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Sugar, Spice, and Shifters: A Touch of Holiday Magic

Page 25

by Élianne Adams

“You’re not making any sense,” Cooper growled out as he shuffled Amy in his arms. She whimpered and her eyelids fluttered. Good. Maybe she was waking up.

  Caleb shook his head and headed back toward the parking lot. “Give me your keys. I’ll get the car and pull it up here. You parked in front of the restaurant, right?”

  Cooper nodded and fumbled to dig his keys out without jostling Amy too much. He placed them in his brother’s hands.

  Caleb glanced around the beach. “We need to get out of here before the cops show up,” he grumbled as he sprinted ahead. “Meet me over here,” he hollered as he pointed to an empty parking spot.

  Cooper exhaled heavily. This was insane! What am I doing? Amy groaned and twisted slightly in his arms, drawing his attention back to her. Her eyes blinked open and she gasped.

  “Hey, hey, you’re okay. I’ve got you,” he soothed, pulling her a little closer.

  Amy drew in a ragged breath and met his gaze. “I…” she started, but didn’t finish.

  “Relax. I’ve got you. I’m going to get you help,” he reassured.

  Amy shook her head, her face contorting with the movement. “No. I can’t go to the hospital,” she rasped.

  Caleb had said the same thing. How were they connected? Amy had reacted to Caleb. She’d shot up out of her seat like it was on fire.

  “I have to go,” she wrestled away from him and Cooper grasped her tighter, determined not to drop her.

  “I’m taking you home to your brother,” Cooper said quickly.

  Amy ceased her movements and rested her head against his chest. “Thank you,” she breathed.

  Her face nuzzled against his collarbone as she wrapped an arm around the back of his neck. The tension left her body and he quickened his pace. They had to get off the beach. People had scattered during the gunfire, but they’d be back. If his colleagues found him carrying an injured woman, they’d insist she go to the hospital. Hell I should be demanding the same. But he couldn’t ignore the desperation in both Amy and Caleb’s tone.

  He’d find out what was going on soon enough. Caleb was pulling the car into the parking space and Cooper was just about there. His arms clutched Amy’s lithe frame as he increased his pace. The sooner she got home the better. She’d fallen silent again. Was she resting or unconscious?

  “Let’s put her in the back,” Caleb instructed as he jumped out of the driver’s seat.

  Amy’s head shot up and she shoved away from him, landing on her feet and darting toward Caleb with a speed he didn’t think was possible.

  “What are you doing?” she hissed. Her slender hand wrapped around his throat as the other landed on Caleb’s chest. Long, sharp claws expanded from her hand and sunk into his brother.

  “Trying to help,” Caleb sputtered as his eyes flashed golden.

  He should move, do something, but Cooper’s feet were rooted to the cement, too fascinated to move. What the hell was happening? He’d seen some freaky shit before, but this took the cake.

  “Liar! Where’s the rest of your pack?” Amy seethed, shoving her nails into Caleb. Crimson blossomed on Caleb’s shirt and he winced in pain.

  “No pack. Just me,” Caleb whispered.

  “There’s never just one,” Amy insisted, wringing Caleb’s head forward and slamming it backward.

  Caleb growled as his mouth contorted, snapping and jutting out. Everything happened too fast. Cooper darted forward; instinct told him Caleb was going to hurt Amy. He stepped in between them as Amy collapsed to the ground.

  “Enough,” he hollered as he pinned his brother to the car.

  Caleb thrashed in his grip and Cooper winced as something tore into his wrist. White-hot pain erupted up his arm and sticky warmth bubbled to the surface. He held his brother firmly.

  “Calm down, Caleb,” Cooper insisted as his brother writhed in his grip. A sickening crackle sounded as Caleb’s jaw popped out of place and returned to normal. Cooper backed off his brother as the light left his eyes and they returned to normal.

  “Ah, shit, Coop. Why’d you do that?” Caleb raked a hand through his hair and shook his head as he stared with wide eyes.

  Cooper frowned at his brother’s odd question. Just because he had no idea what was going on didn’t mean he was going to let his brother hurt an injured woman. Where had Amy gotten the strength to attack him anyway? He crouched down next to Amy who lie on the cement panting heavily. Blood coated her shirt and one of her palms. “We have to get her out of here. Are you going to help me?” he said as he scooped Amy up and helped her to her feet.

  “Oh God,” she muttered before turning an accusatory glare at Caleb. “You fool. Do you know what you’ve done?”

  “It was an accident,” Caleb gulped, shifting his focus from Amy to Cooper. “I didn’t…shit, Coop.”

  Cooper gritted his teeth as he opened the back door. “Drive, Caleb,” he ordered as he ushered Amy into the vehicle. Thankfully, she didn’t protest when he slid into the backseat with her.

  Caleb growled and punched the side of the car causing the whole vehicle to shake. He muttered something, but Cooper couldn’t understand it. His brother hopped in and they sped away. Now it was time to figure out what the hell was happening.

  “You promised me an explanation,” he prodded. It was just the three of them now. There was no reason for them to hide anything.

  “It’d be easier to show you. Where am I going?” Caleb said, dodging the question yet again.

  Cooper prattled off Amy’s address. Funny how he’d memorized that so easily.

  Amy shifted in the seat, whimpering as the action tugged at her injured side. “My family will kill you if they think you’re a threat,” she promised through clenched teeth.

  “What?” Cooper asked, stunned by the venom in her voice.

  “I don’t want to hurt anyone,” Caleb assured. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Coop. I swear. I shouldn’t have come back. This is all my fault.”

  Cooper glanced down at his wrist. The flesh was torn and gnarled. Pain seeped in now that he was actually looking at it. The throbbing seemed to intensify as blood gushed from the wound. “I’ll be fine.” He placed his un-injured palm over the wound.

  Amy blew out a breath that sounded like a laugh. “You’ll never be fine again. You’ve been bitten.” She closed her eyes and scrunched up her face as she drew in a shaky breath. “I hate the holidays. They bring nothing but trouble.”

  Amy’s words haunted him. What did she mean he’d been bitten? He opened his mouth to ask, but her eyes were shut now. Her face was ghastly pale and her breath fell in soft, shallow pants. He reached forward and placed a hand to her neck. She had a pulse, but it was slow—too slow. Whatever was happening didn’t matter. The only thing that did was Amy’s life. She couldn’t die.

  “Speed up, Caleb. She’s losing too much blood. She needs help now,” he said, a hint of panic rising in his voice with each word. Amy Green couldn’t die. What if he’d done the wrong thing? He should’ve taken her to the hospital. What help could her family possibly be?

  — — —

  Amy groaned as she blinked her eyes open. Her insides throbbed like they had a pulse of their own. The room was dark and she could tell by the rose and vanilla scent that she was in her own bed. She shifted beneath the thick blankets and hissed as the action pulled at her belly.

  “You’re up,” Celia’s voice said. The bed rustled and her friend’s face appeared above her. “Take it easy. You were shot,” she cautioned. “How do you feel?”

  Amy let out a long breath as Celia placed a cool hand to her forehead. “Sore. How long was I out?” she asked closing her eyes.

  “A few hours. You gave Mason quite the scare. Officer Hottie, too. I think he likes you.” Celia winked. “You didn’t tell me you were seeing someone.”

  “Cooper?” Amy asked as butterflies fluttered in her belly. Did Cooper like her? Why did she care? She didn’t know why, but she did. His touch had been so comforting earlier. She’d practica
lly melted into his embrace. No one had made her feel that way—ever.

  “Why? Do you know any other hot officers, because I’d like to meet them,” Celia teased. “I bet he looks good in a uniform.” She licked her lips and waggled her brows playfully.

  “Where is he?” Amy worried. Where was everyone? Was Mason mad she’d been shot? It wasn’t Cooper’s fault. He’d brought her here. Kept her secret safe—even if he didn’t know it. What had happened to him?

  “He’s with Kendrick and Declan. They’re taking care of him,” Celia replied as she reached over Amy to grab a bottled water. “Here, you should drink something.”

  “Taking care of him? What does that mean?” Amy’s heart stopped as it jumped into her throat. They won’t hurt him, will they?

  “Sorry,” Celia said shoving the bottle into Amy’s hand. “That came out wrong.” She frowned and bit her bottom lip. “How much do you remember after you got shot?”

  Amy licked her lips as she fought through the foggy events. “Oh no,” she breathed. “Cooper. He was bitten.” She closed her eyes and fought back the tears that prickled. She wouldn’t wish this life on anyone. Sure, it wasn’t so bad once you got used to it, but it should be a choice.

  Celia nodded her head sadly. “Kendrick and Declan are going over all the fine details of what he can expect in the coming months.”

  “How’s he taking it?” Amy wondered. How did anyone take the news that they were cursed for eternity? At least his circumstances were better than hers—slightly.

  “I’m not sure,” she admitted. “I’ve been looking after you. He’s been asking about you though. Maybe after you shift and shower you can find out for yourself,” Celia urged. “Do you feel up to moving?”

  Amy nodded as she carefully pushed back the blankets. Worry plagued her. What if he was angry? What if he hated her for what was happening to him? She hadn’t bitten him but it’d been her fault. If I hadn’t attacked Caleb…wait where was Caleb? Is he dangerous?

  “What about the other guy?” Amy asked as she slowly stood. Her knees wobbled and her stomach burned like it was on fire, but she fought through the pain.

  “Caleb. He’s a total cutie, too,” Celia continued as she helped to brace Amy. “Bray’s been questioning him. Mason joined in too once he found out you were going to be okay.”

  “What’s going to happen to them?” Amy asked. Would her pack refuse to help them? What if they left Cooper behind? Her heart broke at the thought. He didn’t deserve that. How could she care so much about someone she barely knew? It was a bit unnerving. Why did Cooper have this effect on her?

  “Everyone else is sorting out financial information and preparing to leave the island. We’re leaving after the holidays. Whether they come with us or not is completely up to them,” Celia commented.

  Cooper would have a choice, but what would he decide? His life was here—even if it was about to change. She couldn’t stay here anymore, it wouldn’t be safe, but what would she do if Cooper decided he couldn’t leave?

  — — —

  Cooper stared at the shut door. The room was dark and void of any personal effects. He didn’t mind though. It gave him time to think. The guy, Kendrick, had said he could leave if he wanted, but the bomb they’d dropped on him had him still rooted in his spot.

  And Caleb was still being questioned somewhere in the home. He wasn’t leaving without his brother. If everything that had happened weren’t so bizarre he’d go to the police force. But that wasn’t an option—even he knew that. While everyone had been kind to him, they’d seemed threatened by his brother. Like Amy had. Where is she anyway? Is she okay?

  He let out a long breath and dragged a hand through his hair. If he knew where she was, he’d go and check on her, assuming she wanted to see him that was. Perhaps he could go and look for her. At least then he’d have something to take his mind off whatever this was. He’d been told about werewolves, even showed firsthand a shift, yet his mind didn’t want to believe it. It wasn’t real. It couldn’t be.

  A light knock on the door drew him out of his thoughts. It couldn’t be Kendrick and Mason again. The two had barged in earlier; he doubted they’d knock now.

  A second tap, a little louder, rasped against the wood.

  “Come in,” he called out, his voice hoarse from not talking. How long have I been sitting here? Hours? Days? He didn’t know. His mind was too rattled to do much else besides sit and stare.

  The doorknob twisted and the door swung open. Amy stared at him from the opening, her fingers entwined tightly together. He shot to his feet and strode over to her. She was here, standing on her own two feet. How is that possible? Does it matter? She’s fine.

  “You’re okay?” he asked, assessing her.

  She nodded as her hand went to her side where she’d been shot. “That’s one of the benefits to being like us. Shifting heals your body.” She licked her lips and after a moment’s hesitation lifted the hem of her shirt.

  Puckered pink flesh was where the fresh bullet wound should be. Her injury looked weeks old instead of hours. It was impossible. He wouldn’t believe it if he hadn’t seen the blood earlier. His brain still refused to believe there were werewolves. Yet, he couldn’t deny what he’d seen—even if he wanted to and what other reason was there for her miraculous healing?

  “That’s amazing,” he commented, reaching out to touch her velvety flesh. The skin was raised over the wound, but otherwise it was silkier than he’d imagined. Heat seeped beneath the pads of his fingers and Amy gasped against the contact. Her eyes flicked to his and held his gaze. Her soft, pink lips were so close and her warm breath whispered against his mouth. It wouldn’t take much to close the short distance and taste her beautiful, pouty lips.

  Amy cleared her throat and took a step back, quickly adjusting her shirt. “It’s one of the benefits to being a werewolf,” she said, wrapping her arms around herself.

  “That’s one hell of a benefit. I was shot a couple years ago in the shoulder. I’d have killed to have that kind of healing then.” Maybe there was something good to come out of this after all. A silver lining. He was jumping ahead of himself. There was a reason Caleb had stayed away from home so long. A reason Amy was so reserved and scared. There was something Kendrick and Mason had neglected to tell him. They probably didn’t want to terrify him too much. Learning you were going to turn into a giant wolf wasn’t exactly an easy pill to swallow. If it was true. He could be hallucinating.

  “You seem to be taking this awfully well,” Amy replied as she shuffled her feet.

  I am taking it in stride, aren’t I? “Maybe I’m in shock,” he admitted.

  “It happens,” she shrugged. “I didn’t believe it at first either. I thought I was having a nightmare. One that I couldn’t wake up from.” She shuddered and hugged herself tighter. “It doesn’t really hit you until your first shift. Then you realize things will never be the same again. You have to lie to your family, friends, and strangers. You can’t stay in one place for too long.”

  “What do you mean?” Cooper asked narrowing his eyes. Kendrick had asked him a billion questions. Told him what they were, what was happening to him, and then showed him that he wasn’t making it up. A chill zipped up his spine as he remembered the way the man’s body had contorted and twisted. It was unnatural.

  “Humans can’t know about us, Cooper. Do you have any idea what the government, doctors, and scientists would do if they knew we existed?” She shook her head. “No one can know about us. Not Mindy, your parents, or any of your other siblings. We are cursed. And we must carry our secret in silence.”

  “No one can know. I understand that. I’m not going to shout it from the rooftops. People would think I’m crazy.” Hell, maybe he’d been shot and this was all a fantasy playing out in his head. That would make sense. He half expected to wake up in a hospital bed any minute now.

  “You don’t have to worry about your wolf surfacing until after your first shift, but then, until you can
control it, it might flare to the surface when you’re stressed or angry. It’s going to make your job difficult,” she warned.

  No one had said anything about that before. Crap. He’d been hoping that this new ability would help him with his job. There were too many scumbags on this island. The more he locked up the better.

  “And you can’t stay here in Hawaii indefinitely,” she continued.

  “Wait, what?” he asked frowning. “Why can’t I stay on the island?”

  Amy motioned to the bed before she slipped past him and went to sit down. He shut the door and then followed her over. The bed dipped beneath his weight as he took a seat next to Amy.

  “Werewolves live much longer than humans. Even now, the werewolf genes are slowing down the aging process.” She looked down at his hands and placed a warm palm over his. Her touch was gentle and full of warmth. He fought the urge to reach out and smooth his fingers over her creamy flesh. “Do you remember what you said about Mason? About how he looks good for his age?” she asked.

  He nodded recalling the conversation.

  “He hasn’t aged a day since he was bitten ten years ago. You don’t even want to know how old Kendrick and the rest of the born wolves are,” she commented quietly.

  “You’re saying I’m going to stop aging,” he repeated slowly.

  Amy confirmed with a slight tilt of her head.

  If that happened he’d have to leave home. His family. What would happen to his parents? The world seemed to whirl around him as the full reality of the situation bared down on him. His life was changing and there was nothing he could do to stop. This was all a bad dream. It had to be. Werewolves weren’t real. This was a figment of his imagination. He could wake up at anytime.

  Cooper squeezed his eyes shut and counted backwards from ten before peering them open again. Amy still sat beside him, her thumb tracing small circles into his hand. What if the real nightmare was only just beginning? What would he do if he had to leave his family—his life in Hawaii behind? Where would he go?


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