Dangerous Sacrifice (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 6)
Page 49
Mordechai laughed. “You know if you have to put that disclaimer on something, then it is going to be a damn hard thing to rationally discuss.”
Oh, he was aware.
“Trust me, Father, even bringing this up is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” answered Jacques. His mother had been the glue that kept them all together. Now he was finding out that she wasn’t as strong or loyal, as he had thought.
“Go ahead. You have my full attention.”
Jacques sat down and steepled his fingers to his lip. He needed to broach this carefully. This was the man’s mate.
“Father, I think I know who our betrayer is,” he said. “Just thinking back, what wasn’t obvious then is very clear now.”
“I’m listening,” he replied, sipping his wine.
“Father, remember the day I called you for your help with a backup plan for a location in Paris?”
“Yes,” he said, swirling the wine in the glass.
Jacques trudged on through the mess. “Mother answered your private line,” he said, setting the scene.
“Yes, she does when I’m not in there or away on business.”
“I didn’t realize it then because I was too worked up about calling to ask you a personal favor. Had I been calmer, I would have realized that something was off.”
Mordechai leaned forward, his eyebrow lifting. “Continue.”
Why did Jacques feel like a child again retelling something that he knew would get him in trouble?
His father had that way about him.
“Mother asked how the pregnancy was going and about the children.”
He said it!
It was now out in the universe now and off his chest.
“Wait, are you saying…?”
He nodded. Jacques could see the wheels in Mordechai’s head spinning.
He could smell the smoke.
“You suspect your own mother?”
“That call to her is your big damning evidence? You’re basing all of this on that one grain of sand?”
“Father, it’s not incidental. I just spoke to her. The entire time, she was trying to get our address out of me.”
He wouldn’t believe it.
Not Morganna.
She loved her children more than anything in the world, possibly including him.
He began rationalizing it.
“She most likely heard it from Maura or William,” he stated, waving his hand and wine glass around in anger.
Jacques met him eye to eye. “We told no one that we were pregnant. Only our family knew, simply because Jolie is getting bigger, and we couldn’t hide it. We decided not to tell my side of the family until the babies were born. So that excuse is officially off the table, Father.”
They stared at each other.
“This has to be a mistake.”
“Then explain it to me. I want you to. I need you to find the rational reason for her knowing, and how not only did the Tueur find our home after you and she had been there, but the witch too. They found all of us the day after the wedding. Who was there, father? Was it you, Maura? My own damn mother?”
He wanted to be sick.
Jacques wanted to weep.
He wanted to rage around the room destroying the place until that pain abated. Only he knew the truth.
It wasn’t going to go away.
This was brutal betrayal.
His father shook his head. “I’m not going to accuse your mother of betrayal when that is all you have,” he stated, putting down his wine glass. “You need more.”
So be it.
“The night of the handfasting, she asked Jolie how the children were. Up to that point, you didn’t know we were having multiple children. I told you we were pregnant, but I didn’t mention with how many.”
He could see it register with his father.
So, he continued.
“Maura didn’t know. William didn’t know. It had to be someone who was informed by the Tueur. That’s the only way she would know.”
“Your mother wouldn’t do this,” he said, slamming his fist against the table. “You’re wrong about her. She’d never go to the Tueur if she was angry.”
That was funny. Jacques never said she was angry. Did his father suspect something?
Jacques trudged on. “Before speaking to you, to make sure I was right, I called Maura and William. They didn’t tell her since they didn’t know.”
He stared at his son.
“You’re wrong.”
“Here’s my theory, and maybe it’s because I’ve spent the last year near a cop, but I’m suspicious anymore of everyone.”
He didn’t tell him about him about the tattoo and how it made him extra protective of his mates. If he was wrong, and his father was involved, the less he knew the better.
Jacques hated all of this, but he pushed on.
“When I called Maura and William, they didn’t ask where we were. They didn’t ask about you. If they were involved, they’d know you escaped the Tueur, and they’d be trying to get our whereabouts and yours, right?”
He kept silent.
Jacques knew his father was getting more anxious. It was all coming together.
“The person working against us would have asked where we are because they would be the one to know that the Tueur needed to find us. Maura and William are in the clear. Want to guess who asked where I was and made up a lie about you being away on business?”
His eyes got wide.
“She told me you were away. If you were abducted, like you said you were, why would she lie, Father?”
He didn’t have an answer, but now he was getting sick to his stomach.
“It’s speculation,” his father stated, protecting his mate. He couldn’t believe this—not Morganna.
“It’s not, Father. She was calm. She asked about the babies, wanted to meet us in Germany, and go shopping with Jolie. She didn’t once try to hint to me that you were taken.”
“Maybe she was told by the Tueur that they would kill her or me if she allowed anyone to know the truth.”
“Father…” Jacques understood how he was feeling. There was this sense of helplessness.
Mordechai stood. “I won’t believe it’s your mother. They had to force her to say that into the phone, and she’s just trying to protect herself.”
“Bullshit, Father! Open your eyes and see what went on right beneath your damn nose,” he snapped back. “Your mate, my mother, has betrayed us to the Tueur.”
The air in the room sizzled with tension, alpha versus alpha, and father against son, in a fight that would be violent and ugly.
“You don’t know that she is guilty,” he stated, his fists clenched in anger.
“I love her as much as you do, but I’m not naïve enough to believe her innocence with all of this against her. It’s more than mere coincidence. You raised me to be rational, and you’re failing at your own lessons. I came to you with evidence, but you rationalize with emotion. That is unlike the man who raised me to be a guardian and killer. You’re a fool, Father.”
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Mordechai snarled and leapt the table, tackling his son to the ground.
Enough was enough.
He wouldn’t listen to his mate being disparaged, and especially not by one of her own offspring. He’d die to protect her.
Jacques knew it was coming. After all, he baited the man. Mordechai was angry enough to attack.
Maybe Jacques wanted this.
Maybe he wanted the fight.
Jacques took the hit and landed on his back. The chair flipped backward and crashed into the wall.
The two rolled around, wrecking the place.
As they fought, it didn’t take long for Flynn to appear. Only it wasn’t Flynn.
It was Rinnon, and he didn’t look happy that his home was being disrespected. In
fact, the structure groaned and moaned in displeasure.
When they didn’t, he had to go demon on them. With his hand, he waved it and the men slid apart.
Jacques landed on the couch, and Mordechai was pinned to the wall, struggling to get free.
“What is going on here?” he asked.
Jolie moved to his side, wanting to go to Jacques, but Flynn wouldn’t relinquish her hand.
He obviously thought it was still dangerous.
So, she waited.
“You lie, Jacques! My mate isn’t to blame!” Mordechai hissed. “Set me free, and I’ll kick both of your asses.”
Flynn laughed. “Are you out of your mind? You’re lucky I don’t let Jacques school you. This is for your own safety.”
He glanced down at Jolie. “Go ahead, baby.”
She went to Jacques, and he was calm. She curled into his body on the couch, and Flynn released his arms so he could hold her. His anger was passing. Jolie would help calm him.
“My love, are you okay?” she asked.
He kissed her softly on the temple. “I’m okay. I baited him. I was in the mood for a fight because this has me pissed off.”
She held his hand.
“It’s all lies,” Mordechai hissed. “Morganna loves her kids. She’d never turn on either of you.”
“And yet, someone has,” Flynn stated. “That’s the bottom line. We have to figure out who did.”
Mordechai continued fighting. “Lies,” he hissed over and over again, as if he was trying to convince them, and himself. There were tears in his eyes.
Flynn moved toward him. “It’s not lies. It’s the best reasoning we have at the moment. It’s all pointing to her.”
He had to fight for his mate’s honor. All of this had to be rationalized. There had to be a reason. He trusted her. After all, he went to death beside her for hundreds of years. They had a bond.
Didn’t they?
“Then we should test his theory,” he said. “I’ll call her, and you’ll see that this is all a mistake. When she’s vindicated, you will apologize to her, Jacques. You will tell her what a horrible son you are.”
He stood. “If you can prove everything I’ve told you is wrong, I absolutely will.”
“I’ll offer myself as the bait in this farce,” Mordechai offered, as Flynn pulled out a chair and pointed.
He was able to move, so he sat.
“What do you have in mind, Mordechai?” Flynn asked, as he stood protectively behind Jolie with Jacques joining them.
“I’ll call her and tell her that I escaped. I’ll insist she meet me, and that we’ll head to Germany to find you.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Jolie asked.
There would be no going back.
“I believe that she is innocent, so I have no problem with going and standing out in the open for her.”
Jolie knew how dangerous this would be.
“What will you do if she doesn’t show up, and instead, you have the Tueur and Gradius appear?”
“Then I let love cloud my judgment.” He glared directly at his son. “If that’s the case then I will admit that I’ve been wrong about the woman I love, and I will have deserved to have my life end right there.”
Jolie felt bad for the man.
If anyone had ever told her that one of her mates had betrayed her, she wouldn’t believe them either. Love was definitely blinding, and she would fight for their honor too.
“You know we won’t allow you to go alone,” Jacques said.
“Nothing will happen, so there’s nothing to worry about. She wouldn’t hurt me. I’m the bastard not her. Morganna has tolerated a lot the last seven hundred years. She’s put up with me, my anger, and a very ungrateful son—who left, never calls, and made her feel like she didn’t matter.”
Jacques could have argued, but he had done all of that, but it was mostly to avoid the man before him. He never saw this coming, where his father would be the good parent.
Fate was a bitch.
Flynn intervened. “Great. Then you won’t mind myself and Jacques accompanying you. Jolie will remain here with Vanth.”
She opened her mouth, and he shook his head.
“Really? Do you think that’s even going to happen? You’re seven months pregnant, and they want you there. Forget it.”
“I was going to offer to stay, but someone is getting bossy. That makes me want to hurt you.”
He winked at her, his blue eyes sparkling. ‘That’s my line, baby.’
She flushed.
“I’m fine with you two coming. When you see this isn’t what it seems, you’ll both apologize, right?”
“Yes,” they said together.
Mordechai was ready to prove them wrong.
“What would you like me to say?”
Jolie spoke up, “Tell her you escaped, and that you tricked Gradius. Call him a fool because he had no clue that the witch was alive the entire time.”
He could do that.
“Tell her they went ahead to Germany, and you know our location, and only you. She’ll want to know it, but you have to take her.”
“She’s innocent,” he said adamantly.
“If she is, we all owe her an apology,” Jolie said, “but if we are right…”
He got it.
Mordechai sighed. “Very well. The only reason I am entertaining this is because I wish to clear my mate and show my son how very wrong all of you are about this,” he admitted.
Flynn knew the man was in for a shock.
His gut wasn’t wrong.
“If she is helping Gradius, calling him a fool is going to infuriate him to the point he will probably show up,” added Flynn.
That would be perfect.
“Fine. Let’s get this done.”
Mordechai dialed the number and held the phone to his ear, ready to prove to them that they were wrong about Morganna. On the third ring, his line was answered.
“Bon jour?”
Mordechai dropped his voice to a whisper but put the phone on speakerphone. “Morganna, is that you?”
“Mordechai? Where are you?” she demanded impatiently.
“I was taken to some place and interrogated. The Tueur is searching for Jolie.”
“You escaped?” she asked voice full of concern.
“Yes, myself, Jolie’s brother, and a human. Are you safe, mon amour? They didn’t hurt you did they?”
“No, Mordechai, no one hurt me. Where are you?” she demanded again.
“I am not far from our home. I want you to listen to me.” He lowered his voice. “I need to rest now, but tomorrow, when you wake, pack some things that you need and meet me. I don’t want them to find me. That asshole, Gradius, is incompetent and couldn’t keep us locked away. I don’t want him to take you next. I must get us to Jolie and Jacques to tell them of where Gradius is hiding out. They will find the truth and kill him.”
“Where will we go, Mordechai?” she asked softly.
“I briefly contacted our son. He has brought Jolie’s brother and the human to Germany. I had a secret hideout for them, so don’t worry, mon amour, they’re safe.”
“Where in Germany?” she asked curiously. “We don’t own anything in Germany.”
Mordechai looked at the phone and then over at his son, “I will tell you when we meet. The less you know the better. Don’t tell anyone. We need to move quietly.”
“Where should I meet you?”
“Do you remember where the last society had its meeting? I’m talking about that field surrounded by the old trees. Meet me in the clearing. I’ll wait for you there tomorrow after dusk, and we will make our way to Jacques and Jolie’s hideaway.”
“Okay, Mordechai. I will meet you there.”
“Take care of yourself, my sweet, see you then.”
He hung up the phone and looked at his son. “If you don’t mind, I’ll retire to my room. I find that I am in the mood to be alone.”
No one blamed him.
He suspected the truth. His mate’s behavior was off, and he knew it.
When he stood, Mordechai nodded at Jolie before he tossed the cell back to Flynn. “Good evening.”
“He knows,” she said softly. “You can see the fire gone from his eyes. Now he’s in pain.”
They all felt for him.
“He suspects it now after speaking to her. You can tell.”
Flynn touched his friend’s shoulder. “We’ll help him, and you, through this.”
“Yes, tomorrow there are bound to be a few broken hearts.”
His and his father’s.
* * * H a r c o u r t e * * *
Gradius sat at his desk, feet up, as he watched the news. He was relaxing before going to death. When the phone on his desk rang, he was hoping it would be her.
She was trying to get him intel, and he was grateful. The woman was good at what she did, and he liked that in his minions. He was on the cusp of catching Jolie Harcourte, and time mattered. This might be the call.
“Oui?” he growled into the phone.
“Master, the informant is on the phone. She says she was just contacted by Jacques Degaul’s father, and she has information. You asked her to call if she heard from them.”
“I’m aware. Put the call through.”
He waited for her.
“What is it, Morganna?” he asked.
“He called me just like you said he would,” she offered. “He wants to meet me so we can escape together.”
“Thank you for calling, but it is not him I want,” said Gradius, so completely over the cat and mouse game. Unless they could lead him directly to Jolie Harcourte, he had nothing more to discuss.
“He called you incompetent,” the voice quietly admitted. “That you couldn’t keep them captive, and now he is heading toward Jolie’s location. He’s the only one who knows about it.”
Gradius felt his temper rise.
He needed to recapture that man so he could lead him to Jolie. It was the only way. That he insulted him meant one thing.
He had to die.