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Show Me, Baby: A Masters of the Shadowlands Novella (1001 Dark Nights)

Page 7

by Cherise Sinclair

  Anne’s lips curved up. “I’ll let him know you feel so strongly about him that you actually lied to me.”

  Rainie glared. “This conversation is under the bachelorette party seal. Silence is sacred.”

  Anne just smiled.

  And then the DJ said, “Now we have a song dedicated to G and S.”

  Their music came on.

  “Get your chairs, ladies,” Rainie announced. “We’re up.”

  Chapter Five

  Jake’s gut hurt from laughing as he sipped his drink and watched the bachelorette party. Sex toys all over the table. Girl on girl action. The women were totally blitzed and cuter than a room of kittens.

  As the music changed to Girls, Girls, Girls by Mötley Crüe, they jumped to their feet. Holding their chairs in front like shields, they strutted their way to the dance section. The chairs hit the floor with a loud thump, and the women faced the room in one choreographed move.

  Grinning, Jake leaned forward to watch.

  To his amazement, the submissives—and Anne—proceeded to perform an incredible meld of pole and lap dancing, using some of the sexiest moves he’d ever seen.

  “Where did Sally learn that shit?” Vance muttered to Galen.

  Nolan frowned.

  Marcus was tapping his fingers on the table in time with the beat, obviously enjoying the show.

  Raoul, not so much. A low growl came from the Hispanic Master.

  “Problem?” Jake asked him.

  “She is showing off what is mine.” With a glance at Jake, his frown lightened. “Do not look so worried. I will not punish her—much—for breaking a rule I hadn’t mentioned. She will know better in the future.”

  Jake relaxed. Far be it from him to come between a Master and his slave, but Kim wouldn’t knowingly upset her Master. Raoul knew it and would undoubtedly find his sense of humor once his woman was no longer being stared at.

  Every guy in the place was definitely staring…with good reason. The women were mesmerizing as they danced. Wiggled. Shimmied. When their mesh-stockinged legs slid over the backs of chairs, all a man could think of was feeling a soft inner thigh against his shoulder.

  Rainie straddled the chair seat, wiggling her hips, and Jake’s cock pulsed with every beat of the music. The damned place had grown far too hot.

  Needing to do something with his fingers—which had curved as if to grasp lush hips—he opened his dress shirt another button. Dammit, he wanted to be on that chair with Rainie rubbing those gorgeous breasts on his chest.

  “If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen.” Marcus rose and tossed back the last of his drink. “I have a floozy to catch.”

  Everyone watched him stroll through the tables, then Vance and Galen stood. “Sorry, men,” Vance said. “Bachelorette party will lose their second bride as well.”

  Jake grinned as the two walked away, discussing bondage and orgasms. Little Sally was in for a long hard night.

  Marcus had reached the dance floor. When Gabi turned toward him, he hefted her over his shoulder. Her screech of surprise reached from wall to wall. The second scream was sheer anger. Given the mouth on that little submissive, Jake was pleased to be out of hearing range.

  Sally had tripped when Gabi was carried away. After catching her balance, she managed to plant her ass on the chair rather than the floor and just sat there laughing.

  Still dancing, the others were teasing her as she struggled to adjust her dress.

  In a well-executed ambush, Galen picked up the back of Sally’s chair and Vance yanked up on the front legs, tipping Sally back. As they bore their prize away, Sally was giggling too hard to protest.

  Nolan rose. After a nod to the men, he strode to the dance floor and nabbed his Beth off the end of the line so quietly that none of the women noticed her disappearance.

  Smooth. Jake grinned. Probably why the sneaky bastard had managed to get so many shots off in laser tag.

  A moment later, Raoul slapped Jake’s shoulder and nodded to Holt in farewell.

  Kim was doing a hip-bump with Anne when Raoul stepped onto the floor. Anne noticed him, grinned, inclined her head politely, and moved away.

  With a perplexed look, Kim turned to see what had attracted Anne’s attention. She saw Raoul. Even as her eyes lit with delight, she bowed her head, sweetly acknowledging her Master.

  Raoul’s shoulders relaxed slightly.

  Nice. Very nice. How could any Master not be pleased with such pretty and instant submission?

  Raoul caressed his slave’s cheek, spoke to her for a moment, and then swung her up into his arms and carried her away.

  The music ended a couple of beats later, leaving Anne and Rainie and Uzuri exchanging high-fives. As the women returned to the table, taking the extra chairs with them, Ben walked over.

  Probably to haul them home.

  It would only be polite to help out the security guard—save him a drop off. Jake rose to his feet and glanced at Holt. “Guess I’ll try to nab myself a subbie as well.”

  “Going for Rainie?” Holt grinned. “Good thing you have balls of steel.”

  “I do—so maybe she’ll think twice before stuffing them in her garbage disposal.”

  Rainie settled into her chair with a pitiful sigh. Raoul’s behavior with Kim had been so dominatingly romantic, it had hollowed out a place in her chest.

  No one will ever love me like that.

  She made herself smile at Uzuri and Anne. “Our poor group. Attacked and picked off one by one. We’re the sole survivors.”

  “Were the Doms upset with the dancing?” Uzuri bit her lip. “Angry?”

  Rainie patted her hand. She got the feeling Uzuri had experience with…disapproving men. Not getting dumped like Rainie, but more physical. “Girlfriend, the others might get fucked to death, but nothing worse.”

  As Uzuri shook off the past, her smile broke out. “It did look as if the guys were a bit…aroused.”

  Anne snorted and picked up the giant green dildo. “About to this degree, I’d say from my wealth of experience.”

  A throat cleared. Ben stood beside the table, staring at the green monster. His darkly red face clashed with his pink pimp shirt. “Are you ready for your transport home?”

  “I believe so. Thank you, Ben.” Anne stuffed the dildos into the correct party bags and handed them to the security guard, increasing his embarrassment.

  As Anne rose, the bartender hurried over to offer his business card with obvious deference and embarrassment. Anne set her dainty foot on a chair and fisted the bartender’s white shirt, pulling him closer. “You’re a nice boy.” She plucked the card from his fingers. “I’ll think about it.”

  The guy didn’t beg—although it was close. Rainie nodded approval.

  As he headed back to his job, Anne watched, tapping the card on her palm.

  “Will you call him?” Rainie asked.

  “Probably not.” Anne dropped the card in her bag—the one with a tiny flogger tied to the handle. “I’m not in the market for new boys.”

  Rainie exchanged a concerned glance with Uzuri. The Mistress hadn’t been the same since breaking up with her submissive Joey months ago. Although she still played with random “boys” at the Shadowlands, she always left alone.

  Someone needed to talk with her, but Rainie quailed at the thought. Anne wasn’t the type who—

  “I’ll take this one home, Ben.” The deeply masculine voice came from behind Rainie.

  Jake? She twisted in her chair—not an easy move considering the snug fit of her bustier. “Uh, I don’t need a ride.”

  A tailored suit enhanced his broad shoulders, and the open shirt collar framed his corded throat. Sensuality darkened his chiseled features as he smiled down at her. She could happily stare at him for hours, just taking in all that was Jake.

  He slid her chair back from the table as if it held a feather pillow rather than a very ample woman. “I’m going to escort you home and check on your dog.”

  “My dog?” Her
brains must have been overtaken by the alcohol…or something.

  His smile disappeared. “Don’t you still have the pup?”

  “Rhage? Of course I do.”

  “Good. Let’s go.” He grasped her upper arms with strong hands and effortlessly lifted her to her feet.

  Her heart fluttered as if buffeted by a gusting wind.

  Uzuri handed Jake Rainie’s bag. “So you were with the bachelor party?”

  With his attention on Uzuri, Rainie managed to inhale.

  “I was,” Jake answered Uzuri. “By the way, when I checked the trainee records last night, I saw your goals haven’t been updated recently. Do so before next weekend, please.”

  Blinking in surprise, Uzuri glanced at Rainie.

  Oh yeah, he got me too. Rainie bugged out her eyes at her friend.

  Jake turned in time to see. He bent down to whisper in Rainie’s ear, “Be careful, subbie. I’d enjoy another excuse to turn that fine ass of yours bright red.”

  A shiver ran from the top of her spine right down to her toes…and he chuckled.

  Turning, he nodded at the Mistress who stood at the other end of the table. “Anne, when you get some time, I’d—”

  “Why, if it isn’t Rainie.” The shrill voice from nearby scraped away Rainie’s composure like fingernails on a chalkboard.

  Don’t be real. Even the Gods wouldn’t be so evil. Slowly, Rainie turned to see her old high school classmate. Life really wasn’t fair sometimes.

  Praying Jake and the others wouldn’t notice, Rainie walked toward her. “Hello, Mandy.”

  “Fancy meeting you here.” The brunette smirked. “I’m sure you remember Jefferson and Clay, don’t you?”

  The Gods of Cruelty were feeling lively that evening since the woman’s two companions were also high school classmates. They’d ridiculed Rainie when she was poor, socially inept, and in dirty, ragged clothing. Their scorn had increased after they’d seen her on the streets with the drug dealer.

  The two men looked her up and down as if assessing how much she’d charge for a blowjob.

  Her mouth twisted. She’d never turned tricks. Ever.

  Jefferson said, “I didn’t realize they permitted your kind in nice clubs. How’d you get in the door?”

  “How do you think, bro?” Clay made kissy noises. “Probably gave the bouncer a blowjob and—”

  A second later, Jake moved right up into Clay’s air space, his face set into hard lines of anger.

  “Whoa, man.” Clay stumbled back a step. “Hey, you’re Jennifer’s brother. Jake, right?”

  “I take it you don’t get out from under your rock often enough to recognize a bachelorette party?” Jake’s raised voice carried to the surrounding tables.

  He was defending her.

  Rainie’s skin went hot, went cold.

  “Now listen—” Jefferson blustered.

  “Perhaps your education is lacking in how a man should address a woman. I’ll be happy to instruct you. Shall we move this outside, gentlemen?” Jake’s voice held a fillet-sharp edge.

  Clay and Jefferson flushed and retreated several more steps.

  Mandy whined, “Jaaake, you don’t—”

  She received a look only a Shadowlands’ Master could deliver, and her bright red lips shut so fast the lipstick smeared.

  As Jake advanced on the two men, they glanced at each other, trying to decide how to withdraw without further loss of face. Cowards.

  A second later, they backed away.

  “Not going to fight over a piece of trash,” Jefferson muttered once out of reach. They disappeared into the crowd.

  Rainie let out the breath she’d been holding.

  Mandy sneered at Rainie’s low-cut bustier and short skirt before tilting her chin toward Jake. “I see you figured out how to get him, didn’t you?” Her snide tone hadn’t changed from a decade ago when her gang of mean girls spotted Rainie staring at Jake. Their cutting remarks still rotted in Rainie’s memory, surfacing when her spirits were low.

  As Jake walked back, Mandy sidled away.

  Jake watched her leave, shaking his head. He glanced at Rainie, then over her shoulder, and his anger transformed to amusement. “No wonder the boys surrendered the field.”

  Rainie spun.

  Ben stood nearby, his brawny arms folded over his huge chest. She was so used to his amiable grin that she’d forgotten how dangerous he could appear. While Jake was a razor-sharp blade, capable of slicing a man into thin strips, Ben was a cudgel designed to flatten them into the ground.

  Like an elegant stiletto knife, Mistress Anne stood beside Ben, and the deadly glint in her eyes would make anyone afraid.

  Warily, Rainie edged over to stand beside Uzuri.

  “Scary, aren’t they?” Uzuri said under her breath, visibly trembling.

  “Yeah.” In the Shadowlands, Rainie had viewed whippings, knife-play, needle-play—but the tops always had everything under control. They were careful, even when blood flowed. But here, the open threat of uncontrolled violence had turned her stomach.

  After talking quietly for a minute, Jake, Anne, and Ben joined them.

  “You okay?” Jake’s gaze swept Uzuri and Rainie.

  Although Uzuri nodded, her color was more gray than brown.

  Ben set a big hand on her shoulder. “Nobody’s going to hurt you, honey. Not while I’m here.”

  Jake stopped next to Rainie and lifted his brows. “And you, sweetling?”

  Answering in the affirmative would be a lie, and annoying him right then would be unwise. So she dodged the question. “Thank you for the help.”

  Having him jump to defend her was… She couldn’t even say how that made her feel. Was her shaking from her ex-classmates’ cruelty or from the surprise of being protected?

  How amazing. Really. She’d actually been rescued by a knight in shining armor. Rainie wrapped her arms around herself, wanting to cling to the sensation of being cared for.

  If only Jake had saved her from pirates or criminals, but nooo, her attackers were people who’d known her. They hadn’t been surprised to see her dressed like a hooker—because they thought she was.

  It wouldn’t matter if she wore the most respectable of designer clothing. They’d never let her forget her past. And she’d never escape them, not in Florida.

  A little sick, she asked, “Can we leave now, Ben?”

  Jake wrapped an arm around her. “You get Uzuri and Anne home, Ben. I’m taking Rainie.”

  * * * *

  “Thanks for the ride,” Rainie said as Jake parked his car.

  Her voice sounded better, he thought, as if she’d finally recovered from whatever screwed-up shit had happened at the nightclub. “Not a problem.”

  “I can see myself in.” She jumped out.

  Jake joined her on the sidewalk and took her arm. “My mother would disown me if I didn’t escort a lady to her door.”

  She gave a huff of exasperation, but then smiled. “Did you inherit that stubbornness from her?”

  “Most assuredly.” His spirits lightened. Not much kept this woman down. He admired that.

  Didn’t admire where she lived though. The damp night air brushed over his face as he walked her to a poorly lit, three-story apartment building. The closest streetlight was dark—shot out was his guess. The landscaping consisted of several dying bushes surrounded by weeds growing through sun-bleached bark mulch. How did Rainie stand it here?

  Maybe it was the suit she’d worn, but he’d gotten the impression she had a good-paying job—so why live here? This wasn’t a safe place for a woman.

  As they approached the end unit, she rummaged in her bag for her keys.

  Her wide shawl cover-up fell open, and he reluctantly pulled it back together for her while inhaling her light, sensual scent. “Better keep this closed.”

  “Excellent idea.” Her eyes darkened, and the pain he’d seen during the confrontation reappeared. “I wouldn’t want to give the place a bad name.”

nbsp; “Rainie.” He touched her cheek, wanting to comfort.

  “Sorry. Old history.” She shook her head as if to dislodge the past. “I really appreciate the way you rescued me.” Humor returned to her face. “You’re a regular paragon of chivalry. I would have said a knight in shining armor, but you’re closer to a gentleman pirate, like in old Errol Flynn movies or…or even Dread Pirate Roberts.”

  “Mmmhmm.” Nice imagination. “Seems like a pirate should get a reward for saving a fancy lady. Doesn’t the code of the seas state that after rescuing, then comes the ravishing?”

  She had a gorgeous laugh, easy and open, sounding as if it came from inside her chest rather than a fake one from her throat. This was a woman he’d enjoy ravishing.

  “I think those are more like guidelines than rules,” she said seriously, although the glint in her eyes revealed laughter.

  Moving closer, crowding her, he ran his finger down the sweet curve of her cheek. “You know, in a role-play, if booty isn’t offered…it’s taken.”

  Her color deepened, and the way her pupils dilated said she wouldn’t be adverse to some rough sex and ravishing.

  Then she blinked and shook her head. “No. No, I don’t think so.” She set her hand against his chest and stepped away.

  “All right.” He wouldn’t push; she’d had enough stress for one night. He gave her hair a teasing tug, took the keys, and unlocked her door.

  From the darkness inside, a whirlwind of a black-and-white dog assaulted her in a torrent of bouncing and barking.

  She yelped and staggered back against Jake’s body.

  Fuck, she was soft. He steadied her and reluctantly released her.

  “Oh my God, you scared me spitless, baby.” Ignoring her dropped bag, she squatted to give hugs and scratches until the dog bounded away, turned two happy circles, and dove in for more.

  “I’m afraid he might be a little crazy.” She laughed as the pup ran out for another circle. Her gaze rose to Jake. “Is he supposed to act like that?”

  “Totally normal.” Jake grinned. “This your first small dog?”

  “First pet ever,” came the muffled response as she buried her face in the dog’s fur. When she lifted her head, her pleasure was bright enough to melt icecaps. “I never knew how…how…wonderful a dog was.”


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