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Arctic Series (Book 1): Arctic Cold

Page 8

by Jason Keizer

  To the General's right sits and man and a woman, each in a suit. They are both elected officials of Serra and give the voice to the people and are voted into the council. The man, sitting across from the Major, is Dante Kane. His suit is a dark black with a white shirt and a blue tie. He is a tall, thin man. His short blonde hair stands up in the front, adding some height to his brief forehead. His large blue eyes and high cheekbones sit above thin lips and a sharp jaw.

  He is the first elected Director of the Serra Government. Before the first election was held, Inara was given the title of Director. Once the sectors of Serra became stable, an election took place for a new Director. Even though the Director, Head of Justice, and Head of Science hold the same amount of power in the government, Inara is still considered to be the face of Serra by the general public.

  Next to him is the Sub-Director of Serra, Heather Ocasio. Before the Arctics, she was a high school teacher in Minnesota. She made her way to Onett and helped start an education system there before moving to Serra City and being elected. She has long dirty blonde hair that stays in a ponytail on her left shoulder. She has a small, thin face with a long and slightly forward jaw. Sitting above her short and somewhat broad nose and behind her glasses, are green eyes. Her dark blue suit shows off her thin waist, and the two top buttons of her white shirt sit unbuttoned to show a bit of cleavage.

  Inara takes her seat at the head of the table as Mercy takes the seat to her right. Inara says, “I see the Justice Department couldn’t be bothered to make it today. But then again, they do have a lot of work to do.”

  She looks over to the Director and tells him, “Next time the higher council meets up can someone make sure they at least have some representation. I understand we have a lot of laws and things to get in place, but they are a running part of the council you know.”

  Director Kane nods his head and replies, “Yeah, I will let them know. They said that the General will brief them after the meeting. They are just tied up at the moment with putting in place the new laws for our adding new sectors.”

  The General clears his throat and turns on the TVs to a couple of satellite images. “These images were taken two days ago in Arizona. As you can see, the Skullniks have gathered in large numbers. Sat feeds show that their fights took place and then afterward some sort of speech.”

  He clicks a button on a remote, making the screens change to static, and adds, “Today, while scanning over the area, one of the communication techs saw that this area became a complete dark zone. After trying a few more times to get signals back, this static is the best we could do. It seems that the Skullniks have found a way to block our satellite surveillance in certain areas. We are currently running checks to see what areas are blocked.”

  Director Kane stands from his chair. “How is this possible? We know they have gained a bunch of people and have been bringing back up their power grids, but how the hell did we miss this?” He leans forward on the table, holding himself up on two fists.

  The General gives a small shrug of his shoulders, “Honestly, we aren’t sure. Our intel shows us that they have been gathering and possibly working on something. We just haven't been able to figure out what they are gathering for. We have tried our best to keep constant surveillance on them, but it gets tricky in the mountains and at night. Knowing what they are doing and what they can do tech-wise is almost impossible since we haven’t had much luck in getting close to them.”

  Inara butts in, “Who led this surveillance and why is it that these pictures of them in the stadium were taken two days ago, but were handed to me just before this meeting?”

  Major Morris shakes his head, “I am leading the surveillance team. Large groups of them have been meeting for months. We thought they were just having more rounds of the fights they are so fond of. So I thought nothing of it. Don't worry, though. I sent out a couple small recon teams out when the sat feeds went down this morning. I expect to hear from them within the next day or two.”

  The General turns off the TVs and sits down. “I don't know what to expect of any of this. I propose we take precautions and double the guards and patrols. Even though it has been almost a year since any sort of attack was made on Serran land, I think we should prepare for the worst.”

  Ms. Lewis nods her head, “I agree. First thing should be to inform the other Sectors and then the public. Everyone needs to know about this as soon as possible.”

  Director Kane jumps in the conversation, “What, and have a damn panic on our hands? We can't tell the people about this. They could get scared and riot like when the Arctics started to show up in cities.”

  Ms. Lewis raises her voice, “Oh if this is the start of an attack, you would rather the people not know about it? One of the reasons people went against the American Government and fought for Serra was because we told them the truth and not some crap false narrative. We promised them two things, safety and the truth, and we need to give that to them. If there is a possible threat or our ability to keep an eye on things, which helps us prepare for an attack, the people should know this.”

  The Director loudly cuts her off, “If the Skullniks are planning something, then a riot or anything else would be the least of our worries. Maybe you should stop worrying about…”

  “Stop your damn arguing,” the General interrupts, “Just sit down and shut your damn mouths. The purpose of your council is to come up with solutions like adults, not make more problems or act like children. So put your own personal beliefs and emotions out of the way and let's get to work on a proper solution.”

  The Director takes a seat as the animosity in the air thins out.

  Major Morris looks to Director Kane and says, “Director, we will be able to take care of this. They are jamming a few signals, that’s it. A team is working on the problem as we speak, so please calm down. They are probably just testing out their capabilities, which we will find and shut down.”

  The Director lets out a deep breath, “Fine. But we need to figure out what this could mean and how this is even possible. I thought the only other place that could remote into the satellites was the bunker under the Denver Airport, and we wiped that off the map. If they become capable of anything against us, we aren’t prepared for war. We barely have enough ammo to sustain our pushing the borders as it is.”

  The General nods, “There won’t be a war and remoting into a satellite can be done from anywhere with the right tools. We took out the airport and anything under it because that was our biggest threat at the time. Right now, we just need to worry about the problem at hand. And to fix this problem, I need the authorization from the council to double the men in the cities and around the border.”

  Inara looks over to Mercy and asks, “You are pretty quiet over there. What do you think we should do? Should we roll out troops? Inform the people? Anything else?”

  Mercy scratches her head and asks the General, “Do you mind? I know you are asking for permission to add men, but there is more than just that to figure out at this moment.”

  “No worries Ma’am, pretty sure most of us have the same idea as to how to proceed.”

  Mercy nods her head and asks another question, “How long until we know what areas are blacked out and for how long our system has been compromised?”

  The General responds, “About four hours.”

  Mercy scans her eyes across everyone at the table as she explains, “I say we let the other Sector Heads know immediately about what we already know and our plan of action. We will approve extra military personnel to all sectors, and if they want, they can add more of their own Sector’s police and guard as well, if they deem it necessary. That is up to them. For troops and police here, those not on duty will be on call. When the new intel comes in about the blackouts and any other information we can get, we let the Sector leaders know. Once the leaders know, we will hold a press conference to alert the public.”

  She glances over to Sub-Director Lewis. “They have the right to know. Hopefully, we
can do it in a way to keep them calm and understanding. If anyone can do that, it would be Dr. Stone.”

  She looks over to Inara, who is giving her a soft smile. Inara turns her head to the General and says, “I have surely taught my predecessor well in her learning period.”

  She turns back to Mercy. “I would change one thing in all of that. We should wait until after the press conference to double up on military and police. People tend to worry when more troops are running around, and they don't know why. We don't need people spreading rumors before they can be told what is going on. But that was great Mercy.”

  Director Kane starts to nod his head and says, “Ok, that sounds good to me. Should keep everyone happy in a sense. Any objections?”

  Director Kane looks around to everyone shaking their heads and adds, “Well, that settles it. We can each inform our respective branches of the situation and proceed from there.”

  He stands up from his chair again. “Call me as soon as you know anything. Ms. Lewis, I think we should go and make contact with the other cities.”

  Ms. Lewis stands up from her chair and walks to the door. The Director opens it, steps to the side as she walks through, and follows her out.

  Inara looks at Major Morris and says, “I expect to be told about everything from your recon and surveillance teams from now on. Not just from you, but from the teams doing the work. I want firsthand accounts please.”

  She turns her eyes to the General. “Is that ok with you General? I don't want to tell your people what to do, but I find firsthand knowledge is the most accurate.”

  “That is no problem Doctor. Anything you need just let me know.”

  Inara stands up from her chair, “Thank you General. If you need anything from my people or me, you are always welcome. Now if you would excuse us, I would like to inform the others as well.”

  Inara and Mercy get up from their chairs and exit the room. They walk down to the elevators and get in. Inara stares out the doors of the elevator for a second before she says, “Ground level.”

  Mercy pushes the button and the elevator doors close. “What are you thinking?”

  “I believe that it is time to eat. We will alert the other sectors afterward. I have a couple things I want to go over with you first.”

  When the doors open up to the lobby, the two ladies walk out, go through the lobby, and head outside. They walk a couple of blocks to a small little diner called Al's. This is their favorite place to eat lunch, not just because of the food, but because of the service.

  As they walk in the owner greets them with, “Hello doctors, please, take any seat you want, but the back might be best suited if you want privacy.”

  Inara leads Mercy towards the back and says, “Thank you, Al. We will be in the last booth.”

  They walk to the left and past two booths before sitting in the last one near the wall. Inara takes the seat looking towards the door as they sit down in the booth across from each other. Al brings over two glasses of water and asks if they want their usual lunch.

  Inara nods her head and says, “Place looks clean Al, did you sweep it up this morning?”

  “Yes, I did. I heard a rumor of a meeting taking place and figured you would come here afterward, so I cleaned up a bit. I found a couple bugs, but I let them roam off to other parts.”

  Al leans in and moves his face next to Inara's and whispers. “Major Morris was in here this morning for breakfast but seemed a bit shady today. I found a couple of microphones and moved them to a spot where they can't hear this area.” He stands back up. “I will bring you your usuals.” Inara and mercy both thank him before he leaves to the kitchen.

  They both lean in on the table. In a sound just over a whisper, Inara says, “Something is going on that the Defense Department doesn't want us to know. We need to figure out what it is. They sure as hell shouldn't be doing anything like this.”

  “I might have a friend in communications that might help. I also know a guy who was a computer genius back before the Arctics. If someone is messing with the sat feeds, he will be able to find them.”

  “Good. I don’t know how, but you always seem to have some sort of friend that can help in the oddest situations. That's why you are so great, though.”

  “Well, I had a colorful childhood before the world turned to shit.”

  “I don’t know what, but something is going on around that Hanford site. That's when all this started from what I can tell. A day after the first team left, their communications go down, and we hear nothing for months. Then they get surrounded by Arctics. Even our guys have been having issues. They had a Skullnik raid on that town, and the communications have been spotty at best with them.”

  “What do you think it is?”

  “I don't know. The General sure was pissed that I sent out a team without him being told. Major Morris should have told him about it though. So, one of them surely doesn’t trust the other. And then we don't get info about this thing with the Skullniks from him, and he starts to bug the diner. We need to check everywhere for bugs now.”

  “Ok, I will check my apartment and destroy all, if any, of the ones I find.”

  “Don't destroy them. Just move them so that way you have one area in your apartment that is clean. We don't want the Major to know we are onto him. We will keep our regular schedules and only use secure areas to plan a way to weed him out and figure out what he is up to.”

  Al walks over with a plate in each hand. He sets them down on the table and says, “Enjoy your lunch ladies. If you need anything else, just give me a shout. Otherwise, I will let you two have your privacy.”

  Inara and Mercy both say “Thank you, Al.”

  As Al turns to walk away from the table, the door to the diner opens. In walks Major Morris. He looks around the diner for a second and sees the ladies at a booth. Al quickly walks up to him and says, “Good afternoon Sir, we have seats just over here if you would like to eat.” He lifts his arm up and makes a gesture to the booths to his left.

  “No thanks Al, I think I will join the doctors in the booth down there if you don't mind. I won't be eating and would like some privacy, so please don’t bother us until I leave.”

  “No problem,” Al says as he walks away to behind the counter.

  The Major walks over to the two ladies and asks, “May I join you?”

  Inara and Mercy look at each other, then at the Major. Inara says, “I would rather if I could have a lunch date with my friend here. So if you could just...”

  The Major cuts her off. “I know you found the bugs I put in here earlier. I didn’t go out of my way to hide them very well. And knowing that Al helped in your uprising, I knew he was capable of moving them without notice. I think you will want to hear what I need to say about what has been going on. Things aren’t what they seem. Move over Mercy.” Mercy slides over in her seat, and the Major sits down.


  James turns from the reefer car pouring out Arctics to run back to his truck and yells, “Split!”

  Henry slides down from his gunner's seat into the driver's seat and slams on the gas. James runs towards his truck. Once he is out of the way, Oliver starts to open fire at the Arctics coming out of the car. The Arctics that get through the bullets rushing past them, jump down to the ground and start to sprint towards James and to Henry's truck.

  As James swings around the open door and hops in the truck, an Arctic grabs the door. James kicks the Arctic in the chest, causing it to fly back and lose its grip on the door, allowing James to shut it. He puts the truck in reverse and presses on the gas. As James and Henry both drive away in opposite directions from the reefer car, the Arctics keep chase.

  Henry drives forward as fast as he can for around 500 meters. After coming to a stop, he grabs his rifle and jumps out the truck. Henry lifts his rifle and takes aim at the twenty or so monsters coming towards him. Into his headset, he says, “I’m set. Got about twenty echos on me, 250 meters.”

  As Henry takes his aim,
some of the Arctics start to slow down. A small, tight-knit group push past them as they show no signs of slowing. Henry yells, “Shit. We have kilos,” as the short group of changed children keeps their sprint to him.

  Henry stares down his sight, he takes a deep breath in, let's out a long sigh, and takes a shot. BAM! He hits a little one in the head. As it flies back and falls to the ground, he takes a long, slow breath and whispers to himself, “Fucking kilos.”

  The Arctics behind it pay no attention to the falling corpse of one of theirs and trample over it. Henry starts to aim and shoot a little bit faster. As they start to get a bit closer, Henry tosses his rifle in his truck, jumps in and moves up to man the turret. He squeezes the trigger, sending a spray of rounds into the group in front of him. Arctics start to drop as he yells over the blasts from his barrel, with a whole lot of excitement, and just a bit of fear.

  James and Oliver stop the vehicle a couple hundred meters away from the toppled rail car. Oliver starts to shoot from his position in the gunner seat once again, while James steps out of the truck, rifle in hand. He takes aim and starts to fire at the Arctics running towards them.

  From the bushes next to James, an Arctic runs and jumps on the side of the truck grabbing the turret. As it reaches for Oliver, James turns around and takes aim at it. BAM! BAM! BAM!

  Three bullets strike it. One hits it in the left shoulder, the other two high in the chest. It lets out a shriek as it turns its head and looks at James. The bullet holes slowly plug up as its blood turns to ice, leaving a frozen bright red scab over the purplish-black skin.

  As the thing turns back to Oliver, the barrel of an M240B meets its gaze. BAM! A bullet hits it in the nose. It flies out of the other side of its skull, bringing with it bright red blood and chunks of brain matter. James looks up at Oliver, who turns his attention back to the Arctics in front of them and again starts to shoot.

  Seeing that Oliver is ok, James turns back around and joins in the shooting. Rounds rip through the Arctics as they slow down from their sprint. One by one they fall to the ground until all are finally dead.


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