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Harrison's Heart (Heroes for Hire Book 7)

Page 16

by Dale Mayer

  He opened his arms wide and said, “Damn.”

  She walked closer, her heart touched to see this big man shaking. She slid her hands underneath his T-shirt, scoping out his hard muscled abs. “You’re wearing too much.” She slid the T-shirt upward. But he was so big, so tall, she couldn’t pull it over his head.

  He quickly disposed of his shirt, tossing it to the floor, while her hands were already busy on his jeans. Luckily he didn’t have a belt on to slow her down. She undid the button and slid the zipper slowly over the bulge underneath. Her hand testing, measuring. Before the zipper hit the bottom, she slid her hand inside.

  He grabbed her hand, pulled it out and said, “Oh, no, you don’t. No way. Not yet.” He shrugged off his jeans and took his underwear with them. Within seconds he stood before her, almost naked.

  Something about him wearing only his socks made her laugh. With her foot, she stroked his calf and said, “I have two pieces of clothing left too. I take one off, and you take one off.”

  He glanced at his socks and shook his head. “Both now.” And he shed his socks.

  She slowly retreated toward the bed, reaching behind her and, unclipping her bra, let the straps fall forward.

  His gaze locked on her breasts. He swallowed hard, shook his head. “You know, I imagined you like this. I can’t even remember how many times since I first met you. And yet it never occurred to me how you could be quite so beautiful.”

  She slipped her fingers into the elastic top of her panties and slowly shimmied them down until she could kick them free of her ankles. And then she stood before him as naked as he was.

  She opened her arms, and he surprised her yet again. He took several steps forward, scooped her into his arms and carried her straight to the bed. He placed her on top of the coverlet, then slowly lowered himself until he was kneeling over her. His gaze was hot, leaving a laser-like path across her tender, sensitized skin. But the look in his eyes was full of wonder.

  “So perfect,” he whispered.

  She let her fingers move across his shoulders and chest. She knew the fever would overtake them very quickly, and there wasn’t any time for play. They had both been holding back for so long, this first time would be hard and fast, and she was totally okay with that.

  “I’m glad you think so,” she whispered. She slid one of her legs out from between his, her foot slowly stroking up the outside of his thigh, feeling the hard muscles of his body. He was in excellent physical condition, the prime of his life. He was just … “So damn perfect.”

  He chuckled.

  “Look at us,” she whispered. “It’s like a mutual admiration society.”

  “I can’t think of anything better.” He lowered his head and took one nipple into his mouth. He didn’t touch her anywhere else except to suckle with deep, long pulls.

  She arched her back, feeling the dragging sensation deep in her groin. Her belly tightened, and she let out a guttural cry. He slid his hands under her lower back, shifting, and he was suddenly between her legs. Her hips raised, she pressed tight against his erection. While he held her there, he suckled to his heart’s content. Shudders rippled up and down her spine as he left the nipple to lick her breast and then back again.

  One part of her body was on absolute fire, and the other was so lost and alone. As if he knew, he shifted to the other breast. She dug her fingers into the curls on his head and held him close. She’d forgotten how much she needed this. The sense of togetherness.

  She’d had relationships, but nothing that had hit her so hard or fast. No man had touched her soul like this one had. She didn’t know what they had here. There’d been no time to consider it. They might have no more time. She didn’t know, but, for the moment, she wanted everything she could get from him. She had never expected to find somebody for a long-term relationship. Had never wanted to, not growing up under her parents’ version of marriage. She couldn’t imagine anything harder or worse for her.

  Moving slowly down her body, he kissed, caressed every bit of skin in his path, leaving a wake of fire and destruction. She grabbed his ears to get him closer so she could kiss him. “Kiss me,” she whispered. “Like you mean it.”

  He caught her gaze in his, and, with the gentlest of smiles, he reached up and cupped her cheek. He stroked his mouth across her lips, to her cheek, down to the shell of her ear, back to her mouth and whispered against her lips, “I do mean it. I never expected to find you here. I never expected to find you at all. I walked away from love years ago.” He shook his head, his voice coming to a shuddering halt as he was overcome with emotion. “But then this scrappy, feisty woman stood before me, arguing every step of the way. I realized I’d been attracted to the wrong kind of woman for the wrong reasons. What I really wanted was a partner. Somebody who would stand up to me. Somebody who would make love with me,” and he emphasized his point with his kiss.

  She understood. She’d met a lot of women who expected to be taken care of, in bed and out. It wasn’t her style. “And I was always afraid men would be the same as my father. So I avoided strong men who I thought were overpowering. Domineering. Especially those men who completely lacked respect for my body, emotions, and spiritual being.” She cupped his cheek in the same fashion he’d done with hers earlier and whispered against his lips, “And then I found you.”

  Slowly, ever-so-slowly, he lowered his head to close the distance and sealed her lips with his own.

  She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. She didn’t ever want to let him go. When he raised his head and looked at her, she had trouble understanding the look in his eyes. He seemed so lost. But there was wonder in his gaze. Her eyes moistened, and she realized her tears were flowing.

  A frown played at the corner of his lips.

  She smiled. “Tears, yes. But of joy.”

  His eyes brightened, and his lips curled into a sexy smile. “Then let’s see if we can’t do something with that.” He lowered his head again, this time his tongue seeking, searching, finding, and she let him in. She led him into the recesses of her heart. The recesses of her soul. Even as she opened her body and let him into the heart of her.

  He slid inside.

  Not easily. Not comfortably. It was a feeling of being stretched, being filled to the fullest.

  She lay in his arms, unable to move, not wanting this moment to end. And then he moved, the plunge gentle—once, twice. He rose on his arms and stared at her. Their gazes locked—with understanding, wonder and, yes, joy shared between them. He slid both hands down to cup her hips, lifting her up high against him, and plunged faster and faster, deeper and deeper. She tightened her thighs around his hips. “More,” she whispered.

  He plunged deeper.

  “More,” she demanded.

  He plunged harder.

  When she opened her mouth to say it again, he touched the nob at the center of her being, and she exploded in his arms. He shifted her against him, pounding harder and harder and harder, riding her through her climax, driving deeper and deeper as if it was the only way he could possess her at a level she’d never even known existed. Finally, he roared, his body shaking, shuddering above her as his seed spewed forth and filled her.

  When he collapsed beside her, she chuckled and said, “See? I didn’t kill you.”

  “Yes.” He rolled over, and, with the gentlest of moves, he laid a kiss against her temple. Then he tucked her up close. “Sleep. I’ll watch over you, Zoe.”

  Zoe was so tired. With a smile of satisfaction strumming through her body, and peace in her heart, she closed her eyes and accepted what this man had to offer. Security. Respect. Love. Acceptance.


  Harrison’s phone rang, jolting him from sleep. He checked the time and realized they had both been napping for a solid hour. He reached for his phone and answered it. “Hey. What’s up?”

  “Dakota’s pulled through surgery. He’ll be down for a while, but he’ll make it.”

  “That is great news.”
r />   “Jeff has gone into surgery for his hand. He’s been talking the whole way. The cops have most of it on tape. He nailed Paul and his father, and all the other men in the group. The two men who took Dakota to the hospital turned themselves into the cops.”

  “Are they still military?”

  “Not a one. Although Jeff, Lawrence and Paul lasted for a little while longer than Randy and Lee, Lawrence had eventually been kicked out with a dishonorable discharge. Zoe may not have believed she was doing any good, but the open case was brought about because of her constant complaints, because of her sending emails with new tidbits of everything she found to get them to take another look at it. Honestly, I think the military owes her a huge apology.”

  Harrison squeezed her, tucking Zoe up closer against his chest. She murmured softly. “That’s no surprise. She only wanted justice for a friend.” He cleared his throat. “And those other women will need help to recover from this. We should make sure the police—along with a female psychologist—approach them. If any of them are even still alive.”

  “I hope they are, but I can certainly understand why Tamara felt suicide was the only choice left to her.”

  “We have to find Lawrence. This isn’t over until we get him. And the general.”

  “The police have asked us to back off the general. And, of course, the military is looking for him.”

  “He’s still not exempt from the law. Any idea where to look for Lawrence?”

  “Jeff gave up a bunch of addresses and possibilities to the police. Apparently Lawrence’s father had a fishing cabin somewhere close by.” Saul’s voice deepened as he added, “I’m also wondering if Lawrence will let Jeff live. He made one attempt already.”

  “If I were him, I’d finish him off at the hospital.”

  “True enough. I’ll keep watch.”

  “We’ll be there in twenty,” Harrison said. “Do you want a coffee?”

  “Yes, as long as it’s not hospital coffee.”

  Harrison rang off. Zoe murmured against his chest. “I guess we should go?”

  “You don’t have to. I do though. He’s one of my guys, and Levi is counting on me to see how Saul and Dakota do on the job in terms of bringing them into the company full time.”

  She sat up and pushed her hair back. “Right. You definitely need to go.” She pursed her lips for a long moment, then nodded. “I’m coming too.”

  “You’re safe here.” He studied her beautiful features, her complete look of sexual satiation.

  “I might be. But I’m part of this. I’d like to see it through to the finish.”

  Chapter 15

  She wanted to see this to the end, and return the favor to the men who’d helped her. This was not over. They still had to deal with Lawrence and her brother. She longed for a hot shower, but this wasn’t the right time. They dressed quickly.

  “I still don’t know how Alex plays into this.”

  “If he even does.”

  “Oh, he does. I’d bet big money on the fact he killed Paul.”

  “But why would he leave the body in his own bedroom?”

  “He probably ran. And is now pinning it on me.” Hell, she knew that’s what he’d do. Anything to get her off his back—and screw her over at the same time.

  They were in the vehicle and out of the gates, heading toward the local coffee shop drive-through. There they picked up coffees for the three of them. Soon Harrison parked in a huge back parking lot for the General Hospital employees and visitors.

  As he got out, Zoe said, “Quite a different atmosphere here versus Richard’s.”

  “Absolutely. But this is where Dakota is.”

  She nodded. “I presume they have good doctors here too.”

  “Definitely. And a lot more experience with gunshot wounds.”

  She couldn’t say much to that. It was the truth. Emergency rooms in any major city in America had a hell of a time dealing with the daily numbers of patients coming through the doors. Gunshot wounds were the normal injury.

  Saul saw them coming. He stood in the waiting room, watching for them. “Jeff is still in surgery. There are bone fragments in his hand, and he had some nerve damage.” He glanced at Zoe. “He has you to thank for that.”

  She locked her jaw and nodded. “I didn’t kill him though.”

  He quirked a grin at her and said, “That’s a good thing.”

  It wasn’t hard for her to agree. The thought of him being locked up for decades put a smile on her face. She glanced at Harrison and asked, “Do we still have to go to the police station?”

  He nodded. “Yes, definitely.” He turned to Saul. “And Dakota?”

  “He’s in intensive care, but the doctors are quite happy with the prognosis. The bullet missed everything vital.”

  “Kind of a baptism by fire to work for Levi, isn’t it?”

  Saul said, “We’ve each been shot before. But it was over in Afghanistan at the time.”

  Harrison nodded. “You’ve both done a great job here. Levi’s happy with your performances.”

  “That’s good to hear.” Saul nodded. “We want to work for Legendary Security. This is what we do.”

  Zoe studied the two men and realized they were very much the same type. They had an identical look in their eyes, as well as a sense of power, determination, and capability that she liked. She stepped forward and said, “I’d like to say thank you for everything you’ve done to keep my mother safe and to take these assholes off the street.”

  Obviously uncomfortable, Saul shoved his hands into his pockets and stepped back. He nodded.

  She grinned. “I’d give you a hug, but you don’t look like you’re the type.”

  “I might be into one,” he said, “but Harrison would kill me. So let’s not. Thanks anyway.”

  That got a laugh from her. She turned to Harrison, who had a quiet smile on his face. His arms were crossed over his chest. “Does everybody see it?”

  “Like I said, it’s what we do.”

  She rolled her eyes and glanced around. “I think we should be doing something active, like finding my brother and Lawrence.”

  “That would be fine, but do you have any idea how or where?”

  She turned to Saul. “Did you say a cabin wasn’t far from here?”

  “It’s several hours’ drive. I believe the police have sent somebody to check on it.”

  “What about another location? They can check out the cabin, and we can take the another. Honestly, the police don’t have the manpower for all this.”

  Harrison said, “I’ll go outside and call the detective. See what they have planned and if they can use a few extra hands.”

  He walked up to the front of the building, leaving her staring after him. She glanced at Saul and asked, “You know any of the other addresses?”

  He nodded. “A couple smaller houses are here in town, but I don’t know that he would go to any place Jeff knows about.”

  “Right. So even the cabin isn’t likely.”

  Then the doctor walked out of one of the doors where two police stood guard. He stopped to talk to the officers. Saul stepped over. She followed.

  “If he’s out of surgery, we need to book him.”

  “You guys are responsible for keeping him safe here. We’ll set it up in the hospital administration.”

  “May I see him?” Zoe asked.

  The doctor turned to look at her. “Who are you?”

  She winced. “One of the people involved in his capture. Actually the one who shot him.”

  The doctor’s eyebrows instantly rose super high. He studied her, then asked, “I presume it was a viable shooting?”

  “Absolutely. It was self-defense, and he’d already shot one of the persons you just did surgery on.”

  The doctor nodded. “What do you want to see him for?”

  “He’s turned on his friends who were involved. We’re looking for other options as to where one of the men could be hiding out. I don’t know if he’ll
talk to me, but I do know he hates me. So he might spout off something unintentionally.”

  One of the two cops nodded. “I’ll come with you.”

  With the doctor’s permission, she was allowed to see Jeff. He was behind curtains, lying on a hospital bed, his arm heavily bandaged. He was in obvious pain, but the painkillers would kick in soon.


  His eyes flew open as he tried to sit up and then fell back. “You. I don’t want to see you ever again.”

  “And hopefully you won’t,” she said calmly. “But we still need to find Lawrence.”

  He waved a hand. “That’s nice. I gave you all I know.”

  “You gave us three places he could be. But after he tried to kill you, the chances are good he isn’t going anywhere he thinks you know about.”

  He opened his eyes and studied her. “I want him captured. Better yet, I want him dead.”

  “Why?” she asked bluntly.

  “He’ll come back. There’s no way he won’t.” He shrugged his uninjured shoulder and stared at the ceiling. “Even if I’m in jail, he’ll find a way to kill me. And he did shoot me.” He lifted his shirt so she could see the white bandage. “But he missed.”

  “More reason for you to help us get him.”

  He rubbed his forehead in deep thought. “Maybe he’s with his girlfriend.”

  “He has one?”

  He shrugged. “It’s fairly recent. I don’t think he realizes I know about her.” He turned his gaze to her. “But I heard him talking to her on the phone. And it was definitely sex talk.”

  “Any idea who she is or where she lives?”

  “She has an apartment off Rowland Street. Her name is Sasha.” He frowned. “Sasha Leyland, I think.”

  The cop stepped out, and she stayed with Jeff. “We’ll check her out right now. Do you think he’ll go to ground?”

  “Honestly, where the hell would he go? He’ll either leave the country for good, or he’ll go out with guns blazing to take out as many of us as he can.”

  “I vote the latter because it’d give us a chance to shoot to kill.”

  He gave her a hard look. “You might be surprised. He’s a hell of a marksman. He could take you out first.”


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