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Incubus Seduction

Page 2

by Emma Jaye

  “Oh, come here,” Charlie said as if he was comforting a child.

  Despite his shame, Finn allowed himself to be hugged, leaning his head on Charlie’s shoulder. Being held felt great, it was just disappointing that this was a sympathy cuddle rather than a post-sex one.

  Charlie massaged his shoulder for a few seconds before speaking. “Have you been watching gay porn again?”

  Finn found himself shrugging like a petulant teenager, which he was, for another few short months.

  “What have I told you about that?”

  “That is isn’t real,” Finn mumbled.

  “And that plenty of people have fulfilling relationships without ever doing anal? It really isn’t the be all and end all, you know.”

  Finn looked up in confusion. “I thought you said you haven’t done it?”

  Charlie’s rather thin lips pressed together. “I haven’t. And I don’t want to, either way. That hole has a specific function and it isn’t sexual. Besides, I don’t want to hurt you. Agreed?”

  Finn didn’t answer. Mentioning that he’d been touching himself in anticipation and preparation for something that clearly wasn’t going to happen, wouldn’t help.

  “I said, agreed?” The firm tone was exactly what turned Finn on, but it was in totally the wrong context. He wanted Charlie to order him around, to command him to do things he might not be totally comfortable with. That never happened except when it came to his finances. In that department, Charlie had him by the short and curlies.

  “We’d better get going. You’ll miss your train.”

  Charlie rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on, Finnie; I don’t want to fight after I’ve been away for so long. But you’re right, I do need to get going. Drop me back at the airport? And talk to me before setting up something like this again. Remember the budget I set you? This has got to have put a huge dent in your account.”

  Charlie did his trousers back up while Finn found himself nodding like a scolded schoolboy.

  “Tell you what, I’ll drive back to the rental place and sort it out, ok? I appreciate all the thought you put into this, but we wouldn’t want to get this baby scratched, would we?”


  The large sale banner with its suggestively winking rabbit, had been niggling at Finn since he’d seen it this morning. The discreet sex shop was tucked away on a side street he used as a cut through to campus. Now he was on his way home, and the plain sign on the door said ‘Open’.

  Charlie had mentioned cleanliness and not wanting to hurt him as reasons not to do anal. How would Charlie react if Finn showed him it could be clean, that he enjoyed it? Even if full sex was off the cards, a little toy action could spice up their lives no end. This was the first time it was feasible for him to own, and use, such objects. Before he’d started university, he’d shared a room with his older brother at home.

  Since Charlie’s disastrous homecoming last week, Finn had spent nearly every waking hour thinking about their relationship. He should be thrilled that a decent, good-looking man with great prospects was interested in a bloke from a single parent, working-class family with less than stellar intelligence. Finn knew he was good looking, he had a classic Celtic vibe going on, dark hair, green eyes, pale skin. But that positive attribute was exceedingly lonely in his portfolio of good points. It didn’t help that Charlie moved from hot to cold and back again so fast it made Finn’s head spin.

  As usual, Pixie had an opinion. He’d flopped into the sofa in their tatty student house living room, watching her paint her toenails neon pink. It was seven a.m., a time no student should be up, but unfortunately Finn had his one early lecture of the week. Why Pixie was awake, he had no idea. Then again, he’d never known her to sleep. The girl was a natural phenomenon in more ways than one.

  “Oh, for God’s sake, Finn, stop mooning about like someone pissed on your parade and live a little,” she’d exclaimed. “I know I’ve never met the guy, but this Charlie of yours sounds about as much fun as haemorrhoids. All the time you’re wasting moping about him could be spent enjoying yourself. You’re at Uni, explore who you are. Are you even sure you’re gay rather than bi? You’re young, gorgeous and only here for a few years. Live it up, you’ll regret it otherwise. The least you can do is get yourself some toys. I swear by my rabbit. If you hear some late-night buzzing, don’t bother knocking.”

  Finn put his mug of coffee down, wrinkling his nose in disgust. “Seriously, Pix, too much information. And anyway, I wouldn’t have a clue what to get.”

  “Why don’t you pop into Erotes, that adult shop on Cooper Street? Some of the stuff in there will blow your mind and the owner is very helpful. Sorted me out in no time.”

  Hence, here he was, inside a sex shop for the first time in his life, ‘exploring himself’.

  As he homed in on the single sale bin marked ‘Men’, he continued the tricky calculation of how much he could spend, not only because of the airport FUBAR, but because of Charlie’s ever vigilant eyes.

  His boyfriend’s offer of help with his finances a few months after they’d met had seemed benign; he dealt with hundreds of thousands of pounds of other people’s money daily. Finn had regretted giving him access to his online banking account ever since, even though Charlie only ever put money in. Large amounts of money that covered his fees and living expenses, so he didn’t have to get crippling student loans.

  That ill-considered, ‘ok’ while Charlie had been rolling Finn’s nuts in his manicured fingers had left him stuck between a rock and a hard place. His obsessive, frugal boyfriend now knew where he spent every penny. Pixie claimed Charlie was buying him, and although there was a certain truth in that, it immediately prompted Finn’s protective instincts. So Charlie wasn’t perfect; neither was he.

  An item next to the sale bin broke through his mental preoccupation, and his mind dropped Charlie like a hot potato. There was a shiny gold prostate massager, sitting upright on a small illuminated revolving pedestal in the dimly lit shop. Finn wavered between imagining using such a thing on himself, or on someone else. Someone tied up.

  Or maybe he’d be the one tied up, unable to stop the wielder doing whatever he wanted to him. Yeah, that would be better.

  Looking a little closer, he saw it had a vibrating function that could be controlled via an app. Mind boggling, he checked the price tag and nearly had a seizure: £200.

  Nope, not for you Finn, my boy. Taking a deep breath, he started rummaging in the sale bin. He came up for air clutching a hygienically sealed truly monstrous neon green butt plug.

  He eyed his find with fascinated horror. This thing would make a horse’s eyes water, let alone mine.

  “That’s pretty advanced.”

  Finn straightened up and turned around so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash. The curly-haired, broad-shouldered man standing a few feet away had a definite smirk on his handsome, tanned face. He looked entirely at home in an establishment that would make most people either turn pale or bright red. Finn felt confident he was managing both at the same time.

  “This is my place. Name’s Ezra. Pleased to meet you...?” The man left the question hanging as he held out his hand.

  “Finn,” he squeaked, briefly shaking the man’s big, calloused hand.

  Sexual energy oozed from every pore of this man. Even a nun, or a monk for that matter, would have trouble not reacting to this character.

  Steady. He owns a sex shop. He flirts with everyone who comes in. Making people think about sex increases his sales. It was a reasonable explanation for the appraising look he gave Finn. Still, it was nice to have a sexy bloke’s attention, even if he was only after Finn’s almost non-existent cash.

  Six foot two to Finn’s five eight, light stubble on his chin, charismatic black eyes, insanely masculine and attractive...He made Finn’s dick throb. Not because of his body and face, but because it seemed as if Ezra saw and appreciated all his desires. And unlike Charlie, he didn’t disapprove, in fact, he liked them.

nbsp; Down, boy, Finn told his groin sternly.

  “It’s not for me, it’s for a friend.” Finn groaned inwardly at the inane line.

  Rather than falling over laughing, Ezra nodded sagely. “Oh, I believe you, one hundred percent. A perfectly straight, conservative bloke like you wouldn’t be considering buying a giant butt plug.”

  Ezra tilted his head. His lop-sided smirk promised all sorts of sin. Finn was well and truly sunk. This was a full-on flirt assault and he didn’t have a bloody clue how to react.

  “Just how well do you know this friend?”

  It felt as if his face had been sandblasted. “That is none of your business. And anyway, I have a boyfriend.” Why the hell did I say that? What a complete dick.

  Ezra indicated the big green object in Finn’s hand with a straight face. “Unless your friend is very experienced, that’s going to be quite a challenge.”

  The way Ezra eyed Finn’s groin was both embarrassing and highly erotic. I really should leave and never come back.

  Instead, Finn stood there, as if lacking more than a few marbles. He met Ezra’s eyes. Misdirection hadn’t worked, so his next line of defence was attack. He went for it with all the bluster he could manage.

  “So, was running a sex shop your childhood ambition?”

  Much to Finn’s annoyance, Ezra didn’t seem in the least fazed. He looked Finn up and down with a slow, sexy smile that gave his victim a delicious shiver.

  “Isn’t it everyone’s?”

  Crash and burn. Again. He’s looking at me as if I’m his favourite dessert, complete with sprinkles and cream. And that image is in no way helpful. But good God, I bet he knows how to fuck.

  You have a boyfriend. Who is paying your fees.


  “Erm... no. I want to be a social worker.”

  “Pretty much the same thing, from a certain point of view, don’t you think?”

  Ezra didn’t give him time to ponder that bombshell because he indicated the fat green object Finn was still clutching with a nod.

  “So, do you want that? It’s not suitable for a beginner. I’ve got some better suggestions if you’re willing to listen to someone with experience.”

  Finn’s internal devil was jumping up and down with glee at the thought of finally getting some. Giving in to that impulse would not end well.

  “No, it’s fine, this was just a joke,” he said shoving the huge butt plug back in the sale bin.

  A frown marred Ezra’s forehead. “Being prepared for anal isn’t a joke. Get it right and it’s the best feeling in the world. Get it wrong and it could give you problems for life. That plug is for people who like getting fisted, which, unless I’m very much mistaken, isn’t you; or at least it isn’t you at the moment.”

  Leaving Finn doing a goldfish impression, Ezra walked over to a display rack filled with toys. The older man picked out a range of objects, from butt plugs to dildoes. The pile of products in his arms grew until Finn was compelled to speak.

  “Thanks, but I can’t afford all that.”

  Ezra turned back to him slowly, causing a shiver to run up Finn’s spine. “When did I say you had to pay? Don’t be a spoilsport, Finn. Humour me,” he said in a low voice.

  Finn was abruptly aware he was alone with a stranger, and that large stranger was between him and the door.

  “Why would you give me all that stuff?” He eyed the distance between himself and the exit. Ezra was big, but was he fast? Finn was on the university track team. The 1500m was his speciality but his 100m times didn’t suck.

  Ezra hit him with another slow, sexy smile that made Finn’s balls tighten. He forgot all about leaving.

  “Because I’d die a happy man if you ever looked at me the way you drooled over that.” He nodded towards the gold prostate massager. “Let a guy dream a little.”

  After what seemed like a decade, Finn remembered to shut his mouth. He fingered the heavy silver chain Charlie had given him just before he’d got on the train at the airport last week.

  “I’m seeing someone. It’s not appropriate for you to buy me things like...” Finn waved at the products in Ezra’s hand, but couldn’t take his eyes off the box containing a purple prostate massager. It boasted multiple vibrate functions. What would that feel like, deep inside me?

  He had experimented with his fingers, even managed to brush his prostate once or twice, but the contortions required had spoiled the effect. Having a toy like that would make it effortless. Would it make me come without touching myself? Would a prostate orgasm feel any different to jerking off?

  “Worried that you’ll be thinking of me when you’re using it with him? I must admit the thought turns me on.” Ezra’s brows waggled.

  His gaze dropped to Ezra’s denim clad groin to check. The other man laughed, the sound rolling up from his chest. Finn averted his eyes.

  The laughter stopped and Finn heard more than saw Ezra put the products down on the counter and step closer. A finger on his chin lifted it until Finn was looking up into those bottomless dark eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I won’t be using any stuff like that with him.” He didn’t have the foggiest idea why he was telling this stranger about his crappy sex life. Then again, owning a sex shop probably encouraged people to confess intimate problems all the time.

  Ezra cocked his head. “Who then?”

  “Just me. Charlie doesn’t like this sort of thing. He’s a very decent guy.”

  Ezra’s nose wrinkled and his lip curled slightly as if he’d smelt something putrid. “I’m sorry to hear that. He’s missing out. Doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself, though. Take this lot with my blessing, and don’t worry, it makes good business sense.”

  Finn frowned. “How do you work that one out?”

  “Repeat business and recommendations. You’re a student, right?”

  “Yeah, so?”

  The larger man shrugged. “Did you just find this place or did someone recommend me?”

  “My housemate, she’s got a nose ring and–”

  “Short, mouthy, pink hair, right? See, my technique works. You’ve got to be the fiftieth student Pixie has sent in here, but she’s in her last year. Where there’s one student, there’s more, and all out on your own for the first time. That’s when people start experimenting; a whole new pool of potential customers. Your fellow students will see the silly grin these are guaranteed to produce. They’ll ask what made your day and you give them a card or point them in my direction.” Ezra reached over the counter, bagged up the toys and dropped a couple of bottles of lube in with them.

  “You can’t give this much stuff away to everyone.”

  “You’re right, I don’t. I select my people with great care, and you, Finn, are something special.”

  Preening inwardly at the praise, he remembered Charlie and absently fingered the chain again.

  “Nice collar.”

  “It’s not a–”

  “Who gave it to you?”

  “My boyfriend, but–”

  “Did he ask you to wear it all the time?”

  This time, Finn couldn’t meet those intense eyes. Charlie had indeed asked him to wear it whenever they were apart. Fucking hell, Charlie put a collar on me. But does Charlie even know about any of that BDSM kinky stuff? Is this jewellery, or is it more? Does it mean anything if it hasn’t been spelled out and agreed by both of us? Does he think he owns me now?

  Do I like it?

  Finn had to admit, the thought of being owned by another person, one that was enamoured with him, was a turn on, in a perfect fantasy world. But in real life, he wasn’t sure. His relationship with Charlie wasn’t perfect by any means and being stuck with that sort of commitment...

  Ezra pulled him out of his swirling thoughts by putting the plain black plastic bag into his arms. With the other hand, he offered a small pack of black business cards with ‘Erotes’ in a shiny red font and the shop’s contact details.

  When Finn di
dn’t immediately reach for them, Ezra picked up the hand that wasn’t clutching a bag of sex toys and put the cards in it. The brief touch produced a tingle up his spine.

  How would it feel to be at the mercy of this sexy, dominant man and his vast collection of toys? I bet if he put a collar on me I’d have no doubt what it meant.

  “If anyone asks, tell them you got a job product testing. Students have weird part-time jobs all the time.”

  Trying to gather his rational self, Finn said, “You’ve wasted your money.” But he still held onto the bag despite his conscience screaming at him to dump it and walk out.

  “Trust me, it’s not a waste. Thinking of you playing with that lot will brighten my evening. And if you ever want someone to practice with...”

  “You’re gay?” Finn blurted out, needing the final confirmation.

  “I go wherever I’m wanted.”

  If that was the case, Finn was surprised Ezra wasn’t using an iron lung, because everyone with a pulse who liked dick would want a piece of this man. If they were single. Which Finn wasn’t.

  “Guess you’re really busy then. Thanks for the offer, but as I said I’ve...”

  “Got a boyfriend,” Ezra finished and shrugged those bulging shoulders encased in tight black cotton. “C’est la vie. You can’t blame a guy for trying.” Ezra’s infectious smile had Finn grinning back, before something occurred to him.

  “You do know that by accepting this stuff I don’t have any obligations to you apart from giving out the odd card, and only if someone asks.”

  “Except one,” Ezra said with a half-smile.

  Finn started to hand the bag back.

  “Have dinner with me.” Ezra held up a finger, which caused Finn’s mouth to shut on his own protests. What secret control powers does this dude have? Other than being the sexiest thing on two legs I’ve ever met. Christ, I’d love to be underneath him for a few hours.

  “Just to discuss your new job as a product tester. I want to see what someone new to all this stuff thinks. I work during the day, and most evenings, so dinner is the only time I have a slot free.”


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