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Sugar, Spice, and Shifters: A Touch of Holiday Magic

Page 68

by Élianne Adams

  I could go back to work at the resort, she’d thought at one point. I could raise the baby there—by myself.

  Except that she’d be constantly reminded of Dawson everywhere she looked if she lived at the resort, and that would drive her crazy.

  I should hire a PI, she thought to herself, get someone to track his luscious ass down so I can talk to him.

  That was a plausible idea. An expensive one but, in this case, probably worth the cash. She’d have to look into that tomorrow when she was feeling better.

  Decided, she finally let the exhaustion tugging at her brain drag her down into the depths of sleep. She enjoyed several hours of blissful nothingness before a loud knock at the door jolted her awake.

  Jesus, she thought to herself, rolling onto her side and away from the door. She was so not up to answering the door for one of Emily’s friends. Maybe if she ignored it, the knocking would go away.

  But, the knocking continued, off and on, for several minutes.

  “Hello?” A male voice called. “Is anyone home? I’m looking for Jade Garcia!”

  Jade shot straight up, her heart thundering in her chest at the sound of the familiar voice. No way, she thought, but she jumped to her feet, joy and relief and anxiety racing through her all at once. It couldn’t be him.

  Flinging the door open, she froze, staring at Dawson’s handsome face.

  “Oh my God.” She gaped at him for several seconds, still trying to come to terms with the fact that he was standing in front of her door. Well, actually, it was Emily’s door, which made it all the more confounding. “How did you find me?”

  Dawson arched a brow in that sexy way of his and folded his arms across his muscular chest. He was wearing jeans, a red t-shirt and a black leather jacket—quite a change from the winter gear they’d both had to wear back at the resort. “It’s nice to see you, too.”

  Embarrassment flushed Jade’s cheeks, and she stepped inside, suddenly feeling awkward. She’d envisioned flinging her arms around Dawson, telling him how happy she was to see him, about the baby, and how he was going to be a father—but nerves overtook her and stole the words out of her mouth.

  “Why don’t you come in,” she said nervously, stepping aside.

  Disappointment flashed in his eyes as though he were expecting something more from her, but he nodded and walked in. She watched him look around the apartment as she locked the door behind them.

  “Does your place look anything like this?” he asked, turning to her with a quizzical look on his face.

  “No.” She gave him a lopsided smile. “Mine’s got a lot less pink and purple on the walls.”

  He smiled slightly but the curve of his lips faded as they settled onto opposite ends of the couch. “Jade,” he said, his voice low and full of hurt. “I’m just trying to understand what happened between us. I thought we were having such a great time, you and I... and then the next thing I knew you were gone without so much as a goodbye.” His silver eyes shone brightly. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since.”

  “I...” Jade didn’t know what to say. The enormity of what she’d done hit her full force, and she wanted to die from shame. This was the kind of thing women cursed men for all the time... loving and leaving them, and yet, she’d just done it to a guy who was so hot he should be illegal and who actually seemed to genuinely like and care about her. “How did you find me?”

  He scowled. “I got your phone number from your grandmother. But, since it was your landline, I couldn’t get anyone on the phone. I've got a PI friend, though, and he tracked you down for me.”

  Jade’s first instinct was to be angry until she remembered that she’d just been having the same thoughts. “You know, it’s funny,” she said slowly. “I was just thinking about getting some help to track you down myself.” She smiled a little. “But, it looks like you were way ahead of me.”

  Dawson grinned, scooting closer to her. “I aim to please.” He gathered her into his arms, and she sighed a little as she pressed her cheek against his chest. Heat curled low in her belly from being in such close proximity to him, and when he lifted her chin and brought his lips to hers, she didn’t even try to resist.

  Hunger swept through her, hot and fierce, as he nipped at her lower lip with his teeth. She fisted her hands in his hair and held him tight, crushing her mouth to his. Her tongue tangled with his, and a ripple of satisfaction went through her as she heard him groan.

  “God, I missed you,” he rasped, sliding his hands up her body. She moaned as he palmed her breasts through her bra. One hand slid around her waist to tug her into his lap, and she straddled him as he quickly worked the buttons on her blouse, his fingers fumbling. It slid free of her shoulders to pool around her elbows, and he lifted her breasts free of her bra, crushing the fabric beneath the heavy, tender mounds so he could take one in his mouth.

  “Oh God,” she moaned as he licked and suckled. His tongue swirled around her nipple, then flicked back and forth across it, driving her wild. She dug her fingers into his shoulders and rocked against him, heedless of everything else except the need to feel his mouth against her skin.

  He lifted his dark head to gaze up at her with his molten silver eyes. “Kiss me,” he demanded.

  As she did, he popped the top button on her jeans and slid them down to her knees along with her panties. Cool air brushed between her legs, drawing attention to the moisture gathered there, and she whimpered a little against his mouth. The whimpering grew louder when the air was replaced by his fingers, the tips gliding against her folds.

  He nipped her bottom lip, then drew back a little. “I want you to bite me.”

  Confusion widened her eyes, and she would have jerked back if not for the fact that his fingers were doing wicked things to her between her legs. “Bite you?”

  He leaned his head back and angled his neck. “Here. It’s a sensitive spot. Just start kissing me there. You’ll know what to do.”

  Hesitant, she leaned forward and brushed her lips against the spot he’d indicated, where a tendon ran up along his shoulder and connected with his neck. She pressed her lips against the spot and felt his muscle twitch. A smile curved her lips, and she flicked her tongue out, tasting sweat.

  “Yeah,” he groaned, sliding a finger inside her, and she moaned, momentarily forgetting what she was doing. “Don’t stop.”

  It was hard to stay focused with the way he kept sliding his finger in and out, but, somehow, Jade managed to enjoy both giving and receiving pleasure in two very different ways. She licked and teased the spot on Dawson’s neck and was rewarded with another groan of pleasure when she sank her teeth and started sucking.

  “God,” he moaned, and she felt his cock swell beneath his jeans in response.

  Wow, he wasn’t kidding when he’d said this was an erogenous zone for him. She licked and sucked for a minute more and then found the zipper on his jeans and tugged.

  His cock sprang free of the confines of his clothing, and she wrapped her fingers around the hard length of him, smiling when he groaned again. Scooting back on the couch, she lowered her head to taste him, sliding her tongue along the small slit at the top, taking his moisture.

  “Jesus,” he gasped, his cock jerking against her tongue. “Jade...”

  Whatever he was about to say was lost in a strangled gasp as she took his cock into her mouth. It pulsed against her cheek as she sucked, and she closed her eyes, savoring the way he tasted. His hands, still damp from playing with her, slid into her hair and held tight, his groans filling the air like the most erotic music she’d ever heard.

  She lost track of time as she played with his cock, sucking hard, then pulling back and forth slowly. She released him fully so she could drag her tongue along his length from base to tip and then swallowed him whole again so she could swirl it around the shaft. The way he trembled beneath her—her name on his lips, his eyes bright with need—was intoxicating. She wanted more of it, all of it.

, his entire body stiffened, and he yanked her up against him, positioning her legs around his hips. She cried out as he plunged into her, shock and pleasure rippling through her, but he gave her no time to adjust, clamping his hands around her hips in a vice-like grip and bouncing her up and down his shaft. Her gasps punctuated each hard thrust, shockwaves of pleasure going through her, each one chasing the other on its heels until finally it was all just one huge wave of orgasmic pleasure.

  “Dawson!” she screamed as the orgasm shook her, clinging to his shoulders.

  “Oh yeah,” he groaned, his hands clamping around her ass. He thrust a few times more, and then his hot seed gushed inside her again, his body stiffening as he roared his pleasure.

  Jade stiffened, too, but not from pleasure. She’d been so consumed by the lust that had hit her when Dawson touched her that she’d completely forgotten about her pregnancy, but the feeling of him coming inside her reminded her all over again.

  “Jesus,” he panted, leaning back against the couch. His eyes, gleaming with satisfaction, roamed over her. “That was great.”

  “Yeah,” Jade said as his cock, growing flaccid now, slid free from her, and she scooted back.

  His brow furrowed. “What’s wrong? Did... did I hurt you?”

  “I...” she swallowed hard against the tightness in her throat. “It’s just, I have something to tell you. I was going to tell you earlier, but...”

  He sat up, the pleasure fading from his expression, replaced with concern. “Whatever it is, Jade, you can tell me. I’ll help you.”

  Jade laughed. “I would hope that you’d want to help me. I’m pregnant.”

  Shock rippled across his features, slackening his mouth as his eyes widened. “What?”

  “I’m having a baby.” She searched his face for some sign of happiness or excitement. Dread began pooling in her stomach when she found neither. “Are... are you going to say anything?”

  “Wow.” He raked a hand through his dark hair, looking away. “Wow, this is really unexpected. No wonder you were trying to find me. I - “

  “You don’t want to have a child,” Jade said flatly. Tears burned at the backs of her eyes, but she couldn’t let them show.

  “No, it’s not that!” Dawson rushed to explain. “I've always wanted children... and I want you.” His eyes softened briefly before guilt flashed in their silver depths. “It’s just... there’s something you don’t know about me, Jade. Something that I wanted to tell you first so that you could really make up your mind about whether or not you want to be with me. Some... some women don’t after they find out.”

  Sympathy twinged in Jade’s chest at the sadness that had entered Dawson’s voice. “Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad, right?” she joked, but her stomach was tumbling with nerves. He wasn’t a fugitive or something, was he? The last thing she needed was to start a family with someone who was on the run.

  He shrugged, barely meeting her eyes. “Depends on who you ask,” he said evasively.

  “Dawson.” She caught his square chin in her hand and forced him to face her. “Just tell me already. I won’t judge.”

  “Okay.” He took a deep breath and looked her square in the eyes. “I’m not human.”


  “Excuse me?” Jade blinked, a nonplussed expression on her face. “I’m not sure I heard you right.”

  Dawson sighed. Women always reacted like this—with denial first. “I’m not human, Jade. I’m a wolf shifter.”

  Skepticism twisted her pretty features. “Okay, now you're just pulling my leg.” She smacked him in the chest. “Come on, tell me what’s really the problem.”

  “Trust me, it’s a real problem.” Not wanting to argue, Dawson cut to the chase. He leaned forward and let some of the change come over him. His eyes turned yellow, fur sprouting along the edges of his face, and he opened his mouth to bare fangs at her.

  The scream that echoed from Jade’s mouth nearly broke his ear drums. “Oh my God!” she shrieked, scrambling away. “You're a monster!'

  Shame and disappointment stung his chest, and he leaned back, letting the change fade away until he looked human again. “That’s what most humans say,” he said softly.

  Shock rippled across her features, and she stared at him for several long seconds, then began creeping back over to him again. “That was some kind of trick, wasn’t it?” He hated the way her voice trembled. “I mean, what you did... that’s just not possible.” Skepticism began to creep back into her voice.

  He opened his mouth in a wide yawn, and his fangs slid out again. Jade squeaked but, to her credit, she didn’t try to run away again. “Seeing is believing, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes were wide with awe when he closed his mouth. “Can... can I touch them?”

  He pressed his lips together in a thin line. “No.”

  She recoiled at his harsh tone, her hand already outstretched. “Why?”

  “Because I’m not some kind of circus animal or pet.” He knew the anger brewing inside him was irrational—with her curiosity only natural—but he couldn’t help the way he felt. Humans always did this to his kind. They refused to believe, then they started poking and prodding, and, the next thing you knew, you ended up as a science experiment.

  A frown settled onto Jade’s face. “You won’t let me touch them because you're afraid I’ll figure out the trick.” Satisfaction crossed her features, followed by annoyance. “I really don’t know what kind of trick you're trying to pull here, Dawson.”

  His mouth dropped open. “You seriously think I came all this way just to pull some kind of practical joke on you?” The idea was so insulting that rage began to simmer low in his gut. He jumped off the couch, more indignant than words could describe. “Fine. If that’s not enough to convince you, then this should be.”

  He was about to shift when a fist banged on the door. Jade’s eyes widened, and, from the look on her face, he gathered she wasn’t expecting company.

  “Get dressed,” he snapped. “I’ll go check it out.”

  He tugged his jeans back into place, pulled his shirt over his head, and then peered through the peephole. His heart nearly stopped at the sight of Randy, one of his pack mates, standing outside with Jeff and Ricardo. He didn’t need to ask how they’d found him. The bond that pack mates shared allowed them to track one another easily. That’s how they’d found him at the ski resort, too.

  Annoyed, he opened the door. “Look guys,” he said, in no mood to deal with whatever drama Romero had stirred up now. “I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

  “Romero is dead,” Randy said, his voice flat. He was a tall, sandy haired guy with slim shoulders and a lanky frame but the steel in his blue eyes and the strength behind his deceptively strong limbs more than made up for that.

  “What?” Dawson rocked back on his heels, hardly understanding what he was hearing.

  “Who’s Romero?” Jade was suddenly at his elbow, peering at the three men standing in the hall with wary interest. Ricardo looked down at her, his black eyes flashing. Dawson didn’t have to ask to know that he didn’t like Jade—not because of anything she’d done but because she was currently pulling Dawson’s attention from the pack.

  “Romero was our alpha.” Jeff spoke up. He was a blond with dark green eyes and built like a linebacker. “We're all members of the same pack.”

  “Could you guys say that any louder in the hallway?” Dawson snapped. Stepping back, he opened the door wider. “Just come in already.”

  He watched as the guys filed in, his head still reeling from the news they’d given him. “How did he die?” Dawson demanded once he’d closed the door.

  Sadness filled Randy’s eyes, and the other two men looked away. “Offed himself,” Randy said. “Loaded up a gun with some silver bullets and blew his own brains out.”

  “Oh my God.” Jade pressed a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide. “Was there something going wrong with him?”

  Ricardo snorted. “I’ll say,�
� he said, his angular jaw twitching. His glossy black hair was spiked up in a Mohawk, revealing a paw-shaped tattoo inked into the left side of his skull. “He was suffering from brain fever.”

  “Fuck.” Dawson raked a hand through his hair. Guilt swamped him, drowning out his annoyance and anxiety. “I should have known.”

  Randy shook his head. “We all should have known, man,” he said, his face tightening. “When he started going ape-shit about every little thing we should have suspected.”

  But none of us had. Dawson’s hands clenched into fists at his sides.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt,” Jade said hesitantly. “But what’s brain fever?”

  Dawson sighs. “One of those rare shifter diseases. It’s a parasite that eats at the brain. Because of a special chemical it secretes, our brains disintegrate faster than we can heal ourselves.” His throat tightened. “We could have gotten him help.”

  Ricardo tossed his head. “Yeah, well, we're not here about that,” he said, his voice hard. “We're here because the pack needs to move on. It sucks what happened to Romero, man, but people are starting to come back now that we've told them what’s going down, and we need someone to pull it all together.” He pinned Dawson with his black eyes. “That’s you, man.”

  Dawson stiffened. He knew that as the beta, leadership naturally fell to him, but... “Guys, I’m sorry. This is all just so sudden - “

  “Look, man,” Randy interrupted. He spread his hands wide in supplication. “We get you were pissed at Romero and wanted a break. We all did. But we've been in this pack a long time and pack is family. You're the one best suited for the role, and we need you. Things’ll be better once we've got some stability and order again, you know that.”

  Dawson raked a hand through his hair again, glancing at Jade sideways. She was staring at all of them wide-eyed, her expression telling him she didn’t know what to believe. “I need to hash things out with Jade first.”


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