Dangerous Sacrifice (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 6)
Page 3
“Yessss,” Jacques hissed, going to his knees.
This was the best part of the evening. As Jolie crawled toward him, Jacques did the same.
It looked like it was going to be a double feeding, and Flynn didn’t mind in the least.
“Come to me,” he whispered, and they did.
Jolie straddled his lap, pressing his erection to her body with the baby belly.
Flynn could feel the babies getting excited for their dose of demon blood.
She didn’t hesitate. She went left and sank her fangs into one of his jugulars.
Jacques found space and went right.
As they both sucked, Flynn slipped into both of their minds to join them. The pleasure was hot waves of white energy, and it raced through both of them.
As their mouths moved over his neck, Flynn called to the Death in Jolie, pulling it to the surface.
It drove them wild.
They began playing along with the visions in their heads.
There they were, having sex.
Jolie was riding him. Flynn’s body was pumping in and out of her wet heat, while Jacques touched Flynn with mouth and hands.
As they continued sucking, in the vision, he decided to give them both a gift. While Jolie rode, he pulled Jacques to him and their mouths met.
All three of them moaned, as they watched the sexy pictures flashing though their heads.
The heat was building.
The need was there.
As Flynn and Jacques’s mouths sought, found, and pillaged in the visuals, it was Jolie who came first.
It set them all off—not in the dream, but in the bed.
The men exploded in pleasure without the actual touch of the pictures.
Jolie released his throat first, and she was still simply straddling him.
Her heart was pounding, and she glanced over at the two men. Flynn’s eyes were closed, and Jacques was lost in the feeding.
Finally, he set his mate free.
They stared at Flynn.
“That was new,” Jolie said. “Spontaneous orgasm.”
Flynn opened his eyes, and they were the deep black that signaled he was more than the undead.
“Well, I was going to save that for later, when you were too pregnant to roll around, but it seemed well-timed.”
Jacques saw the blood on Flynn’s neck and moved toward him. When his mate tipped his head, he chased the drop with the tip of his tongue.
He tasted so good.
“Are the babies satisfied?” he asked.
She nodded. Jolie had saved some room for her other mate’s blood too. She’d enjoy the cuddling, and then grab a second breakfast.
As a pregnant woman, she was entitled.
As if on cue both men placed their hands on her belly and felt for the life growing deep inside her.
The little ones didn’t hesitate to find their fathers. Flynn lowered his mouth to Jolie’s belly and left a kiss over his child.
Jacques did the same.
“Daddy’s little reaper is cherished.”
Flynn had big plans for his daughter. He couldn’t wait to toss her in the air, teach her to fight, and love her like he loved her mother and his other mate.
“Have you thought of a name yet?” Jolie asked her other mate. “Or is she destined to be baby two?”
He laughed.
“When it comes to me, I’ll know.”
He knew what they were both thinking. Jacques hadn’t asked any personal questions about his child. Flynn could hear the telltale flutter of wings, but he hadn’t.
At some point, he might have to come to grips that his child was average—just a vamp. He was ready for it.
Still, they were going to be an amazing family—if the Tueur didn’t kill them first.
“Is it wrong that I miss our home?” she asked.
It was so out of the blue, it caught them both off guard. They assumed she was okay with their new hidden home.
“I want to go home,” said Jolie quietly. “I’m tired of hiding like a scared child, I don’t want to sneak around the rest of my life, pretending that everything is okay—it’s not. I want to feel alive again.”
“Technically, you never were alive,” Flynn offered.
She smacked him, and he grinned.
“You know what I meant, Flynn Xavier Brogan.”
Yes, he did.
As of late, they were hiding in the house. The vampyre to human ratio in Ireland had suddenly jumped, and that worried him.
Was it the Tueur?
Was it a fluke?
Death had told him to come here to finish a family issue, but as of yet, nothing had made itself known.
They were still waiting.
“Maybe she was wrong,” Jolie said, reading his mind.
Flynn pulled her toward him and she cuddled against his body. Jacques was beside Flynn, and they both shared her weight against them.
“I doubt it. This is Death we’re talking about, and she knows what’s going to happen.”
There was laughter through the room.
Jolie and Jacques hated that.
Flynn...he had no choice but to adjust. Death had made him into this, and she was part of his existence.
Well, part of Rinnon’s.
Her eavesdropping on their personal lives wasn’t anything new.
“She knows it bothers you,” Flynn offered. “That’s why she does it.”
They knew he was right.
“What are we going to do this evening?” Jolie asked, hoping one of them would let her have some fun.
Okay, that Flynn would let her have some fun. Jacques was being extra protective.
“Well, I have to go out and make sure our perimeter is secure,” Flynn offered. “Mina and Percy have been awake all day. I think they’re going to want to rest at some point.”
She grinned. “Have they done it yet?” she asked, bouncing in his lap.
Flynn shook his head. “No, but they’re close to mating. Today, while you slept, I could hear Percy dropping his fiercest pickup lines. He’s got it bad.”
They completely understood that.
The three of them felt the same.
Ever since Mina was nearly killed, and she had Percy bond her to him, she suspected this would happen. Percy, the next oldest vamp in the family, had always watched the smaller woman when she wandered the house.
Mina, one of their donors, was special to him. Now that she was bonded to the vampyre, they all knew how hard that attraction would be to fight.
Jolie suspected that they were meant to be mates. Only Mina didn’t want to get involved with Percy. She was human and a ‘feeder’. To her, they had their place.
He was very hardcore when it came to living by the rules. He was a soldier to his core, and had he been born a few hundred years earlier, he’d have likely been a guardian.
They all saw it in him.
“What did he say?” Jolie asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
“I know you two don’t want me to gossip—especially when I came about the details by creeping in minds.”
“Spill it, Flynn, or I’m going to go pregnancy hormones all over you.”
He laughed. “Yes, baby.”
Flynn lowered his voice and went serious.
“Percy asked her if she came here often.”
They found that funny.
Even Jacques was amused by the man’s attempt to pick her up. Percy was pretty transparent, and if he was interested in Mina, she was probably already aware.
“And she said?” Jolie asked.
“Yes, I live here for now.”
Flynn grinned. “She’s crazy about him.”
Jolie hoped so.
Flynn had been in their minds, so he would know. “I hope they share blood and get this out of the way. They need to mate already. The sexual tension is making me crazy,” she admitted.
Jacques took that as his sign of what was coming. As of late, he’d avoided feeding Jolie. He was
hoping she wouldn’t realize it.
“I’m going to shower,” he offered. “Our feeding left me feeling…messy.”
Flynn was well aware.
They were all a mess, but he knew the man was lying. That wasn’t why he wanted out of the room.
Jacques left.
“Did I say something?” Jolie asked.
“He’s worried about activating his tattoo.” He didn’t offer up the rest. It wasn’t his to tell.
“Ohhh,” she said.
Truth be told, they all were. When Flynn’s came alive, he nearly killed them both. Since Jacques was a protection charm, they didn’t know what was going to happen.
Hers was fertility and lust. She hoped that meant copious amounts of sexy man hopping.
“Amen,” he said, running his fangs back and forth across her bare shoulder.
“What should I do?” Jolie asked.
“Let’s give him a few minutes to get in the shower, and we’ll head in. He needs to get over his fear.”
She was aware.
“What do you want to do until then?”
He wiggled his eyebrows, and Flynn’s blue eyes twinkled. “I can be really fast. Besides, I want to taste you.”
Her heart skipped.
“You have less than five minutes.”
Oh, he could work with that.
Rolling, he pinned Jolie beneath his much larger body. “Watch and learn.”
She did.
And, as always, it was spectacular.
* * * H a r c o u r t e * * *
Yes, he was a chicken.
Never in all his life did Jacques think he’d hide from his mates while they rolled around in bed.
But here he was…
What scared him was the few times he’d fed on Jolie and Flynn in a mating, he could feel the tattoo coming to life.
It terrified him.
He still recalled Flynn’s episode.
If he hurt Jolie and their unborn children, he’d never forgive himself.
So he was avoiding it.
As he washed his long black hair, Jacques tried not to think about his mates in the other room. He’d blocked them from his mind the second he heard Jolie’s giggling.
He felt left out, scared, and very alone.
As he turned around, he nearly jumped.
There they were.
“Sneaking up on a guardian is always a bad idea,” he stated.
Jolie moved toward him. “Is there room for two more in here?” she asked.
He knew she was aware there was.
“I don’t think…”
“You can’t avoid it forever,” Jolie stated. “If it’s going to happen, there’s a safety net.”
She pointed at Flynn.
His eyes flickered to his mate’s. Yes, Flynn would be there, but what if…?
“I have your back. You have to trust me,” he stated. “If you don’t, we’re going to fall apart. I won’t let either of you get hurt.”
He closed his eyes.
Jacques wanted her in the worst way. The taste of her blood across his tongue always made him beyond euphoric.
They were mates.
They were his.
“If I start to…”
“I’ll have you,” Flynn stated once more.
Jolie nuzzled his pale white chest with her cheek. “I love you, Jacques. I know you won’t hurt me.”
He prayed she was right.
“Then let’s try.”
Jolie jumped up, wrapping her legs around his hips. There was barely any room between them.
“I believe in you.”
With that, she slammed her fangs into his throat.
Jacques moaned, Flynn caught them and helped his mates to the floor. As Jolie kept drinking, Flynn held Jacques’s hand.
So far so good.
Then they all heard it—not one fluttering of wings, but two.
Jolie released his throat.
Baby two had made herself known, and the mystery was solved. She, too, had been converted by Flynn’s blood.
“Jacques,” Jolie began.
“It’s okay, mon amour.”
Flynn heard the lie.
It was anything but okay, and he knew it. Now they had to see what happened in the fall out.
Because ultimately, it was coming.
∞ Chapter Two ∞
Jolie gave them time. She knew the men needed to work this out. So, she opted to spend some time pampering herself in the bath.
As she hid out, her two mates were in the kitchen.
All she could hope was it would work itself out.
The last thing they needed was division in their strong front against the Tueur, but she understood it. Flynn’s blood had changed Jacques’s child, and that had to be addressed. He’d been given a gift of fathering a child, and that baby was no longer vampyre.
Yes, it was Jacques’s child, but it was Flynn’s demon blood now running through her veins.
This didn’t bode well.
As Jolie sank into the fragrant bath, she blocked both men from her mind, or at least she tried.
She had faith in them.
They would work it out.
She hoped…
The men were in the kitchen, and it was dead silent. They’d sent Mina and Percy off to their rooms, and then they settled down to talk.
Only Jacques wasn’t talking.
He was quietly staring off into the distance.
Flynn knew he needed to get the man to open up. They couldn’t leave this between them.
“I’m sorry,” he said, figuring he should go first. “I knew that feeding our children would change them. I knew my demon blood would make them something more than just a vampyre.”
Jacques stared at him.
“Are you in my mind?”
Flynn shook his head. “I promised that I’d not do that since it bothered you so much.”
Jacques sipped his tea.
“Will you forgive me for tainting your child with my blood?” Flynn asked.
“You shouldn’t be apologizing to me, and your blood isn’t tainting anything.”
Flynn simply stared at him.
“It’s the other way around. I should be telling you how sorry I am.”
Flynn wanted to slip into his mind in the worst way and solve this. He wanted to make his mate feel better. Flynn didn’t only love Jolie.
He loved this man too.
Flynn didn’t get it.
“Do you know why I don’t want you in my head?” he asked. “Do you know the real reason?”
“I guess not. I figured it was a privacy thing.”
He shook his head as he played with his mug.
“I didn’t want you to see the truth.”
Flynn got that panicked feeling in the pit of his stomach. There was so much going through his head that he was a little afraid to ask any questions.
If his mate didn’t want him in his mind, it couldn’t be good. Let’s face it. With his luck, it was going to be terrible.
“Just say it.”
“I’ve used you, and I feel horrible about it.”
Flynn stared at him.
He was confused.
“I said…”
“Jacques, I know what you said. What I don’t know is what that is supposed to mean? You used me how?”
“I knew your child would be strong, since you were feeding Azriel with your blood. I specifically stopped sharing blood with Jolie for that same reason. I wanted my child to reap the benefits of your blood. I want her to be more you and less me. I wanted her to be unstoppable.”
His heart skipped.
“I feel horrible that I plotted this behind your back.”
“Does Jolie know?” Flynn asked.
Jacques shook his head. “You can look if you want. I have nothing else to hide. I’m so ashamed that I used my mate so selfi
shly. I didn’t intend to do it at first, but then I thought about it. Azriel would be demon and powerful. I know how hard our people have to fight to survive. I wanted to give my child every advantage I could.”
He took a sip of his tea.
It was to steady his nerves.
“How much do you hate me?” he asked. “I understand if you do, Flynn.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“I wish you trusted me enough and our bond was strong enough that you would have simply come to me. I would have offered your child everything I give my child. I would have done anything to ensure our girls had the strongest start to life.”
“It’s my turn, Jacques. I’m more upset that you hid this than what you said. My blood is your blood. I’m part of this as much as you are, and you should have known that.”
“I’m sorry, Flynn. I’ve been a horrible mate.”
Flynn wasn’t bothered by what his mate had plotted.
Had it been him, he would have done the same thing. What stung was he felt as if he’d been lied to, and that was never good in a relationship—especially since he’d never do that to his mates.
“I forgive you.”
The man stared at him. “That easily?”
Flynn shrugged. “I don’t want this between us. We have enough mess going on, and we don’t need the distraction. I worry about our mate, and this is something we can easily settle.”
“Okay, how?”
“By promising you won’t do it again. If you give me your word, I’ll believe you. I would have done the same thing, but I would have come to you. I hope you’ll remember to stop trying to hide things from me. That’s horrible for a relationship.”
“I was afraid.”
“Of? Please don’t say that I’d turn you down. That will break my damn heart, Jacques.”
“That I’d have to face the facts—I’m weak. I’m not as strong as you are now, Flynn. My genes…”
“Shut up, Jacques. You’re not weak, and your genes are perfectly fine. If I weren’t a demon, I’d want my daughter to be a vampyre like you. In fact, I did want her to be more you than human. You’re overthinking this. She’s my child, too. I’ll protect her like my own.”
That filled his eyes with tears.