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Erotic Flights of Fantasy

Page 2

by Melanie Thompson

  “You’re hard to track and even harder to ambush. It took us centuries to put this plan into action, and now you are finished.” Syl glanced at Lily. “Ready?”

  Lily nodded.

  “I’ll get the coffin.”

  * * * *

  Syl took a small elevator down to the basement of the old ranch house. The brick house sat on a hill overlooking the city of Los Angeles. The basement had been constructed in the forties. It was over four thousand square feet of space. The original owners built another home down here with the first floor merely for show, probably because they were into some really weird things. Lily had uncovered torture devices, trunks of strange sex toys, leather suits, and boxes of old sadomasochistic porn.

  Working together, Lily and Syl broke through the concrete floor and dug a grave for Lucien. Death was too good for him. He would lie as dead inside the coffin, buried in concrete for all eternity. His body would shrivel and waste to nothing, while his conscious mind slowly went insane.

  She pushed the trolley holding the coffin into the elevator and returned to the bedroom. Lily was just finishing wrapping more and more silver across Lucien’s still form. They lifted him into the coffin and closed the lid.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to push him into the backyard and let the sun hit him?” Syl asked.

  Lily shook her head. “He’s so old, sunlight would only make him suffer. He wouldn’t die. This is the only way. We could stake him, but even that might not work. He’s very powerful, Syl. We’re lucky to be alive.”

  When Lucien’s coffin was in the hole, they covered it with dirt. Then Lily mixed two bags of cement with some sand and water in a wheelbarrow. They filled the hole with the concrete mix and smoothed the top. It was done.

  “When it’s dry, we’ll recarpet the place,” Syl said.

  “I’ve already got it on the market. Once this house is sold, I’m never coming back.”

  “Come upstairs, darling,” Syl said. “Let’s celebrate.”

  They poured two glasses of light, sweet white wine, lifted them and toasted their success.

  “We did it,” Lily said. “I can’t believe he’s finally being punished for his crimes.”

  Syl pulled her close and kissed her. Lily’s lips tasted delicious, like wine and flowers.

  “I’m so hot,” Lily whispered to Syl. “He pleasured you, but I was denied.”

  “I desire you as well.”

  Syl ran her hands over Lily’s breasts, teasing the swelling nipples. “I love your breasts. They are the perfect size. Mine are huge in comparison.”

  “But yours are so beautiful,” Lily breathed into her mouth.

  They kissed, Lily’s tongue teasing Syl by lightly licking her lips. “That tickles.”

  Lily ran her hand between Syl’s legs, touching the outer lips, then spreading them to caress her swelling clit.

  “Not me, darling. It’s you that needs attention.” Syl fell to her knees and buried her face in Lily’s sex. She dug her fingers into slender thighs, ran her hands across Lily’s hips until she found the crevasse separating the two luscious globes of her ass. Syl pulled the cheeks apart and slid a finger into Lily’s tight anus.

  With her tongue dancing across Lily’s clit, she ran one finger deep into the tight hole. Lily moaned and grabbed Syl’s hair.

  “Are you there yet, love?” Syl asked.

  “Almost,” Lily groaned, then stiffened and released her breath. “Yes, Syl, yes.”

  They stumbled to the bed, fell on it, clutching at each other. Syl pushed Lily back and knelt over her. “I’m not through yet.”

  She opened a drawer beside the bed and removed a vibrator. “This is as big as Lucien, plus it does tricks.”

  Lily giggled and spread her legs so Syl could slowly insert the rubber penis into her moist opening. The sight of the vibrator disappearing into Lily made Syl unbearably excited. She pressed her thighs together to ease some of the tension.

  “Turn around, let me kiss you while you do me,” Lily said.

  Syl lay on Lily, her abdomen across Lily’s breasts, and pressed her sex against her lover’s open mouth. She moaned with pleasure as Lily grabbed her clit in her mouth and sucked. She flicked the vibrator on and worked it in and out of Lily, rubbing it across her clit and then back into the opening. Lily’s thighs began shaking. She moaned against Syl’s heated sex. Syl had to fight to concentrate, finding the right spots to apply vibration, until Lily screamed, arching her back in ecstasy.

  Syl fell onto the bed, her own pussy aching with need. Lily understood without words, grabbing the vibrator to apply it to Syl’s needy sex. In seconds, Syl was convulsing.

  Sated, they lay back against the pillows, naked, satisfied. Lucien was gone forever.

  Suddenly, Syl heard a noise. It sounded like it came from the basement. She sat up. Lily leaped to her feet, her brown eyes wide with horror. “No, he couldn’t be loose. How could he break the chains?”

  “He can’t,” Lily said. “Let me pour you another glass of wine.”

  Syl accepted a full glass of golden liquid. They toasted again and Syl downed hers in one gulp.

  Something large crashed in the basement. Lily’s eyes flew open. Syl put her hand on Lily’s arm. They heard steps in the hallway.

  Syl screamed when the door flew open. Lucien, burned horribly by the silver, hair wild, eyes an evil yellow, stood in the doorway with a raging erection. “Hello girls. I’m baaaack!”

  Blood Feud

  Lucas Cain’s lip curled as he sniffed the corpse. “It’s an elf.”

  “How can you tell?” Martin Kowalski, his friend and a Seattle police sergeant asked.

  “Because, old friend, elves have a foul smell unlike any other creature.”

  “I have a pretty good nose Lucas, and I can only smell a flowery odor, like crushed rose petals. I don’t even smell blood, though there’s plenty of it.”

  “That’s the smell I’m speaking of. Elves smell like the elora flower. All vampires know this odor. Elora flowers are poisonous to our kind.”

  “What the hell is an elora flower?”

  “As far as I know, they’ve been gone off this earth for many centuries, yet still we fear them. It can take years to die from the flower’s poison. Unable to feed, a poisoned vampire slowly wastes away. His blood turns thick and white while his skin slowly dries to parchment.”

  Kowalski shook his head and shuddered. “That sounds like a terrible way to go. Whatta you think happened here?”

  Kowalski called Lucas in to help whenever he had a difficult case to solve. It was after one in the morning when Lucas arrived on First Street to find Kowalski in the dark alley bent over the dead elf. As a vampire, Lucas had an uncanny ability to decipher the mysteries presented by a crime scene, and he enjoyed the challenge. Life could become boring, especially when you were more than a thousand years old.

  Lucas stood up and examined the scene, absorbing the dead elf lying half decapitated with his feet under a garbage bin. He noticed something sparkling in the shadows. It seemed out of place. A weapon lay in a pile of debris and filth by the brick wall of an adjacent building. Fragrant blood still dripped from the blade. It had to be the murder weapon.

  “This is a specially made sword used for only one purpose,” Lucas told Martin. “The elf was killed by another of his kind. They were probably involved in a blood feud.” He toed the dead body. “This one lost. Good riddance, I say. The only good elf is a dead elf.”

  Kowalski pulled out his notebook. “Exactly how am I supposed to word that?”

  “Why don’t you say it’s gang related.”

  Kowalski nodded. “Of course, elf gangs. That makes perfect sense.”

  The meat wagon pulled up and Charlene Lumpock climbed out of the van. She hitched her uniform pants over her belly and swaggered toward the body. “Got us another gang killing?”

  Kowalski and Lucas nodded in sync. “Yep.”

  “I’m going to head out,” Lucas told his fri
end. “Call if you need me.”

  “Will do.”

  Lucas looked back once, saw his huge lumbering friend bend over the body to search it, and then leaped for the rooftops. He made the four-story jump easily and ran lightly along the skyline jumping from building to building while he enjoyed the cool damp evening.

  When he spotted the inviting gleam of an all-night bar, he dropped to the street, smoothed his black coat and straightened the collar of his black Armani shirt. The sign outside the bar said Elysian Fields. “We who are about to die, salute you,” Lucas said and marched inside.

  He stepped into the poorly lit club and stared. Backlit by soft pink light, an incredibly hot chick sat hunched over a guitar, her long, pale blond hair falling to her knees. She dragged the mike closer and began to sing Robert Plant’s hit Sea of Love in a husky voice. The smoky tones reminded Lucas of Chan Marshall, lead singer of Cat Power, a group who also sang that song.

  “Come with me, my love,” she sang. “To a sea, a sea of love. I want to tell you how much…I love you.”

  Lucas found himself mesmerized. She was so lovely. Her white skin glowed and her pale breasts swelled out of a lacy pink bustier. A long shimmering green skirt, slit high on her thighs, fell open revealing the mysterious space leading to her crotch. He licked his lips and swallowed. Damn! She was making him salivate.

  He took a seat next to a tall man drinking white wine. Lucas shook his head and ordered beer from a local micro- brewery. “Who is she?” he asked the tall guy.

  When the man looked at him, Lucas got a whiff of elora as he stared into eyes the color of spring green. Tall-guy was an elf.

  The elf looked down his perfect nose and sneered. “Why you so interested, bloodsucker?”

  When Lucas glanced around, he saw most of the customers in the bar were also elves. And he noticed they watched the door with more than curiosity.

  Lucas shrugged his shoulders and grinned. “Call me crazy, I love good music.”

  The elf laughed. “Her name’s Tislin Fairfeather.” He looked around the bar as he sipped his wine. “Watch yourself, bloodsucker. I have no love for your kind, but I also appreciate good music and I would warn you, take care these are not your friends.”

  Lucas nodded. “Warning noted. Hey, there was a dead elf found not too far from here on First. Know anything about that?”

  “You’d do well to keep your nose out of elf affairs, bloodsucker. We police our own.”

  Lucas shrugged. “No harm in asking, is there?”

  The music was haunting and Tislin’s voice hypnotic. When the door crashed open and five men burst in, he was unprepared and easily knocked off his barstool. Swiftly rebounding, Lucas’s heightened senses absorbed the situation. The five intruders carried ancient weapons; swords and daggers. They swarmed into the bar and attacked the elves. Lucas found himself awash in the stench of the elora flower. Elves were attacking elves! A slender blonde, his pointed ears visible through his silky hair, headed for the singer brandishing a drawn sword.

  Lucas pushed the blond elf aside, leaped on stage and gathered Tislin into his arms. She did not protest when he crashed through the front windows into the street, crouched and sprang to the roof. From there, he ran across three roofs, then jumped atop a four-story and stopped. Someone had built long planters on the roof creating a garden, and then the mysterious gardener had placed wrought-iron benches at intervals next to the planters. He set Tislin on one of the benches.

  “I’m sorry I had to be so rough,” he apologized. “I couldn’t allow them to hurt a flower such as you. You sing like an angel.”

  Her eyes were huge in her heart-shaped face. “You’re a freaking vampire.”

  He bowed. “That I am. And you, my angel, are an elf.”

  “Our races have always hated each other, bloodsucker. Why’d you save me?”

  Lucas stared out into the city. Why had he saved her? She reeked of deadly flowers, and by doing so he had violated years of conditioning and gone against his own kind. “I don’t know. Maybe it was your voice or the words of your song. I couldn’t allow you to be slaughtered.” He laughed. “It was a crazy impulse. Want me to put you back?”

  She shook her head. “No, they might still be there, the Starrs I mean. The Fairfeathers and the Starr clan have been fighting for centuries. I’m Tislin Fairfeather. Who’re you?”

  “Lucas, Lucas Cain at your service.” He bowed.

  “We thought we were safe here in Seattle so far from sunshine and open sky. We never thought they’d find us.”

  “Your clan sounds like it’s losing the war.”

  “Oh, we are. We’ve dwindled in numbers. There are less than twenty of us remaining, while the Starrs have found a way to multiply and prosper. Elves have ever been slow to breed and we mature slowly. I can’t understand why the Starrs have become so fertile.”

  “There could be one less,” Lucas said. “The cops found a dead elf under a garbage bin over on First.”

  She shivered. “What will I do now? Where can I go?”

  Lucas sat down next to her. She was an elf, an age-old enemy, but she was also a woman alone, a very beautiful woman. This close to her, the scent of elora was suffocating. He turned his head.

  She smiled. “I know, we stink.”

  “You have no idea how badly I want to take you in my arms and comfort you. I can’t get over the smell.”

  “You don’t exactly smell like a bed of roses,” she said. “More like ten dead squirrels.”

  They both laughed. Lucas was still chuckling when a flicker of light coming over the edge of the roof caught his eye. It grew larger and he recognized the light as a fairy. He leaped to his feet as the fairy flew close to Tislin and hovered around her ears.

  Fairies were like bugs, flitting around, walking across your skin like roaches. He shuddered, his skin rippling with disgust. Vampires hated fairies. They represented the light inside humans and elves, a light lost in Lucas forever when he became a vampire.

  “What’s the insect want?”

  “She’s not an insect,” Tislin snapped. “Her name is Morning Glory. She brought me a message. She says the bar is empty. Matt and his men drove off the Starrs. They chased them toward the docks.”

  “Then it should be safe for me to take you home.”

  She shook her head. “Morning Glory says they now know where we live.” Her head drooped. “They have already been to our house. Everyone there is gone.”

  “Dead or somewhere else?” Lucas asked.

  “She says there is much death on both sides. We have so few remaining to lose.”

  Lucas heard the fairy twittering and tinkling. He understood some of the language, but what the fairy said made no sense. “Did she say take to the trees, the forest is kinder than men or elves, find the flowers? What’s that mean?”

  Tislin sighed. “She’s very upset. She thinks I should find a forest of trees and flowers and climb the highest one until this is over.”

  Lucas grabbed her hand. He was about tired of all this fairy-elf bullshit. “Come on, we’ll go to my apartment. Tell the fairy to beat it.”

  Tislin hung back. “I can’t go with you, Lucas. My mother told me never trust a vampire. You’ll kill me and suck my blood.”

  Lucas shook his head. “Not in a million years. The taste of your blood would gag a maggot.” He smiled. “Come on, you’ll be safe with me. I’ll look for your family later. We’ll find out where they went and then I’ll take you wherever they’ve gone.”

  She allowed him to pull her to her feet. Face to face for the first time, he realized how tall she was. Her skin was like alabaster and her lips were like two ripe peach slices. His attraction to her was ridiculous.

  “Tell Moonflower to scram.”

  Tislin giggled. “Her name’s Morning Glory.”

  “Yeah sure, tell her to go away.” He shivered. “She gives me the creeps.”

  Tislin whispered something to the fairy. It tinkled its reply, and then shot into
the dark. Lucas touched Tislin’s face.

  “Your hands are like ice,” she whispered as she stared into his eyes.

  Hers were the color of the ocean, blue pools with green and gold flecks, and so large, he felt he could fall into their depths and not come up for weeks.

  “And you are warm and soft, so very soft.” He must be getting accustomed to her scent because he no longer smelled it…or maybe he just didn’t care. He bent his head and kissed her. She opened her mouth to the invasion of his tongue and sucked. His head swam.

  Breaking the kiss, he turned away, bent over and gasped. “You’ve put some kind of elf spell on me. I can’t even smell elora anymore.”

  She touched his shoulder and the light contact sent chills racing through his body. His erection threatened to burst through the tight jeans.

  “I haven’t ensorcelled you, Lucas. It is you who have put me under your power. I feel as though you have placed a glamor spell on me. I can’t stop looking at you and…and thinking thoughts, thoughts no elf woman should have for a vampire.”

  Her words fueled his desire. He captured her in his arms and held her against his body. With one finger, he turned her chin up so she looked at him. “I want you. Come home with me, please.”

  Tislin’s eyes were half open. She licked her lips. The expression on her face was so sensuous Lucas moaned. “Damn, woman. You’re the most erotic creature I’ve ever known.”

  When she touched his mouth with one finger, he grabbed it. “Say yes,” he breathed.

  In a soft voice so low he had to strain to hear it, she said, “yes.”

  He scooped her into a tight embrace. She wrapped her long arms around his neck and he launched himself off the building. It took only minutes racing through the streets at speeds only a vampire could attain to reach his condo. He took the stairs rather than wait for the elevator. At his door, he stopped.

  “You sure?” he asked with one eyebrow raised.

  She answered by closing her eyes and nodding.

  He carried her to his room. The curtains were open revealing a vast amount of the Seattle skyline. Twinkling lights created a kaleidoscope across walls painted a luminescent black, like oil on water.


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