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Legacy: Book Two of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld

Page 15

by Shakir Rashaan

  “This place looks like we’re in another world,” Sin mentioned as she looked at yet another house we walked past, taking us deeper into the edges of the property. “When Your husband wants to do it big…I’m still in awe.”

  “Are You sure we’re still in Atlanta?” Blaze asked. “The way this is set up, you would think we took a trip out of the country or something.”

  “Ladies, all I can say is enjoy it while it lasts,” I remarked. While the extra properties added some significant value to the land, it was going to take some creative marketing to keep this place solvent. Call it the accountant in me, but it still took money to make money. “I know they have big plans for the times and days that we aren’t operating on the weekends. It’s going to be busy, and if you want to still be on the ground floor with this, it’s going to take some effort.”

  “Well, once word gets out about this place, a lot of the other dungeon owners are gonna be really worried and ready to throw some shade on this place,” Sin stated. “I hope it does last, but I’m going to enjoy Myself tonight.”

  “I’m sure they will try, but knowing Ramesses, He loves getting ahead of drama,” Ethereal said. She continued to enjoy the interior design of the houses. “Have they figured out the pricing to work things out for folks that might not exactly ‘afford’ this place?”

  “According to Amenhotep, He wanted to make sure that no one had to take out any personal loans to enjoy things,” I explained. “But I have a feeling there will be other ways this place will make money. I know My husband too well.”

  “What I wanna know is whether or not we will get a chance to do something special. You think, like something for the Dominas. Maybe a conference type of set-up?” Blaze asked. I saw the other ladies’ eyes light up, and it sparked an idea inside my mind.

  “Goddess, if i may suggest something?” shamise waited for my nod before continuing with her thought. “i believe a pseudo-Samois conference would be a very good idea. It hasn’t really been done, at least on the scale that we could pull off. With Your permission, allow us to put the construct together for proposal? There would be a catch, though, my Goddess.”

  “And what would that be, baby girl?”

  “None of the Dominant men, even the ones on Council, would be allowed to enter the grounds for the entire conference. That would include Daddy, too. NEBU would be run entirely by the Dominas on Council, with the submissive males primarily taking on the manual labor responsibilities of the compound. Of course, since sajira and i are two of the few submissive women who serve Dominas, we would be at Your collective disposal in the manner You see fit.”

  For the first time in a long time, not one of the Dominas in attendance, including me, could say a word. We were all speechless.

  Sin finally broke the silence and conveyed the sentiment for the group. “So, when do we start?”


  Playing with my sis is always fun, but we were supposed to be working.

  Watching Daddy handle things earlier at NEBU was the aphrodisiac we needed to work through these calls and put a little extra sexy on them. I was actually looking forward to tonight, if for nothing else than to take this sexual energy we couldn’t unleash on our Dominants and put it to some interesting use.

  Work wasn’t supposed to be this much fun, but I’d be damned if I was going to say it wasn’t getting me horny as hell, either.

  The calls were coming hot and heavy most of the night, and the calls that would have normally bored the hell out of me were enhanced by shamise fingering my pussy during the calls, bringing me to the edge so many times I’d lost count. It obviously was working on the customers who were on the listening end of our interludes. My coos and playful moans delighted the age play fetishists who always annoyed me before, and my primal screams delighted the wannabe sadists who fantasized about doing all of these nasty, grimy, depraved, and painful things to me.

  If they only knew we knelt to real sadists.

  Each call that came in got her going even more, which raised the temperature in the bedroom higher. I racked up the minutes and the time kept flying by. shamise moved between my legs, kissing me during calls and between calls, licking and rubbing my clit, keeping me in a perpetual state of arousal to the point where she was going to get raped if I didn’t get relief after I got off work.

  Yes, I knew I was supposed to be training her on how to take calls, and I was able to turn the tables for an hour while she fumbled through calls, losing her concentration every time I nibbled on her neck or sucked on her nipples. To watch her squirm and listen to the men get off on her voice was fun and a complete turn-on.

  The only downer on the evening was she was still healing from the piercing from a couple of weeks ago, which meant no matter how turned on she was, she couldn’t play with her clit until the piercing healed completely.

  “Damn, sis, i didn’t realize this was so difficult,” she said to me during a ten-minute break while we cleaned up a little bit to start another shift. “i didn’t think it was that hard. i’m surprised Daddy didn’t make us take up exotic dancing.”

  That thought made me giggle and shiver at the same time. What shamise didn’t realize was Ramesses commanded me to bring to him three different options to help with my slut training: exotic dancing and private escorting were the other two options he had to choose for me. In his mercy, he chose the phone sex operator option, thinking it would be the easiest way for the slut training to begin.

  Notice that I said begin.

  But he left the door open to possibly make us into private escorts after the phone sex operator option began to wear thin.

  I suspected he was beginning to notice the job was wearing thin on me. Neferterri would have us work at Liquid to continue our training if we gave any indication the phone sex thing was beginning to get boring. But they also gave us a six-week window where things would change up, whether we wanted them to or not.

  I was nearing the end of the six-week period.

  Having shamise starting, at least in my mind, gave me a few more weeks to worry about the next level in my slut training. But I knew the next level was coming, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to stop it.

  Not that I wanted to, mind you. In fact, I was starting to look forward to it in ways I hadn’t quite put into real words just yet.

  “So, when do we get to hear from your ‘Dominant’?” shamise teased, referring to the one call I had yet to get tonight. “i was kinda looking forward to seeing what this dude is about.”

  “It’s touch and go sometimes with him,” I had to explain to her. “i usually hear from him, but sometimes he tries to keep me off balance. At first, it was cute, just another fan. But now, it’s bordering on the edge of both repulsion and sheer attraction.”

  I wanted him to call tonight. I think I felt emboldened because shamise was there with me this time around.

  The last time he called me, he finally gave me his name, or what I thought was his name. Deion.

  I guess that was my first mistake; I could put a name to the person who stirred things up in me.

  I did it because he was being so mysterious the whole time, and I caught myself trying to take control of the situation, so I could feel in control.

  That went over really well.

  All I really accomplished was opening the door to more curiosity about him: what he looked like, whether he was really some loser like I assumed the others were. Deion had a swagger, something similar to Ramesses, which was part of the reason why he was beginning to get under my skin.

  Ramesses and I started out when we met at a swinger party a few years ago. He rubbed me the wrong way at first, too, until a guy got too pushy and Ramesses jacked him up about a foot off the ground. That act really changed my impression of him, and the rest was history.

  Deion was having the same effect on me, and I was beginning to feel guilty about it. I mean, I have what I wanted in Ramesses and Neferterri, and even though I’m not entirely thri
lled with Ice right now, he satisfied the things I don’t get with them.

  Still…Deion’s getting to me, and I wanted to find out how this would end.

  “Well, i am definitely curious to see what happens when he does call. Hell, you can put him on speaker so we both can talk to him,” shamise giggled, shifting me out of my thoughts. “He’s got your attention, that’s for sure, and Daddy’s gonna want to know about it.”

  She was right. They would want to know.

  The question was, did I want them to know?

  The phone rang, interrupting our conversation. I shook out of my uneasiness and got into character.

  “This is Tina, your sex goddess. Can I verify that you are over eighteen, please, before we continue this phone call?” I went into the normal spiel. shamise played with my clit the entire time. I had the phone on speaker the whole night, so the callers could hear every sound.

  “Good evening, my Calypso. Must we really go into the unnecessary pleasantries?” my “Sir” came on over the speaker. “I see you’ve decided to do the speaker phone tonight, good girl. That means I can make you do a few things without your hands on the receiver being an issue.”

  “Hello, Sir, and yes, i had been waiting for you tonight.” I teased him, knowing that I was playing in dangerous territory. “i have my sister slave in the room with me tonight, and she’s been dying to find out about you.”

  “Mmmm, two for the price of one tonight.” Deion smirked, and his voice dripped with smugness. “I wonder if I should make you both my bitches tonight.”

  “Yeah, that will work,” shamise whispered in my ear. “He’s got a nice voice, but he’s not Daddy.”

  “So, what have you two girls been doing to these poor, unsuspecting saps that needed to get off tonight?” Deion kept it up, his voice suddenly overpowering the vibe in the room. “Have you both been good girls?”

  “Yes, Sir,” we both cooed at the same time. shamise had already worked a few calls with me, so it was easy for her to chime in when she found the need to.

  “So, what do you want us to do, Sir? we’ve been getting each other off all night, and my pussy’s on fire,” shamise told Deion, thinking that this was going to be routine.

  What she didn’t realize was, Deion was not a routine caller.

  “Look, slut, I’m not like the other jack-offs that feel the need to feed your ego,” Deion sharply snapped, which took shamise off balance. “When you’re on the phone, you’re on my time and my terms; are we understood?”


  “What the fuck did you do that for?” I snapped at shamise without thinking. “I usually get money off this fool.”

  “sajira, he’ll call back.” shamise kissed my lips. “They always call back.”

  About a minute later, Deion was back on.

  “Such a feisty bitch, I think it will be interesting and exciting to have you as my prize.” Deion didn’t seem the least bit upset about having to call back. In fact, I was convinced he was going to rip shamise a new asshole.

  That got shamise’s attention.

  “Your prize, Sir? we belong to someone, so you might have to go through them first,” shamise continued, her body slipping between my legs so she could feel the heat rising off my skin. I tried to resist, but I got lost in her scent, too, and we nearly forgot Deion was on the phone when…

  “Oh, I don’t think Ramesses and Neferterri will mind too much if I borrowed you two for an evening or two.”


  The line went dead yet again.


  Deion had us shook.

  Just when I thought it was safe to be a wanton slut again, and we go and get mixed up with a potential stalker.

  sajira and I decided it was best to put it out of our minds after that night. After all, all the security precautions had been accounted for, thanks to Daddy and Dominic, so there was no way for this Deion character to get to us.

  Still, the fact he even knew whom we belonged to was enough to stop us dead in our tracks.

  sajira panicked and wanted to quit the operator position that night, but I told her we didn’t need to alarm Ramesses or Neferterri until we knew there was a credible threat. Knowing her, in her insistence to try and get into his head, she might have compromised herself and told him information that she shouldn’t have.

  If I learned anything being around my Daddy and my Goddess, especially after the mess I heard about last year with Jasmine kidnapping Daddy, was you can never be too careful.

  I made damn sure that was the case.

  But that was not what was on my mind tonight.

  Tonight was special.

  Tonight, I accepted my collar and my place back inside the House of Kemet-Ka.

  I was finally home again, permanently, if I had anything to say about it.

  I was getting ready to head to the House with sajira. With a few special attendees in the inner circle in attendance, I would graciously and humbly listen for the “click” to make me whole again.

  These last six months felt like an eternity, and for a little while, I felt like I would have had to wait for another six months to reclaim what I was willing to foolishly let go.

  That was a mistake I wasn’t going to make ever again.

  “Are you almost ready? Daddy said the car will be by to pick us up in about ten minutes.” sajira peeked through the door to check up on me.

  “Yes, i’m ready, sis,” I replied as I slipped on my heels. “It feels so surreal, almost like déjà vu. It feels like it did four years ago when i was first collared and claimed, and i still have those same butterflies.”

  “Well, i’m just glad i get to call you family officially after tonight,” sajira told me, hugging my neck while I clasped my earrings. “The last collaring ceremony i attended was cool, but this one feels more special because i am personally a part of it.”

  Yeah, this was special, all right.

  And I couldn’t wait.

  Finally, we were home.

  As we got out of the car, I was nervous…very nervous.

  But the minute the door opened and both sajira and I were commanded to kneel, strip from the clothes we wore, and crawl to our respective spaces, the nerves immediately disappeared.

  Crawling through the front door and into the foyer, it felt as natural to me as walking. The feel of the new home my Daddy and Goddess had built was one of the same closeness and intimacy the old one possessed, despite the fact it was twice the size and on a bigger tract of land.

  The marble floor was cold to the touch while on my hands and knees, but I knew better than to complain. Everything was a process with Ramesses and Neferterri, and crawling to our Dominants was one to remind us of our place.

  Having my sis there with me was icing on the cake.

  The feel of the marble against my skin was soon replaced by the lushness of the carpet leading into the family room. I crawled to my place at the left side of the love seat in the room, while sajira took her place on the right side.

  We each assumed the kneeling positions with our arms crossed over our chests, thighs spread, backs straightened, and heads lowered until we were recognized.

  I couldn’t see anything as my eyes were cast to the floor, but I could feel my Goddess’s presence over me, which caused a smile to spread across my lips. Having her energy around me kept me calm, despite the excitement building inside of me.

  “Relax, shamise; I can feel your energy starting to rise,” my Goddess spoke to me, caressing my cheek. “This is a long time coming, and to make you wait any longer would be torture.”

  “Yes, m’Lady, i’m trying,” I softly answered.

  “Good girl. We will start shortly; you know how your Daddy likes to pause for effect,” Neferterri told me. I giggled at the thought. Ramesses liked to add suspense. “We also have a few guests to witness the event also.”

  It didn’t matter to me.

  My world was about to go back to “normal” in a few hours.
  As I kept my position, I heard the other guests entering the house. I didn’t dare look up to see whom the voices belonged to, but it wasn’t long before the voices edged closer, and began remarking about sajira and me.

  “Well, look at these two lovely girls,” I heard Mistress Sinsual chime in. “I am so happy to see that she’s back.”

  “Yes, we are quite pleased that she is back where she belongs,” I heard Ramesses reply, bringing an even bigger smile to my face.

  “she and sajira look absolutely wonderful. You should be proud of both,” Master Amenhotep spoke. His voice was one I’d come to love over the years. “But of course, I’m biased because they are a part of My family.”

  In all, I heard four Dominants in the room and their respective property in attendance for this event. I figured I would be able to speak with the girls, and bois, later on, as they’re always giddy to see one of their own have the collar placed around their neck.

  I sensed Neferterri move to the center of the room.

  “Come to Me, shamise,” I heard her command and crawled to her feet, kissing each boot before reassuming my position.

  “As You’ve commanded, my Goddess,” I responded, feeling the room temperature rise about ten degrees as I anticipated what was coming next.

  I heard the command, “hair,” come from behind me from Ramesses.

  “As You command, m’Lord,” I stated as I pulled my hair up to expose my neck.

  After a few seconds, I heard Neferterri whisper in my ear, “It’s time, pet. Say the words to complete the circle.”

  The second she spoke, my mind went completely blank.

  After rehearsing it in my head for the weeks leading to this very moment, I couldn’t get the words to come out of my mouth.

  Inside, I panicked, but I didn’t dare show it to anyone in the room. I quickly traveled into my mind to find the words I needed to say to accept the collar and become a part of the family once again.


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