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Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1)

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by Nichole Greene

  “I’m sure interesting to you just requires a readily available hole.” If I didn’t want to push her away I’d laugh. She actually nailed Lev with that one. She looks over at me. “I guess you are Connor?”

  I nod. “That’s Levi and Griffin.” I look down my nose at her in a way that makes most people feel inferior. “We’re having friends over today for a swim so you need to go back to your quarters. Stay out of our way.”

  “Gladly.” She grabs her phone and ear buds and walks off, no towel or cover-up on. Perfect heart shaped ass swinging defiantly. Then she throws her middle finger over her shoulder at us without looking back. We turn away from the door so she doesn’t catch us watching her.

  “Holy fuck dude. I have to hit that.” Lev whines. “Just once. Or five times. Did you see those tits? Jesus.”

  “No.” If anyone is going to fuck her it’ll be me but I don’t say that out loud.

  “She’s going to be a problem,” Griff echos my earlier thoughts.

  “Rally the troops,” I tell Griff as he pulls out his phone.

  * * *

  Half an hour later my back yard was filled with the kids I go to school with. I don’t consider them friends, just people I have to tolerate for one more year. I’ve known most of them my whole life and I can say without a doubt I am unimpressed. They let us Titans run everything without even trying to push back. I glare in their direction and they scatter like a bunch of gutless chickens.

  “Connor,” a high pitched whine calls me.

  “Margaux.” I turn to see her in the tiniest bikini ever created, five inch heels, and full makeup. Her blonde hair is fully curled, she looks ridiculously overdone for an afternoon pool party. “Glad you could make it.”

  She preens at my words. “Is this the year we make ourselves official?” She pushes her new fake tits out toward me.

  “No.” I almost taste bile just thinking about dating her. “But I do have a fun project for you.”

  Her disappointment at my brush off wars with her curiosity about my offer. She’s a cruel, cruel girl and any projects I give her usually involve putting that quality to good use. Her hollow brown eyes narrow on mine. “Details, Volkov.”

  “My dad hired a guy out of Chicago to take over his security detail and corporate systems. The guy brought along a daughter who my family is footing the bill for at Founders Prep. I want her run out before midterms. The last thing my parents need is a charity case.” I look over her shoulder to see Lev and Griff spreading the news through the party goers.

  “Consider it done.” She sips her wine spritzer. “I have one condition though.”

  I narrow my eyes at her. Making this conditional might not be a smart move. Margaux is a viper. If she didn’t disgust me, we’d make a formidable couple. “State your terms.”

  “You take me to every dance and fundraiser this school year.” She smirks, knowing it’s not the worst offer but still bad enough to make my skin pale. “And I’m on your arm for any big parties, including birthdays for you, me, and our friends.”

  “Done.” I say after a slight hesitation. Honestly, a few nights with Margaux is better than a year with the mouthy sex on a stick girl currently mooching off my family and tempting my disgusting father.

  “How’s it going over here?” I ask as I approach Lev and Griff.

  “Good. I’ve got the word spread. No one will be showing her any kindness come Monday,” Lev says as his eyes wander over to a group of girls, also in tiny ass bikinis and high heels. “I’m going to go pick my convenient hole for the afternoon.” He starts to walk away but turns back, “And that comment was so accurate I almost wish we could keep her. She might be on our level, Con.”

  She is definitely a worthy adversary. A small part of me hopes she puts up a good fight against us. It’s been too boring the past few years. The only struggle I’ve had has been watching the ever widening chasm between my parents, and thus, me and my sister.

  I miss her. I couldn’t care less about where my mom runs off to but when she drags Claire all over the world, ignoring her need for consistent schooling and building friendships, I get pissed. Claire should be starting her freshman year at Founders with me but instead she’s over in Ireland at all girls Catholic school. The silver lining to that is that I don’t have to worry about guys hitting on her, at least at school.

  “Connor.” I hear my name fall from my father’s lips as he walks up beside me. “A word in private.”

  I follow him inside wordlessly. We walk down the hall to the library and he ushers me inside. The door closes with a snick while I prop myself against the windows.

  “You’ve met Lilith?” Father asks.

  “Yes, Victor, I’ve met the pet.” I infuse my voice with disdain and boredom. “I can’t believe we’re footing the bill for her school.”

  “We aren’t footing any bill. It was worked into her father’s contract. A smart negotiation on his part.” He looks out the window into the yard. “Lilith doesn’t have a car so you’ll need to give her a ride to and from school. Since you do not play any sports or participate in any extracurricular activities I trust it won’t be a problem.” He looks over at me with a raised eyebrow. We’re both the same height now. He used to have more muscle on his frame but the only exercise he gets now is golf, whereas I workout every day. I could be a carbon copy of him aside from muscle mass though, same green eyes and chestnut brown hair. We both have similar tan skin.

  “You need to be kind and welcoming to Lilith. Did you invite her to your party?”

  “No. I’ll give her a ride to school but I’m not going out of my way to be friendly.” I feign disinterest and head for the door. “I’m going back to the party.”

  “Connor,” my name is a stern warning on his tongue, “if you make her life difficult I’ll make yours doubly so.”

  I don’t even respond, I just walk back out to the pool. Lev has disappeared but I spot Griff sitting at a table ignoring everyone while he taps away on his iPad.

  “What did Victor want?” he asks without looking up when I take a seat next to him.

  “Threatening me to be nice to Lilith.” I stretch my legs out beneath the table.

  “The irony,” Griff drawls dryly.

  “I know.” I look over to see what he’s doing. “What are you doing?”

  “Digging into Lilith’s background.”

  “Do share.”

  “She’s from the south side of Chicago. Went to a mostly black and hispanic high school and maintained a 4.0 gpa. Looks like her best friend or maybe boyfriend is a guy named Zion, a talented basketball player likely to get picked up by a D1 school. Her mom took off when she was a kid. No other family aside from her dad.”

  I don’t like the ping of jealousy that I get at hearing she may have a boyfriend. I tell myself it’s because having someone to confide in will make her harder to break. It definitely has nothing to do with how gorgeous she is or her fiery personality and the challenge to tame her.




  I can’t see the party but I can hear it. I haven’t seen Dad since he and Victor walked out of our rooms so I’ve busied myself unpacking everything in the living room and kitchen. I’m trying to figure out how to hook up the television when I hear a knock on the door.

  “Hello?” I open the door to see one of the staff, grounds keeping I think, holding a garment box.

  “Lilith Nelson?” he asks. When I nod he smiles and I take note of how cute he is. He looks to be around my age, with tan skin and inky black hair. There’s a tattoo peeking out from under his sleeve, which is pulled tight over impressive biceps.

  “That’s me. What’s this?” I point at the box.

  “I’m not sure but it’s from the prep school and it’s a garment box so I’m going out on a limb and suggesting it’s your uniforms?” His smile never falters.

  “Oh, right. I forgot I’d have to wear a uniform.” I grimace at the box. “Thanks, I’ll take it fr
om here.”

  “It’s actually pretty heavy, I’ll put it in your room for you if you’d like,” he offers.

  “Sure.” I open the door wider for him to come in. “I didn’t catch your name?”

  “Mateo. I’m a part time groundskeeper.” He shakes my hand. “So you’re in high school?”

  “Yeah, senior year. We just moved from Chicago.”

  “Transferring your senior year?” He winces. “Brutal. Especially going into the lion’s den at Founders Prep.”

  “Are you in high school?” I give him a once over, he could be a year or two older than me.

  “Nope. I graduated in May from the public school. Starting at State College next week.” He returns my once over. “I’ll be around though, if you want to hang out sometime.”

  “Yeah, sure. I’d like that.” I give him a smile. We exchange numbers and he goes back to work.

  Curiosity gets the best of me and I open the box of uniforms. I was expecting run of the mill plaid skirt, button down shirts, blazer type uniforms but what I see takes me by surprise. There were five outfits together, I guess so we don’t have to have repeats, God forbid. There is one pleated black skirt, one royal blue pleated skirt, one royal blue tartan pleated skirt, and two plain black pencil skirts. Five blazers, two black, two blue, one white. Then seven white button down shirts with three ties, blue, black, and blue and black diagonal striped.

  Holy shit I have to wear a tie.

  There’s also a variety of socks and stockings in ankle, knee, and thigh high lengths. At the bottom of the box are two pairs of shoes, a flat Mary Jane and a high heeled Mary Jane. Then there’s a pamphlet at the bottom describing acceptable combinations and further dress code information. There’s also a set of five gym clothes and two one piece swimming suits with the school logo on the front.

  I’m surprised I’m allowed to pick my own panties.

  I’m hanging up my uniforms when I hear my phone’s text notification.

  Zion: How’s it goin

  Me: Eh. Meet the son that’s my age. He’s a raging dick.

  Zion: Rly? What happened?

  Me: I was sitting out by the pool and he and his buddies dumped ice water over me.

  Zion: The fuck?

  Me: Right? Douchebag rich assholes

  Me: I’m not looking forward to school Monday

  Zion: I’ll kick some preppy rich boy ass when I c u 4 ur bday

  Me: Deal

  Me: Wait til u c these uniforms I have 2 wear

  Zion: Send pics

  Me: I will. Dad just walked in. Love you

  Zion: You too

  “Lil?” Dad pokes his head in my room and looks around. “You’ve done a lot today. Did you know Connor has kids from school over? You should go introduce yourself.”

  “Hard pass.” I side eye dad. “I already met Connor and his little band of idiots. Not interested in spending any time with them.”

  “Okay,” he draws out the word, “you’ll have to ride to school with him though.”

  “What?” I jump up. “No. No way.”

  “We only have the truck for now and I’ll need it throughout the day. It just makes sense for you two to ride together. It’s only a 15 minute drive.”

  “I’ll take an Uber.” Then a disturbing thought hits me. “Wait. Do they even have Uber in this town?”

  “Honestly? I doubt it. But even if they do you’re not spending that much money every day just to avoid Connor.” He’s using his Marines voice now, I’m not going to win this argument. “We’re having dinner with Victor and Connor in town tomorrow night. I think it’s a fancy place so you’ll want to make sure you have something nice ready to wear.”

  “Ripped jeans and a scowl?” I deadpan.

  “Fluffy skirt and glittery high heels,” he tosses back.

  “Ugh.” I roll my eyes. “Let’s go grab dinner and explore the town a bit.”

  * * *

  “This is the strangest little town.” I say half to myself as we walk down the quaint tree lined streets. The county courthouse and city hall sit in the very center of the town. The buildings that surround the square are historical brick front businesses, something you’d see in any small town across the country. Then, the next ring of businesses out from the square are all mid-rise, glass, ultra contemporary looking office buildings. It’s almost like the Jetsons meeting the Flintstones, the juxtaposition is so stark and unexpected.

  There’s a bakery, several small cafes, a French bistro, and a pizza place. I also spot a bank, a few boutiques, and a coffee shop with a small bookstore attached. There are giant overflowing flower pots every 20 feet and old fashioned lamp posts. The streets are laid out in a perfect grid.

  “Yeah,” Dad clears his throat, “big change from Chicago. Should we try the pizza place?”

  “Sure. Sounds good.”

  The restaurant has the vinyl red and white checkered tablecloths over all the tables with flat screens on every wall showing different types of sports. It smells okay but I can already tell it’s not going to hit the spot like a slice of deep dish would. We place our order and kick back to people watch for a few minutes. After our server drops our drinks off I notice Dad looks like he wants to say something.

  “What’s on your mind, dad?”

  “Victor works in the city, New York City, Tuesday through Thursday. Until we find dependable bodyguards who pass the background checks I’m going to have to go with him.” He looks up at me guiltily. “Victor said while I’m gone you are welcome to eat the chef prepared meals with Connor if you get lonely. Edward acts as guardian when Connor is left alone and he’ll do so for you as well.”

  “So, let me get this straight,” I say testily, “you brought me here so we’d be together. When I could have moved in with Z and his mom and finished school with my friends. Now you’re telling me I have to share meal times with a guy who definitely hates me and I’ll be on my own half the time?”

  “Yes,” he at least has the decency to look chagrinned. “And when you turn 18 you’ll have to sign a nondisclosure agreement.”

  “I will have to sign an NDA?” I’m incredulous. “Why?”

  “Their family privacy. Everyone who works at the estate signs one, you’ll need to since you live there.”

  “This is bullshit, dad. Seriously.” I shake my head back and forth. “Let me move back.”

  “No. Your tuition has already been paid for the year.”

  “So? It’s probably pocket change for them.”

  “Graduating from this school is basically punching a ticket to an Ivy League college. Zion could get a scholarship to Duke for basketball and with your grades and SAT scores you could get in, especially with a diploma from Founders Prep.”

  Damn him, dangling the possibility of going to the same university as Zion. “Fine.” I point at him. “But I will not play happy fucking families with Junior Billionaire.”

  “Fair enough.” We fist bump on it.

  The rest of dinner is spent debating how we see the Bears season going. Dad, the eternal optimist swears we’re going to the Super Bowl this year. I, the realist in the family, strongly disagree. I bring up the Blackhawks and how I do think we have a shot at the Stanley Cup this year. We argue about that, too.

  I look around at the other patrons in the restaurant, trying to figure out if they’re super rich or normal like us. I notice some designer bags and rolex covered wrists mixed among the mostly regular looking families. Most families have their noses buried in their phones or kids on tablets while the parents chat. I’m not judging because it’s whatever works for different people but I’m glad Dad and I always have so much to talk about that phones are never on our minds.

  He’s a great dad and considering he’s been on his own with me since I was four he’s done a great job. From taking me to get my ears pierced when I was five to when I got my period at 12, he’s been in the girly trenches with me every step of the way. He even took me to Planned Parenthood fo
r my first gynecology exam, even though I’m not sexually active. Having a stocky former Marine as your dad and giant tattooed athlete as your best friend deters a majority of guys from making moves on you.

  When we get home I go straight to my room and shower to get ready for bed. Thankfully the party seems to have ended. I’m looking forward to crawling in that giant bed and passing out for the next ten hours. It’s been a crazy day.

  My mind wanders to Connor and his friends as I lay in bed waiting for sleep to claim me. It’s really unfortunate that Connor is so attractive. If he hadn’t just dumped a glass of ice water on my bare skin I probably would have taken longer to appreciate his looks. He has the same dark brown hair as his dad, a nice summer tan, and those muscles I could see under his tight clothes. He had on mirrored aviators so I couldn’t see his eyes. I wonder if they’re green like his dad’s or some other color. Levi was hot, too, with his blonde hair and blue eyes. I bet he plays a sport, he looks like he could be a football player or maybe lacrosse. Griffin looked bored and studious. His hair was the most interesting shade of red, like a November sunrise over Lake Michigan. I wonder what Monday will bring. Hopefully the whole student body won’t be huge assholes like those three were but I’m not getting my hopes up.



  I wake up to the sound of a vacuum in the hall beyond my door. The sun shining bright through my window leads to believe it’s probably midmorning. With a grunt, I roll over to grab my phone off its charger. Ten in the morning. Knowing Dad he’ll want to get in a Krav Maga session this morning in the gym. I open my suitcase and dig through until I find some workout leggings, a sports bra, and a workout tank.

  “Morning, Lil,” Dad says as I walk out into the kitchen. Sure enough, he’s wearing gym clothes. He looks at me and smiles. “I see we have the same idea this morning.”


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