectively, but after JT and I stirred things up a bit, it’s best we lay low. I’m not ready to agitate Zoltan any more than I probably already have.” She gave Aspen a quick kiss. “Besides, I have something a little more stimulating in mind.”

  Aspen smiled. “Oh yeah? Like what?”

  Their eyes locked, confirming their need to connect again. “Need you ask?” They had each other and at that very moment, nothing else mattered. They tenderly kissed and stroked each other, taking their time to explore and feel what each one so willingly gave and received.

  Removing each other’s clothing was like opening a gift as they made their way to the back bedroom of Wren’s trailer. As they climbed on top of the bed, Wren reached to turn out the lights, leaving just the flurry of Christmas lights radiating from the mini pine tree she had so ornately decorated on the bed stand.

  “Great choice in location,” Aspen whispered.

  “I thought I would choose a location where we would be spending the most time. That way we can have more time to enjoy it.”

  The tree’s colorful glow gave them a feeling of peace and calm, delaying their worries for at least another day in solitude.


  Wren and Aspen awoke to a faint knock at the door.

  “Yes?” Wren yelled out. She quickly slid her arm out from under Aspen’s head and climbed out of bed. “Coming.” She quickly slid on a T-Shirt and some workout shorts.

  “Hi, Wren,” a voice spoke through the door. “It’s Sonya. Just dropping off the groceries you texted me about last night.”

  Wren looked at her clock. Was it really afternoon already? She opened the door. “Sonya, you are an absolute Godsend. Please come in.” She looked to the back of the trailer to make sure Aspen wasn’t indecent. Aspen continued to lay snug in bed. All that could be seen of her were strands of curly blonde hair spilling out of the covers.

  “It’s no problem, Wren. Really.” She set the bags on the table, pretending not to
notice Wren’s company.

  “It’s the day before Christmas, Sonya. I hope I didn’t keep you from anything.”

  “You didn’t. My fiancé and I won’t be celebrating until tonight. He’s finishing up with a few more clients at the gym, so this was perfect timing.”

  “How does he like being a personal trainer?”

  “He loves it. Now he can get paid for working out.” She laughed.

  “Well, that’s a great fit for him.” Wren laughed with her. She handed Sonya a hundred dollar bill. “I really appreciate you taking care of these groceries for me. I wanted to give you a little extra for Christmas.”

  Sonya tucked the hundred in her purse. “I really appreciate it, Wren. You’re totally my best tipper.” She winked as she stepped back out of the trailer. “Happy Holidays.”

  “Happy Holidays to you, too.” She closed the door as Sonya walked away.

  “Who was that?” Aspen stood in just a t-shirt by the sink, rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes with little success.

  Wren pointed to the bags on the table. “The Hunter-Gatherer has brought us nourishment.”

  “Perfect.” Aspen reached into a bag and pulled out an apple before giving it a quick rinse in the sink. She took a massive bite out of its side.



  “Let me put some coffee on, put these away, and then we’ll make some lunch.”

  “Lunch?” Aspen noticed the time. “Wow.” She stuck the apple in her mouth and held it there with just her teeth while she helped clear out the contents of the grocery bag.

  They worked well in such cramped quarters. Aspen set the foods needing to be placed in the fridge on the counter as Wren organized the items on their proper shelves and in their proper drawers. They had everything put away within minutes.

  Aspen set the apple on the counter and washed her hands. “So what happens next?” She leaned her back against the counter as she used a towel to dry her hands. “Can I help you cook something?”

  Wren wrapped her arm around Aspen’s waist. The white t-shirt she had on was at least a size too big and Wren couldn’t help but wonder if Aspen was feeling a bit of a draft. “First, I need to try and control myself from leading you back into the bedroom. I know you’re starving and I am feeling a bit faint myself.” Aspen’s skin felt so warm beneath the thin fabric.

  Aspen draped her hands around Wren’s neck and crossed her arms at the wrists behind Wren’s head. “I think I know what we’ll have for dessert, at least.” They kissed.

  Wren had to pull away before getting lost in Aspen’s touch. “I think, while I get lunch started, you should call your dad.”

  Aspen set her chin on Wren’s neck. “I’m scared to,” she sighed the words.

  “I know, Aspen.” She stroked her hair. “However, our relationship is bound to get out in a hurry. Your dad deserves to hear the truth from you before he reads whatever muck the tabloids decide to embellish.”

  “You’re right. He does.” Aspen’s forehead rippled and she let go of Wren.

  Wren reached for her cell phone and placed it in Aspen’s hand. “Don’t worry, Aspen. It’ll be okay, but no time is better than now.” She looked down at Aspen’s legs. “Except it may be best to get some pants on first.”

  Aspen giggled. “Do I have to?” The giggle was followed by a mischievous grin.

  Wren stepped out of her workout shorts and slid them onto Aspen. “Now call while I get something else on.”

  Aspen stared at the number pad a few seconds. She looked up. “I’m ready.” She confirmed her dad’s name appeared on the screen and then took a deep breath before she pressed the ‘call’ button. The faint ringing was interrupted by a cordial “Hello?”

  “Hi, Dad.” Aspen gripped the cell phone as though she were trying to stop it from hemorrhaging.

  “Hi, Sweetie. How are things goin’?”

  “Fine, Dad. Keeping busy as usual.” She hadn’t told him they were taking a two day break from filming. She looked at Wren who gave her an encouraging nod.

  “Dad, I need to tell you something that’s difficult for me to say. Maybe even harder for you to understand, but I need you to try.”

  “Okay, Honey. You can tell me anything.”

  Aspen closed her eyes. She fought for the words to expose themselves.

  “You’re safe?” Cole interrupted her thoughts.

  “Yes, Dad. I am safe and as a matter of fact, I am extremely happy.”

  “So far so good.” Cole gave a nervous chuckle. “It’s okay, Sweetheart. Come on out with it, Honey.”

  “Dad…I found someone.”

  Cole listened silently on the other end of the line.

  “I found someone I love with all my heart and I want you to accept them.”

  “Well, Honey. I respect your decisions and am sure this fella must be a pretty special guy to win your heart, but I will need to meet him before I can accept that he’s right for you.” He swallowed the thought of how Trigg may react to the news.

  “Well, Dad—you already met them.”

  “I have? When?”

  “Please keep an open mind, Dad.”

  “Who is it?”

  Aspen closed her eyes. “Wren, Dad. It’s Wren.”

  There was dead silence on the other end of the phone. Aspen withdrew it from her ear to check the screen. The connection time kept incrementing. “Are you there?”

  “I…uh…yeah. I’m here. I just, ah….”

  “I am in love with Wren, Dad.” She clenched her fist to offset the stress moving through her back and the feeling of queasiness in her stomach.

  “I see.” The three second pause felt like an eternity. “I appreciate you calling me, Aspen. I need some time to think this over.”

  “Oh, okay.” She tried to hide the disappointment in her shaky voice.

  “Give me some time to process this. I’ll need to call you back.”

  “Um…okay. I love you, Dad.”

  “I love you, too.”

  The dial tone came sudden. Wren could hear it in Aspen’s ear. “So, what did he say?” She took the phone and checked one more time that the connection had dropped before she set it down on the counter.

  “He sounded disappointed.”

  “Did he say he was disappointed?”

  “No, but I could hear it in his voice.”

  “Well, I am sure he is shocked, but now he at least knows. And having it come straight from you is better than any tabloid.”

  Aspen bit her lip.

  “Are you upset with me?” Wren’s forehead crinkled.

  “Not at all. Actually, I feel a mixture of things. I definitely feel relieved that now he knows, but I also feel worried that now he knows.” She looked at the golden sparkles in Wren’s brown eyes. “Most of all…I feel excited and blessed to have you.”

  “We have each other. And we can make this work.”

  “What happens in a few weeks, when all this is over?” Aspen waved her arms about the trailer. “I have to go home, Wren. Christmas Valley is my home.”

  “I know it is and that’s okay, Aspen.”

  “Is it? How can I be away from you?”

  “You don’t have to be.”

  “I can’t keep traveling here.” Her candor took her by surprise. “What I mean to say is, it’s already difficult to be away for motocross events with all the chores I have at home. And here…I just don’t feel like I really fit in.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “Yeah, right. You’re a big Hollywood actress. Everyone swarms around you when you enter a room.”

  “Yeah, well that comes with the territory. And it’s not like people in the motocross circuit have never heard of you or don’t try to swarm around you after an event.” She wrapped her arms around Aspen again. “What I’m trying to say is, I love being an actress when it’s time to act in a film. The so-called perks and constant interruptions? Feeling like I’m always under a microscope? That’s just
not me. I want quiet, peace, and tranquility. I want to be a normal person when I am not on set. I want to be with the person I truly love. That person is you, Aspen.”

  “What are you saying?”

  Wren took Aspen’s hands in hers. “Although there will be times when we are apart…like when I am filming and you are wowing your motocross fans, I want to live with you in a small town. A town just like Christmas Valley.”

  Aspen’s eyes widened. “You want to move in with me and dad?”


  “That was a dumb question.” Aspen’s chin sunk.

  “No, it’s not a dumb question. I was just thinking…more like you and I having our own home, but somewhere close to your dad. I know how much the ranch means to you and I want you to be happy. I would even split chores with you guys.” She smiled. “Just like a normal, hardworking family.”


  “Maybe I’m putting too much pressure on you. Maybe this is all too much for you to take in right now. I mean, I am pretty much imposing on—”

  “No, you’re right. I can’t imagine not being with you or not living on our farm. Knowing you’ll always come home to me…well, it couldn’t be more perfect.”

  Wren searched Aspen’s blue eyes as she moved in closer to her. “I love you, Aspen.” She placed Aspen’s hand on the center of her chest. “My heart is yours and I will spend each and every day of the rest of my life proving it to you.”

  Aspen leaned in to give Wren a slow, deep kiss. Their breathing turned heavier when Wren’s hands tugged at the bottom of Aspen’s shirt. Aspen pulled away just enough to free their lips. She cupped her hand around Wren’s cheek and stared into her eyes before she said, “How about that quick dessert before lunch?”

  Chapter 15 – As the Production Comes to a Close

  “Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, this has been a very chaotic and arduous few months, but this production has almost come to an end. I will leave it up to the capable hands—along with my supervision, of course—of our technicians to piece everything together so our hard work and efforts are ready to be viewed on the big screen in the next few months. The premiere will be upon us before you know it.” Director Wolff’s chest heaved in proud admiration.


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