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Happy Endings

Page 20

by Rhondeau, Chantel

  She didn’t mind work taking up a lot of his time, but at this point she wasn’t even his second priority. She was his very last. Despite how much she loved him, Larissa couldn’t live like that.

  A few moments later, a nurse walked into the room wheeling a cart. She turned on half of the overhead lights and gave a sunny smile. “How are we feeling, Miss Benner?”

  “Ready for some drugs,” Larissa replied.

  The nurse chuckled. “That good, huh? Lucky for you, I have them right here along with some clear broth.”

  Larissa looked over to the corner chair, noting the thin package wrapped in brown paper leaned against the wall. “That woman who left here put a package over there. Can you get it for me?”

  The nurse set Larissa’s dinner and pills on her bedside table and crossed the room, picking up the present. She returned to the bed, pushing the button to raise Larissa’s head higher before placing the package across her lap.

  “Don’t overdo it with the motion,” the nurse cautioned. “Do you want me to take the paper off?”

  Larissa shook her head, fingering the brown wrapping with trembling fingers. It was obviously a painting, so must be from Quinn. Part of her didn’t want to open it with the nurse standing there, but there was no way she’d be able to move it once she got it unwrapped.

  Carefully, she ripped the paper, revealing the framed painting inside. Unable to stop them, tears sprang back to her eyes and began flowing down her cheeks.

  It was Shadow near the waterfall. Quinn’s self-proclaimed favorite painting that had been stored in the cave. She made the nurse help her turn it over, hoping for a note stuck to the back, but there was nothing.

  What did it mean? He sent her his favorite piece of work, something he loved but had to give up because of his obligations to his family.

  Was he telling her that he had to give her up too, even if he loved her?


  Quinn sat in his office the next day, going over the invoices for the month. He never heard from Larissa once Sydney gave her the painting, but his father said Larissa was healing well and the surgery went well. Her prognosis for recovery was excellent.

  Quinn was happy about that, but he still didn’t know what to do about being separated from her. He thought for sure she would call once he sent the painting of Shadow—that she would realize how much of his heart she held for him to give her that.

  Not a word. Not even a text message.

  No matter how much he wished things were different, it seemed he’d used his last chance. If he were going to win her back, it would mean some big changes.

  Quinn stood up, leaving the invoices unfinished. He needed to talk to his father.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Discharge day!” Elaine said on the fourth day after surgery, helping Larissa put her shoes on and then brushing her hair. “I’m proud of how brave you’ve been.”

  “Thanks, Mom. It’s easy to be brave with this kind of great support.”

  Even though Larissa’s father was forced to return to work and couldn’t stay at the hospital all the time during her recovery, Larissa knew both her parents would be around every step of the way whenever she needed them. It was a comfort she counted on. Her doctor provided her on-line support groups and one local meeting, so she could connect with people going through the same thing. Support was essential to her recovery, and she planned to utilize everything she was given.

  Larissa found the diagnosis easier to handle this time around—easier being a relative term. It was still the worst thing she could imagine, but this time she knew she could beat it, just like she had before.

  Larissa figured losing her breasts would eventually strike her and she’d be sad about it, but so far she was more concerned that the doctor said the planned chemotherapy regimen would likely make her hair fall out. Getting together with others who had been through that or were going through it should help her find acceptance. It was just something to deal with and conquer, not the end of her world.

  At least she didn’t have Jacob in the background, expressing disapproval at anything that might change her cosmetically. Besides, she didn’t need a man to know she was still beautiful. Her parents told her every day, and she believed them. Cancer didn’t define her. This was a bump in the road, and Larissa was determined to get past it. There were many other women out there doing it every day. Larissa would connect with them, lean on their strength, and hopefully offer them strength of her own.

  Once her mom got her loaded in the car, they drove toward her parents’ house. Larissa watched out the window, seeing everyone’s Christmas decorations on their lawns, partially obscured by the fresh coating of snow. It was beautiful, but she missed the beach and tropical weather. As much as she loved being with her parents, she realized Iowa was no longer home.

  “You’re awfully quiet over there,” Elaine said. “You okay?”

  “Just thinking about McCallister’s Paradise.”

  “Do you miss it?”

  “Yes. I miss the island and I miss requests for happy endings.”

  Her mom’s head whipped toward her and she let out a startled laugh. “Happy endings? Like, the oldest profession in the world type happy ending? Why would you miss that?”

  Larissa grinned. Her mom was fairly unshockable, but Larissa hadn’t told her the story of how she and Quinn met. It was a long drive home from the hospital, so no time like the present.

  All through it, her mom made an ongoing commentary about how sweet and trustworthy Quinn seemed and that she understood why Larissa missed him so much. It was nice to have someone agree with her point of view.

  Her feelings for Quinn were something her father didn’t want to accept. After a short argument about the painting of Shadow, and Ray expressing his disapproval of Quinn once again, Larissa hadn’t brought him up again.

  She missed Quinn terribly, but knew Dad was right. Quinn hadn’t even bothered to check in on her these past weeks. Ray wouldn’t be amused by the comical beginning to their relationship anymore than he was by the heartbreaking end of it.

  “Maybe you should call Quinn,” Elaine said once Larissa ended with the story of their fight after her birthday dinner. “It sounds like he loves you. Why would he send that horse picture if he didn’t?”

  Larissa nodded. “I believe he does love me, but he’ll never put me first. I see the way you and Dad are with each other. You’re the most important thing in each other’s worlds, even more important than I am, now that I’m all grown up.”

  “Your father is my rock,” Elaine agreed.

  “So it doesn’t matter if I love Quinn or he loves me. I’m going to focus on my recovery for now and try to move on. I deserve what you and dad have. I won’t settle for less.”


  Quinn wiped sweaty palms against his slacks, trying to control the panic he felt as he sat in Ray Benner’s living room, waiting to hear whether the man would allow him to stay and see Larissa when she came home from the hospital today.

  Ray had Quinn pinned to his seat, pierced by the man’s unwavering gaze. “How can I trust you with my daughter after you broke her heart so badly? She doesn’t need another man in her life who can’t be trusted while she recovers from her illness.”

  Quinn swallowed hard, hoping he could find the words to explain. “These last few weeks have been the worst of my life. I can’t live without her, sir. I should have been here, even if you did tell me not to contact her.”

  None of the suspicion left Ray’s gaze. “She’s sick, Quinn. She doesn’t need stress in her life. It could set back her recovery.”

  “Which is why I’m here and didn’t just call again. When I heard today was discharge day, I knew I had to come and support her. There is still a lot I can do to help her recovery. Sure, the surgery is over, but she needs support through the chemo treatments and I want to be the one to support her. Please don’t make me leave. I promise not to hurt her. I have to make things right.”

That didn’t mean he was certain she wouldn’t hurt him, but if Larissa sent him away, Quinn would deal with that. He couldn’t let her go without a fight, even if he was afraid they had missed their chance for a happy ending.

  “Please, sir. She means more to me than my own life. I have to speak with her. I have to prove to her that she is the only thing that matters. I was a fool not to see that sooner.”


  When they pulled up outside her parents’ house, Larissa was surprised to see her father’s truck in the driveway. “I thought he had to work.”

  Elaine shrugged. “So did I. Maybe his boss agreed to let him come home early. Everyone we know has been worried about you. I know Dad didn’t want to miss your first day home.”

  Larissa carefully undid her seat belt, pulling it from across her chest with significant difficulty from the pain. “I hope Dad doesn’t get into trouble at work. Someday, I’m going to pay you guys back all the money I’ve cost you.”

  Elaine waved her hand through the air. “You’re our child. Taking care of you is what we do.” Her gaze narrowed and she pointed at Larissa’s door. “Don’t get out of the car yet. It might be slick.”

  Before her mother could come around the car to help her, Ray stepped out of the house and hurried down the driveway. He raced to the car and carefully helped Larissa from her seat. “How’s my girl?”

  Larissa sucked in a painful breath, feeling a stretch in her incisions with the unusual movement. When the pain passed some, she hugged him. “Happy to be out of that darned hospital.”

  “I’m glad too. Welcome home.” Her dad seemed happier than he had been since she arrived back in Iowa. He must have been really worried about the surgery.

  She hated causing her parents so much anxiety. “I know I spent Thanksgiving in the hospital, but do you know what I’m thankful for?”

  He shook his head as he led her across the walkway toward the door. “Great doctors?”

  She laughed. “Of course not. They get paid to care for me. You and mom love me no matter what.”

  He opened the door and grinned. “We aren’t the only ones, you know?”

  “What do you mean?”

  He led her across the threshold then dropped her hand, nodding toward the living room. “Go inside, princess.”

  She narrowed her eyes, wondering what he had done, but Ray stood outside the archway, making no move to accompany her.

  Larissa walked through, seeing an easel sitting in the middle of the room with a sheet covering the picture on it.

  Her heart rate increased as she searched the room. Why would an easel be in her living room? She only knew one painter. A painter her heart ached for every minute of every day.

  Quinn stepped through the door that led to the kitchen, and Larissa’s breath caught in her throat. He dressed in a dark business suit with a purple dress shirt. A gray tie that accented his eyes caught her gaze. She looked past his clothes into his face.

  His gaze trapped her with its intensity, just as it always had. There were so many emotions passing behind his gorgeous eyes, and Larissa wasn’t sure what they all meant.

  “I miss you,” he said, his voice scratchy and cracking. “I need you.”

  Larissa felt her chin tremble, and she looked away. “Why haven’t you called?”

  “I tried but your d—” He shook his head. “No, that’s not why. The truth is, I’m a coward.”

  She glanced back up, surprised by that answer. “I don’t understand.”

  He crossed the room swiftly, grabbing her hand and pressing it against his cheek.

  The dampness on his face surprised Larissa.

  He moved her hand to his mouth, kissing the back of her fingers. “If I ruined my chances with you, I couldn’t bear to hear you say it, so I was too scared to speak with you. I didn’t want to hear that we were over.”

  Unable to stop herself, Larissa stroked her thumb over his smoothly shaven chin. She had missed touching him, missed his arms wrapping around her more than she missed anything else in her entire life. But she had been serious about wanting what her parents had. She wouldn’t settle for less.

  “Quinn, I can’t turn my heart off. I never stopped loving you, but—”

  Quinn’s mouth crashed down on hers and he wrapped his arms around her waist. His tongue was hungry, greedily lapping at her lips.

  As much as Larissa wished she could resist, she was weak. She opened up to him, sucking on his bottom lip and pressing herself closer to him. Even through the pain the movement caused in her chest, she stayed locked in his embrace, wishing it could last forever.

  When he finally ended it, sense returned to her passion-fogged brain.

  She closed her eyes, not wanting to see the happiness shining across his radiant face dim into disappointment.

  “You didn’t let me finished the but,” she said.

  “I-I don’t understand,” he said slowly.

  “I never stopped loving you, but that isn’t enough. I need a man who puts me first.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Quinn looked at Larissa, letting her words sink in.

  She pulled her hand away and stepped back. “I’m sorry. I really am. I wish things were different.”

  He grinned, happiness spreading throughout him. She still loved him. He hadn’t ruined it all by his hesitation in coming to her or by staying for that damn meeting.

  She shook her head. “Why are you smiling?”

  “Because, beautiful. Everything is different.”

  Larissa’s gorgeous blue-green eyes sparkled with tears and she took another step back. “Please don’t make this harder than it has to be, Quinn. I’m trying to tell you that I—”

  “It’s not hard at all,” he broke in, fishing in his pocket for the small box and dropping to his knees. He opened the box, thrusting the diamond ring toward her. “You’re the only thing that matters to me in this whole world, Larissa Benner. I’m sorry it took me longer to figure that out than it should have. I’ve quit my job to become a full-time artist and your husband. That is, of course, if you agree to marry me.”

  Her hand flew to her chest and her eyes darted to the easel behind him. “Full time?” She looked back at him. “How? Why? What about the resort?”

  He chuckled. “It’s all the same answer. The only thing that matters is you, I just didn’t realize it until you forced me to. Shane wants the management position, I think wanted it right after I took over. He’ll do a great job for the family, and I can live the life I want.”

  Carefully, Larissa lowered herself to the ground, though winced slightly with pain. She scooted forward on her knees until she was near enough to touch him. Hesitantly, she ran her finger across the ring and then looked once again to the covered painting behind them.

  “You quit your job for me?” Her voice was shaky. “You love that job.”

  “No.” Quinn shook his head, starting to fear she would still reject him even though he had made the changes she needed him to make. “I learned to love that job. I love painting, and I love you. I never knew what was missing in my life until you walked into it, Larissa. If it wasn’t for you, I would have continued on in that office, telling myself I was happy while the artist in me died a little more every day. You taught me about love, and you taught me about bravery.”

  She stared into his eyes and a few tears broke free from the corners of her eyes. Quinn could only hope they were happy tears.

  “I’m not brave,” she said. “I ran away when things got tough. I didn’t stay to work it out with you. How can you forgive me for that?”

  She was worried about his forgiveness? Quinn shook his head and ran his free hand across her cheek. “There is nothing to forgive. You did me a favor. You stood up for yourself and demanded to have the life you deserve. I’ve never done that, never said no to my family when I thought they needed me. Turns out, I should have done it a long time ago. My father was happy for me to return to my art. Of course, I agreed to fill in and off
er my help anytime Shane needs it.”

  “So you aren’t giving it up entirely?”

  It was hard to judge her tone. Did that upset her? “Larissa, I can’t turn my back on them if they need me. They’re important to me. I want to follow my dreams, but my dreams include my family being financially secure and a big part of my life.”

  A large smile broke out across her face. “I’m glad to hear that. If you gave it all up for me, I wouldn’t know whether I could trust it or if you were only doing what you thought I wanted you to.”

  “No, definitely not.” He stared deep into her eyes, hoping she would sense his sincerity. “I always wanted to be an artist and live my life more freely. I want to be a dad some day. Most of all, I want to have a wonderful woman to bring to family parties and to share my days with. I want you.”

  Larissa nodded. “That sounds perfect. And, for the record, I don’t want you to turn your back on your family. They’re important to me too, Quinn. I love them.”

  She grabbed his face in her hands and drew him toward her, kissing him with enough passion to make him wish they weren’t in the middle of her parents’ house with her just recovering from surgery.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked, pressing his forehead against hers so he could look into her eyes again.

  She laughed. “That’s definitely a yes.”

  He kissed her again, fumbling to slip the ring on her finger while not letting his lips leave hers.

  After a few minutes of passionate celebration, he reached back and snagged the corner of the sheet behind him, dropping it away from the painting.

  Larissa gasped. “Oh, Quinn. Is this what you’ve been doing since I left?”

  Quinn rose from the ground and carefully helped Larissa to her feet. Though he wanted to hug her tight and spin her in a circle, he was well aware that kind of display would need to wait until she healed more. Instead, he put his arm around her waist and walked with her toward the painting.


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