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Standing Next to History: An Agent's Life Inside the Secret Service

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by Petro, Joseph

  author as agent in

  bugging in

  Philadelphia Eagles

  Philip, Prince

  Philippines, survey trip in

  Phoenix (Arizona)

  Quayle’s impromptu in

  Sun Devil Stadium in

  Pinochet, Augusto

  Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)

  Plante, Bill

  Plymouth Rock, USS

  Poe, John



  Port Mansfield (Texas)

  post standing

  Powis, Bob

  PPD. See Presidential Protective Division

  preadvance trips

  presidential candidates, protection of

  Presidential Protective Division (PPD)

  author’s departure from

  automobiles of. See armored cars

  DeProspero in charge of

  diplomatic passports of

  equipment for agents of

  exchange of VPPD agents with

  lapel pins for agents of

  operations center for

  Shaddick in charge of

  as “tip of javelin,”

  training of

  press, the

  author’s dealings with

  Reagan’s mike check joke and

  sneaking the president from

  surveillance of Reagan’s ranch by

  Prewitt, Keith

  Primerica (company)

  Prince, Chuck

  Princeton University, author as fellow at

  private sector, author’s comments on

  public affairs, author as deputy assistant director for

  Quayle, Benjamin

  Quayle, Corinne

  Quayle, Dan

  author pulled out of water by

  impromptus by

  overseas trips of

  pizza deliveries to

  “potatoe” incident of

  protection disliked by

  speediness of

  Quayle, Marilyn

  Quayle, Tucker

  Quebec City (Canada)

  Quinn, Tom

  Rancho del Cielo (Ranch in the Sky)

  Rangoon (Burma), Martyrs Mausoleum bomb in

  Reagan, Maureen

  Reagan, Michael

  Reagan, Nancy

  as actress

  at Camp David

  Deaver and

  house-hunting by

  at Normandy commemoration

  personality of

  at the ranch

  with Reagan after presidency

  Secret Service detail of

  Wick dinner and

  Reagan, Patti

  Reagan, Ronald

  acting abilities of

  on Air Force One

  Alzheimer’s disease of

  Asian trips of

  attempted assassination of

  author becomes assistant special agent for protection of

  author’s last meeting with

  author’s supposed saving of life of

  at Baltimore Orioles’ game

  as baseball announcer

  at Camp David

  clothing of

  code name for

  colon cancer of

  dexterity of staff of

  divorce of

  golf game of

  “the grip and grin” of

  horseback riding by

  humor and jokes of

  in impromptus

  inaugurations of

  as lifeguard

  memory skills of

  never carried anything in pockets

  Orange County turnout for

  orders Ted Kennedy protected

  personality of

  Powis supported by

  ranch of. See Rancho del Cielo

  respect for women by

  shaking hands by

  at state dinners

  State of the Union address of

  at U.N. in 1986,

  Reagan, Ronald, Jr.

  Rebozo, Charles “Bebe,”

  Regan, Donald T.

  Retzlaff, Pete

  Reykjavik (Iceland) summit

  Ridgeway, Matthew

  Riggs, Barbara

  Ripken, Carl

  Rockefeller, John D.

  Rockefeller, Margaretta Fitler Murphy “Happy,”

  Rockefeller, Mark

  Rockefeller, Mary Todhunter Clark

  Rockefeller, Nelson

  background of

  becomes vice president

  code name for

  courtesy of

  in fight at 1976 convention

  houses of

  hunting trip of

  Kykuit estate of

  Soviet trip of

  water pistol incident and

  Rockefeller, Nelson, Jr.

  Rommel, Ernst

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  rope lines

  Roy, Bob

  Royal Canadian Mounted Police

  Russell, Ed

  Ryan, Fred

  Sadat, Anwar

  Salomon Brothers

  Samoa, ruler of

  Sample, Johnny

  San Antonio (Texas), pope in

  San Francisco (California), pope in

  San Juan (Puerto Rico)

  Santa Barbara (California)

  annual barbecue near

  See also Rancho del Cielo

  SATS (special assistant to the secretary of the Treasury)


  Saxby, Ryland

  SDI. See Strategic Defense Initiative

  Seal Harbor (Maine), Rockefeller compound at

  Secret Service

  author as deputy assistant director for public affairs

  author’s entry into

  author’s retirement from

  bodyguards compared to

  Counter Assault Team (CAT) of

  deaths of agents of

  duties of

  female agents in

  fishing vests worn by

  in foreign countries

  history of

  Intelligence Division of

  investigative and protective missions of

  Kerry surveillance by

  mystique of

  myth of blood oath of

  persons and things protected by

  political struggles within

  standing tall by agents of

  Technical Security Division (TSD)

  testimony by agents of

  training for

  See also weapons training

  U.S. Capitol Police and

  W-16 command post of

  See also Presidential Protective Division (PPD); Uniformed Division (UD)

  SERE (survival-evasion-resistance-escape)

  Service, Robert

  Shaddick, Ray

  shaking hands in a crowd

  Shanghai (China)

  Shangri-La (Camp David)

  Shepherd One

  Shevardnadze, Eduard

  Shields, Brooke

  Shiraz (Iran)


  Shultz, George

  Signal Corps

  Sikorsky H-3

  Simpson, John

  Sinatra, Frank

  code name for

  Sinitzin, Igor

  Sirhan, Sirhan


  Smith, Jane and Michael

  Smith, Philip Thomas

  Smith Barney Shearson

  Snead, Norm

  Snow, Bob

  Snow White and the Three Stooges (film)

  South Korea

  Rangoon bomb kills ministers of

  survey trip in

  Souza, Pete

  Soviet Union

  bugging in

  as “evil empire,”

  Mrs. Rockefeller’s trip to

  Nixon’s trip to

  Reagan and

  space shuttle explosion

  Spanish-American War

  Speakes, Larry

taircase” (code name)

  Stalin, Joseph

  Star Wars. See Strategic Defense Initiative

  State Department, presidential trips as responsibility of

  State Department Security (SY)

  state dinners

  State of the Union address

  Stauffenberg, Claus Schenk von

  Steinhoff, Johannes

  Stiener, Dick

  Straights and Doubles (horse)

  Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)


  Sum of All Fears, The (film)

  survey trips

  Swift Boats (PCFs)

  SY. See State Department Security

  Szoka, Edmund

  Tan Son Nhut Air Force Base

  Tarrytown (New York)

  Taxi Driver (film)

  Taylor, Jimmy

  Teapot Dome

  Technical Security Division (TSD)

  Tehran (Iran)

  Temple University

  “ten-minute medicine,”

  Thailand, survey trip in

  Thatcher, Margaret

  Thomas, Helen

  threats against president or vice president

  .357 Magnum

  three-perimeter strategy

  Today (TV show)


  Reagan in

  survey and advance trips in

  Toll, Karen

  Tra Cu (Vietnam)

  Travelers Group

  Treasury Department

  author as special assistant (SATS) in

  Secret Service moved from

  Treasury Law Enforcement Training Center

  Trudeau, Pierre Elliot

  Truman, Harry

  attempted assassination of

  Truxton, Thomas

  TSD (Technical Security Division)

  Tucci, Roberto

  Turnovsky, Alexander

  Uniformed Division (UD)

  command post of

  now reports to PPD

  in White House security

  United Nations

  bugging of

  1986 Reagan visit to

  United States Air Force

  B-52s of

  flying command post of

  United States Army, inaugurations run by

  United States Capitol Police

  United States Navy

  author in

  Camp David as base of

  United States Park Police

  “unusual direction of interest,”

  Uzi submachine gun

  Vam Co Dong River

  Vice Presidential Protective Division (VPPD)

  Ford protected by

  Mondale protected by

  Quayle protected by

  Rockefeller protected by

  vice president’s residence

  video cameras, surveillance by

  videotaping of the president

  Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW)

  Vietnam War

  author in

  protests against

  undercover Secret Service agents and

  Vinh Te Canal

  W-16 command post

  Waffen SS

  Wallace, George, attempted assassination of

  Walter, Vernon

  Warner, Jack (Secret Service spokesperson)

  Warren Commission

  Warren Commission Report

  Washington Metropolitan Police

  protesters generally beaten up by

  Washington Post Sunday Magazine

  Washington (D.C.)

  author in field office in

  Rockefeller’s house in

  U.S. Capitol in

  watch lists

  Waters, Bill

  Waters, William A.

  weapons in Japan

  weapons training

  Weaver, Earl

  Weill, Sandy

  Weinberg, Mark

  Weinstein, Myron “Mike,”

  Wells, H. G.

  Whidbey Island (Washington)

  whistle-stop tour

  White House (Executive Office Building, EOB)

  Beltsville replica of

  Christmas at

  command posts at

  electronic protection of

  F-1 reception area of

  outdoor pool at

  Oval Office at

  private lines and addresses for

  as residence, described

  Room 10 of

  various jurisdictions at

  White House Communications Agency (WHCA)

  Wick, Charles and Mary Jane

  Williams, Andy

  Williams, Edward Bennett

  Wilson, Roy

  World War II, Normandy landings in

  Wright, Rick

  Wyles, Lanny

  Xian (China)

  Yangtze River gorges

  Yauger, Gary

  Yohe, Jack

  Young, Steve

  Youngblood, Rufus

  Zaino, Rick

  Zannata, Peter

  Zapruder film

  Zarb, Frank

  Zarvos, Nick

  Ziegler, Ronald L.


  An imprint of St. Martin’s Press.

  STANDING NEXT TO HISTORY. Copyright © 2005 by Joseph Petro. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

  Book design by Gretchen Achilles

  eISBN 9781429907859

  First eBook Edition : July 2011

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Petro, Joseph, 1944–

  Standing next to history : an agent’s life inside the Secret Service / by Joseph Petro with Jeffrey Robinson.—1st ed.

  p. cm.

  ISBN 0-312-33221-1

  EAN 978-0312-33221-1

  1. Petro, Joseph, 1944–2. United States. Secret Service—Officials and employees—Biography. 3. Presidents—Protection—United States. 4. Reagan, Ronald. I. Robinson, Jeffrey, 1945–II. Title.

  HV7911.P46A3 2005



  First Edition: January 2005




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