Sugar Creek 4: Prim's Silver Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Sugar Creek 4: Prim's Silver Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Becca Van

  Maybe it would be better to keep her mouth shut and not say a word.

  * * * *

  Barrett kept pace with the car, with the scent of his mate still in his nose and the taste of her soft, warm skin still on his tongue. When he’d first run across the road in front of her, he’d caught the delicious, tantalizing aroma of vanilla and cinnamon and he knew he had to find out more. He’d spun around but had stayed hidden. He’d only been able to catch glimpses of the back of the woman’s head as she moved away from him. But then he’d nearly howled with joy when he’d heard the motor cut out and watched, hidden in the brush, crouched down on his belly, waiting to see what she’d do.

  He couldn’t believe how beautiful she was, even though he’d only been able to see her in profile. His ears had pricked up and shifted forward when he’d heard her open the car door, and he’d nearly chuffed with glee when he’d seen the entirety of her body and face. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, with black hair with stripes of red down the front sides of her shining tresses, which framed her heart-shaped face perfectly. Her eyes were the most gorgeous shade of green and even though she was average height, around five six to seven, she had the longest, sexiest legs he’d ever seen. The smell of her vanilla-and-cinnamon scent grew stronger and the hair on his nape stood on end. He’d known in that moment that she was his mate.

  Barrett had wanted to rush over to her, bring his human side forth, rip her clothes off, sink his hard, aching cock into her tight, wet pussy and sink his teeth into her neck and shoulder, but he did none of those things.

  He’d wished he could have shown himself and, after pushing his beast back, helped her move her car from the middle of the road, but he couldn’t. She probably would have run away from him screaming if he walked up to her in the buff, sporting a boner. When she’d managed to push her car off the road without any assistance, he’d been so proud of her, but when she’d started walking, he became concerned. Animals were rife in this part of Ohio and he didn’t want her getting hurt, so he followed her, making sure he’d stayed hidden.

  Barrett had heard her muttering to herself about the lack of cell phone reception as she walked along the road and constantly looked at her cell, and he’d been so intent on watching her he hadn’t seen the pile of leaves he would have skirted before he’d stepped into the middle of them. He’d held his breath when she’d stopped and looked around a little fearfully, and he’d felt terrible for scaring her, but after a few moments she’d shrugged her shoulders and started walking again.

  He vowed to take more care and watch where he was walking, but the slight breeze blowing had changed direction and her scent had wafted over to him stronger than ever, and he’d closed his eyes to savor her aroma and walked right into the middle of a scraggly bush.

  Barrett had never been so clumsy or inept in his life and put it down to finally scenting and finding his mate. But then he tried to figure out how he was going to introduce himself and keep her from driving away if she ever managed to start her car again.

  He could just imagine the reception she’d give him if he changed forms and walked out of the trees, naked and hard. He’d already scared her enough and even though he wanted to get closer to her, he couldn’t. However, when her eyes connected with his, he knew he was busted, and he became really concerned for her when her face turned pale and she began panting.

  His mate spun around so fast she stumbled, and then she began to walk quickly back to her car. Barrett found himself moving closer instead of going further into the trees like he’d intended and kept pace with her to make sure she was okay.

  It was damn hard trying to control his wolf when his animal kept trying to take reign, but he was able to sort of control his beast, if just barely. His animal was pushing at him to mate and mark her and it was getting harder and harder to keep his wolf back. He must have blinked because when he opened his eyes again, he was on the road only a few steps behind her and she was frozen against the side of her car.

  He would forever remember the way she smelled and the taste of her skin on his wolf’s tongue. Every time he thought about how she tasted, saliva pooled in his mouth.

  But as he watched her drive away and his heart felt like it was breaking in two, his wolf let out a mournful howl. He looked down when he felt his paws connect with the earth and realized that his animal was following her. Barrett didn’t think anything could come from chasing her but decided to let his wolf have that bit of control for a few miles. He looked at her license plate and memorized it, and hoped like hell he would be able to find her again soon.

  He hadn’t even spoken to his brothers to tell them that he’d found their mate. He’d been so enthralled with her, it hadn’t even entered his mind.

  Her small car traveled about three miles before it slowed and turned, and this time when his wolf howled, it was with joy.

  His mate had just turned onto the driveway that led to Sugar Creek Pack land.

  Barrett was going to make damn sure he and his brothers met their mate and found out who she was.

  And if the fates were willing, she would never want to leave again.

  Chapter One

  Two weeks previously.

  He chuckled when he heard her whimpering with fear. It was such fun, terrorizing her enough to make her cry. He’d been watching her for so long, but when he’d seen that other prick at school hitting on her, he decided he needed to make his move.

  The power he felt scaring her filled him with pride and masculinity, and it also made him horny as hell. She was his, and he was going to make sure she stayed away from all the other men. He was way more intelligent than she was, and the local cops. The first time he saw the blue and red lights flashing as they came down the street, he had been worried about getting caught, but he was smarter than all of them put together. He’d escaped from detection time and time again, and he’d even hung around in his secret hiding place beneath the stairs to her porch.

  He’d found that little hidey-hole by accident the first time the cops arrived, and now he dove into his special place after scaring her every time he had his fun. The cops had searched pretty intently the first couple of times she called them, but he’d heard them talking about her the third time and it had been hard to keep the amusement bubbling up inside his chest from escaping and giving away his hiding place, but he had contained it.

  The cops thought she had a couple of screws loose, and that suited him fine. He’d watched survival shows and knew how to sweep his tracks away. It had been a near thing the first time, but he’d managed to grab a small fallen branch from a bush and scrub out his footprints, and he’d pulled that branch into the hidey-hole with him. No one was going to catch him. He was too good for all of them.

  But it was getting to the time where he needed to make a move. He needed her with him so they could live a long, happy life together. Everyone thought he was the epitome of everything good and kind, and no one would ever suspect that the voices talked to him constantly.

  They never left him alone, always telling him what to do next, and sometimes he wanted to scream and rage at them to leave him alone, but other times he embraced the gods within him and did everything they told him. But he could feel their dissatisfaction that their game wasn’t good enough.

  The gods living inside him were so smart, smarter even than he was, because they had told him how to track her no matter where she went. It didn’t matter if she left and went into hiding. He would be able to find her whenever he wanted.

  She was his and she would never escape him. The voices told him so.

  Soon. Very soon, they would be together like they were meant to be.

  * * * *

  Prim sighed with relief when she pulled up outside of Melissa’s house and thanked God that she’d had no more trouble with her car. Mel had invited her to her new home for summer vacation, and even though it wasn’t that far from their hometown, she’d jumped at the chance.

  Prim was sick and tired of

being scared and locked up in her house, and so had accepted Mel’s invite. It was going to be heavenly to sleep the whole night through after months and months of sleep deprivation. She didn’t know how much more she could take without cracking.

  She remembered how one of the female teachers at work had been so exhausted because of lack of sleep. Her baby girl had problems sleeping, even though her baby slept for a couple of hours at a time, and the poor woman had been at her wit’s end. That had been over a year ago and no matter what the new mother had done, her daughter hadn’t slept through the night until she was five years old. Doctors, nurses, and health professionals hadn’t been able to diagnose that poor little girl with anything other than colic, but after changing medical professionals, it had turned out the little girl had coeliac disease. No wonder the poor kid and mother hadn’t been able to sleep. The girl had been crying because of excruciating bellyaches because of the autoimmune disease and intolerance to digesting gluten.

  Five years was such a long time to go without getting even one night of proper sleep, let alone over eighteen hundred days. Professionals had likened lack of sleep up there with torture, and Prim wondered how her colleague had coped since she’d been working, running a household, and looking after another child. No wonder she’d looked so exhausted and tense all the time, and Prim wondered if she looked as bad as that other woman had, but she’d only been dealing with sleeplessness for six months.

  Then there was the incident when Harry had caught her alone in the large walk-in storage cupboard and made a pass at her. After she’d dealt with him, she had gone to see her principal and boss, Richard Shivers. She thought back to how shocked and angry her boss had been.

  “I want to put in a complaint against Harry Sorenson.”

  “Primrose.” Mr. Shivers rose to his feet and hurried around his desk before gripping her arm and guiding her to a seat. “You’re as pale as a ghost. What’s wrong, and why do you want to put in a complaint against Harry?”

  Mr. Shivers leaned against his desk and frowned at her. He was such a great boss and a nice man, always willing to help out wherever needed, and he always smiled at her whenever they met in the hallways or staffroom. He reminded her of an older brother, making sure that everyone was safe and happy. Not that Prim had an older brother, but that’s how she felt toward Richard Shivers.

  “What did Harry do?” Richard’s voice brought her back to the present and a shudder of revulsion wracked her spine as she remembered Harry’s hands on her.

  “He cornered me in the large walk-in storage room next to my room.” Prim took a deep breath and exhaled before she continued. “He asked me to go out with him, and when I refused, he grabbed at both my breasts. I shoved him away and managed to exit the room before he could touch me again, but I told him to stay away from me and threw in a few swear words, which I won’t repeat.”

  “Are you all right? Do you want me to call the police? What he did to you was assault. You have every right to have him charged,” Richard said in a very angry voice, and with every word he spoke, his face got redder and redder. Prim hoped he didn’t blow a gasket, he was so red in the face by the time he’d finished talking.

  “No. I don’t want any of the parents hearing about the action of one asshole and judging the whole school on his actions. I’d rather leave any disciplinary action up to you and or the school board.”

  “Thank you for that, Primrose. He’ll be fired immediately. You won’t have to worry about him again.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Shivers.”

  He held out a hand and helped her to her to feet before smiling at her and giving it a slight squeeze. “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Rick?”

  Prim shrugged and tugged her hand away before walking to the door.

  “If you have any other problems or just want to talk, call me, Primrose. Anytime.”

  “Thanks.” Prim left the office and closed the door behind her, relieved to know that Mr. Shivers would be dealing with Harry and hopefully she wouldn’t have to see him ever again. Lecherous creep.

  Prim released the tight grip she had on the steering wheel and consciously relaxed her tight muscles as she came back to the present. She could already feel the tension easing from her body and took a deep breath of fresh air as she got out of her car. She glanced about when she felt eyes on her, but when she couldn’t see anyone, she shrugged and headed toward the cabin steps.

  The door to the cabin opened and Melissa emerged with a smile on her face. Prim grinned back and rushed forward to greet her friend. She hugged Melissa and then drew back to stare at her friend. She looked so happy and content, and she looked like she was glowing from the inside.

  “Primrose, it’s so good to see you. Come on inside.”

  Mel led her into the cabin-style home and Prim couldn’t believe how big it was inside. From the front, it looked way smaller and she realized the trees surrounding it hid how big the house really was.

  “Take a seat.” Mel indicated the sofa and Prim sat down. “How have you been? How are all my kids? God, I miss them so much.”

  “You look fantastic. I can believe how healthy you are.”

  Melissa snorted and looked down at herself. “I haven’t got my figure back totally yet.”

  “What do you mean?” Prim asked with a frown and then saw what looked like panic in Mel’s eyes. “Melissa, are you all right? You look kind of scared. Is your husband hurting you?”

  A baby cried in the not-so-far distance and then Prim heard a man say, “I’ll get her, honey, stay where you are.”

  “You have a baby?” Prim asked.

  “Yes.” Melissa’s face turned pink and she glanced toward the hallway.

  Primrose stood up and hurried over to Melissa. She sat down next to her on the sofa and hugged her. “Congratulations, Mel. I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thanks.” Melissa smiled.

  “I didn’t even know you were pregnant. Is that why you left?”


  Prim turned to face the hallway when she heard footsteps and she inhaled raggedly when she saw the tall, muscular man walking toward them with a small baby in his arms. He bent over and gently placed the baby in Melissa’s arms before looking at her.

  “Hi there. You must be Primrose, I’m Melissa’s ma—husband, Damian.”

  Prim accepted his proffered hand and smiled at him. “Pleased to meet you, Damian.” She looked toward the front door when it burst open, but she couldn’t see around the entryway petition wall. A moment later, another tall, brawnier man came striding into the living room and he headed straight for Mel. He leaned down and kissed her on the mouth before planting a soft kiss on the baby’s head.

  “Hi, darlins. How are both my girls?”

  “We’re good.” Melissa glanced at both men before turning to face Prim again. “Uh…Prim, this is Luke. He’s my husband, too.”

  Prim felt her eyes widen and she gulped nervously and hoped none of them had noticed her shock. She wasn’t judging Melissa. In fact, now that she looked at both men, she kind of envied her, but it had been a surprise to hear that both these handsome men were her husbands. The shock passed quickly and Prim smiled before offering Luke her hand.

  “I’m pleased to meet you.”

  Luke smiled and shook her hand. “You, too.”

  Prim looked at the baby girl and realized that Mel must have been pregnant while she’d still been teaching kindergarten, since it had only been six months since she’d resigned, but her friend had never even hinted at the fact she was going to have a baby. Since none of it was any of her business, she kept her thoughts to herself.

  “What’s your daughter’s name?” Prim sat entranced as she watched her suckle on her mother’s breast. There was something really special about watching a mother feed her child. The bond Prim could see between mother and baby was something she yearned to have for her own, but she couldn’t see that happening anytime soon.

  She’d only had one man in
her life and even though things hadn’t worked out between them and they had parted as friends, Prim had never found another man she’d even wanted to go out on a date with, let alone become intimate with. And now that Harry Sorenson was harassing her, she didn’t want to even look at going out with a man.

  “Carmen Louise Aerth,” Melissa answered as she gazed down lovingly at her feeding daughter.

  “She’s beautiful. You’re all very lucky.”

  “Yes, we are.” Damian smiled, but then he turned toward the entryway and it looked like he was sniffing the air right before there was a knock on the door.

  “I’ll get it,” Luke said, and he, too, looked like he was sniffing as he walked away.

  “Would you like something to eat or drink, Primrose?” Damian asked.

  “I would nearly kill for a cup of coffee.” She smiled.

  “So would I,” Mel muttered.

  “Tea for you, baby.” Damian smiled when Melissa grimaced but nodded her head in acquiescence.

  “I thought you liked tea?”

  “I do.” Mel groaned. “Neither of my ma…men have let me drink coffee since we found out I was pregnant, and now that I’m feeding, I don’t want to harm Carmen, but I swear every time I smell it I start drooling.”

  “I like tea. I can drink that if it bothers you so much,” Prim said.

  “No, it’s fine. I’m used to it now. Just don’t get freaked out if I sit really close and start sniffing.”

  Prim laughed and then looked back at Carmen. “She has your beautiful hair and eyes.”

  “The hair I knew, about but the eyes, I wasn’t so sure of.”

  “Oh yeah, they’re yours. How old is she?”

  “Two weeks.”

  “You’re kidding me?”


  “God, Mel. You look fantastic.” Prim smiled. “Were you scared to tell me you were pregnant before you left? I don’t judge people, and I wouldn’t have thought badly of you.”


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