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Sugar, Spice, and Shifters: A Touch of Holiday Magic

Page 61

by Élianne Adams

Breath rushed out of her. “What?”

  But what Garryck said made sense. Her mother had covered for her when she snuck away to meet with the dragons. She'd winked, smiled and shooed her into the forest. After her death, Holly had wondered about those moments. She'd concluded her mother thought she was seeing a human, but Garryck's version made more sense. Her father had lied. Why would he do that? The truth slammed through her. He hadn't wanted to work the store by himself.

  The tears streamed down her face. “I'm so sorry. I believed him.”

  Garryck was still holding her in the aftermath of his revelation when the phone rang. It was a welcome interruption from the turmoil of her emotions.

  “Leave it,” he said.

  “No one calls.” She wiggled, trying to free herself from the blankets, which was no meager feat. “It must be important.”

  He grunted his disapproval, but got off the bed so she could escape. She hastily swiped the wetness from her face.

  “Don't worry,” she shouted as she ran to the only phone in the house, “I won't freeze to death in just a few minutes.”

  “Hurry up,” he said.

  God, it was so much colder now. She shivered as she picked up the cordless. “Hello?”

  “Holly, how are you doing on your first night of holiday?”

  “I'm good, Josh. Can't wait to kick my feet up tomorrow.”

  There was a pause. His breath seemed labored somehow. “I… I wanted to see if you've changed your mind about Christmas.”

  “Who is it?” Garryck asked from the hallway.

  She held her hand up to silence him. “I have plans, but thanks.”

  Why did he care? His invitation had been more like an offhand remark as he left the store than a genuine desire to share the holiday with her. It was nothing like Garryck and Ryder's. No, Josh had given it out of pity or a lingering sense of obligation to her father. So why was he calling again now?

  “Do you want some company? Are you holding up okay in the storm?”

  She eyed Garryck, who had folded his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes. He could likely hear every word Josh said.

  “I'm fine, but thanks for asking. Listen, I have to go. I'll see you in a few weeks.”

  He stuttered, then finally bade her good night. She disconnected the call.

  “Who was that?” Garryck asked again.

  “Josh Oliver,” she shrugged and tossed the phone on the table. “He'd asked me to Christmas—”

  Garryck's eyes flared bright white. “Oh?”

  “It's nothing. He was friend of my father, that's all.”

  “It's curious he'd call tonight.” He stroked his chin.

  “You don't think he's behind the pranks, do you?” She laughed. “He's harmless.”

  “They aren't pranks when they put you in danger.”

  “No, I know, but believe me, he isn't behind this.”

  But now that the thought was there, Holly's mind filled with questions. It was a little weird for Josh to call her. And why had he seemed surprised that she was okay? Did that mean he'd sabotaged her home so she'd feel compelled to ask for help? She tightened her arms across her stomach. That was crazy. Wasn't it?

  She walked down the hall and Garryck followed her. When they arrived at the bedroom, Ryder was stirring. He shifted and twisted, then inhaled deeply.

  “Holly…” He said her name like it fed his soul. His eyes shot open and he found her with unerring precision. His irises blazed with a stunning sky blue color.

  She approached the bed. “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better, thanks to you,” he said. Ryder's voice was hoarse. He took her hand and examined her palm. Her cut had healed over quickly, but the mark was still there. “I didn't dream it, did I? You shared your blood with me.”

  “I did. I—”

  He tugged on her hand until she toppled forward into his arms.

  “Precious, beautiful Holly.”

  He brushed his fingers along the side of her face. When his mouth danced softly over hers, she gave herself over to him. He licked her lips, and she let out a soft moan. He nipped at her tongue when she tasted him. The kiss wove over her until she was breathless and needy. Then he broke away and stared into her eyes.

  “I don't want to stop,” Ryder said. His dragon glowed brightly in his eyes. “But I can sense Garryck is out of sorts.”

  “Get out of bed,” his partner said. “And bring some warm blankets for Holly.”

  “Don't worry. We'll continue this later.” He tightened his embrace for a moment. “I promise.”

  She nodded. “Are you okay to get up?”

  His eyes twinkled. “Oh, I'm up all right.”

  Heat stole over her cheeks, but she looked down anyway. He did certainly seem to be… um… up. “Oh.”

  Garryck cleared his throat. “We need to get out of here.”

  “Why? What's going on?”

  Holly scrambled off the bed and Ryder followed her.

  “He thinks someone is trying to kill me.” She pulled a blanket around her shoulders and walked out of the room.

  “What the—? Kill you?” He chased her down the hall.

  Within a few minutes, they had explained the situation.

  Ryder's dragon side was close to the surface now. She worried how his talons carved through the flesh at the tips of his fingers. A small bubble of blood oozed from the wound, then it healed over. He nudged the curtain back enough to check out the graffiti, but like Garryck he stood in such a way that his body blocked Holly's view of it. He scraped at the frost on the window with his talon. Then he growled.

  “The snow is so heavy, you can't even see the store right now,” he said.

  “We could fly above the clouds,” Garryck said.

  “I don't like it.”

  “Do we have a choice?” Garryck's tone suggested there was no other option.

  Ryder paced the small living room.

  The more they strategized, the more anxious Holly became. Had she been wrong to dismiss all those earlier calls and threats? She braced her shoulders. It was time to face reality.

  “I bet whoever shot at you is the same one who did this.” She waved toward the window.

  Garryck frowned. “I think so too.”

  Ryder cursed. “In that case, it'd be safer to leave now with the storm to hide us.”

  — — —

  Ryder sensed the undercurrent of emotion between Garryck and Holly. The lingering scents of both tears and arousal floated through the air. What had happened while he'd been passed out?

  He'd find out soon enough, but first they needed to get to a more secure location. Holly was too vulnerable here. In dragon country, she'd be protected.

  “It is still snowing,” she said with her hands on the sexy swell of her hips. “No one will be coming out on a night like this. They'll be trapped in their houses, like we are.”

  Holly had a point. Their enemy, in this case, was human. Anyone dependent on traveling by ground would be impeded by the blizzard.

  Ryder shook his head. “You'll be safer in Montrose.”

  “You're as bad as he is.” She rolled her eyes.

  He shot a questioning look in Garryck's direction. His partner shrugged.

  “I will not apologize for doing what it takes to keep you safe.”

  “Fine.” She swept her hand through the air in a motion of defeat. “Let's get this over with.”

  Relief swirled over Ryder. He nodded. “Good.”

  And after they arrived in Montrose, his next priority would be to continue that kiss he'd started in the bedroom.

  They put on their winter gear again. The snow had melted off their boots and jackets, leaving small puddles of water at her front door.

  She retrieved the little bag she'd packed earlier.

  “Oh, the lights,” she said. “I'll be right back.”

  She was going from room to room in the house when the rumble of an engine stirred the quiet. Ryder tensed at the sou
nd. If this was the person who was antagonizing Holly, he was one determined, fucked up guy.

  “Stay inside, Holly,” Garryck said as he nodded at Ryder. Then he yanked the door open.

  They would put an end to this once and for all. Snow, now icy pellets instead of fluff, slapped Ryder's face when they stepped outside. His blood heated as he saw the pickup with a plow blade on the front blasting through the accumulating snowdrifts.

  The truck stopped by the house, but remained running. The wiper blades drifted back and forth over the windshield, but the darkened interior of the cab hid the bastard from view. They approached slowly.

  The driver's side door creaked open.

  Ryder inhaled sharply. Under the heavy stink of alcohol and cigarette smoke, he recognized that distinctive odor. It'd lingered in the store and the house. He glanced at Garryck, who'd scented the till. His partner nodded abruptly. This was the man who'd antagonized Holly.

  Satisfaction surged through him as they neared their quarry.

  He saw the barrel of a shotgun before he saw the man. It was pointed at Garryck.

  “Don't move or your buddy bites it,” the man said. His words were slurred. “Where is she? What have you done to her?”

  Ryder had survived getting shot, but a blast this close could kill Garryck.

  “What do you want?”

  “She's mine.”

  Ryder inched closer to the truck. His plan was simple: If he jumped the guy and knocked the gun away, they'd be set. Human reflexes were notoriously slow compared to a dragon's. There was a chance…

  Behind him, he heard an ominous crunch of approaching footsteps. Damn it. From the corner of his eye, he saw a movement as she drew nearer. His ribs tightened, choking the air from his lungs. She was supposed to stay inside. Would she never listen?

  “Josh,” she said. “What are you doing here?”

  “I'm here to get your sorry ass.”

  “It was you, wasn't it?”

  “Get in the truck, Holly.”

  “Did you put the mouse in my till? Did you spray paint my house? Did you wreck my propane?” Her voice quavered, but she drew very still. “You tried to kill Ryder, didn't you?”

  His barrel jiggled. “Move it.”

  “Answer me.”

  “Your father gave you to me,” he said. “You might be a fat pig, but you are mine. I'm here to collect my Christmas present.”

  Ryder's talons sliced through his fingertips. He itched to feel the fucker's throat under his hands as he squeezed.

  “Go away. I'm not leaving with you.”

  “They don't want you, you know. They want a quick fuck. That's all they know. They are animals.”

  Garryck's growl rumbled loudly enough to be heard over the truck engine.

  She raised her hand to him, to calm him and hold him back. In her other hand, she held a gun against her leg. Oh, God, what was she thinking? Had the guy seen it? Then she stepped closer to Gun Guy. Ryder was poised to lunge for her, but it wasn't the right time yet. If he jumped now, things would go to shit.

  “She doesn't want you,” Ryder said.

  Josh sneered. “She's frigid. Trust me, you don't want her.”

  Her fear and anger clogged the air. He would make this up to her. He would—

  She stepped closer again.

  “Holly, don't,” Ryder begged.

  But she ignored him, and started to round the end of the truck.

  “Okay… I will go with you…” Her words were breathless and choppy.

  Like fuck she would.

  Garryck whispered her name.

  “Get in the damned truck.”

  “Don't shoot them,” she said.

  “Don't tell me what to do.”

  Josh didn't turn his attention from Garryck and Ryder as Holly approached him from behind. Ryder's stomach tightened when he saw her raise her gun. She pressed it against Josh's neck.

  “Put it down,” she said.

  His gun wavered, but he didn't lower it. “What the hell?”

  “You heard me.”

  “Your father was right. You are fucked up.”

  The muzzle disappeared into the flabby folds of the guy's neck. “Now.”

  It worked. Never underestimate the power of a pissed off woman with a gun. When the weapon was no longer pointed at them, they surged forward. Ryder ripped the weapon away and hurled it into the forest like a javelin. Garryck grabbed Josh. The idiot didn't even try to fight.

  Ryder moved in with his talons extended—he couldn't wait to rip apart his throat—but Holly stepped in front of him first. She slapped the mountain man. His head snapped back under the force of her attack. She shook her hand like it smarted.

  “Let's go,” she said to them. “Leave him here.”

  They growled their disapproval of her plan.

  “No.” She lowered her gun and tightened her grip on her bag. “We're not in Dragon Country.”

  She was right. If they killed him here, they would be tried in a human court. Humans didn't like dragons killing other humans. Even the ones who deserved it. This human's death could mess up all the progress the clan leaders were making on the new revisions to the Dragon Agreement too.

  As it was, there would likely be backlash from both the human government and the other clans if—no, not if, when—he and Garryck mated her. It wasn't usually permitted without a lot of political crap, evaluations and the like. But it wasn't as if they were kidnapping Holly. She was their mate. Everyone knew it.

  His partner's fire curled over his lips. He was as ready as Ryder was to incinerate the guy who would harm their Holly. This wasn't over, but they could wait. Now that they had his scent, they could find him again. He wouldn't live to see the new year. It didn't have to happen tonight, but they would make him beg for his life before crushing it.

  “Now,” she said. It was the same tone she'd used with Josh a few minutes earlier. “We're leaving now.”

  Garryck tossed Josh to the ground. “Come near her again and we will kill you.”

  The bastard grunted, but he stayed down.

  “Let's go,” she said.

  She walked away from the truck into the parking lot where there was more room for them to transform. When she stopped and turned back to them, they were in their dragon forms. She nodded and Ryder took her by the waist. She still held her gun and her bag, but it didn't look as if she was ready to leave either of those behind at the moment.

  As soon as they left the ground, Josh scrambled to his cab. He pulled out another weapon. Garryck shouted a warning at the same time as Holly fired at the bastard. The kickback jolted her into his arms, but he kept flying. A shot cracked through the air from below, but it missed them.

  He wanted to dive down and douse the guy with fire, but his only responsibility in this moment was to get their mate the hell away from here.

  Ryder glanced down when an engine revved. The pickup slipped over the ice and snow in a one-eighty. Was he trying to follow them? If he crossed into Dragon Country, his life was forfeit and Ryder couldn't wait. He almost wanted to soar slowly just so the bastard could keep up with them. Josh's pickup fishtailed over the snowy parking lot, coming dangerously close to the large propane tank that Holly used to heat her home. Then he skidded again.

  The crash vibrated through the air. With the truck wedged against the tank, his tires spun uselessly. Josh jumped out and hit the hood. A moment later, a flash of light, like from a cigarette lighter, sparked in the air. A deafening boom roared over them. Holly gasped, but Ryder didn't pause. He pushed them higher.

  Then Josh and his burning truck disappeared from view as they pierced the clouds.


  When they dropped through the clouds and neared the town of Montrose, the sight took Holly's breath away. She hadn't known what to expect but it wasn't this. Each little house in the mountain village sparkled with Christmas lights, and freshly fallen snow glistened and twinkled. The storm had let up here for the moment, leaving behind
a winter wonderland. It looked more like an artist's rendering from a fairy tale than a dragon settlement.

  They landed by a quaint house with a covered front porch and a steeply peaked roof. Golden light shone from the frosted glass windows and pierced the navy blue shadows. It was another vision from a children's book. The gun in her hand didn't belong in a place like this. Her dragons transformed and came to stand beside her.

  “Is this your home?”

  Ryder grinned. “Do you like it?”

  “Of course,” she said.

  He led her to the door with one hand at her elbow and the other at her back. The sidewalk and steps at their home and along the street had already been cleared. The whole place was magical. A weird memory spun through her mind. When she was a little girl, she'd thought dragons were magical too. Maybe magic and miracles did come true.

  Garryck opened the thick oak door, which was decorated with a simple, unadorned pine wreath, to a wide entry and waved her inside.

  This was it. After all these years she was in their home for the first time. The men came in behind her and shut the door. Heat enveloped her. She shivered.

  “You are freezing,” Ryder said. He took her bag and gun from her hands and set them aside. Then he peeled off her mittens and rubbed her hands. His touch sent more tingles over her, but this time it wasn't from the cold. “Let's warm you up.”

  Was that innuendo?

  They helped her out of her winter gear, then tossed their own to the side. They didn't bother hanging anything up… it seemed that neither of them wanted to waste a second on anything mundane now that they were alone together somewhere warm and safe.

  By the time they reached the foot of the stairs, her body was already hot. She stopped on the first step. They were about to dive into the moment she'd dreamed about for years. “Will this bind us?”

  Ryder was at her side. He breathed in deeply. Whatever he scented on her seemed to please him. He pulled her into his arms and squeezed her close. It was heavenly to be nestled against his strong body.

  “Do you want to be our mate?” he asked.

  “Don't pressure her.”

  Ryder ignored his partner and didn't break eye contact with her. “What do you want, Holly?”


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