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Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1)

Page 5

by Nichole Greene

  I’m lost in a red haze of punishing hits when I feel a small hand wrap around my bicep. I look over and see Peasant. The first thing I notice is that she’s damn near naked in here with me. She’s just wearing tiny pink shorts and a black sports bra. Then I zero in on her face which is pinched up in fury. I pop my ear buds out and hear her screeching at me.

  “What the fuck, Connor? Your knuckles are bloody and bruised. You have tape and gloves right there.” She points to the shelf with everything. “Your blood is all over the bag and the mat. And you gave me so much shit yesterday for sweating on the treadmill.”

  She pulls me away from the bag and I let her. I could stop her but I’m curious what she’s planning on doing. She pulls me into the bathroom that’s attached to the gym and pushes me against the counter. She’s slamming drawers looking for something while she mutters to herself.

  “What are you looking for?” I ask out of curiosity.

  “Towels to clean your stupid hands off with.”

  I open a cabinet and pull out a wash cloth. “There. Are you really going to clean my wounds?” I watch her run them under hot water.

  “Yes, you moron. I’m going to clean them and then you’re leaving the gym so I can workout and relax.”


  “Because I don’t need your broody ass in the gym while I’m trying to work out.” She blows a strand of hair out of her eyes. I reach out and tuck it behind her ear. Her hand stills at the tender gesture. Her big blue eyes are unguarded for once when she looks up at my face. My eyes fall to her lips, which Lev was right, would look amazing wrapped around a cock. My cock to be exact. No one else is going to touch this girl. Not my dad. Not Lev. Not fucking Mateo who follows her around like a lost puppy when she’s home. Not any of the guys talking about how hot she is at school.


  “I’m broody?” I ask with a smirk.

  “Look it up in the dictionary. Your picture is right next to it. Broody asshole, see also Connor Volkov.” She sasses at me. It takes every ounce of self control not to laugh.

  “You’re right next to snarky bitch.” I reply.

  “Damn right I am.”

  “What did Mr. Jameson want today?”

  “To warn me about you rich pricks and to tell me his door is always open if I need to talk to someone. Apparently you guys chew up and spit out new kids.”

  “Sure do.” Of course that asshole would make cast himself in the role of a savior. A safe and trusted individual for her to turn to. The urge to pound my fists into someone’s face is back. Jameson’s face. That fucker is going on notice.

  Peasant has her brows drawn together as she dabs my knuckles with the wet cloth. Another section of her hair is in her eyes. I tuck it behind the other ear and she doesn’t look up again but I saw her breath hitch. She doesn’t want to like my touch but she does. I sit in silence while she fixes me up. When she’s done I bend down and softly kiss the corner of her mouth before whispering thank you in her ear. She doesn’t move as I leave her in the bathroom.

  I hear her whisper what the fuck was that as the door swings closed. I grab the sanitizer and some towels and clean my blood off the bag and the mats. I wonder how long I was wailing on the bag before she came in here. There is quite a bit of blood around. I watch as she comes out of the bathroom, studiously ignoring me, and walks over to the treadmill. She does some basic stretches before dropping to run through the same calisthenics she did with her dad yesterday. I watch her through the mirror, like the creepy fuck that I am. Her body is impressive, I’ve never been into physically strong women but on her it works. Her muscles are toned and lean, not big and bulky and she still has all the soft feminine curves that make her a knockout.


  Stop staring.

  After leaving the gym and cleaning up I pop my head in Victor’s study. “I’m going over to Griff’s house for awhile.” He doesn’t even look up from what he’s doing. I should have just left. Fuck him.

  I grab the keys to my Bentley and hustle out the front door. I hit shuffle on my playlist and Closer by Nine Inch Nails start blasting out of the stereo. It makes me think about Peasant. Someday I’m going to fuck her to this song. I still want her gone and out of my house but now that she’s publicly stated she does not want me it’s on. Challenge fucking accepted.

  Lev’s car is already in the driveway. I walk around the back to Griff’s pool house which he moved into two summers ago. They’re both drinking beer with two pizzas laid out in front of them.

  “Hey,” Lev holds his beer up in greeting.

  “Help yourself,” Griff says.

  I grab a bottle of water and a slice of pizza. As soon as I take a bite Griff narrows his eyes, “Who’s face did you destroy?”

  “Just a punching bag in the gym.” I take another bite. “Got pissed and needed to let the aggression out.”

  “Hood rat?” Lev asks.

  I nod my head and finish chewing. “And Mr. Jameson. Victor. Every fucking one except you guys.”

  “Jameson?” Griff prompts.

  “He asked Peasant to stay after class. Then they both gave me shit about trying to stay.”

  “So?” Griff and Lev say at the same time.

  “So, he did his whole ‘you can trust me, the kids at this school are pricks, let me be your safe space’ bullshit to her. Plus warning her about us,” I scoff, “too fucking late dude. We’ve already started hassling her.”

  “Wouldn’t it be easy to get rid of both of them if we let him get his hooks into her? Then we just have to tell the headmaster and poof, they’re both gone,” Lev says like it’s the most obvious answer to our problems.

  “No one touches Lilith but me,” I glare at Lev.

  “Holy shit.” He holds his hands up palms out. “I didn’t know you were into her.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Evidence to the contrary,” Griff drawls.

  “She issued a challenge when she said she would never want me.” I smile. “Then she found me in the gym trying to kill the bag and cleaned my knuckles. Every time I touch her, her body responds to me. She wants me and she hates it. I kissed her and left her all sorts of confused.”

  “Are you serious?” Lev scrubs his hand over his face. “This changes our whole plan.”

  “Not necessarily, we can just pull back on our outright attack. Let the girls take over while we remain neutral. Also, Jameson is never to be alone with Lilith. We all know what he does.”

  “Can I laugh at her sass?” Lev asks. “The chick is fucking funny as shit. I mean, maybe we should just back down completely. She doesn’t seem like the type to fuck your dad.”

  “No, she has to go on principle.” After I get sick of fucking her.

  “What are we doing for your birthday?”

  “Fuck, I don’t care.”

  “Party at The Abyss?” Griff tosses out.

  “Fine with me. Organize a race and poker. I’ll take the Bugatti to race.”

  “Yes!” Lev pumps his fist. Any reason to take his Lambo out makes his fucking day.

  “I’ll text Margaux to get her to spread the word.” Griff grabs his phone.

  “Do you think Ivy will come and bring Peasant?”

  “Probably.” Anger flashes in Lev’s eyes. “She’s been flirting with Wes lately and I know he’ll be there. Fucking douche bag.”

  “Good. Make sure she comes.”

  We finish off the pizzas and Lev leaves. He has weight lifting for football every Tuesday and Thursday morning. I stay for the first part of the Monday night game. It’s the Pats against the Ravens and by halftime Brady has the game on lock. I head back to the house, I need to pay a visit to Peasant to clarify a few things.

  * * *

  I knock on the direct entry door to the room I assume Peasant probably took. It has the bigger closet and better bathroom with a nice soaking tub. I rap my busted knuckles against the door, opening up a few of the scabs.

  She cracks the door open. �

  “Hello to you, too.” I push the door and she pushes back against me. “Can I come in for a minute.”

  “No. I’m in my pajamas.”


  This girl.

  “I can handle seeing you in pajamas. Are you worried about your ability to keep them on with me in the room?” I see the moment she rises to my challenge. We are so alike it’s almost disturbing.

  “Whatever.” She swings the door open and walks over to her bed. Inviting me into her room. She’s wearing a mens shirt that hangs to mid thigh on her. Zion is printed on the back like a jersey.

  A flash of jealousy travels through my gut. I push it into the box where I keep all my other fucking unwanted feelings and sit in the desk chair near the window.

  “Settling in?” I stretch my legs out, making myself comfortable.

  “Yeah,” she eyes me suspiciously. “It’s quieter than I’m used to. That’s what is the hardest to get used to.”

  “Yeah, no police sirens or gun shots at all hours.”

  “You can leave if you’re just here to be an asshole.” Her eyes flash with anger.

  “Sorry. It’s a habit.” I hold my hands up in peace. “I can’t help being antagonistic.”

  “Hadn’t noticed.” She pulls a blanket over her legs when she notices me looking at them. “What do you need?”

  “You’re riding with me in the mornings.” She opens her mouth to argue but I dart across the room to her bed and put my finger over her lips. “Non-negotiable. It’ll keep both our dads off our backs if they see us getting along. You can ride home with Ivy or me but I need you to communicate with me. Give me your phone please.” I hold my other hand out, the one not pressed against her pretty lips.

  Her eyes narrow and she grabs and bends my finger back. “Don’t tell me what to do. I’ll get a ride from anyone I want.”

  “No one’s going to offer to give you a ride unless they want to deal with me.”

  “Felix might. He asked for my number today.”

  Felix is getting a busted lip tomorrow.

  “You don’t want to ride anywhere with Felix. He’s had two DUIs and deals drugs. Stay away from him.”

  She cringes and hands me her unlocked phone. I put my contact information in and send myself a text so I know I have the right number. I wouldn’t put it past her to give me a fake number just to fuck with me. Then I send Ivy a text saying she doesn’t need to pick her up in the morning.

  “Just because my dad works for your dad doesn’t mean you can boss me around. Remember that.” She slides off the bed and opens her door, gesturing for me to leave. “I’ll see you at eight.”

  I walk to the door and put my hand on her waist and whisper goodnight. I let my hand drop, tracing the curve of her hip and realize she doesn’t have shorts on under that t-shirt. I hover over the threshold, “are you not wearing pants?”

  “Nope.” She smiles at me and closes the door in my face. Then I hear the snick of the lock moving into place.

  Just like that she gives me my fourth hard on of the day.



  The next morning I make sure to be waiting in the foyer ten minutes early for Connor. My lips tilt up in a little smile thinking about the look on his face when I closed the door on him. I have never had so much trouble figuring someone out. I experienced a full spectrum of emotions regarding him yesterday; anger, annoyance, concern, amusement, and lust. It’s a heady combination that kept me awake for hours last night. I still don’t trust him.

  “Good morning, Miss Nelson.” Edward sweeps into the foyer.

  “Morning. How are you?” I inquire.

  “Brilliant.” His accent is really the best. “Settling in alright?”

  “Yeah, I think so. I’m sticking mainly to our apartment, even though Victor told us to make ourselves at home in the common wing.”

  I can’t believe I just said that.

  Common wing.


  “Yes. I’m sure it’s an adjustment. I do know that Mr. Volkov has instructed the chef to make dinner for you and the young Mr. Volkov the next three nights.”

  “Great.” I draw the word out. Not what I wanted to hear. I was looking forward to hours long FaceTime sessions with Z.

  “Are you not excited to dine with me, Peasant?” Connor says striding into the foyer while putting on his tie. He looks like he was made to wear suits, the way he fills out our school uniform is sinful. The boys have several options for uniforms and today Connor is wearing gray slacks, the standard for everyone white oxford shirt, the tartan tie, and black jacket.

  “I could think of a few things I’d rather do.”

  “Such as?”

  “Root canal. Be waterboarded. Get a pap smear.” I look around the foyer, feigning boredom.

  He just smirks at me before walking out the front door. His fancy little sports car is sitting out front again. He walks down and once again holds the door open for me.

  “You don’t have to do this.” I wave my hand in front of the door. “I can open my own doors. It’s weird for you to do this.”

  “Do you not think you deserve the courtesy of having a door opened for you?” He holds my gaze.

  “Honestly? You call me Peasant. Should the Junior Lord of the manor be doting on the simple peasants?” I cross my arms and hold my ground.

  “Fine.” He closes the car door and walks around to the driver’s seat, scowling the whole time. He folds himself into the car. “Are we going to fight about everything?”

  “Probably. You can’t be a condescending prick while opening doors for me.”

  “It’s called having manners.” He has the nerve to sound exasperated as he drives out of the gated community.

  I twist in my seat with incredulity. “Do you hear yourself? Manners? You call me Peasant. You attempt to boss me around.”

  “You are a peasant.” His green eyes lock on me. “And I run this town, everyone does what I say.”

  I say nothing but roll down the window.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Rolling down the window so I can get air to breathe. Your ego is suffocating me.” I deadpan.

  Then he does something so unexpected, so foreign I’m transfixed. He throws his head back in deep laughter. His full lips stretch across his perfect and shockingly white teeth, forming the most kissable dimples on each side of his face. The smile is disarming and infectious and before I realize it I’m smiling back to him, an alien warmth spreading from my pumping heart and seeping into my chest.

  “Goddamn, Peasant.” He shakes his head. “I fucking can’t with you.” He pulls up to the same spot he let me off at yesterday and looks at me expectantly. When I don’t make a move to get out he says, “Out.”

  “Seriously?” My eyes widen. “You’re the one who was beating my door down last night coming to tell me I’m riding with you!”

  “You did ride with me.”

  Knowing a reaction is what he wants, I slam my lips together and force a placid look to my face. I grab my bag and gracefully exit the car. As much as I want to silently berate and curse him on the walk up the hill I can’t help the tiny smile that escapes thinking about his laugh.

  I don’t fall over when Levi zooms past me in his G Wagon. I jump right into Ivy’s car when she stops beside me.

  “I thought you said you had a ride this morning.” She raises a brow over her designer sunglasses.

  “Connor texted that to you. He did drive me but left me at the entrance again.”

  “Fucking douchebag.”

  “I know. He’s playing head games with me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I tell her about what happened in the gym, including the kiss. Then I tell her about the visit to my room last night and his warning about Mr. Jameson. I don’t say anything about our exchange in the car this morning though. For some reason that detente feels like a moment to be kept sacred and private between us. Or maybe I’m just
selfish and want to keep that rare smile all to myself.

  “I haven’t heard anything about Mr. Jameson being a perv. I think Connor’s just jealous,” she says as we make our way through the parking lot.

  “Jealous? Of what?”

  “Any guy paying attention to you. You should have seen his face when you grabbed Lev by the tie and leaned in like you might kiss him.” She screws her face up in an angry scowl and points to it. “Connor was totally doing this. Connor does not like sharing his toys.”

  “I’m not a toy, his or otherwise.”

  “I know but I’m not sure he got the memo.” She gasps as she sees Wes and Felix walking down the hall. Wes has a black eye and Felix has a split lip. She grabs Wes’s arm as he walks by. “What happened to you guys?”

  “Misunderstanding at practice.” He says while avoiding eye contact. “We need to get to class.” Then they’re walking off without a backward glance.

  “That was weird.” We both say at the same time.

  Ivy shrugs and rolls her eyes. “I have enough shit to deal with everyday with Levi, I don’t need to deal with a moody guy on top of it. Let’s go.”

  What is that about?

  Connor, Levi, and Griffin are sitting when we walk into seminar. Levi has his bag resting on a desk in front of him and Connor has his on the desk behind him. He makes eye contact with me, scowl firmly in place and moves his bag before pointing at the desk. I scan the room looking for any open seats but there are none, Ivy took the seat in front of Levi. Connor gives me a triumphant smirk as I primly sit down.


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