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Dirty Rescue

Page 2

by Sadie May

  I swallow. This part is going to be tough. “I feel the same. So that leaves us with a couple of questions.”

  Cade nods. “The funny thing is, I didn’t want any of the other guys to see her, you know. It made me angry just thinking about them looking at her. But you, I didn’t care at all when you touched her.”

  “Really?” I think back to the hospital. “Come to think of it, I didn’t care when you touched her either.”

  He scratches his chin. “Do you think we could share like that? More than just a one nighter?”

  “I think the more important question is do you think she’d be willing to be with both of us at all? She’s not the normal girl who is willing to bang two dudes at once.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. But whether she is willing to fuck us, be our girlfriend, or give us nothing at all, she needs our help now. And I’ll give her whatever she wants, without asking anything in return.”

  I nod because that feels right. It doesn’t matter what I want only that she is taken care of. “I agree. And I’m not going to sleep now. Want to head back to the hospital and see--” But I don’t get to finish because my phone is ringing and it’s Cade’s number that pops up on the screen. Cristina is calling.

  We arrive back at the hospital fifteen minutes later, and honestly, I am fucking blown away when I walk back in the room. Because after a shower, our girl is fucking gorgeous. No makeup, just a cute little nose, full lips, pink creamy skin and light green eyes that set me on fire.

  I give her a little grin and hand her the clothes still in the Target bag.

  “You brought me clothes.” She gives me an angelic smile that lights her entire face and sets my balls on fire.

  That is when I notice that it isn’t just the three of us. “Target, huh?” I swing my eyes toward the voice and see a young-looking doctor in a white coat sitting next to Cristina. He pretends I’m not there and keeps his eyes on her face. “You are a girl who should be covered in Armani.”

  Cade is a step behind me and I hear his low growl. Weirdly, his anger calms me. I give a lopsided grin. “With your student loans, I bet you barely afford Walmart.”

  He flushes a little, but continues to ignore me. “You know how those loans are. Doesn’t the amount make you want to throw up?”

  Her eyes have been on me this whole time, filled with uncensored happiness which makes me want to swing her up over my shoulder caveman style and carry her off with me, but they turn to him then. She gives her head a little shake. “I got a full scholarship to Simmons. I don’t have any.”

  Yep, smart as hell.

  Cade steps around me then. “Did I hear you’re getting discharged?”

  She nods. “Thank God. Who knows what a night in here will cost.”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her not to worry about it, that we’ll take care of it but it isn’t my place. Not yet. So instead I let Cade help her out of the bed. I can see that he’s being super careful to keep her Johnny closed so that asshole of a doctor doesn’t get a sneak peek.

  Then he trails behind her to the bathroom, blocking her from view until the door is closed. Turning, he comes back to my side and we stand shoulder to shoulder to face off with the dickwad still sitting in her room. “Just in case you were wondering,” I start. “She isn’t available.”

  He lifts one eyebrow. “Are you two the firefighters who rescued her?”

  “What about it?” Cade asks.

  “Which one of you is dating her that she isn’t available?” he fires back.

  Shit. My jaw clicks closed. “He is,” I say, wanting to tell that d-bag that we both are but considering that isn’t true, I don’t want to cause trouble for her.

  The doctor’s eyes swing to Cade as he assesses him. “Did you know you were getting called to your girlfriend’s house?”

  Double shit. I didn’t want to be possessive in front of Cade but now I am worried I started trouble for him. Because Dr. Suave here might try to use this information to claim that Cade wasn’t acting professionally or some shit.

  “We weren’t dating then. We’d only met at a bar,” Cristina says behind me. “He asked me out this morning and I said yes. It’s a new thing.”

  I turn to look at her and she takes my breath away. The leggings totally show off her sexy toned legs. She must run. The tunic style shirt fits in all the right places while her loose curls swing down to the middle of her back. Women spend hours primping and don’t look like that. “You look gorgeous.”

  She blushes and nods, but the doctor’s eyes are narrowing at me and I know why. I just said she was my best friend’s girl.

  But Cade makes a quick cover, because he turns and pulls her up against his body, giving her a quick kiss on the lips. I am close enough to hear her quick intake of breath as their bodies come together and then the sigh she emits after their lips touch.

  For one second I’m a little jealous, but then, I happen to know that Cade is always willing to share. At least with me.

  The scrape of Dr. Suave’s chair interrupts the moment as he fucking steps between us and presses a card into Cristina’s hand. “My personal number is on the back if you need anything.” The asshole draws the last word out like he wants to be absolutely sure she heard it.

  She gives a nod and then he finally leaves us alone in the room. There isn’t much to collect so, while Cade is still holding her against his body, I lean over and cup her cheek in my palm. She turns her face to me and that’s when I capture her lips with my own. It’s a possessive kiss, but brief, and as I lift my head, her eyes are wide with shock, her breath is quick with desire. Still only an inch from her face, I say, “Cristina, if you need anything Cade and I will take care of you.”


  I am sitting between them in the truck, their quads pressed against mine and my body is on overload. I am so crazed, I forget to ask where we are going. Which is ridiculous because I don’t have anywhere to go.

  I’ve got an aunt who lives in California but I need to finish my semester here in Boston. Maybe she can wire me money for a hotel? Can the college put me up since it’s an emergency? I don’t even realize that as I start to panic, I’ve gripped Cade’s thigh with one hand and Jay’s bicep with the other. Their muscles make me feel grounded.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Cade slips his arm around my shoulder.

  I blink, turning to him. “I just realized I have no place to live. I don’t have any clothes, or books, no laptop--” I suck in my breath.

  “We’ll figure it out,” Jay whispers. “Don’t worry, sweetheart.”

  I shake my head. “That is so nice of you but I can’t impose. It’s crazy what you’ve had to do for me already. I didn’t mean to be such a burden.” My words are spilling out faster and faster. “I’ll get a hotel or something. I’m sure--”

  Cade makes eye contact with me interrupting my complete downward spiral. “Maybe you should start by calling Pam.” He hands me his phone again.

  Relief makes my shoulders hunch and I quickly dial her number. He’s right, talking to Pam is exactly what I need. How did he know that? “I’ll call her mom.”

  Five minutes later, I am much calmer as we pull into a driveway, and I hang up the phone. Pam is at Zach’s place but her mom gave me his number. She lost her cell phone too. “Pam’s mom said I could stay with her in Lexington if I needed to.” I bite my lip. “It might be my only option. I’ll call Simmons in the morning.” I take another deep breath, realizing tomorrow is Sunday. My anxiety is shooting back up. “I hope I can work something out on campus because Lexington takes like an hour and a half to get into the city by train.”

  Cade gives my shoulders another squeeze. “I know it’s overwhelming but you will figure it all out. In the meantime, why don’t you come inside and see Bing. You can stay here for tonight, if you want. Jay and I are about to go back to your place to see what we can salvage.”

  “Really?” I feel hope rise in my chest and I seriously want to kiss
them both again. But that is a mistake. They were trying to get rid of that slimy doctor, I am sure of it. They weren’t actually interested in me.

  Climbing out of the truck, we head into a cute little house. It’s small but adorable and it feels really homey in a way that none of my places have since I lived with my mom. Cade takes me straight to his room and Bing flies out from under the bed at the sound of my voice.

  Carrying the cat back out into the living room, Cade has his hand on my waist as Jay perches on the back of the couch, his long legs spread out in front of him.

  “We’re going to leave you with Cade’s phone. Call me if you need anything. There’s tons of food in the fridge and I will leave you with my laptop password. That way you can start sending emails if you’re ready.”

  I nod, so glad they are going to check my place but part of me will miss them. Which is nuts, I shouldn’t even be here. I should leave, go to Lexington and impose on someone I already know. “You don’t have to do all that. I can take a cab to Lexington. Lorraine won’t mind, I am sure of it.”

  Cade comes to my side then. “You’ve been through enough today. If you want to go after we get back, we can drive you. But you’re not putting us out. You and Bing can catch your breath here and figure some stuff out.”

  “Why would you do that?” The question slips out before I can hold it back.

  It’s met with silence. Finally Jay takes my hand. “We know what you’re going through. We’ve seen it happen. We want to help. That’s all.”

  I nod but I feel like there is more that isn’t being said. I mean they don’t take in every fire victim do they? And it’s crazy that I would impose on them like this. I mean, I want to stay but I can’t be here. I’m afraid if they keep touching my like this, I am going to make a fool of myself.

  They head out the door, waving as they go, and I plop down on their couch. Part of me thinks I should still leave but instead, I grab Jay’s laptop and fire up my Gmail account. I might as well start putting my life back together.

  They don’t come back for four hours and when they do, they walk in with grim faces. Coming to sit next to me on the couch, Cade speaks first. “We weren’t able to salvage much, sweetheart.”

  “Okay,” I answer swallowing a lump in my throat. It is going to take me so long to put all this back together. I haven’t cried yet but I feel some tears pricking at my eyes. My phone, my pictures, everything is gone.

  Cade takes my hand and holds it in his as Jay hugs me close. “I’m so sorry,” Jay murmurs as his lips find mine.

  The kiss is electric, taking all my pain so I feel nothing but white hot desire. Cade is still holding my hand and his fingers glide along my skin up my arm. It’s better than every fantasy I’ve ever had about them and it’s a simple kiss. He isn’t even using his tongue.

  I moan softly but rather than deepening the kiss, he pulls away. “I’m sorry. Now isn’t the time.”

  Cade’s fingers are still on my skin and their bodies are still pressed to mine. “Really?” I reply, not sure what else to say.

  “You must be going through hell,” Cade whispers close to my ear. “We want to make it easier for you, not harder.”

  Hard is exactly what I want but it sounds crazy to say so I just nod. Jay gets up first. “How about Italian for dinner. There’s this place across from the fire station. The pizza sucks but it’s close.”

  I have to bite my lip as I nod my agreement. I don’t tell them that I know exactly which place they are talking about. At least I won’t eat like a pig in front of them. The pizza really is terrible.


  She picks at her food, though that could be because Antonio’s sucks. I’m worried about her. How do you lose your whole life? On top of that, Jay and I are failing to keep it cool, though we’re trying. It’s not our style to hold back. We want something, we go for it.

  But she’s in a tough spot so we need to give her space. But fuck me, it’s hard. That pert little ass is moving around our place like it belongs there. I look over at Jay and I know he’s thinking the same thing as he watches her work.

  We’ve only got two bedrooms, and though we tried to convince her to sleep in one of our beds, she insists on taking the couch. Which is crazy to me, that creep of a doctor had one thing right, she belongs in the finest of everything.

  But I watch her tuck the sheets into the couch cushions and I have to be honest, the view is amazing. I’m taking her shopping tomorrow to buy more leggings.

  Once she’s done making the couch, I watch her slip off the boots and snuggle down into the blankets. She looks so soft and sweet I want to cover her with my own body till every delicious inch of her is pressed against me. She gives me an adorable grin. “You don’t have a t-shirt I could sleep in do you?”

  That nearly undoes me. The thought of her wearing my clothes. There is something primal and possessive about a woman wearing your things. “Yeah, sweetheart. Hang on.”

  I grab a plain white tee out of my drawer and head back down the stairs. Handing it to her, her wide eyes meet mine. I can’t help it, I drop down on one knee in front of her, my thumb grazing across those completely kissable lips.

  “Thanks.” Her breath blows across my thumb as she speaks causing tingles to race up my arm. They travel straight to my already pulsing cock. I had better get out of here before I blow up all my good intentions.

  “Sleep tight, sweetheart.” I lean over and kiss her forehead.

  Jay comes up just behind me and strokes her hair, kissing her in the same spot I did. “See you in the morning.”

  We both head up the stairs. In my room, I hear her get off the coach and go into the bathroom to change. I can picture her down there, snuggled on my couch in my clothes and it fucking tears to me to pieces. God, I want to worship her the way she deserves.

  I toss and turn for what feels like hours when I a different noise catches my ears. Is Cristina crying?

  I wouldn’t blame her. She’s held up remarkably well considering all she has been through in the last twenty four hours. I hear it again and head into the hall to find Jay standing there too.

  “Think she’s okay?” he asks.

  “Only one way to find out,” I quip as I start down the stairs.

  But I’ve barely made it into the living room when I know what’s really going on. Our girl isn’t crying… she’s dreaming and it’s dirty. My t-shirt is up around her lovely breasts, exposing the flat of her stomach and the flare of her hips while the blanket is twisted between her legs, which are pressed tight together.

  She moans again and I swear, she says my name. My dick knows she does as it goes from rock hard to diamond stiff. Her next moan is louder and I hear Jay’s name loud and clear.

  “Fuck me,” he groans.

  Cristina’s eyes fly open. She looks at us completely confused for a count of two, her eyes wide with shock, before she is pulling down my shirt and pulling up the covers.

  My hand shoots out to stop her movements. “Sweetheart,” I murmur softly. “We’re up there having the same dreams about you.”

  “What,” she gasps but her hands still.

  Jay strokes her leg. “We are trying to be respectful of everything you went through but you are tempting as hell.”

  She shivers, I see it travel up her abdomen.

  My fingers move from her arm to her exposed abdomen. “But we don’t want to rush you. Our tastes are not your everyday variety.”

  “I know you two hook up with women together,” she says and it’s our turn to gasp. “I saw you both in a bar about a month ago. You were with a brunette.”

  “Fuck,” I mutter, my hands running through my hair. We messed this up before we even started with some girl I didn’t even like.

  Jay lifts her legs and then sits down on the couch pulling her feet back on top of his lap. He’s only in his boxers and feel her intake of breath when their skin meets.

  I follow his lead and push up her torso, sliding underneath her back and resti
ng her on my chest. My hand stays on her stomach because I like it there. Her skin is so soft under my fingers. Toned and creamy, and fucking gorgeous as hell.

  Jay clears his throat. “I can’t blame you if you don’t want to be with a couple of man whores.”

  She shakes her head. “Oh, I’m not judging you.”

  I feel her heat and then her hand covers her eyes. “It’s just…” she pauses. “I don’t have much experience.”

  “What?” My breath catches and my hand starts roaming over her rib cage to the underside of her breast. “You’re worried you haven’t been with enough guys?”

  She gives a little shrug. “I’ve only been with one and every time I suggested we try anything he shut down. I’ve been wondering if I was doing it wrong or--”

  It’s Jay’s turn to cover his face with his hand. “You can’t be serious, sweetheart. You didn’t do anything wrong. That guy is a moron.”

  “Then show me,” she whispers softly. “Show me how to do it right.”

  If my fucking brain was working I would have told her it was too soon. That she should wait. But all the blood has moved to my dick. And so instead, my hands cups the full weight of her breasts. I’ve got pretty big hands. Six-two and two hundred pounds of muscle, since I use a lot of my time at the fire station to lift. But they fill my hands. Fuck, they must be double Ds while still being perky as hell.

  Tweaking the nipples, they go rock hard as her hands reach back to twine into my hair. Jay is running his hands along her hips. Then he slides one palm over her mound and applies a light pressure. Our girl bucks off the couch into his touch as a moan rips from her lips.

  “She needs to come now,” I tell him as I rip the shirt over her head. But he’s ahead of me. He scoots down so that his mouth can replace his hand. With her panties still on, he is tonguing her and she is grinding into his face like a starving woman at a banquet. It’s gorgeous.

  My hands go back to her tits and they are even better than I imagined. Full and ripe, I massage them together. My dick is going between them sooner rather than later.


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