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Roy’s Jaguar [Cherry Matchmaking Agency 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 10

by AM Halford

  “Two hundred years!”

  * * * *

  Nexus walked with Danyal down to his car and watched his friend closely. Roy’s confrontation with him made Nexus realize his friend had been rather off lately. He’d been so concentrated on finding a mate to avoid this duel, and then focusing on Roy, that he might have ignored a few signs directly in front of him. As for Roy’s accusations of Danyal having feelings for him, Nexus highly doubted that. They’d been friends for so long, the thought of Danyal harboring secret feelings for him felt so weird.

  “So, what’s going on?” Nexus asked, leaning against the car and crossing his arms in front of him. “Why so snappy with Roy?”

  “Why am I the one at fault?” Danyal demanded. “He’s the one jumping to conclusions and throwing sass at everyone.”

  True, but Roy’s tendency to be sassy in high-tension situations was one of his endearing qualities. Nexus’s blood pressure went through the roof every time his mate decided he was going to go toe to toe with a shifter, but he couldn’t help admiring his spunk at the same time. Not too many people would do what Roy did. Of course, that was probably because most people had the desire to keep breathing. He really needed to talk with Roy about his apparent death wish in the face of pressure.

  “You’re at fault because I haven’t heard Roy talk that way to you until now, but you’ve been abrupt with him from the start,” Nexus reasoned. “Now, what is going on?”

  Danyal cursed and kicked at the gravel drive. Nexus waited him out. He knew his friend, and the lion would eventually talk. He always did when it was just them.

  “I might agree with Miguel,” Danyal mumbled.

  “Clarify,” Nexus growled, attempting to rein in his anger with that declaration.

  “Not about you being Regulus.” Danyal held up his hands. “But about Cupid’s choice in a mate for you. I know you like him, it’s beyond fucking obvious he already holds some of your heart, but can he even hold himself together to perform the duties required of him? Judging by what I’ve seen, the answer is no.”

  Hearing that Danyal believed Roy already owned part of his heart made Nexus pause. They’d only known each other a few days. Yes, Roy meant a great deal to him, but that much already?

  “Nexus.” Danyal looked him square in the eye, “You know I’m right. If Roy doesn’t learn to curb his tongue, you’re going to have a bigger problem on your hands than just a few disgruntled family members.”

  Okay, he had a point. Roy’s sass wouldn’t do them any good in a diplomatic situation. Nexus guessed he needed to add one more thing to the ever-growing list of things to talk with his mate about.

  “I’ll talk to him.” Nexus sighed. “But remember, he was just thrown into our world with no chance to prepare. Cut him some slack.”

  “I think you’re giving him plenty.” Danyal’s words were cutting as he unlocked his car and got in. “I hope you have that talk soon, for everyone’s sake.”

  “Damn it,” Nexus cursed as he watched his friend drive away. This was not how he planned for this conversation to go. Still, Danyal was right. He needed to have that talk with Roy. Now.

  Going through everything in his head again, Nexus returned to the house to find Roy gaping at Iago who seemed a bit lost himself. “Everything okay in here?”

  Roy turned to him, and Nexus braced himself for whatever was going to happen. “We’re going to live to be how old?”

  Oh, right. He still hadn’t had that conversation either. “Iago, out.”

  “Yes, Regulus.” The hyena bowed before vanishing out the back door.

  Nexus motioned for Roy to follow him into the living room where he sat on one of the two dark brown leather couches. Roy propped himself down beside him and just looked at Nexus’s expectantly.

  “How much did Iago tell you?”

  “That his human father died two hundred years ago, after his shifter father was killed in a duel. You people are seriously big on your duels, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. Anything else?”

  “He also said he’s already three hundred. How old are you again?”

  Leaning back, Nexus rested his head on the back of the couch. “I already told you, eighty-seven.”

  Roy’s expression said he could almost smack himself for forgetting that detail, but still a lot had happened so it wasn’t like he didn’t have an excuse.

  “And to answer your previous question, you’ll live as long as I do. Thanks to our mating, our life forces are now entwined. If one of us dies, then so will the other.” Nexus tried to explain that part gently, though judging by the widening of Roy’s eyes and the paling of his face, he hadn’t done too good a job.

  “Also, Danyal isn’t in love with me. He’s just worried about how your tendency to speak before you think will affect my situation further.”

  “Affect you further?” Roy snapped out of his shocked stupor and demanded. “How dare that fucking overdue catnap!”

  “That, right there.” Nexus smiled against his will. “That’s what he’s worried about. If you act in such a way during an important event or dinner, he fears for the consequences.”

  “I’m not an idiot,” Roy grumbled. “I do know when to stop talking.”

  “Like with Miguel earlier?” Nexus pointed out.

  “No, I’d say more like with José earlier,” Roy corrected him.

  “Okay, fine,” Nexus caved. “You do have a sense of self-preservation. I wasn’t lying when I said José isn’t the problem, though. It seems we just need to work on creating a filter for the more important moments.”

  Roy suddenly got quiet, his eyes casting down to his hands. “Do you not like me as I am?”

  “What?” Nexus startled and turned so he could pull Roy into his arms. “No such thing, minha alma. I like you just as you are, but we have to take into account that your actions affect more than just us.”

  His mate nodded silently and curled up against his chest. Nexus nuzzled and kissed Roy’s neck, hoping to cheer him up. As his tongue snuck out and licked at the mating mark on Roy’s neck, he caught a soft moan escaping his mate’s lips.

  “You know…” Nexus smirked, his dick hardening from just that gentle sound. “It is supposed to be our honeymoon.”

  Roy shivered and moved so he was straddling Nexus’s lap. His ass lining up perfectly with Nexus’s semi-hard cock. “Oh, yeah, I forgot. What with all the serious conversations and all.”

  He might want Roy to rein in the sass around others, but Nexus himself loved it. With a gentle pull of his hand to the back of Roy’s head, Nexus brought him down for a searing kiss. In doing so he moved him forward, allowing him to feel Roy’s own hardening dick against his stomach.

  As they kissed they both scrambled to get the other’s shirt off. Roy, still kissing Nexus, managed to stand up and kick his pants off, revealing a black thong over his cock, while Nexus undid the button and zipper of his own slacks. He’d have to remove them completely, but Roy had already returned to straddling his lap before he could. Roy’s ass pressed down on his dick. He either had amazing aim, or Roy was just lucky in his positioning.

  “Look at you, so emboldened,” Nexus damn near purred as he slid his hands down Roy’s sides and gripped his ass. He pulled him forward, grinding that pert ass against his own cock. “Seems getting you past that first time has awakened something in you.”

  “Yeah, hormones.” Roy laughed as he kissed his way up Nexus’s neck and bit his ear. “Are you saying you don’t want this?”

  “I would never say that.” Nexus slid a single finger between Roy’s cheeks and pressed it against his hole. He so wanted to just fuck up into his ass, but he held back. “Back, left pocket,” Nexus instructed as he attempted to sit up so Roy could reach it. His mate gave him a teasing look before both of his hands slid beneath Nexus and started kneading his ass.

  “My left?” He squeezed his left hand. “Or your left?” He squeezed his right hand.

  Nexus leered at him and nipped at
Roy’s collarbone. “My left, the only side with a pocket.”

  Roy’s hand tucked into his pocket and withdrew the small packet of lube Nexus had stashed away earlier in the day, just in case. Reluctantly Nexus released his grip on Roy’s ass to take the packet, open it, and spread half of the slick gel onto two of his fingers.

  Their lips met, their tongues fighting for dominance, again as Roy raised his hips, providing Nexus with ample access to his ass. He wanted to take this slow, but having Roy in his lap, moaning and kissing him so deliciously as he wiggled above his dick, was already pushing him over the edge. With his mind only firing on half the regular neurons, Nexus gently thrust two fingers into his mate, earning him a satisfying whine. Roy leaned back and pressed down, forcing Nexus’s fingers deeper inside him. Without prompting, Roy started moving on his own, up and down, fucking himself on Nexus’s fingers.

  “Damn,” Nexus purred, watching the scene play out on top of him. Roy’s cock, fully erect and dripping, bobbed in time with his hips as he gyrated above Nexus, taking his pleasure as he pleased. “Definitely awoke something in you.”

  “Nexus.” Roy fell forward and kissed him hard, demandingly. His tongue fucked Nexus’s mouth just as Nexus’s fingers thrust into Roy’s ass. “Want to come,” he panted into the kiss.

  “Well then, how about you slick me up?” Nexus dangled the lube packet in front of Roy, whose eyes took a moment to fully focus on it. When they did, they lit up like Christmas lights. He yanked the packet out of Nexus’s grasp hastily and poured what was left onto his hand. Wrapping his lubed hand around Nexus’s cock, Roy started jerking him off in steady rhythm to the movement of his hips still thrusting against Nexus’s hand.

  For someone that had just lost their virginity, Roy sure picked up the act of seduction quickly, or sex in general. Maybe next time Nexus could talk him into oral? His cock jerked with that thought of fucking Roy’s hot mouth.

  “Ready?” Roy grinned, pulling off of Nexus’s fingers.

  “Oh, most definitely.” Nexus grabbed each of Roy’s hips and helped guide him down onto his cock. It took a few tries, but Roy finally reached behind him and manually led Nexus’s needy dick inside him. They both moaned as Roy sank down, Nexus’s cock sliding deep into his ass, filling him completely.

  “Oh, god,” Roy panted. “Much deeper this time.”

  “Just a different position.” Nexus kissed him.

  “Mm,” Roy moaned as he started rocking back and forth on Nexus’s dick, not too hard to dislodge Nexus, but plenty enough to create a delicious friction between them.

  “That’s right.” Nexus just held on, more than happy to let Roy take the lead. “However, you want it, minha alma.”

  “I want more,” Roy insisted as he tried to get a decent up-and-down rhythm going. The new position and having Nexus’s cock inside him proved a bit more difficult than when it was just his fingers thrusting into his ass. “Nexus, help me.”

  Nexus growled, pulled out, and then thrust up into Roy powerfully. His mate cried out and grabbed the back of the couch as Nexus fucked up into him, giving them what they both wanted. Now that he was moving, Nexus could tell he wasn’t going to last long, and neither was Roy, judging by the cries for more.

  Leaning forward, Nexus sucked one of Roy’s nipples into his mouth, which just so happened to be the perfect level with his face now. He nibbled, licked, and teased the small pebble, and Roy’s walls clamped down on his cock harder.

  “Nexus, I can’t,” Roy moaned. “Nexus!” He came with a shout, his seed bathing Nexus’s stomach. Nexus wasn’t too far away. Grunting, his forehead pressed against Roy’s chest, Nexus released deep inside of his mate. He held him close, just enjoying the feel of the afterglow as they cuddled on the couch.

  “So,” Roy panted, “when do I get to meet your other half? You know, the reason you purr?”

  Chapter Twelve

  Roy woke to the feel of fur pressed against his face. Frowning, he stretched and tried to push the foreign blanket away. He couldn’t remember falling asleep with anything furry. The blanket wasn’t budging, and also seemed to be breathing. Blinking the sleep from his eyes, Roy looked down to find a large spotted cat in bed with him, and smiled. That explained the fur.

  Lying back down, he curled close to the jaguar. Nexus had shown him his other form yesterday, after they’d regained their breath from their vigorous activities. Roy wasn’t going to lie—seeing the large creature up close for the first time had been unsettling. The only thing that kept him from running in fear was the knowledge that the jaguar before him was in fact Nexus. And what a beautiful jaguar he was. Tawny fur with large brown circular spots covered him, except at the tip of his tail which was banded.

  He ran his hand up and down Nexus’s fur, petting his husband. He loved the feel of the smooth, silky fur beneath his palm. To think the boy that had always begged his mother for a dog would end up with a cat in the end. A really big cat.

  Nexus’s eyes opened as Roy was petting him, and the feline version purred happily. Roy was becoming accustomed to that sound, and even liked it. It meant Nexus was content.

  “Morning,” Roy whispered before laying a kiss on Nexus’s nose.

  The jaguar licked him in return, just a small flick of his tongue.

  “I need to get up and make breakfast. You should change back, though I do love this side of you. So beautiful,” Roy gushed as he continued to run his hand along the smooth coat.

  Nexus sniffed, and Roy laughed. Kissing Nexus one more time, he decided it was time to get up. Tossing the covers aside, he swung his legs over the bed and stood. Instantly the room swam and his stomach lurched.

  With his hand over his mouth, Roy rushed to the bathroom and barely made it to the toilet before he vomited. Not two seconds later Nexus, in human form, was at his side. “Are you okay?”

  Roy threw up what was left in his stomach before leaning back against his husband. “I don’t feel good, at all.”

  “I’m calling the doctor.” Nexus propped Roy against the tub and vanished back into their room. He returned moments later, his cellphone pressed to his ear. “I need a doctor at my house, immediately. It’s Roy. He’s not feeling good.”

  As Nexus handled the doctor, Roy set his hand on his stomach. Morning sickness? But, so soon? It had only been a few days since he’d lost his virginity. Didn’t it take women weeks to months to experience the first signs of pregnancy?

  If it wasn’t that, maybe something he ate? But he’d cooked last night, so he knew the food was good.

  “The doctor will be here in thirty minutes,” Nexus said, hanging up the phone and sitting back on the floor with him. “Do you want anything until he gets here? Water? Coffee? Some eggs?”

  At the mention of food, Roy’s stomach roiled again. He scrambled for the toilet and dry heaved. Food was definitely out of the question for now.

  Nexus reached over and pressed the back of his hand to Roy’s forehead. “You don’t seem to be running a fever. Maybe I should get the thermometer just in case.” He went to stand, but Roy stopped him by him gripping his knee.

  “Please, just sit with me.”

  “Of course.” Nexus nodded and wrapped his arms around Roy, rocking him gently. He was worried, so was Roy. Probably for different reasons though.

  Looking down to his stomach, Roy could feel the onset of panic starting to creep up on him. This was not how he planned for things to go. He figured they had a few months, at the least, to get to know each other before this stage of their lives knocked on their door. Then again, Roy tried to think of a time that he could be ready for the possibility of being pregnant.

  He was drawing a major blank.

  “How you doing?” Nexus asked, his hands smoothing up and down Roy’s arms. “Think you can move back to the bed?”

  “I can try.”

  Nexus stood first and helped Roy to his feet. He patiently waited for Roy to take several deep breaths before nodding, and heading back into the be
droom. Passing through the closet Nexus snatched them both a pair of sweats, and a shirt for Roy, before going to the bed. Roy allowed Nexus to dress him before he sat back down. He wasn’t experiencing vertigo anymore. That was nice. His stomach was still queasy though.

  Deciding to lie back, Roy fluffed a pillow and eased himself down. He needed to calm down and think rationally. Women didn’t feel symptoms of pregnancy for weeks after the actual deed was done, so this most likely wasn’t that.

  Then again, Roy knew absolutely nothing about the reproduction cycle of shifters. Or human men that entered into magical contracts with gods to become pregnant for that matter.

  His hand slid on top of his stomach as he tried to talk himself out of the possibility.

  The doorbell rang and Nexus, who had been sitting at Roy’s side, got up. “I’ll be right back. It’s probably the doctor.”

  Roy just nodded. Nexus left and barely a minute passed before he was back, an older man with auburn hair and trendy glasses covering his brown eyes in tow behind him. Black slacks, a white button-up shirt, and a white lab coat gave off more of the impression of a scientist than a doctor. He set a bag, which Roy had seen in old cowboy westerns a lot, on the table beside Roy and smiled at him.

  “I’m Dr. O’Hare. Can you sit up for me, Dominus?”

  “Roy,” he sighed as he shuffled back into a sitting position.

  “Roy.” Dr. O’Hare continued to smile professionally. “Lift up your shirt.”

  Nexus growled as Roy reached for the hem of the white shirt Nexus had helped him put on. Roy arched an eyebrow at his husband, who continued to growl low as he lifted his shirt up and off. The doctor didn’t seem to pay the irritated jaguar any mind. Roy couldn’t for the life of him understand why Nexus would suddenly be upset. He was fine a moment ago.

  Dr. O’Hare checked his heart rate and then moved his stethoscope lower. A gentleness took over his face before he pulled away and started rummaging in his bag. “Please, go into the bathroom and follow the direction on this box.”


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