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Crossroads 6: Love Undercover (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Yes. I am. I know this woman’s family.”


  “Yes, I know the father. He was a Marine, recently retired, and not because he wanted to retire.” Dupree smirked. He thought that was enough to get rid of Smith. His pull on the inside with a few higher-ups had Smith removed for being too intense in his training for the troops and too “old school,” as a lot of the old-timers referred to him. He was tough, and with a commander like Smith, there would be no room to persuade soldiers to look the other way and grease their palms on missions. Men like Smith fucked up all of Dupree’s dirty deals. Good riddance to, the fucking psycho Marine.

  “So his daughter is going to continue to be a problem?” Mahem asked.

  “Seems like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. There’s a son, too. He’s also a Marine. I’ll find out where he is. We may need a little advantage when the time comes.”

  “You want to grab the brother then use him to stop the sister from interfering in this?”

  “I was thinking that could work, and then we can take out all three of them, the old man included.”

  “You can take him out now. I’ve got men in position in the States already.”

  Dupree thought about that a moment. “As much as I would like to say yes to that, I don’t think it would be a wise move. Too many questions would be asked and red flags raised, especially when the daughter is missing and the son suddenly disappears from wherever he is. I’ll take care of the brother and the father. You find the sister, and fast, or we will have to smoke her out. I want this wrapped up nice and neat with a big red bow on top. You understand me, Mahem? I don’t need any close calls, and I certainly don’t need to get caught.”

  “It will work out just fine. Keep me posted, and I’ll let you know when I find her and when my team and I will be heading to New York.”

  Dupree disconnected the call and then exhaled. He remembered years back when he was a young congressman learning the ropes and how to take advantage of his power and to manipulate the system. The access he had to such crucial military operations was vital in making the money he made. Devan Smith had nearly caught him red-handed. The son of a bitch always suspected him of being involved but had no concrete evidence, and his accusations had been used against Smith in the long run. He was reprimanded by his officials for accusing Dupree of criminal activity, and the dick never let him forget it. Dupree squinted and felt the anger for the man resurface. It was instant. That hatred, annoyance, and need for revenge. This could finally set Smith in his place and make him realize that the Marines, the patriot he was, would never overpower men like Dupree, given their capabilities. There were just more bad guys than good guys, and the sap was too stupid to join in and live life rich and comfortably.

  Men like Smith believed in the United States Constitution, the Rambo-Dirty Harry days of good guys prevailing. That wasn’t the case anymore. There were double agents, double-dealings, people’s lives exchanged for guns, money, drugs, and power.

  He smirked and chuckled then walked over to the small mini bar in his office. He poured himself a small snifter of brandy, an expensive one, which only his connections and successes afforded him to have. Another of many the pluses to working the system.

  How ironic that Devan’s daughter was at the center of this fuckup. He thought about that a moment. He wondered what she looked like, what her credentials were, and how the fuck she’s taken out so many men. A woman, no less. But Devan had probably helped to train her himself. She couldn’t be underestimated, like he had nearly underestimated her father and could have lost everything.

  He swallowed down the rest of the brandy and then felt the heat move down his throat to his belly. Devan and Sacha were thorns in his side and in this mission. The brother would be a good tool to use as bait to coax them out and get them to cooperate. Then he would issue the order to kill the three of them.

  He smiled.

  “The Smiths won’t be a problem for me ever again.”

  * * * *

  Sacha stood by the big window looking over the back porch. She had her hand on the door and debated about walking outside. It was cold out. She hadn’t grabbed a sweater, but she felt so hot, so angry and confused. None of this situation made sense. She started to wonder what had happened to Anya. Why would the password change? They all needed to know the password in order to process the thumb drives, and Anya was the one who had a contact in Black Out’s gang of military terrorists.

  She had the small sensation of fear in her belly. She needed to think, to process this, and she couldn’t be afraid that someone was out there in the woods watching her and waiting to take her out. The men said she was safe here, and she trusted them. That thought brought more concern. She was putting Damien, Elwood, and Toro at risk.

  The fact that she feared getting some fresh air enraged her, too. She was angry, hot-headed right now, as she pulled the sliders opened and then closed it behind her. The cold air collided against her heated skin, and she welcomed it.

  She stepped across the porch, got to the railing, and looked down the steep embankment underneath. It was a gorgeous cabin, set in a private setting in the woods. She listened to the sounds around her as she grabbed onto the railing, squeezed it tight, and processed the information and what she knew right now.

  Someone from the inside had set them all up. Either that, or perhaps it was someone within the team. She went through each of the people’s names and what their specific jobs were. When she came to Charro, her belly tightened. When she asked herself if he could have been working for Black Out, she forced herself to not answer quickly but instead to imagine if it were true and he had. But he’d been killed. Right next to her as they ran together. He could have asked her to give him the thumb drives, but he hadn’t. He trusted her with him like an equal. There was no way he was involved. But then she thought about how he’d been late to get to the office and how he’d been detained by soldiers of Black Out. How did they know he was there? How did they know about the thumb drives and chips?


  Anya had access to all of it and was the main contact and connection in sending them in for those thumb drives. But she was a no-show. Had she been killed? Was she working for Black Out and remained with them and sent the team in there to be sacrificed? It was a good possibility. But then she thought about today and the tracking system attached to the thumb drives. Who’d placed them there? Could Black Out have known about the operation and set them all up? Set up Charro, Anya, and the others to coax them out? But how did they know about the copies unless they knew about Agent Teddy Riley who’d made copies of them? Shit. Who the fuck was working for who?

  She lowered her head and gripped the railing. Who were the leaders of Black Out? Were they not even terrorists from another country at all? Were they rogue U.S. military hired out by someone to take out the two senators and one congressman? Could all the hype, the other hits throughout the Middle East, have been decoys to what they were really after and why they really were?


  She heard the door slide open then the heavy footsteps coming toward her. She knew it was one of the men, and she tightened up until she felt the large, heavy jacket drape over her shoulders.

  “You’ll get sick out here with no jacket, baby,” Elwood told her as he wrapped her in the jacket. She put her arms through the sleeves, and he wrapped his arms around her. He pressed his chin onto her shoulder.

  “Are you doing okay?” he asked.

  “Honestly? No. I’m not. I’m frazzled, confused, angry, and I don’t even know who in my team went rogue. That’s what’s pissing me off so much. Someone gave up our mission. A lot of undercover operatives died. Charro died, too.”

  “I know you’re angry. I would be pissed, too. But you know what I would do?”

  “What?” She turned around in his arms to face him. She looked up into his dark-blue eyes. He towered over her and was filled with muscles in the thick, heavy blue-checkered flannel he

  She leaned back against the railing and he pressed his hands on either side of her against it, caging her in as he held her gaze.

  “I would go through every person who was part of the team and try to remember their role in this. Who would have had access to information? Who was in charge of communications, location, security, anything that processes through the scenario and how things went down.”

  “I was just doing that, and to be honest, it’s difficult to stand here and imagine one of the team being rogue and working for the bad guys.”

  He caressed a strand of her long brownish-blonde hair behind her ear. He caressed her cheek.

  “I know it is, but it could help you figure things out and process it all.”

  She thought about that a moment.

  “Elwood, they were all good soldiers, good operatives who worked together for two years.”

  “Some have to stand out more than others with their capabilities as being the inside informant.”

  “Just Anya and Charro come to mind.” She then winced as she saw his expression change, but then he looked away, took a deep breath, and released it.

  “Okay, as uncomfortable as that may be, let’s try to put our personal connections to Charro aside and process this. Could Charro have been working for Black Out? If so, why would the soldiers have stopped him from getting into the office and getting those thumb drives?”

  “Because it was a setup to cover his role as an agent?” she suggested.

  “Then why, after you took out the men and he and you escaped, did he allow you to maintain possession of the only evidence you and the team would have to prove your mission a success?”

  “Because he was playing his role to the fullest and thought we would get out alive and then he could get the thumb drives from me and do what he had to do next.”

  “Kill you?” Elwood asked.

  The tears filled her eyes, and she looked away.

  He cupped her cheeks and held her gaze. “Never. He wanted you. He wanted the five of us to be together. There’s no way he was going to kill you.”

  “If you’re right, then the only other two people that could have been rogue were Anya and Spence.”

  “Spence? Who was he, and what was his role?” he asked rubbing her shoulders and her arms and then placed his hands on the railings on either side of her again.

  She explained about him being a desk guy, seemingly nervous and unsure in confirming the meet-up locations and then changing them at the last second.

  “Perhaps he had a feeling something was up with Anya and he thought she was rogue? If so, he wouldn’t send you to the original meet-up location. He would change it as a precaution.”

  “And not tell me?”

  “You were about to go into a hot situation. How would that add to your stress level?”

  “That’s a possibility. Do you think Damien and Toro have found out more about those senators and congressman yet?”

  “We can go check. But first things first.”

  He cupped her chin and neck, tilting her head back as he held her gaze.

  “You’re strong, you’re beautiful, and you’re not alone in this. Remember that.” He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her deeply.

  Soon his hands were moving under the coat to her hips then under her shirt. His cool hands made her shiver, but the heat of her pussy and the way his body felt so hard and big against hers warmed her thoroughly. She kissed him back and ran her hands up his shoulders over the flannel and to his head. She stood up on tiptoes and kissed him back. She felt hot, wild with need, and pulled at his shirt and then shifted her hands down to his jeans. She undid the zipper, reached down, and gripped his cock. He moaned into her mouth and pinched her nipple, and she moaned back.

  It was wild and uninhibited as he undid her pants next and pressed them down with his hands as their lips parted and their eyes locked.

  “I want you, here, now.”


  He shoved her pants down and pressed a finger to her cunt. She grabbed onto his shoulders and gasped as she maintained her balance.

  He stepped from one leg of his jeans and compression shorts. Then he pulled fingers from her cunt, and she stepped from one leg and he lifted her up and against him. Their bodies collided, she straddled his waist, and he pressed her against the siding of the house.

  The cool air collided against her pussy, adding to the sexual stimulation. He stroked right into her, and they both moaned in relief. It was so carnal, so natural of a sensation. Like being one, connected like this healed everything and made it perfect. Nothing else mattered but his cock penetrating her cunt, stroking, fucking her with pleasure over and over again.

  “Your hands feel so good. Oh God, Elwood, you’re so thick and hard,” she told him as he fucked her and caressed his hands up her back under the shirt and the coat she wore.

  He stroked into her, faster, deeper, and she took in every sensation, sight, smell, and sound around them. His moans of pleasure, the scent of pine from the woods, the smell of the logs of the home against her back, his cologne, the feel of the hard wood against her back, and even harder sensation from the thrusts of his cock moving in and out of her pussy.

  “Elwood, faster, harder.”

  She pushed him for more, and he covered her mouth and kissed her again as he continued to thrust into her. She ran her hands up under his shirt, and then he pulled from her mouth, gripped her hands and brought them above her head, and fucked her relentlessly. She locked gazes with his intense dark-blue eyes, and she knew she was falling in love with him. He was marking her as his woman. She felt it deep in her womb, as strong and apparent as a stain against her outer skin, but this was eternal, forever. The tears filled her eyes, and she closed them tight and came hard, shaking, convulsing on his cock as he followed, grunting, moaning, and thrusting until he held his cock deep in her cunt and came.

  He released her arms and hugged her to him. “You’re perfect, Sacha, and all mine forever.”

  * * * *

  Franco Smith was relieved to be back on U.S. soil. His concern the entire time in Iraq was for his sister, Sacha. As he traveled through the airport and onto the main parking area, he wondered how she was holding up. He knew that the Vancouver men had her safe and secure. They’d gotten her out of India alive. It was going to be hell not seeing her. He was so worried, and he was trying so hard to not interfere in the situation. He reminded himself that it had to be worse for his father. His dad knew a lot of people and had a lot of connections. Allowing the Vancouver men to be her protectors took a lot. But his dad also knew what they were capable of. They could be the best protection anyone could provide for her.

  The terrorist group, Black Out, was fierce. They were responsible for a multitude of terrorist hits throughout the Middle East. It wasn’t until there was chatter from undercover operatives and agents that the U.S. government learned of Black Out’s intention to bring those acts of violence and terror onto U.S. soil.

  No one knew anything about the leaders and their followers, and that was why Sacha and her team had been sent into the mission two years prior. He wished he knew more details than that, but what he’d found out he’d pushed Commander Maddox to the limit for. He’d never felt so helpless in his life.

  As he headed through the parking lot looking for his vehicle, he located it and hit the unlock button. It was late, midnight, as he opened the door then opened the side back door to put his duffel bag inside.

  The sound of the click of a gun and then the feel of the hard metal pressed to his head was sudden. He froze. He let his guard down. Was it a mugger? But then he heard the Middle Eastern accent.

  “If you move or resist, I have no qualms about putting a bullet in your head right here. Either way, we get what we want. Your sister.”

  He placed his hands palms down onto the car.

  “Wise choice, soldier.”

  Franco clenched his teeth. He didn’t know what to do, but as his hands
were cuffed behind his back and he was led between vehicles over toward a van, he knew this was going to make matters worse. They would probably use him to bait Sacha. How could he have been so stupid? Sacha would put him first. I fucked up.

  * * * *

  “Isn’t it a bit cold out here for that?” Damien asked standing by the sliders watching Elwood hug Sacha. The sight of them with their pants down and her bare legs wrapped around Elwood’s naked lower half had his cock hard and ready to take her next.

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and appeared embarrassed.

  “It was cold, and I needed to warm our woman up,” Elwood said and kissed her nose before he eased out of her body. She lowered to her feet, one shoe on her right foot and one sock on the other foot. Her shoe sat with her jeans in a pile on the floor.

  “What’s up?” Toro asked, joining them.

  Damien looked at Toro as he took in the sight. But then Sacha bent for her jeans, and Elwood pulled on his compression shorts. The sight of her bare ass aroused him.

  “Stop, Sacha,” Damien said to her, and it came out sounding like an order.

  She stopped and turned around, holding the jacket around her body. It was Elwood’s, and it was huge. It covered her bare pussy and ass, but her long, sexy legs were still in view.

  “Elwood, grab her stuff and meet us upstairs.” He stepped out and took her hand. The second he had her in the house, Toro took position behind her and began to remove her jacket. She shivered.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’re going to warm you up really fast.” Damien pulled her close and kissed her deeply. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and he ran his palms along her ass and squeezed her ass cheeks.

  Elwood closed and locked the sliding door.

  When Damien released her lips, he lifted her shirt up and over her head. Her breasts bounced in the bra she wore. He took that off next, and now she was completely naked except for the one sock and the sock and boot. Toro chuckled.

  Damien lifted her up into his arms, and she straddled his waist, her breasts level with his mouth.


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