Sugar Creek 4: Prim's Silver Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Sugar Creek 4: Prim's Silver Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Becca Van

  Melissa reached out to clasp her hand. “I know you wouldn’t. I was…didn’t know I was pregnant.”

  “Oh, well that explains a lot,” Prim said. “I can’t believe you have two handsome men. You are one lucky bitch. What I wouldn’t give to have…”

  Luke came back into the living room, and behind him were three very tall, very muscular handsome men, and that was saying something, since she’d thought Luke was a giant of a man, but he had nothing on the three men standing behind him. All of them were well over six feet tall and built as big as linebackers. Prim’s breath hitched in her throat and her heart raced in her chest. She swallowed the pool of saliva in her mouth and quickly looked away, hoping they hadn’t noticed her staring at them, but she knew that wasn’t the case because all three of them had locked gazes on her as soon as they had come in and hadn’t looked away.

  Her skin warmed and she could feel it prickling everywhere their eyes touched. She shifted nervously on the sofa and peeked at them from beneath her lowered lashes. Yep, they were still staring at her.

  Damn, they were hot. They all had hair so white it looked almost silver, and varying degrees of blue eyes. The shortest of the three had light-blue eyes, the middle one had blue-gray colored eyes, and the tallest had eyes so dark a blue they looked almost navy. She’d never seen that color blue for eyes before.

  Their skin was a deep bronze color, as if they spent a lot of time out in the sun, and they had tattoos. The ink she could see started just below the sleeves of their tight T-shirts and she wished she could see what the art was.

  Prim realized how quiet it was in the room and as she lifted her lashes, her cheeks heated when she realized that everyone was staring at her. She gulped audibly and shifted in her seat. She was nervous, but also horny as hell. Her nipples hardened into small, hard, aching points and her pussy started weeping cream liberally, coating her folds. When she glanced at Mel, she saw that she had finished feeding Carmen and had her up over her shoulder to burp, but she was smiling at Prim as if she knew something she didn’t. And then she sighed with relief when Damian came back into the room with their drinks and handed them out.

  Luke moved aside as the three men came further into the room, and even though she wanted to follow them with her gaze as they moved behind the sofa she was sitting on, she didn’t.

  When she inhaled, she smelled the most wonderful scent she’d ever smelt before and found herself drawing that musky, piney aroma into her nostrils again and again and again. She heard Luke speak as if from a long way off, and hadn’t even realized she’d closed her eyes until then. Prim opened her lids and was surprised to find all three of the silver-haired men had moved around the sofa and were now standing in front of her, watching her avidly. Her cheeks heated even more and she hoped she wasn’t as red as she felt as she met each of their blue-eyed gazes, one at a time, before she looked across to the other side of the room to where Luke was standing. He had a big smile on his face, almost as if he was laughing at her, and she found herself smiling in return.

  “I’m sorry, Luke. Did you say something?”

  “Yes. Primrose Costa, I’d like you to meet Barrett, Edison and Palmer Vargas.”

  “I’m happy to meet you all,” Prim said quietly and nearly moaned when they all moved closer still. It was only then, when they moved, that she realized that the delectable scents were coming from the Vargas men and she hoped they didn’t notice her inhaling through her nose again.

  “Not half as happy as we are, baby,” Barrett said as he offered her his hand to shake.

  Prim hesitated a moment, wanting to touch him so badly, yet worried she might just give away how she was lusting after him and his brothers if she did. But then the choice was taken away from her when he breached the gap between their hands and engulfed hers in his. She never considered herself petite, soft, or fragile before, but seeing her small, pale hand in his much larger tanned one made her feel exactly that. The contrast between their skin colors had her mesmerized, too, and she wondered what his hand would look like as it stroked and caressed all over her body. But what had her gasping was the hot tingles racing up her arm and centering down in her pussy. She tugged her hand, but instead of letting it go like she expected, his grip tightened and she once more met his startling blue eyes. As she watched, his blue orbs seemed to flash from his normal color to gold and back to blue again. She blinked before meeting his gaze again, but this time they stayed their original color and she decided she must be imagining things.

  Barrett finally released her hand and before she could bring her arm back down to her side, her hand was once more enfolded in another warm, large, male hand. She looked up into Edison’s blue eyes and hoped he didn’t see her shudder of awareness as it raced over her body straight to her pussy, causing more cream to drip out and her clit to throb.

  “We’ve been waiting for you for a long time, Primrose.”

  It took her a moment to comprehend his words, because his voice was so deep and gruff she was almost mesmerized by it.

  “What?” She finally pulled her tongue from the roof of her mouth and hoped she didn’t sound too stupid. Surely, he didn’t say what I thought he said.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Edison’s large, manly hand slid against hers and she shivered when his calluses caressed her skin.

  Palmer moved in closer, grasped her hand, and then brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it. He was the biggest out of all three of them and she felt so dainty and feminine with them surrounding her. She nearly whimpered with lust when he sniffed against her skin and then gave her a heated look. His eyes flashed from blue to gold and back again, too, and she wondered what was going on. Maybe it’s just a trick of the light.

  “Hi, Primrose.”

  Prim nodded her head and was pleased when all three men moved across to the other sofa and sat down. Now that they had moved away from her, she felt a little less like she was in a sexual fog. Their scents were amazing, but the more she tried to not inhale their aromas, the more she found herself doing so. She picked up her coffee and sipped on it as she listened to Damian and Luke talking to the Vargas brothers about security and hoped that they didn’t notice her staring at them.

  Melissa nudged her arm and then rose to her feet and headed down the hallway toward what she presumed were the bedrooms. She watched as she settled Carmen in her cot and then Mel turned to face her.

  “I’ll show you to your cabin so you can get settled in.” Mel turned back to Carmen, leant over and gently kissed the top of her head. “Just let me tell my men and we can go.”

  “You’re a lucky woman, Mel. I can see how much Damian and Luke love you.”

  “I love them just as much.” Mel smiled softly.

  “I can see you do.” Prim paused in the doorway. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure,” Melissa replied.

  “Does everyone here have more than one man?”

  “There are still a lot of single men here, but the men in relationships share their woman. Does that bother you?”

  “Hell no. It gives me ideas for fantasies.” Prim giggled and hoped her face wasn’t as red as it felt. She’d never been so open or bold before.

  Mel laughed and grabbed her hand. “I’m glad you’re here for your vacation.” Then her expression turned serious. “Um…there are a lot of wolves around these parts. You may hear them howling or even see them around. Don’t run from them, but don’t be scared that they’ll hurt you. They’re quite…tame.”

  Prim immediately thought about the encounter with the silver-furred wolf she’d encountered earlier that day and nodded at Melissa. At first, she’d wanted to tell her friend about her experience, but she stopped at the last minute. For some reason, she wanted to keep quiet about it. She felt like that was a private moment and even though she knew she was being ludicrous, she kept her mouth shut.

  “Okay, let’s get you settled. You can come and go as you please, but we will be having dinner together ofte
n. I insist on that. I really want to catch up on what’s been happening at the school and with you.”

  “That sounds good.” Prim followed Mel out and waited as she hurried over to Damian and whispered in his ear. Damian nodded and then Melissa came over to her and led her toward the front door. She didn’t have to turn around to know that Barrett, Edison, and Palmer were staring at her. Her skin goose-bumped and the hair on her nape stood on end. She was only able to relax when she was out of sight, and the further she walked from the cabin, the less tense she became.

  Mel stopped beside her car and when Prim stood next to her, she pointed between the trees toward another cabin. “That’s the cabin you’ll be staying in for the next month. You don’t need keys because no one ever locks their doors. Everyone here is trustworthy and family. Clean linen was put on the bed in the master bedroom this morning. The fridge and cupboards have been stocked, but if you need anything, all you have to do is ask. Okay?”

  “Sure. Thanks Mel. You have no idea how much letting me stay means to me.” Something in her posture or voice must have given her away, because Melissa frowned at her.

  “What’s going on, Prim? Have you been sick? You look really tired.”

  Primrose didn’t want to tell her how Harry had been harassing her or how she thought someone was terrorizing her in her own home. Melissa had a brand-new baby to look after and didn’t need to hear about any of her problems.

  “I’m fine. Just exhausted from working hard. You know how it is.” Prim smiled and kept her tone light, hoping her friend wouldn’t question her any further.

  “Okay.” Mel sighed. “But if you change your mind about talking, I’m here for you.”

  “Thanks.” Prim waved, got into her car, and drove the short distance to the cabin.

  Even though it had been tempting to unload on Melissa, there was nothing her friend could do to help her. Even the police hadn’t been any help. She’d called them so often over the last few months, they were no doubt sick of hearing from her, and every time they came over to her rental house they never found anything. Primrose was beginning to think she was suffering from paranoia or having a mental breakdown.

  The police had never found any evidence that someone had been lurking around her house or had tried to break in. Prim was becoming embarrassed that they never seemed to find any evidence of someone being around, but she was sure that the noises she had been hearing weren’t a figment of her imagination. And although she hated calling the cops, she lived alone and wasn’t about to become a victim to some sick idiot if there was, in actual fact, someone hanging around her home. She had started calling the police less and less, but since she had been too scared to fall asleep, she’d spent night after night sitting up in bed with the lights off and a baseball bat underneath her pillow. Hopefully, now that she was away from her house she could catch up on some much-needed rest and begin to relax again. If she relaxed before she headed back home, maybe she wouldn’t be listening for every little noise outside her house.

  Maybe she was starting to crack up after all, especially now that she was lusting after three men on top of everything else.

  Chapter Two

  Palmer watched Primrose follow Melissa out, and it was really hard for him to stay where he was and not follow her, too. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, with her shoulder-length black hair with the red streaks in front and her gorgeous green eyes, and she was his and his brothers’ mate. His wolf was pushing at him to mark and claim her, but he kept control over his animal.

  He glanced over at Ed and saw him staring at where Prim had been, and when he looked at Barrett he saw the intense hunger and love in his eyes and wondered if he, too, looked like that.

  “She’s beautiful,” Ed said. “But she looks like she’s really tired.”

  Palmer turned to Damian and Luke. “How long has Melissa known Primrose? Have you met her before? Where does she live? What does she do? How long is she staying here?”

  “Whoa. Give me a chance to answer a question before you ask the next one.” Damian smirked.


  “Melissa and Prim worked at the same grade school together,” Damian began. “I have no idea how long they’ve known each other, nor where she lives. I do, however, know she is staying here for four weeks.”

  “Thank God,” Ed said emphatically and sighed with relief.

  “You guys can’t go upsetting Primrose, or I can see Mel and Sara giving you a hard time. We all know that Sara will be pissed if anyone upsets her little sister,” Luke said.

  “The last thing we want to do is hurt or upset her. She’s our mate,” Barrett snarled.

  “We know.” Damian sighed. “We could all smell your mating musk, and so could Prim.”

  “She could, couldn’t she?” Barrett asked.

  “Come on,” Palmer said as he got to his feet. “I think we should see if our mate needs help unloading her car.”

  Palmer didn’t bother asking which cabin Primrose would be staying in. There was no need. He and his brothers would be able to scent her out. He waved good-bye to Damian and Luke before heading out. After pausing on the top step and sniffing the air, he turned and looked through the trees and saw that she was bent over in the back seat of her car. He glanced at Ed and Barrett, and without saying a word, started walking quickly toward his heart and soul. Hopefully after getting to know her better, Primrose would be his and his brothers’ destiny, but first they had to convince her that they were the right men for her, and he didn’t think that was going to be so easy.

  When he was only a few feet away, he ran his eyes over her slim, delicate body before they landed on her sexy ass. He wanted to strip her from her clothes, grab hold of her hips, and sink into her wet pussy from behind. He heard her inhale and he nearly growled when he scented her arousal, but he kept his animal at bay and hoped like hell that she would let him and his brothers spend some time with her.

  She turned to look back at him over her shoulder and he watched as she inhaled again through her nose and her pupils dilated.

  “Do you want some help, sugar?” Palmer asked before his eyes snagged on her ass again. When he heard a quiet moaning sound, he realized that she had made it and looked up to meet her eyes again. Her face was turning a delicate pink hue and he wondered if it was because she was aroused or embarrassed because she’d made a noise.

  Primrose backed out of the car, her ass bumping into his thigh, and he gripped her waist when she swayed a little before she straightened up and turned to face him. Her eyes skittered to his brothers before meeting his again.

  “I only have two bags,” she said in a breathy voice.

  “Let us get them for you, baby.” Barrett moved closer and then he reached in and pulled both bags from the back seat.

  “Is there anything else you want from your car, Prim?” Ed asked as he perused her body up and down.

  “No. Thank you.”

  Palmer removed his hands from her waist and then snagged one of her little hands before guiding her toward the cabin. Her skin was so soft, silky, and warm, he wanted to touch her all over, but he pushed those thoughts aside and showed her around the cabin before leading her back to the living room.

  Barrett must have taken her bags down to one of the bedrooms because they were gone and he was sitting on the sofa with Ed. Palmer wanted to sit down with her on his lap but didn’t think she’d let him do that just yet, so he guided her to an armchair and then sat down on the end of the sofa closest to her.

  “Have you been sick, Primrose?” He studied her face and noted how pale it was now that she wasn’t blushing, and she had dark smudges beneath her eyes. She lowered her eyelids, shielding her gaze from his before meeting his again.

  “Um, no. I’ve just been working hard,” she answered, and again looked away. He didn’t believe hard work was the only reason for her weariness, but he wasn’t about to belie her statement and end up making her angry or hurting her.

at do you do, baby?” Barrett asked.

  “I teach kindergarten.”

  “Is that how you know Melissa? You worked at the same school as her?” Ed asked.


  “Did you live close to her, too?” Palmer shifted in his seat to ease the tension in his crotch and pushed his wolf back down when he tried to take over to claim his mate.

  “Yes.” Primrose stared into his eyes and then she looked around him to Barrett and Ed. “Why do your eyes keep changing color?”

  Palmer tensed and looked over at his brothers. Sure enough, both of them were also struggling with their animals and he had no doubt since he was, too, that his eyes were changing from his normal eye color to gold and back again. He was trying to figure out how to answer her without giving too much away when he heard her gasp. He turned back just as she pushed to her feet and began backing away from them. It didn’t take a genius to figure out she was frightened. He’d have to be dead or a total idiot not to scent the sweet smell of her fear.

  “What are you people?” Prim asked as her back hit the wall.

  “Don’t be scared of us, sugar,” Palmer said as he stood up and slowly, cautiously walked toward her. “We would never hurt you.” He didn’t have to look over his shoulder to know that his brothers were moving closer, too. He could smell them, and Prim’s eyes shifted from his to either side of him before meeting his again.

  “What’s going on around here?” Prim muttered. “First that wolf, and now you three.”

  Palmer didn’t think he or his brothers were supposed to have heard that, but with their wolf hearing, it was impossible to miss. He knew they were going to have to explain things to her. She had a sharp mind and was already questioning them. Palmer had no doubt it wouldn’t take her long to figure things out and he just hoped she wouldn’t laugh at them or start screaming. He’d never envisioned telling her about them so soon after having met her, but there was nothing he could do but tell her the truth.


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