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Reckless Love

Page 13

by Alexis Anne

  When they were done with their home improvement fun I had a delivery waiting. A very specially design armless couch, king-sized bed, chair, swing, sturdy coffee table, and a dining table that could seat a king.

  When I asked Esme what she wanted to do with the bunker I honestly thought she’d say she was selling it. I almost came in my pants when she suggested we make it our private getaway.

  “So what are you doing with this place, Leo?” Jeffry asked, wiping his brow. “Are you some high-end real estate developer now?”

  “Something like that. What do you think I can get for this location?”

  “The more important question,” John said, waving a hammer around, “is what you think it’s going to be used for. It’s like you’re turning it into a small apartment, but this is an industrial park.”

  “Artist,” I said quickly. It was the explanation Esme came up with when she picked out the décor.

  “Oh!” both men said at once. Apparently her explanation worked.

  As I looked around I could already see the hours we’d spend here, the different ways I’d pleasure Esme, the locations I’d use to watch her move.

  I had to walk away because even thinking about it made me hard. “Do you think you’ll have the bathroom done next Friday?”

  “Yep. I think we’ll have the floors done tonight. We’ll get the shower done tomorrow and the rest of the bathroom will be done by what, Wednesday?” John asked Jeffry.

  “Yep. We’ll tackle the kitchen when we get back from break the week after.”

  “Perfect,” I said as I turned back. “Well good luck. I’m off to check on my scholar.”

  “Tell her we said congrats again!” Jeffry called. “She’s a rock star!”

  Esme was indeed a rock star. Her new website launched last week and quickly became one of the most popular new sites on the web. The game had already made back the capital investment it took to develop it.

  She was thrilled and tonight we were celebrating. “Congratulations,” I murmured in her ear as I slipped my arms around her. “What have you made me?”

  “Heaven in your mouth,” she sang and wiggled her hips.

  “No, I’m pretty sure that’s when my mouth is on your pussy.”

  She gasped. “Leo.”

  “Esme.” I spun her to face me. “Dinner looks delicious. Now kiss me.”

  She smiled, throwing her arms around my neck, and kissed me like there was no tomorrow. “How’s the bunker looking? And should we rename it?”

  “It’s looking great, and no, we should not. I like the name. It’s very fitting.”

  She shrugged. “The words have no more emotional attachment than the space does so I’m okay with that.”

  “It’s a sexy bunker now.”

  “We can survive the apocalypse with orgasms.” She giggled as I tickled her ribs.

  “Let’s eat. I’m starving.” For food and her body.

  While we ate I rubbed her feet. I got a lot of great moans out of her—that turned me on quite a bit—and more importantly, got her nice and relaxed. While we did the dishes I somehow managed to keep losing articles of clothing and . . . crazy enough, so did she.

  So that by the time the last dish was put away we were both quite naked.

  “Do you want me to take you right here in the kitchen, Esme?”

  She trembled just a little. I didn’t think it was because she was cold. “Yes. I’d like that.”

  “Shall we defile these countertops? Shock the pots and pans?”

  She ran her body along mine as she circled me. “I did work very hard on dinner.”

  I picked her up and set her on the counter where I could really enjoy the full view. “You deserve a reward for that meal.” I grabbed her hair bun with one hand and her hip with the other. “But I’ll need to hear you. Real loud, darling. Otherwise I won’t know if you’re enjoying it.”

  “I can be loud,” she sighed as I spread her wide.

  “Oh I’m counting on it.” I teased and stroked, preparing my way. When she was trembling just right I pressed at her entrance with the head of my cock. “Tell me you want me.”

  “Oh yes, Leo. I want you. Now. Please?”

  Fuck, I loved it when she begged. I pushed into her and my vision blurred. “Say you need me.”

  Her fingers sank into my hair as she pulled her body closer to mine, forcing herself down my shaft. “God, how I need you, Leo. So much.”

  Our bodies locked together. Her core fluttered and clamped around me as I took her hard, rubbing her clit and swearing up a storm as I praised her beautiful body. “Tell me you love me. Forever.” I grunted now. So close to oblivion but not quite able to reach it without her.

  “Oh, I love you so much, Leo. Always. Forever . . . oh god!”

  Her body bowing into mine as she screamed my name, her inner muscles holding me hostage as she came with me so deep, it was everything I never knew I always wanted. I was loved and my love mattered to someone else. Together we were more than we ever were separately. She was my home and now I was hers.



  “She bought it?” Jonathan asked as I poured myself a scotch.

  “Hook, line, and sinker. I gave her enough to get those assholes off her back.” The scotch burned at first but then the welcoming glow replaced it. “She’s there now. With any luck they’ll go with it and my little sister can finally get some peace.”

  Jonathan slammed his laptop shut. “Puts us in more of the spotlight than I’d like, Will.”

  “I appreciate the sacrifice. It will be worth it. I promise.” There was no way I was letting ten years of planning go down the drain simply because my baby sister was too smart for her own good.

  “You’re the one that comes out looking like an angel. It’s not exactly a sacrifice for you.”

  I threw back the rest of the scotch and cracked my neck, hoping the alcohol and the tension relief would help me calm down. It helped. A little. Enough to keep me from beating the shit out of my best friend. “If she had any idea I was involved Esme would be elbow deep in our shit. You want that?” She might have been angry enough ten years ago to go after Edmund, but she wasn’t made for it. Not like we were. If she knew I was involved she’d try to help me. Save me.

  I didn’t need saving. It was far too late for that.

  “No,” Jonathan sighed. “We can’t afford any more variables though. I’ll handle the feds being on my ass. It’ll be fine.”

  It was a delicate balance. All that planning was now a reality that required us to maintain a constant game of cat and mouse, sleight of hand, sometimes magic.

  Yeah, magic. Real magic. The kind that involved science and mind games to distract an audience with something shiny or exciting so they didn’t see what we were really doing.

  “And your brothers?”

  Jonathan shrugged. “They’re fine. If anyone gets too close, they’ll take care of it. Who else knows?”

  “Just Esme and Leo.” I liked the guy. He loved Esme and treated her the way she deserved to be treated. I would never be the overbearing big brother who hated the boyfriend or threatened the guy for “violating” his sister. I just wanted her to be happy. And if this was the guy that loved her, then I wanted to be his friend.

  Jonathan’s eye twitched. It always did that when he was angry. “You sure we can trust Leo? He’s kind of close to everything.”

  “I honestly have no idea. But whatever I tell Esme she’s going to tell him. I might as well look into his eyes so I can judge what he’s thinking.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Tomorrow I’m making the move.” This was the next step. It brought us so close to our goals.

  “Good luck. I’ll keep an eye on things until you get back.” Jonathan stood and gave me a hug. “Go safely, my brother.”

  “Go safely.”

  On the street I realized I didn’t want to go home and if I went back to the office all I’d do was work. What
I needed was sleep. A good night’s rest was the only thing that could calm my mind and keep me focused tomorrow.

  And damn, how I would need my wits about me.

  So instead I wandered, not really paying any attention to where I was or where I was headed. Therefore it was a surprise when I wound up at the bar. Not to drink though.

  No, I was hoping to see her. I stayed in the shadows where I belonged. I watched her sing like I had every week since we met. Tonight I’d leave with her soft voice in my head to lull me to sleep when I got home. She was my cure.

  Every time I came I promised it would be my last. This time I meant it. No more. I couldn’t put her in danger. Her eyes were too beautiful to risk, her words too special to ruin with my life. I closed my eyes and drank in her sounds.

  When her song ended I shuffled toward the door and onto the street, silent like a fucking ninja, sad I was leaving her behind again.


  I froze.

  “William don’t go. Not again!” I could hear her running towards me but for some stupid reason I didn’t move. I should move. I should run—anything to keep her away.

  Then she was in front of me. All wild red hair, pretty dress, and high heels. I wanted to take her and make her mine.

  “Why are you leaving?” She put up her hands to stop me.

  I laughed. As if such a tiny thing could ever stop me. “I’m headed home, Matilda. If you please?” I tried to step around her but she moved.

  “No. You come to every one of my shows, stand over in the shadows where you think I can’t see you with your eyes closed, and then you dip out before I can say hi. Why?”

  “Because I have to get home.”

  “Then why do you bother stopping in to hear me sing?” She tapped her foot on the ground and I fought back the urge to throw her over my shoulder, caveman style.

  Maybe I should tell her the truth. Maybe it would freak her out just enough to get her to leave me alone. “Your voice is beautiful. It makes me feel good.”

  She blinked. Stood straighter. “Thank you.”

  “Now I’m going home.”

  She moved in front of me again. “Let me buy you a drink first.”

  “No.” I dodged again. She was a fast little thing.

  “Then take me home with you.”

  I froze. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” In fact it was a very, very bad idea.

  “I can sing to you there.”

  Definitely not a good idea. “It was very nice to see you, Matilda. Beautiful set tonight. Perhaps it would be best if you didn’t mention any of this at the office to Esme.”

  She grabbed my hand and placed it on her chest before I could figure out how to escape without hurting her in the process. “You feel that William?”

  Her heart thundered under my palm. For me? “What is that?”

  She stepped closer. “It does this every time I see you,” she whispered. “Every time.”


  Her brown eyes hypnotized me. I wanted to spend forever in them. When she looked at me she saw something she liked. It was selfish to want to be that man, or at least pretend I was that man with her.

  “Take me home, William. Let me sing you to sleep.”

  I’d done many, many things in my life that would send me straight to hell. I’d lied, cheated, stolen, and even murdered. I was no good down to my very bones but I think, more than anything, my worst sin was taking Matilda’s hand that night because I knew I’d never let her go.

  Reckless Nights (Book3) Coming Spring 2018


  Ahhhh! What is this? Leo and Esme came out of nowhere and killed me! I love their entire world and I can’t leave it. I can’t. So yeah, we get William next and then…well I can’t tell you where things will eventually go but IT IS BIG!

  Thank you so much for reading and loving them and trusting me to write what felt write for these characters. I love that I get to keep expanding the worlds I already love and write in. Every time Greg, Marie, Jake, and Eve pop into a story it makes me smile. There is also a lot of vibes from the Tease series in these pages and I keep wanting to bring people over from there…I guess we’ll see where William takes us in Reckless Nights!

  Here’s the part where I thank the people who make all this possible. Firstly I need to thank you guys. Especially every single one of you who emailed me after each newsletter. You got me through a rough patch and into a whole new groove. Plus you make writing fun!

  I love my HBIC ladies more than I can say. They are my circle of friends and I even wrote the whole end of Reckless Love on the train to and from Richmond to see Mary Chris Escobar and Tamsen Parker <3! Thank you for talking me off many ledges HBICs!

  And always, I couldn’t do this without The Sexy Editor and my little men.




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  Hey there! Thanks for reading Reckless Love. Esme & Leo appreciated it (and so did I!) If you enjoyed it (or even if you didn’t!) please take a moment to leave a review so other readers know what to expect. It helps your fellow bookworms, it helps me, it helps world peace (okay I made that part up.)

  * * *

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  The Storm Inside Series:

  The Storm Inside

  Reflected in the Rain

  When Lightning Strikes

  Never Let Go

  Summer Heat

  Night Games

  Last Fall

  * * *

  Reckless Kiss

  Reckless Love

  * * *

  The Tease Series:





  5 Dirty Sins

  6 Dirty Secrets

  7 Dirty Lies

  * * *

  The Calusa Key Series:

  Come For Me, Darling

  Go Away, Darling

  Kiss Me, Darling

  * * *

  The Complete List of Alexis Anne Books

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  “Thanks for walking me home, I know it was terribly out of the way,” I joked, looking up at him and smiling softly. How was it that we still hadn’t kissed?

  I wanted him to kiss me.

  He chuckled. I liked (far too much) that I made him laugh. “You like living here?” he asked, looking up at the building.

  “What’s not to like? Food, beach, walking distance to work.” He was close, but not close enough. It was like the game he played at dinner. Teasing me.

  It was time I played back. I stared him directly in the eye and let him hear my altered breathing. He was affecting me and I wanted him to know it. I licked my lower lip and took a deep breath, letting my breasts rise and fall seductively.

  Adam’s gaze dipped to my lips and then to my chest exactly as I suggested. He may be in control of me, but I was in control of him. I could feel the electricity building between us. The anticipation had me lightheaded and wet.

  To my relief, he stepped into me, grasping my free hand so he had just my fingertips held lightly inside his. It was the only part of us that was actually touching and the pressure built up behind that touch was explosive.

  With the wicked smile I’d been waiting for all night, Adam gently tugged on my hand, pulling my body flush against his, and kissed me.

  And oh sweet Jesus—Adam was a phenomenal kisser. His arm came around my waist, pressing my hips into his, while his other hand fisted at the nape of my neck, tilting my head back and opening my mouth to him.

  His tongue was foreign and strange, but I loved how it felt to have his soft tongue stroking mine.

  My body melded against his, seeking more contact, more friction. God, I needed some friction.

  And then—his fucking phone rang. I hadn’t heard the damn thing all night. I just assumed it was off or on silent. But no, it chose now of all times—when I was just about to yank my new fuck buddy upstairs—to finally ring.

  Adam looked at me, startled. “Um, I’m really sorry, I have to take this.” But he didn’t move. He kept me pressed against him as he slid the clamoring electronic device out of his pocket and shoved it against his ear. “What?”

  I liked how strong Adam was. His arm was wrapped firmly, possessively, around my waist. I ground my hips slowly against his thigh and hips while he talked, a dark curtain falling over his eyes with each rock of my hips.

  Maybe I didn’t really need him after all. Just his arm and his leg…

  “No, I’ll be right there.”

  Adam shoved his phone back in his pocket and his jaw flexed. Angry Adam was hot.

  “Bad news?”

  “There is a problem and unfortunately, it can’t wait.”

  I pressed against him again, flexing my fingers into the firm muscles of his biceps. “Not even fifteen minutes?” What kind of problem could possibly be more important than sex?

  Adam flushed, pushed me against the brick of the building, and kissed me hard. His body arched into mine and I felt the telltale firmness of his erection. “Fuck,” he swore as he swallowed and leaned his forehead against mine. “I can’t. This can’t wait and I can’t do you in fifteen minutes. I need more time than that.”

  “Please?” I groaned. It was sad and desperate, but I was so turned on. He’d been on my mind all day and I needed a release.

  “Fuck,” he swore again, “Do you have your key?”


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