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Legacy: Book Two of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld

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by Shakir Rashaan

  Dear Reader:

  Shakir Rashaan continues his erotically charged journey in Legacy. The true practitioner of the BDSM culture in Atlanta’s Fetish community exposes the lifestyle of the Nubian Underworld through his characters.

  Ramesses, his wife, Neferterri, and their submissives continue the ride by stepping up the pace in this follow-up to The Awakening. After inheriting the “Palace” from his mentor, Amenhotep, Ramesses names it NEBU and puts a plan into action to expand the tradition with compounds in other states. Readers witness from a collaring ceremony of a submissive to the highlights of a phone sex line. They experience the relationships of dominants and submissives, and their world of both pleasure and pain. It’s a breathtaking trip to the “dark side” that is unforgettable and full of surprises.

  Be sure to check out Shakir’s next title in the series, Tempest, in which he expects to turn it up yet another notch.

  As always, thanks for supporting myself and the Strebor Books family. We strive to bring you the most cutting-edge, out-of-the-box material on the market. You can find me on Facebook @AuthorZane or you can email me at



  Strebor Books

  To My Beloved,

  United in battle, until death do we part…

  Most men prefer a Queen, but I’m not most men, I prefer an Empress.

  I love you.


  Man, I don’t know if you’re ready for what’s coming!

  Well, on second thought, I think I have an idea with some of my readers and supporters, LOL!

  Okay, let me get this part out of the way first. I got some things to say once I’m done.

  This is (somewhat) a work of fiction. That means that some of this stuff was made up, and some of it includes players whose names have been changed to protect the (not so) innocent. (But you already knew that, remember THE AWAKENING?)

  Trust me when I say that the next installment, TEMPEST, is already being polished up for its debut in December. I gotta keep it hotter with every page I write!

  I’m starting to get a little deeper, bit by bit, piece by piece, into the Underworld of WIITWD, and I’ve tried to inspire new things as opposed to just kicking in the same old stuff. Now, for the mainstream “vanilla” folks, this second book might be more than what you can stand, but I promise you it will keep you enthralled and hot! For those that are in the know, you know that I’ve only scratched the surface, and as the layers are peeled away, you’ll love where I’m going with this series.

  I used the last book to thank all the folks who really have been in my corner, my family, my friends in and out of the BDSM lifestyle, so I’m taking this opportunity to thank a whole gang of folks who I couldn’t get to the last time around, m’kay?

  To my literary “wife,” N’Tyse, thank you for being my guide in this literary journey, and helping me make the right moves in this industry. Love you, baby!!!

  To Zane and Charmaine, the success that I have been able to garner would not have been possible had you not given the thumbs-up and said that this series had potential to do big things. I hope to continue to give you quality projects in a way that only I can bring!

  To the reviewers who gave my books a chance: Orsayor Simmons and Book Referees, Johnathan Royal and Books, Beauty and Stuff, Tiffany Tyler and Tiffany Talks Books, OOSA Online Book Club, Michelle Monkou and USA Today’s Happy Ever After, and a host of others through the years that read the book and saw the potential and the quality and gave unbiased reviews, thank you so much for helping me grow as a writer and building a relationship with you. I hope to continue giving you books you can brag about to your readers.

  To my die-hard readers and supporters, I know there’s a LOT more of you with the success of The Awakening, but a special thanks goes out to Nikki Cohen, Alexandrea Ward, Joanne Holah, Sophie Sealy, Antoinette Lakey, Areya Branxton-Chase and Latoya Sanlin, the ladies who have been helping me and my Beloved run the Temples of NEBU Facebook group. Thank you for helping me build my brand while I continue to enhance the “Shakir Experience” and expand the “NEBU Universe” for readers and supporters, new and old alike. I would be remiss if I didn’t say thank you to you all.

  As usual, I know I’m missing a whole gang of folks, so just do me a favor and insert your name in this next statement:

  I’d like to thank ____________________ for the support and love. I hope to continue to put books out that you will want to tell your friends and family about.

  Thank you again, and enjoy Legacy.

  The best legacy I can leave my children is free speech, and the example of using it.

  —Sir Phillip Sidney


  Welcome back, folks, I hope you enjoyed the initial exploration into the Nubian Underworld. I had good time showing you how things can go, good and bad, while educating and titillating. It’s what I do!

  If you thought The Awakening was a fun ride, wait until you see what I have in store for you with Legacy.

  When I last left you at the end of The Awakening, there was an inner circle present in Dubai to witness the union of my Mentor Amenhotep and His slave paka as husband and wife. You also witnessed some relationships solidify, while others have been regretfully and painfully broken.

  Side note: if you’re getting ready to read Legacy right now and you haven’t read The Awakening yet, you might wanna put Legacy down and read The Awakening first, or you won’t know what the hell I’m talking about.

  So, now that we’re all back in the States, I guess we’ve all tried to get back to some semblance of normalcy. Our newest submissive’s name has changed, having gone through the consideration period with Neferterri and me. Kitana is now sajira. Her husband, Ice, is still going through the process with his Domina, Mistress Sinsual. My home boy, Jay, has gotten together with my now former “concubine,” Candy, which I can’t be too mad about. Besides, Candy will always be “Daddy’s girl,” of course. There are some other additions on the horizon as well, but you’ll have to read on to find out what may come up.

  Neferterri is also breaking in a new male submissive as well, Damian. It has been a very interesting six months indeed.

  Neferterri and I have inherited the Palace and what would amount to a small fortune from Amenhotep to take care of the live-in slaves and upkeep of the estate. It has given us the ability to take care of some family matters with the kids and some business ventures as well, including Liquid Paradise. Life is good, definitely, and it has my Beloved and I looking to do some really big things coming into the New Year. When you have millions of dollars to invest and make work for you, the sky is the limit. I’m wondering if my Mentor will like the new additions to the estate and the grounds.

  I thought I would allow our little one her own voice, as part of her personal growth with us. Throughout this particular series, starting with Legacy and perhaps beyond, she’ll be able to tell her story, if she’s a good girl.

  Now, to give you a premise for the book you’re about to read now, Legacy.

  With Amenhotep gone from the local POC scene, a transition begins, and everyone in the community is trying to get used to the idea of the power shift within the Atlanta BDSM POC community. Some were okay with it, others obviously not, but that’s how the scene goes sometimes. I made sure to stay aware of whatever might arise and that no one tried to slip in and try to throw a monkey wrench in the plans I had. What plans might those be? Well, I guess you’ll have to find out, won’t you?

  In the meantime, I need to
leave you now. I have a few business ventures I need to check on and a collaring ceremony to prepare for.

  Oh, I’m betting you’re wondering about the phone call I got in Dubai. Well, you’ll have to read on to find out what that was all about.

  Enjoy the ride. I know I will.


  The grammatical errors that you might see in dialogue are not oversights, as it is the popular text and reverence used in some facets of the BDSM world.


  “So, how did You enjoy Your time in Dubai, youngster?”

  Under normal circumstances, a phone call at 7:00 a.m. wouldn’t have bothered me, but coming home and suffering serious jet lag from the near fifteen-hour flight made this phone call something of a cruel joke Amenhotep was playing on me.

  With the way I felt, I was in desperate need of a vacation from our vacation. We’d spent nearly a week in paradise, one of the most unique and luxurious locales on the planet while celebrating His and paka’s nuptials, and here He was sounding bright-eyed and bushy-tailed like the flight time never had one ounce of an effect on Him.

  I looked at the phone, trying my best to match His energy, realizing quickly that I wouldn’t come close to meeting Him halfway. “Dubai was wonderful, and that’s putting it mildly, Sir.” I did my best to clear up the grogginess in my voice before I spoke again. My voice sounded like I’d gargled with broken glass. “I feel so drained right now. If I were working for someone else, I would be calling in sick. Why are You calling so early in the morning anyway, Sir? Is something wrong?”

  “Well, to answer Your question, we have business to take care of, kid.” He sounded as serious as a heart attack as His voice carried through the air waves and into my ears. “Oh, and You are working for someone else…You’re working for Me, now.”

  His trademark chuckle made me want to vomit. He couldn’t be serious about trying to get back to business now, could He?

  “Come on, Sir? Give Me twenty-four hours to recover, veg out on the couch and enjoy the children, anything other than working the next morning after we’d gotten off the plane?” I hated sounding like a freaking teenager trying to beg his father for more time to be lazy, but I really needed some time to be lazy. Neferterri was soundly sleeping next to me, completely oblivious to the conversation I was having with Him.

  Why in the hell did I have to be a light sleeper?

  The laughter over the phone after I made my plea gave me the distinct impression that my request would not be honored. “See, that’s the problem with you young folks. By now, I would have taken care of the things that we need to take care of before lunch. Are You getting soft on Me already, youngster?”

  I sat up after hearing that question. “Not by a long shot, old man, but I have to wonder how in the world You’re able to be so fucking hyper when You took the same flight we took to get back home?”

  “Clean living, You should try it sometime.” His voice never lost its energy. Slowly and surely, it began to breathe life into me, providing the necessary adrenaline rush to lift from the bed and shuffle into the bathroom to begin freshening up. “In order to be great, You have to leave Your mark. Are You ready to leave Your mark, Ramesses?”

  He appealed to my ego with that question. He knew full well I was ready to leave my mark, and I was ready to do it in a big way. I had been plotting and planning ever since the conversation we had in Dubai one night, when everything was set in motion:

  “I’m ready to do this, Sir. The shock has worn off. It’s My time, now.”

  “Is that right, Ramesses? Do You think You’re ready to take things to the next level?”

  “I wouldn’t be here talking with You if I wasn’t ready to take things to the next level. The question is, are You ready for what the next level is?”

  “Youngster, I’ve been waiting for You for the past few years to figure out when You were ready. I have the means for You to do what needs to be done, and You have the energy and drive

  to make it all happen. The way I see it, it’s a win-win proposition for everyone involved.”

  “So, why are we here talking when we can be laying the groundwork so I can hit the ground running when we get back? You know the expansion plans I’ve wanted to execute for some time now.”

  “The answer to Your question comes with its own question, Ramesses. The plans for the Palace are only the tip of the iceberg. There’s something else I need You to do for Me. This is big, probably bigger than any plans You might have for the Palace.”

  “I haven’t refused You before, what makes You think I’m backing down from this request?”

  “The request I am making of You, Sir, will require You to do something that I don’t know if You’re going to be willing to do.”

  “Stop speaking in riddles and get to the point, Sir. You know I don’t do the cloak-and-dagger nonsense. Spit it out.”

  “In order for You to accomplish the expansion plans that You have in mind, You’re going to have to have two individuals to help with those plans. They haven’t spoken to each other in nearly a decade, and despite My efforts, they have yet to reach an accord. Where I have failed, perhaps You might succeed. It’s the only way Your ultimate plans will come to fruition.”

  “If it’s the two people that I think You’re talking about, Sir, I might as well scrap the plans now.”

  “Don’t be so quick to scrap what has been laid out for You, Ramesses. You and I both know things happen for a reason.”

  “I’m dying to know what the reason is for this one.”

  “Only time will tell, My old friend…only time will tell.”

  “You haven’t answered My question, kid,” Amenhotep’s voice sliced through my thoughts. “Are You ready to leave Your mark?”

  What He asked for was the impossible. A decade of non communication and animosity, and I was supposed to diffuse that in the course of months? If He couldn’t do it, what made Him think I would be able to do it?

  Yes, I have an ego bigger than the great state of Texas, but even I have my limitations. On the one hand, what He was asking for was next to impossible, but on the other hand, if I had the right leverage, I might have the ability to do something my Mentor wasn’t able to do. The end game was too seductive to resist.

  “I’m ready, Sir,” I answered. “And I already have a plan in mind.”


  The headset I wore felt like it had become a chain, weighing me down against my will. Thanks to my Daddy, I hadn’t minded chains much anymore. What had begun as fun, sitting on the phone at home and talking dirty to anonymous men, knowing I was getting them off with a slutty voice and filthy language, had fallen into a mundane pattern.

  The monotony started when I started spending most of my time screaming, “Oh yeah, baby, fuck me in my ass” to men whose wives or girlfriends refused to satisfy their fantasy of anal sex, and quite frankly, I didn’t get it. I absolutely enjoyed it, especially with my Daddy. Damn, I got chills thinking about it.

  Oh, and let’s not forget the “hetero-flexible” men, either. All they ever wanted to talk about was fucking guys who looked like girls, so, on those calls, I pitched my voice deep and pretended to be a horny transvestite, and even with this variation, I still spent most of the time screaming, “Oh yeah, your cock is so big up my ass, baby.”

  Yeah, right. At least I could take pride in the fact that I could manipulate my voice to be whatever they needed me to be. While it was a lot of fun doing that, it became its own problem to maintain the motivation.

  Okay, before you go there and tell them I’ve been a bad girl, my Daddy and my Goddess know about the side gig. In fact, they encouraged it as part of my slut training. In their minds, it was a welcome contrast in style to my accounting career during the day. So, before you think about going to tell on me, I figured I needed to drop that bit of information on you. Besides, they’ll only look at you like you’re nuts for telling them what they already know.

eve me, they…know…everything.

  Anyway, there’s one caller, we’ll call him “George.” His calls were probably the only calls I actually dreaded, and he called at least once a night, sometimes it would be six or seven times a night, and it was sick and repetitive what he wanted to talk about. The funny thing was he always wanted to try and dominate me, be his little bitch.

  Only one man had that power over me, and it’s not my husband.

  It was easy to get him riled up whenever he tried that mess with me. Neferterri always told me guys like that usually had no power in their own lives, so they used a chat line or phone sex line to regain some sort of balance. It was pathetic, in my opinion, but sometimes you had to do what you had to do to get by. I was glad I didn’t have to do it.

  I was daydreaming about Neferterri when the beep came over my line again. It was so vivid, I had trouble getting into character. “This is Tina, your sex goddess. Can I verify that you are over eighteen, please, before we continue this phone call?”

  “Don’t worry, Tina,” the caller said. “I think I more than qualify.”

  The caller had a deep voice, but it was soft also, possessing a hint of ruffneck around the edges. It seemed to travel over the phone line and almost invaded every one of my senses, like he was in the room with me. I didn’t pay it much attention, though. All I worried about was finishing this call as soon as possible, so I could get some rest before my husband came home from work.

  “Hello, caller, may I have your name, please?” I asked.

  “No, Tina, you may not.” The silky-smooth, masculine voice was so sexy it always had me wondering if there was a body to match every time he called. His answer still perturbed me, nearly pissing me off because he wouldn’t participate in the burgeoning fantasy playing out in my mind. I wanted to give him his money’s worth, but he was fucking up a wet dream in the making.


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