Page 131
Amity, commerce and navigation, treaty of, 661–62
Ammunition, supplies of, 210–11, 217–18, 229, 232, 239, 241, 247, 254, 288, 335, 483
Amory, Jonathan, 259
Amory, Thomas, 259
Amson, Dr. John, 118
Anderson, James, 722, 745, 749, 753
Anderson, John, 441
Anderson, Richard, 320
André, Maj. John, espionage activities of, 443, 445, 447, 449
Anglo-American relationships, 645, 647, 693, 699
Annapolis, 6, 184, 187, 189, 510, 524;
Congress at, 506, 508
Annapolis Convention, 533, 535
Annual addresses, of Adams, 707–8, 716, 733;
of Washington, 642, 658, 688
Anti-Federalists, 552–54, 556–57
Appleby School, 2, 7
Arbuthnot, Admiral Marriott, 425–26, 438, 462, 466, 470
Armstrong, Gen. John, 133, 168–69, 334, 357, 389, 463, 555
Arnold, Gen. Benedict, 237, 263, 276, 299, 314, 334, 337–38, 394, 404, 429, 440, 442, 458, 461, 463, 468, 511;
Canadian expedition of, 244–46, 248–49, 252–53;
in Philadelphia, 407;
treason of, 444, 446–47;
troops of, 239, 463–64, in Virginia, 458
Articles of Confederation, weakness of, 369, 404, 462, 528, 537, 539–40, 545, 556, 567
Artillery, American, 248, 325, 339;
British, 123, 300, 400, 486;
effectiveness of, 126, 133, 230, 239, 244–45, 255, 256–58, 261, 280, 288, 317, 321, 327, 363, 425, 451, 487;
French, 472, 479, 484, 487;
on the frontier, 110, 114;
siege, 257, 473, 481;
supplies for, 305, 478
Ashby, Capt. John, 102
Ashby’s Bent, 19
Asia, 273
Association and Associators, 163, 177, 181–83, 186, 201–2, 207–9
Augusta, Fort, 131
Augusta, 363
Aurora (Philadelphia), Republican newspaper, 656, 669, 686, 690, 703, 708
Austin, Samuel, 147, 259, 261
Bache, Benjamin Franklin, editor of the Aurora, 656, 666, 686, 690, 705, 732
Baker, Surgeon-Dentist, treats Washington, 188–89
Baldwin, Loammi, 234
Ball, Lt. Col. Burgess, 423
Ball, George, 738
Ball, John, 180
Ball, Joseph, 16–17
Baltimore, 215, 314
Baltimore Horse troop, 733
Bank of the United States, establishment of, 588, 591, 611–12
Barbados, Washington visits, 28–31
Barbary States, piracy of, 581, 609, 634, 642–44, 663, 691
Barber, Lt. Col. Francis, 456
Bard, Dr. Samuel, treats Washington, 571, 582
Barlow, Joel, 737
Barnes, Richard, 24
Barney, Capt. Joshua, 501
Barras, Admiral de, 466, 468, 471, 474–75, 478, 489–90
Barre, Col. Isaac, 163
Bassett, Burwell, 178, 185, 495
Bassett, Frances. See Washington, Frances Bassett
Bassett, Maj. Henry, 259
Batavian Republic, 663
Baylor, George, 235, 333, 412, 426
Beckley, John, 686
Beckwith, Maj. George, 583–84
Bedford, Duke of, 25
Belvoir, Fairfax family plantation, 9, 16, 18, 21, 23, 27, 31, 47, 68, 70, 142, 172, 191, 205, 504, 722
Bennington, battle of, 347
Berkeley, Norborne. See Botetourt, Baron de
Bermuda Island, 30–31
Bishop, Thomas, 97
Blackburn, Thomas, 524
Blaine, Ephraim, 439
Blair, John, president of William and Mary College, 121, 171, 548
Blanchard, Claude, 441
Bland, Richard, 140, 166, 175, 204, 208
Bland, Col. Theodorick, 351
Blaney, David, 661
Blount, Thomas, 693–94
Blount, William, 628, 635, 663, 714–15
Bloxham, James, 530, 600
Blue Ridge mountains, 1, 13, 19, 27, 50, 101
Board of War, convening of, 354, 370, 375, 379, 382, 388, 407, 414, 424, 450, 471
Bonetta, 490
Borre, Prudhomme de, 364
Boston, 181, 199–200, 202, 206–7, 218–19, 227–28, 230, 236, 239, 248, 250–52, 255, 258, 264;
attack on, 242, 279;
evacuation of, 260–62;
liberation of, 403;
occupation of, 209–10, 213–14;
refugees in, 243–45, 260;
selectmen of, 259–60, 263;
Washington visits, 97
Boston Committee of Correspondence, 207
Boston Harbor, 197, 200, 233
Boston Massacre, 181
Boston Neck, 221
Boston Port Act, 201, 203–4, 209
Boston Tea Party, 198–99
Botetourt, Baron de, Governor of Virginia, 172–73, 175–76, 178, 183–84, 187
Boucher, Rev. Jonathan, 172, 177, 180, 183–84, 186, 192
Boudinot, Elias, 386, 503, 562, 683
Bounty, military, 280, 295–96, 308, 324, 331–32, 373, 415;
land, 179–81, 185, 190–93, 196, 272, 277
Bouquet, Col. Henry, and Braddock’s campaign, 122–23, 125–28, 133, 152, 155
Bowdoin, James, Governor of Massachusetts, 309
Braam, Capt. Jacob van, interpreter, 37, 40, 42, 48–49, 61–64, 66
Brackenridge, Hugh H., 651, 653, 669
Braddock, Gen. Edward, and Ohio campaign, 72–84, 87, 92, 94, 98, 111, 152–53, 215, 286;
defeat of, 120, 123, 130, 132–34
Braddock’s Road, 125
Bradford, David, 651–53, 672, 674, 677, 679
Bradford, William, 642, 649
Bradstreet, Col. John, 155
Brandy wine, battle of the, 349–53, 355, 359, 361, 366, 380
Brant, Joseph, Indian leader, 658
Brewer, Jonathan, 237
Bridges Creek farm, 8
Broadwater, Charles, 211
Bronx River, 300
Brooklyn, campaign in, 285–87
Brown, Dr. Gustavus Richard, 751
Buchanan, William, 345
Bullett, Capt. Thomas, 129–30
Bull’s Ferry, 439
Bullskin Creek, 27, 30–31
Bullskin Plantation, 162
Bunker Hill, battle of, 226, 228–29, 231–33, 241, 245, 248–49, 261
Burd, James, 128
Burgoyne, Gen. John, New England campaign, 277–78, 307, 336, 342, 344, 347, 358, 361;
surrender of, 365–66
Burke, Judge Ædanus, 520
Burke, Edmund, 200
Burr, Aaron, 647–48, 665, 704
Burton, Lt. Col. Ralph, 78, 82–85
Burwell, Robert, 151
Bushrod, Hannah, 106, 177
Butler, Gen. Richard, 601
Byrd, Col. William, 121–23, 126–27
Byrd family, 11
Byron, Vice Admiral John, 409
Cabinet, the, functions of, 619, 621–22, 624–42, 646, 648–52, 659, 664, 667, 669–72, 674–75, 687, 692, 699, 701, 708, 713, 718, 747
Cabot, George, 666, 681, 730, 739
Cacapon River, 100
Cadwalader, Gen. John, 319, 321–26, 328–29, 334, 394, 403
Cadwalader, Thomas, 727
Calvert, Benedict, 193
Calvert, Charles, 193–94
Calvert, Nelly. See Custis, Eleanor Parke (Nelly)
Cambridge, military activity at, 228, 230, 233, 239, 242, 245–46, 249, 254–55, 257, 261, 279
Camden, battle of, 440, 450, 467, 596
Campbell, Daniel, 32
Campbell’s Virginia Coffee House, 161
Canada, 51, 87, 94, 145, 217, 233, 236, 267, 270, 274, 276–77, 281, 379, 412–15, 417, 583, 646–48;
British in, 271;
French in, 25, 33–34;
frontier of, 614;
invasion of, 236, 244–46, 248–49, 253–254, 268, 442;
officials in, 640;
supplies for, 273
Capitol, design for, 614, 632, 634, 638, 687, 707. See also Federal City
Carleton, Sir Guy, 237, 245, 248, 267, 336, 342, 497–98, 505–6, 583
Carlisle, Earl of, 412
Carlisle, 123, 127, 152, 168
Carlyle, John, 27, 48–50, 118, 124
Carlyle and Adam, 155, 166–68, 180, 185
Carmichael, William, 602, 616, 631
Carondolet, Baron Hector de, 616, 623, 628, 631
Carpenters’ Hall, 205
Carr, Dabney, 193
Carrington, Edward, 553, 593, 597, 683, 748
Carroll, Charles, 267, 273, 383, 663, 697, 727, 739
Carroll, Daniel, 547, 592
Cartegena expedition, 6–8, 10, 15
Carter, Charles, 116–17, 140, 175, 215, 742
Carter, George, 173
Carter, Dr. James, 119
Carter, Landon, 140, 155, 182, 200, 702
Carter, Robert (“King”), 12
Carter family, 3, 12
Cary, Archibald, 155, 175
Cary, James, 714–15
Cary, Sally, 31
Cary, Sarah, 23
Cary and Company, 153–54, 156, 167, 172, 197
Cary family, 31
Casey, Peter, 22
Casualties, American, 286, 352, 470;
at Bennington, 348;
Braddock’s campaign, 86;
British, 236, 332, 337;
at Bunker Hill, 226;
at Fort Necessity, 61–62;
frontier, 105, 113;
at Germantown, 360;
Hessian, 363;
and Indian raids, 92;
at Monmouth, 400;
New York, 105, 286;
at Princeton, 322;
at Quebec, 267;
St. Clair’s troops, 601;
at Staten Island, 348;
at Stony Point, 421;
Sullivan’s troops, 425;
at Yorktown, 489
Cates Marsh, 19–20
Catlett, Capt. Thomas, 423
Cattle. See Livestock
“Caunotaucarius,” Indian name for Washington, 45
Cavalry, American, 340, 355, 384, 389;
Baylor’s, 426;
British, 392, 400;
Regiments of, 332, 374–76, 414, 429, 494, 628
Census of 1790, 602
Centurion, 71
Chad’s Ford, 349–52
Chambly, Fort, 244
Champlain, Lake, 73, 237, 278, 299, 336, 614
Chapman, Maj. Nathaniel, 72, 77
Charleston, siege of, 206, 214, 228–29, 231–32, 248, 261, 281, 298, 347, 422, 433, 435–36, 494, 496–97, 499, 624, 626–28
Charon, 484
Chase, Samuel, 266–67, 273, 689
Chasseurs, French, 461
Chastellux, Marquis de, 466, 473, 475, 499
Chatterton’s Hill, 300–2
Cheat River, 522
Chehaw Neck, 498
Chesapeake Bay, 13, 335, 347–48, 404, 458–59, 462, 466, 471, 474, 476–77, 494, 498, 522
Chew House, 134, 358, 544
Chiswell, Fort, 175
Choisy, Marquis de, 481, 483, 486, 492
Chotank Farm, 3, 8, 21–22
Christ Church, 518, 746
Church, Dr. Benjamin, 227–28, 240–41
Cincinnati, Society of the, 404, 520, 528, 535, 538–39, 542, 571, 706
Circulars to the States, 502–3
Citoyen Genet, 629
City Gazette (Charleston), 595
Claiborne, William, 116–17
Clark, Abraham, 333, 643–44, 646–47
Clark, Maj. George Rogers, 641
Clark, Maj. Jonathan, 423
Clarkson, Matthew, Mayor of Philadelphia, 638
Chaudière River, 244
Claypoole, David C., editor, 701, 704
Clayton, Joshua, Governor of Delaware, 630
Clinton, George, Governor of New York, 299, 317, 335, 342, 362, 437, 446, 497, 505–6, 531, 557, 563, 565, 570, 585, 611–12, 630, 639, 677, 686
Clinton, Sir Henry, British military commander, 281–82, 361, 387, 391, 393, 395, 419–20, 426, 450, 454, 458, 470, 492, 497;
and André, 447–48;
appointment of, 389;
tactical plans of, 412–13;
troops of, 284, 403, 467–68
Clinton, Capt. John, 330
Clinton, Fort, 361, 407, 731
Clothier General, functions of, 345, 373, 385, 426–27, 464, 512
Clothing, military necessity of, 92, 135–36, 210, 296, 332, 371–73, 407, 414, 510
Clymer, George, 666
College of William and Mary. See William and Mary, College of
Colonial troops, 130, 134–35, 210, 214;
and Braddock’s campaign, 77, 87;
and frontier defense, 113;
and Ohio campaign, 72, 74
Columbia College, 568. See also King’s College
Comfort Sands and Company, 496–97
Commerce, treaties of, 164, 200, 584, 627
Commissary, inadequacy of, 280, 322–23, 343, 345, 353, 363, 372, 374–75, 385, 396, 427, 431, 434, 439, 510, 512
Committee of Correspondence, 193, 201, 207
Committee of Safety, 253, 268
Communications, channels of, 36, 426–27, 432, 513, 567
Concord, skirmish at, 213–17, 269, 294, 502
Concorde, 466
Congress, U.S., authority of, 541, 575, 577, 604, 621, 630, 636, 645–49, 656, 686–88, 690, 715, 730;
and French affairs, 702–3, 733–35;
legislation of, 579, 582, 585, 590;
and XYZ affair, 721
Connecticut, 215, 219, 225, 233, 268–69, 277, 282, 289, 299;
legislature of, 466;
troops of, 229, 241–43, 246–52, 285, 310, 334, 361, 434
Connecticut Farms, 435
Connolly, John, 199
Conscription, military, 121
Constitution, 158, 565, 567, 569, 573, 575–76, 580–81, 585, 589, 613, 632, 658, 662, 665, 692–93, 695–97, 701;
Convention for, 537–39, 543, 545–50, 733;
ratification of, 532, 550, 555, 557, 579, 583
Constitution, Fort, 291, 298
Continental Army, 252, 256, 272, 278, 282, 286, 296, 308, 312, 318–22, 347, 491, 511
Continental Congress, 206–8, 215, 217–18, 222, 226, 231, 233, 237–38, 253–54, 279, 304, 318, 366, 384, 528, 541;
decisions by, 220–21, 250–51;
delegates to, 201, 364–65, 367;
policies of, 330, 338;
at Princeton, 503, 508;
revolt against, 510;
treaties ratified by, 502
Continental currency, 431
Contraband, 648, 662, 667
Contrecoeur, Claude Pierre Pécaudy, Sieur de, 54
Convention “troops,” 413
Conway, Gen. Thomas, 138, 338, 357, 367, 369–70, 376, 378–83, 391, 402, 413, 417, 509
Cooke, Nicholas, Governor of Rhode Island, 233, 251, 262, 266
Cooper, Rev. Myles, 194, 196
Corbin, Richard, 49, 116–17, 216
Corn crop, 147–48, 167
Cornwallis, Gen. Charles, 307, 310–11, 313, 315–16, 341, 368, 440, 458, 460–63, 467, 470, 472, 475, 477–79, 483–84, 487–90, 511, 596–97, 698
Counterfeiters and counterfeiting, 191–92, 276
Cowpens, battle of, 459
Coxe, Tench, 552, 625
Craik, Dr. James, 183, 185, 521, 555, 631, 716–17, 727, 740, 742, 748, 750–52
Crawford, Capt. William, 168–69, 173, 175, 181, 183–85, 189, 199, 212
Creek Indian Nation, problems with, 573, 578, 585, 601, 606, 610–11, 616, 623, 628, 630, 635, 649–50, 663–64, 666, 682, 714
Cresap, Col. Thomas, 20–21, 77, 521
; Croghan, George, 57–58, 63, 184
Croton River, 299
Crown Point, 217, 237, 276, 278, 282
Cumberland, Fort, 72, 74–77, 80, 86–87, 90, 92–99, 103, 105, 108–10, 114–15, 123–27, 130, 532, 654–55
Currin, Barnaby, 37
Cushing, William, 576, 614, 735
Custis, Daniel Parke, 118–19
Custis, Eleanor Parke (Nelly), 193–94, 196, 199, 709, 711, 734–36, 741, 743, 745–46, 748–49
Custis, Elizabeth Parke, 495, 693
Custis, George Washington Parke, 683, 711, 717–18, 734, 743–44, 748
Custis, John Parke (Jack), 119, 140, 143, 148, 153, 167, 172, 177–78, 180, 183–84, 186–88, 196, 199, 224, 249, 331, 495, 510, 525, 531, 592, 711
Custis, Martha Dandridge. See Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis
Custis, Martha Parke (Patsy), 140, 148, 172–73, 177–78, 180, 182, 184–85, 188, 520, 531;
death of, 196–97;
illness of, 188, 195
Custis estate, 143, 167, 197
Custis family, 119, 139, 149
Custis plantations, 144, 155, 167–68, 172, 180, 183, 186, 188, 190, 194
Dagworthy, Capt. John, 41, 92–98, 113–15
Daily Advertiser (New York), 586, 686
Dallas, Alexander J., 632, 671, 673
Dalton, John, 202
Danbury, attack on, 202, 337, 343, 411, 414
Dandridge, Bartholomew, 525, 531, 631, 653, 709, 742
Dandridge, Frances, 525
Dandridge, Martha. See Washington, Martha Parke Custis
Dandridge, William, 525
Dandridge family, 119
Dartmouth, Earl of, 193
Dayton, Col. Jonathan, 435, 646
d’Estaing, Vice Admiral of French fleet, 404–5, 409–10, 413, 416, 425–26, 596
De Barth, John Joseph, 591
De Borre, Prudhomme. See Bone, Prudhomme de
De Bienville, Céleron, 34, 40
De Bourgogne, Due, 462
De Gardoqui, Don Diego, 616
De Grasse, Admiral of French fleet, 460, 466–67, 469–71, 474, 477–78, 481, 484, 487–89
DeHaas, Gen. John P., 334
De Kalb, Baron Johann de. See Kalb, Johann, Baron de
De Lancey’s refugee corps, 458
De Marin, Pierre Paul, 38–39, 41–42
De Miralles, Don Juan, 416, 432
De Noailles, Count, 486
De Tilly, Arnaud le Gardeur, 459–61, 465
De Windt, John, 447
Dead River, 237, 244
Deane, Silas, 217, 338–39, 346, 364
Deas, William A., 668
Declaration of Independence, 279, 281, 403, 503
Declaratory Act, 165, 170
Deep Run Farm, 8, 33, 187
Definitive Treaty of Peace, 640
Delaware, 272, 311;
and Constitution, 551;
troops of, 133, 431
Delaware River, 14, 312–15, 318–19, 322, 340, 344, 354, 356, 360, 393