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Crossroads 6: Love Undercover (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Chapter 6

  Damien was in the computer room while Sacha and Toro were upstairs in the shower. He was typing away on the computer when Elwood walked in. He stood in the doorway, arms crossed.

  “What’s up?” Damien asked.

  He didn’t answer as Damien finished what he was doing and then rolled the chair to the side to face Elwood. He raised one of his eyebrows at his brother. Elwood was a big guy, filled with muscles, who was capable of just about anything. Seeing him with Sacha made him love his brother even more so. He trusted him and Toro with his life as well as Sacha’s. He wouldn’t want this relationship without them both fully on board.

  “What are we going to do?”

  “About what?” Damien asked.

  He looked out in the hallway and then walked farther into the room.

  “About Sacha. I don’t want her leaving here. I don’t want her going back even if this shit blows over.”

  He understood what his brother was saying. He felt anxiety about it, too, but this was all new to all of them.

  “She won’t be going anywhere for quite some time, Elwood.”

  “We don’t know that. You called Sparrow. Any day now he’s going to call with something, and I know it isn’t going to be good. She’ll want to finish this mission, despite the dangers. I don’t think we should allow it.”

  “Allow it?”

  “Yes, allow it. She’s our woman. I’m not letting her go back into this shit. I don’t know about you and Toro, but I certainly won’t be able to handle her being active duty and going off on another mission like this botched one. It isn’t going to happen,” he said in a deep, angry voice.

  “Calm down. I understand how you feel, but I think you’re jumping the gun talking about it. She isn’t going anywhere until these leaders of Black Out are identified and located. I was able to pull up all the information on our two senators and congressman. All three of them are up for re-election. They’re in the public eye as much as possible, and you know that that means.”

  “Easy targets. Fuck.” Elwood took a seat in the other chair.

  “Show me what you have so far.”

  Damien’s cell phone rang. It was the secure line. He put it on speaker.

  “Sparrow, what’s up?” he asked, recognizing the number.

  “Heavy shit for you and your brothers and that sexy Marine.”

  “Sexy Marine?” Elwood asked, sounding pissed off.

  “Hey, Elwood, didn’t know you were there. Is the calmest one of you there, too?”

  “You know Toro is the least calm. What’s going on?” Damien asked.

  “Well, I think it’s safe to say that your little Marine has gotten herself in quite the situation. These men, this group of terrorists, are bad ass. Apparently they must want whatever Sacha has, badly, because her name is popping up all over the radar, good and bad.”

  “What the fuck do you mean?” Damien asked.

  “I mean this group is after her. Maybe because she took out over a dozen of their men, but they want her. So badly that they may have just upped the ante a bit.”

  “How so?” Elwood asked.

  “Franco is missing.”

  Damien leaned forward in his seat. “What?”

  “Yeah, looks suspicious. Police found a car with two doors open and his duffel bag in the back seat. His keys were on the ground. The surveillance tapes of the parking lot have gone MIA, and quickly. Like before the cops could even think of grabbing them.”

  “Shit,” Elwood replied.

  “Shit is right. I’ve got some feelers out there but need to be careful.”

  “Can you find out who took him and where?”

  “Working on it, brother. This is heavy shit. You’d better prepare her. I don’t know what she has that they want, but it could just get Franco killed.”

  “What?” Sacha asked as she and Toro came into the room.

  “Need to go. I’ll touch base as soon as I know more.”

  Damien looked at Sacha.

  “What’s going on? Who was that? What was he saying about Franco?”

  “He’s missing,” Damien told her.

  She straightened her shoulders and stared at him. “Missing?”

  “It looks suspicious. He disappeared at the airport in the parking lot. The surveillance video has been confiscated, and no one knows how it happened or who could have possibly taken him if that is the case,” Elwood said to her.

  “From our government. So they’re onto this, too, now. They’ll get him killed. I need to know who took him and where they took him. Is it to Kabul? Are they in the States? They aren’t supposed to do that hit for another week.”

  “Sacha, we don’t know. Our source who just called doesn’t know either,” Damien told her.

  “Well, what the hell am I supposed to do? Wait here for your source to say they found Franco’s body?” She raised her voice and began to pace.

  “Calm down and we’ll work this out.”

  “You don’t know these men. They will kill Franco to get these thumb drives. There is more information on them. Who the hell has the password? The same fucks who set us up?” she asked, and Toro went to take her hand and pull her close to calm her, but she pulled back. “No, Toro. This is the reality of what’s to come. A hug is not going to make this right. I need to focus, and hanging around here, living out some fantasy, and acting like the shit isn’t about to hit the fan is not going to work anymore. I need to know where Franco is.”

  “You can’t go out there looking for him, and even when we find him, a plan will need to be made.”

  “You are not my commanding officer, Damien. I don’t answer to you, to anyone, especially not now when this just got a whole lot more personal.”

  Damien opened his mouth and stepped forward to react, but his cell phone rang again. He knew that Toro was pissed off by her reaction. Hell, he was pissed off, too, and had known she would be angry. She was right. It was getting worse.

  “Hello?” He answered the phone, not bothering with speaker. Sparrow had gotten a location.

  “How did you do that?” He asked Sparrow.

  “Put a few things together. There were surveillance tapes along the exits by the parking pay booths. Got a fuzzy image of his van and it speeding away. Took a chance and located it.”

  “You think he may be there? That it could be the men who took him?”

  “That’s my hope. I can have some people check it out, give you some info on security and what not. It’s an hour from Wellington.”


  “She’s there, isn’t she? Wants to head out after the men who took Franco?”

  “Yes,” Damien said, giving the one word answer as Sacha stared at him.

  “Don’t let her leave there. There are others looking for her.”


  “Yes. Give me some time.”

  “Got it.”

  He disconnected the call.

  “Who was it?” she asked.

  “Just an update. They’re working on checking the security at the location where they think these people are holding Franco. It’s an hour from here.”

  She stepped closer.

  “Write it down.”

  “No,” he replied.

  He saw her expression change to shock as her eyes widened, and then anger as she gritted her teeth and kept her fists at her sides. She was being stubborn and emotional. He would feel the same way if one of his brothers were abducted and being used to lure him out.

  “You’re not going to tell me where these men, the ones I had to escape from, the ones who took my brother, are holding him? Are you fucking kidding me, Damien?” She raised her voice.

  “You’re not going after them and especially not gung ho and all fired up. They’ll kill you, and they more than likely want these thumb drives,” Toro said to her.

  She looked to each of them, and he knew this was bad. She suddenly stepped back.

  “What happened to the whole t
rust factor?”

  “What is that supposed to mean, Sacha?” Elwood asked her.

  “You tell me. I’m supposed to trust you? I don’t even know who you’re talking to. That’s my brother. These men want the thumb drives I risked my life for and that Charro died trying to get.”

  “So you forget what we shared these last few weeks? You want to walk into what is more than likely some ambush and you think we’re going to let you go with a good luck?” Elwood asked with his hands on his hips, squinting his eyes at her with an angry expression on his face.

  “And some ammo since I don’t have any. Or do you still think I want to hurt myself and maybe the three of you?” she asked sarcastically.

  “You’re not going. You’re our woman, and we will protect you, not send you back into harm’s way,” Toro stated.

  “I’m a soldier, a Marine, and this is my mission, my fight.”

  “You’re our woman, our lover, and we’re not sending you in there. We need more information.”

  “So what you’re telling me is, because the three of you fucked me and claimed me as your woman, I’m no longer allowed to do my job and finish this mission?”

  “Fucked you?” Elwood asked.

  “Calm down. Everyone just calm down,” Damien yelled, and they were all looking angry and pissed off. Sacha was shaking her head in disgust and biting her lip. Toro had his arms crossed and blocked the doorway in case Sacha tried to leave and Elwood gave her the once-over and ground his teeth.

  “The first thing we need to do is get organized with our next steps. If Sparrow calls back and has good intel on the place, then we make a plan. A good solid plan that won’t get anyone killed,” Damien said to them.

  “How far is the location from here? I want to know everything. I have a right to know everything, Damien, or that’s it. You’re whole trust thing is out the window,” she said firmly. She was stubborn as damn hell but tough.

  “It’s an hour from here.”

  Her eyes widened, and she licked her lower lip. “You think they’re getting close to here? You think they’re smoking me out?”

  “Yeah,” Toro said, sounding sarcastic.

  “Damn it. Give me the coordinates. Let’s start getting a plan together,” Elwood said and walked over toward the other computer station.

  Damien looked at Sacha. “Sit here and we’ll go over what Sparrow has for us thus far. We’ll make a plan, and we’ll try to initiate it. But we need to be smart about this.”

  Sacha nodded and took the seat next to him. His gut clenched with concern. He understood his brothers’ fears. He had them, too. Sacha was part of them now, and they loved her, wouldn’t want anything to happen to her, but these assholes were playing hardball now. She covered his forearm with her hand, and he looked at her. Even that simple touch affected him, aroused him, and made him feel protective of her.

  “My father. They could go after my father next.”

  “I’ve got it covered. I’ll get the message to Ivan, Sparrow’s brother. He’s on watch there, right?” Toro said to Damien, but his eyes were on Sacha.

  “Yes. Tell him to be careful.”

  “Got it.”

  * * * *

  “She is not going to come here. We’re trained to die for our country,” Franco said to the guard who was standing by the doorway.

  Franco was now lying on his side, his lip bloody and eye bruised up from trying to escape from the vehicle. He’d gotten one of the guys but hadn’t expected the other two in the darkness of the van. They’d driven for a while, and he wasn’t sure how far they were from Newark, but if they’d headed north, he feared they were moving closer to Sacha’s location. He wondered if these men knew where she was.

  He also worried about their father. These men would do anything to get to Sacha, especially if she’d killed their men and stolen things they needed.

  From what he could tell, there were only four of them, but they were heavily armed. They were in constant communication through radio with their commander or whoever was in charge of them. What struck Franco as being so odd was that these men looked like Americans but spoke with accents, as if from Pakistan. They even spoke the language. He didn’t get it, but he hoped his sister didn’t give in to their demands. Hopefully the Vancouver brothers were keeping her head above the water and remaining focused.

  Don’t come here, Sacha. Please don’t fall into their trap.

  * * * *

  Sacha was in the armory with Toro. They were preparing the weapons and supplies to infiltrate the warehouse where the men were holding Franco. She was setting up her bag when Toro pulled her by her arm, turning her toward him.

  He pointed at her.

  “You’re the only fucking person I have ever met that can get under my skin so easily. I can’t believe what you said back there. That you think because we had sex that now we think we’re in control of you. Really? I love you. You said you loved me and my brothers, too. So what the fuck gives, Sacha?” he asked her.

  She stared up at him. She wasn’t surprised by his reaction and the anger directed at her. She’d insulted him and the others and what they shared.

  “I’m sorry, Toro. I was pissed off. You have to understand how difficult this is for me. I’m used to doing things on my own, even dangerous, life-threatening things. They abducted my brother because of me. I don’t want anything to happen to you guys, too.”

  “We told you that we’re going to help you, and that’s the plan. Haven’t we done so?”

  “Yes, of course you have.” She bent down to continue to prepare the bag. In her mind she knew what she needed to do. She needed to protect Damien, Toro, and Elwood. She couldn’t get them killed because of her problems. Charro would never forgive her.

  “We have a plan in motion,” he said as he finished packing up the next bag.

  “I know, and I don’t fully agree with Damien going in first.”

  “Well, you don’t have much of a choice,” Elwood said from the doorway.

  “It isn’t right. I should go in first.”

  “And get killed?” Toro asked.

  Now she was insulted. “Do I look like I just got out of boot camp?” she asked, sarcastically.

  “No, baby, you look like you just walked out of Playboy with that body of yours.”

  Elwood headed straight toward her. She stood up, prepared to step back, but he was too quick. He snagged her around the waist and kissed her deeply. In no time at all, he had her pressed up against the wall and his hands were undoing the zipper on her jeans.

  “How do you guys do this to me? How?” she asked, panting and helping him remove her top.

  Toro placed his palm against the wall and gripped her chin, tilting it up toward him as Elwood removed her jeans, panting, then stepped from his pants.

  “Because we’re made for one another, baby,” Toro said then kissed her. He released her lips when Elwood lifted her up and pressed her against the wall.

  “I’ve thought about taking you here in this room, surrounded by an arsenal of weapons,” he told her as he unclipped her bra and cupped her breasts. He used his hips to keep her in place and pressed against the wall. She ran her hands up his chest.

  “Really? Where else have you thought about fucking me?” she asked him.

  “Out in the woods, on the kitchen table.”

  “Over the arm of the couch in the living room,” Toro added.

  She felt her body hum with need. They turned her on and made her forget what was happening and how dangerous this was going to be.

  “Kiss me, Elwood. Make me forget just for a little while.”

  He kissed her, and he stroked into her cunt at the same time. He didn’t go slowly. He stroked fast and deep, taking her breath away as he pulled from her mouth and held her hips in place.

  “We’re part of one another, baby. Stop fighting it. We’re always going to want to protect you and be by your side. Always.”

  His words excited her, touched her, and she wi
shed she could give them that. Could let go and just be their woman, their lover, and live here in Wellington in a normal life and loving relationship. Could she? Could they get through this together?

  He thrust his hips harder and faster against her, and she cried out as he stroked so deeply. She didn’t care about anything right now but easing that deep, inner itch inside of her and being claimed by Elwood. She held on to his shoulders and counter thrusted against him until she felt herself begin to go over the edge.

  “Elwood, faster, harder Elwood, please.”

  “Fuck, Sacha. Fuck.” He grunted, and she came, gasping for air as Elwood continued to stroke deeper and deeper before he held himself still and came.

  She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him to her breasts.

  “I can’t believe what you do to me. What the three of you do to me.” She held him tightly.

  “You do it to us, too, baby. That’s why we’re in this together. Trust us, we’ve got your six,” Toro said, and she closed her eyes and waited for her breathing to calm as she relished the feelings that consumed her.

  They would get through this. They had to because, if something happened to one of her men, life wouldn’t be worth living. Her life would be over, too.

  Chapter 7

  “Falcon, I’ve got eyes on the building. We’ve got at least seven in total on guard. Three on the outside perimeter, and I counted four inside,” Axel told Falcon.

  “Prepare to move in on my signal,” Falcon replied through the wrist mic.

  He looked around the area. It was quiet, around three in the morning. He was about to give the signal when he saw the other movement.

  “Hold up. We’ve got company,” he said into his mic then watched as two individuals in black approached the front of the perimeter.

  “Yes we do. Got two back here. What do we do?” Axel asked.

  “Hold your position. Let’s see who the hell this is and what they think they’re going to do.”


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