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A Summons From His Grace (Regency Christmas Summons Collection 4)

Page 17

by Kelly, Olivia

  “Good evening, Mr. Seton.” Miss Peabody nodded as she closed the door.

  Expelling a deep sigh, Miss P frowned and walked to her opened trunk. She pulled out a book then flopped on her cot.

  “Are we done with my lessons?” Dorothy asked.

  “I suppose so. If the storm is growing worse as Mr. Seton says, there isn’t much we can do now except read a good book.” She motioned with her hand towards Dorothy’s trunk. “Feel free to read. This is another favorite pastime of most ladies of nobility.”

  Dorothy shrugged. Reading was better than this idiotic lesson, that was for certain.

  She pushed away from the table and picked up the book she’d been reading for a week now, when she got a few extra minutes, anyway. She situated herself on the cot with her back against the wall.

  After a few moments, the walls of the ship seemed to echo from the raindrops as it hit the wood. Miss P groaned and covered her ears. Poor woman.

  “Would you like me to fetch you some whiskey?” Dorothy asked the companion.


  The older woman’s eyes widened, but not in shock over the improper question. Instead, the look of excitement glittered in the companion’s gaze.

  “My mother used to give me a swallow of whiskey to ease my nerves. I wonder if it would do the same for yours.”

  Miss P smiled, her cheeks turning red. “Well, I’ll admit my mother did the same thing. In fact—” she set her book down and scooted to the edge of the cot next to her trunk— “I brought my own bottle just in case.”

  Dorothy bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing as the old woman fished out her bottle, unscrewed the lid, and tipped it to her lips.

  Within minutes, the swallow turned into many, until the woman’s glassy eyes began to droop with fatigue. Dorothy pretended to read her book by the lantern light, but instead, watching her companion became more entertaining by the moment. A half hour later, the older woman’s chin touched her chest as soft snores came from her mouth.

  Shaking her head, Dorothy moved to assist the drunken woman by sliding off her shoes and throwing a blanket over her, helping her to lie down more comfortably. Dorothy peeled the bottle of whiskey from Miss P’s fingers, then carried it to the trunk. Before she put it away, she tipped the bottle to her mouth and drank.

  Usually, Dorothy watered down the liquor she served at the inn, so when the substance burned her throat this time, it surprised her. She coughed then capped the bottle and hid it back in Miss P’s trunk.

  For the next few hours, Dorothy tried to read, but the ship tossed her back and forth on her cot and made seeing the words nearly impossible. She wasn’t ready to retire for bed, yet there wasn’t anything else to do.

  As she took off her clothes and replaced them with her nightrail, her thoughts returned to Calvin. That irritating man! She shouldn’t have agreed to this ridiculous bargain, yet Jeremy’s healthy had greatly improved before she boarded the ship with Calvin. Still, it was hard not to imagine becoming a real lady and having her family look upon her as one. It had never bothered her before, but since the man from England strutted into her life and showered her with affection, she couldn’t help but think this way.

  She pulled a brush through her ringlet hair, removing all the work Miss Peabody had slaved over this morning. This was another thing she couldn’t understand. Why did women fix their hair so lavishly when they would only brush it out at bedtime?

  Although Dorothy knew she did not deserve to be treated like a lady, the praise from Mr. Seton and men of his standing, made her feel special. How long this would last, she didn’t know, and that worried her. For certain when her grandfather met her, he would probably be appalled by the way she was reared and send her away. But she wouldn’t worry about that until it happened.

  She tied together the ribbons down her ruffled bodice before climbing into bed. As the ship swayed back and forth, she closed her eyes, but sleep did not come. Even if she was tired, Miss P’s snores would keep her awake.

  Filling her mind with images of what it would be like to meet her grandfather and family, Dorothy concentrated on other things, but the companion’s snores grew louder. Even Calvin’s deep voice in her head bothered her. She really wished he wouldn’t put such ideas into her mind. No matter what he said, she could never be a lady. Her family would never accept her!

  Grumbling, she threw off the blanket and stood. She slipped into her wrapper but didn’t tie it around her very tightly as she marched to the door. Even though she didn’t want to talk privately with Calvin for fear of letting her temper show, she must do it now. She must tell him her thoughts and let him know how he wasted good money on this trip.

  Out in the hallway, she paused and listened for any voices, but there were none. She hurried towards Calvin’s room, hearing Miss Peabody’s snores from this far away. Squaring her shoulders and building up courage, she knocked on the door. Calvin opened it within a few seconds. Seeing him so relaxed without his over-jacket, waistcoat and cravat, made her mouth dry.

  His eyes widened and he grasped her wrist. “Dorothy, is something wrong?”

  “Uh…no, not exactly.”

  He poked his head out of the doorway and looked down the hall. “Where is Miss Peabody? Is she ill?”

  A chuckle sprang from her throat before she could stop it. “She’s not ill now, but I fear she will be in the morning.” Confusion filled his expression, so she explained, “She had a few too many sips of her whiskey tonight. Apparently, she really doesn’t like storms.”

  Calvin laughed, which made her grin widen.

  “So why are you here?”

  Her mind went blank for a moment before she remembered why she was here. She frowned and folded her arms. “Because I need to talk to you.”

  “I have been trying to talk to you all week as well.” He motioned to his room. “Would you like to come in?”

  Dorothy arched an eyebrow. “Mr. Seton, you surprise me. I thought it wasn’t proper to be alone with a man in his bedroom.”

  Guilt reddened his cheeks. “It’s not, but neither is standing in the hallway where everyone can see you to spread ugly rumors.”

  She nodded. “Point taken.”

  Once she entered the room, he closed the door then leaned against it, folding his arms. “So what is on your mind tonight?”


  He smirked a grin. “Me? And this is a bad thing?”

  Grumbling, she marched up to him and pushed her finger into his chest. “I do not want you on my mind at all. I want to return to the way I was before you entered my life.”

  “You are going to stand there and tell me you don’t enjoy wearing lovely frocks and having your hair done up pretty?” He stroked a lock of hair hanging over her shoulder then straightened, which pulled him away from the door and closer to Dorothy. “And you really want me to believe you don’t appreciate having men look at you as if you’re the loveliest creature they’ve ever seen?” His hand dropped from her hair and rested on her shoulder where his thumb gently caressed.

  “Stop it.” She stomped her foot in irritation. “I would like you to cease telling me these things. I’ve never had a man gaze upon me in such a way, except when he was drunk, of course. I’m not used to men of nobility thinking I’m pretty. Calvin, you’re putting thoughts and images into my head, and I don’t like it. I don’t want to think I can have a better life, because one of these days it’s going to be snatched away, and I’ll be miserable. At least before, I was ignorant in my misery.”

  He took her hand in his, still keeping it to his chest. “Why do you think this life will be snatched from you?”

  “Because…” Her chest clenched with pain. “Because things like this don’t happen to women like me. It didn’t happen for my mother when she fell in love with a nobleman, and it’s not going to happen to me.” She scowled. “I had to see the agony on my mother’s face when a gentleman passed through town and showed her a little interest then walked away ju
st as fast as he’d entered.” She took a breath. “Calvin, you’re putting ideas in my head and I want you to stop.”

  “Are you certain?” He lifted his hand to her cheek and caressed.

  “Y—yes. I want you to stop trying to charm me with your pretty words. I am not a beautiful woman, and I am certainly not desirable, as you tried to tell me the last time we were together.”

  Slowly, he shook his head. “What if I think you are wrong? What if I happen to think you are a very desirable and lovely woman? I understand you may not think highly of yourself, but I can assure you, I’ve never known a more remarkable woman.” With both hands, he cupped her face. “And, just like you, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since we met.”

  Oh, good grief! Why did he have to say that? And why did he have to look so sincere at the same time?

  Perhaps coming to his room to talk was a very bad thing, indeed.

  ~ 8 ~

  As much as Calvin knew she really shouldn’t be in his room, he was reluctant to tell her to leave. Being close to her like this reminded him of how he enjoyed touching her—how he had cherished their first kiss and couldn’t wait for another one.

  And here she stood in her nightrail. It was as if the stars aligned perfectly in the heavens and fate was on his side, because even the companion wouldn’t be disturbing their privacy tonight.

  “Calvin, you shouldn’t say such a thing.” The tone of her voice wasn’t as sharp as it had been moments ago.

  “I can’t help it. With you so near, it makes me want to touch you.” He bent his head closer to hers while his hands continued to hold her face.

  She clutched his hands, and for a second he thought she meant to remove them. But she didn’t. Desire coated her blue eyes as they rested on his mouth. His heart jerked. She wanted this as badly as he did, despite her words earlier. Perhaps she was as confused as he was. But unlike Dorothy, when Calvin became confused, he didn’t cover it with anger.

  He brushed his lips across hers. Hesitating…prolonging the excitement building inside his body.

  “Calvin,” she whispered. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  Smiling, he slid his hands down her neck as he rubbed his cheek against hers. “Pray, tell me what exactly I’m doing?”

  She closed her eyes. “You’re making me want things that aren’t possible. You’re bringing my body alive, something that’s never happened to me.”

  He kissed her eyelids. “Dorothy, my lovely, this is a new experience for me as well.” He slid his lips across her cheek again. “Because my body has never burned so much for a woman.”

  A small moan came from her as she searched for his mouth with hers. When their lips met, he crushed her in his arms, kissing her soundly. Her arms hooked over his shoulders as she held him tight.

  He caressed his tongue with hers, and she responded so passionately it nearly had him dropping to his knees. Moving a hand between their bodies, he cupped her breast, which elicited another moan from her. Under his palm, her nipple beaded, and he became aware of just how naked she was under this gown. Eager for more, he broke the kiss to move his lips over her chin and down her throat.

  “This should be wrong, but it feels too good,” she muttered.

  Indeed, this was wrong. Yet when he remembered whose granddaughter she was, it didn’t stop him this time. Calvin enjoyed hearing her gasps and groans too much.

  Without taking his hand from her quivering breast, he moved his mouth to the silk tie at her throat. Using his teeth, he pulled the ribbons apart and kissed the exposed skin. When that didn’t give him enough, he repeated the gesture by untying the next ribbon above her breasts. He nuzzled her and licked at her skin.

  “Oh, Calvin,” she sighed heavily. “I never imaged it would feel this way.”

  He took a quick peek at her face. Still with closed eyes, a smile graced her expression.

  “You imagined this?” he asked.

  Her fingers threaded through his hair as she kept his face near her bosom. “Would it appall you if I admit I have?”

  “Why would it appall me?”

  This time she looked at him. “There have been several times while cleaning the rooms upstairs at my inn when I’ve stumbled upon a couple in a passionate embrace. The man’s hands were all over the woman’s body and by the sounds coming from her, I suspect she was enjoying herself immensely.”

  Grinning, he lifted his head to briefly kiss her mouth. “Is that all you’ve witnessed?”

  She blushed. “No.”

  “What else?”

  “There is a whorehouse nearby. I’ve…um, seen things through the window.” She softly pecked on his lips. “It was almost too much for my virgin eyes.”

  Virgin! Inwardly, he cursed his inability to remember she was a virgin. It didn’t matter how she was reared, Danby blood ran through her—the blood of nobility. If Calvin continued to seek out his pleasures and introduce her to some as well, he was no better than the miscreants who frequented her inn. She was not a whore. And he must bring her back to her grandfather a virgin!

  “Oh, God.” He kissed her again before pushing away from her and sitting on the edge of his bed. “Forgive me, Dorothy, but I can’t do this even as wonderful as it feels. Your grandfather would have my head on a platter if he knew what we were doing.”

  He buried his face in his hands, resting his elbows on his knees. Silence filled the air between them. Only the wind and the crashing waves against the ship could be heard. After a few moments, bare feet padded closer to him before she touched his shoulder.

  “You stopped because of my grandfather?”

  “Yes,” he muttered, shame washing over him.

  “Is that why you stopped kissing me last week up on deck?”

  “Correct, again.”

  She stroked his hair. “I don’t understand.”

  He dropped his hands from his face and looked at her. Confusion creased her forehead and made her frown. “Because, my lovely, your grandfather is a powerful man. I don’t dare go up against him.”

  “Is Dukie-ole-boy really that bad?”

  Calvin chuckled. “Worse. One bad word from Danby, and my career would be in ashes.”

  “I do not approve much of my grandfather right now. What gives him the right to dictate how his children and grandchildren should live their lives?” She scowled. “He shouldn’t be in charge of me. If I want to feel a man’s hands upon my body in passion, it should be my choice.”

  “True, but you’re forgetting one thing. If you’re deflowered, then you’re not going to marry well. And if you allow my hands on your person—no matter how much we both enjoy it—your reputation will be ruined.”

  Slowly, her frown disappeared and she smiled. “You enjoy touching me as much as I enjoying feeling it?”

  Just as he thought his libido had died, it suddenly came alive again. “Enjoy is a mild word for what I feel, my lovely.”

  “Then I don’t think we should allow my grandfather to take that privilege away from us.” Hesitantly, she lifted Calvin’s hand, stepped between his legs and placed his palm over her breast where it’d been only moments ago. “I don’t want this feeling to end because I’m afraid if it does, it will never return.”

  His throat turned cotton dry, and he swallowed hard. Bloody hell, she was encouraging him to continue! Although a niggle in the back of his mind argued this was wrong, the heat surging through his loins overrode any doubt.

  “Calvin, don’t hate me, but I want you to make my body feel wonderful like you were doing a few moments ago.”

  He ran his thumb over her erect nipple. “What about all that talk earlier about wanting to return to your life—before I entered?”

  She shook her head. “I was confused. Scared.”

  “You’re not frightened now?”

  “Yes, but in a different way. Now I’m worried I shall never feel as wonderful as I did when you kissed me.” She shifted his hand to where his fingers touched the last ribbon
holding her bodice together. “Please, Calvin. Make my body quiver with passion once again.”

  Instead of taking things fast and urgent as he had earlier, he slowly loosened the ribbon between her breasts. Her breathing grew ragged, as he was certain his did, but she kept her gaze on his face as he softly caressed the exposed skin. As his fingers drew closer to her nipple, still hidden by the material, she arched and held her breath.

  With both of his hands, he swept the bodice open, finally revealing her bountiful breasts. So beautiful and perfectly round. Her puckered, raspberry-colored nipples made him wonder how they’d taste.

  She stood close enough for him to lean forwards slightly and brush his lips across a pointy tip. He touched his tongue to her nipple, and she held his head closer. He could take no more of this exquisite torture, so he sucked it in his mouth, running his tongue all over the point as he fondled her other breast.

  Her moans grew, which turned him wild with wanting. He switched his mouth from one breast to the other, pleasuring her as much as he could. Quickly, before he could change his mind, he lifted her gown and ran his hands up her bare legs and around to cup her buttocks. Another loud moan came from her.

  “Step apart, my lovely,” he mumbled against her breasts.

  She did as instructed, and he slipped his fingers between her thighs to caress her velvety moistness. The moment he pushed a finger inside her, she melted and fell against him. He swung her down on the bed and leaned over, continuing to kiss her breasts as his fingers stroked passion into her womanhood.

  “Calvin…oh, yes!”

  She writhed beneath him, which excited him more. He wanted to claim her body. Now. Waiting any longer would literally kill him.

  As he reached to unlatch his trousers, a noise came from out in the hallway. He stilled and listened closer. By this time, Dorothy’s body had stiffened.

  “What is it,” she asked.

  “I’m not certain.”

  The hallway’s noise became clearer, sounding like… Oh, God! Miss Peabody!


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